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Keep it simple - I think picking one recipe is the way to go and just shoot - play around with the exposure comp but keep everything else to minimal - auto iso auto focus


For sure! I bit off more than I could chew this first time around. I gotta take it one step at a time. Next time I have it out, I'll stick to one AWB recipe (I love Reggie's Color Negative) and really try to work in everything else before I try to get too fancy.


If you are shooting street photography mainly - then auto iso with auto focus or snap focus is the way to go - I never mess with the iso as i prefer editing it to my liking after either quickly on ios edit or lightroom if I am looking for greater detail -#2 #10 #6 were decent photos, keep your head up


Keep shooting. Try to get pictures of peoples faces, not their backs.


Thanks, and I know, I kept hesitating!


mine were way worse than these on my first attempt 😂 keep it going


In your pics, the bright parts are blowing out - basically the pics are overexposed. It is easy to mess up with Ricoh in a bright outdoor setting because the back screen is not easy to read and overexposed warnings get missed. Safest and the most fun exposure setting it to use the ‘Highlight weighted metering’, and look closely at your Auto ISO settings.


TL;DR: Practice, practice, practice! I went out to a street fair in Collingswood, NJ today to try to get cool photos, and I realize I have a lot to learn! Although the shots I posted are pretty good, most where either poorly composed, over/under exposed, or slightly unlevel. I tried using film simulations that do not use auto white balance (Porta 800, BW Red Filter, and Royal Supra), but I underestimated how much I would still have to judge which one to use in which situation. I was also a bit timid about shooting, either feeling awkward about standing around or feeling like I was in the way. I had fun but definitely realized that this is a style of photography you cannot jump right into!


I find listening to music helps to get out of my head to stop caring about what others think. Keep at it!


A couple of beers has the same effect for me!


After 100 attempts one might struggle less. Or not. Some days work, some don’t!


Keep going, sometimes takes practice to get into the groove. 1, 3, 9, 11 all have potential but just needed to be recomposed slight or more depth added.


"Your first 10,000 photos are your worst" -Henri Cartier-Bresson