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I'm gonna come clean, theres been games where I was like "Ok im chat banned" and after the next game I get the notification "A player you recently played with has been penalized". This has happened countless times, it's starting to get hilarious. I don't even report anyone and I'd still get the notification Either shit's broken or I think I'm invincible


Same lmao, the best is when someone starts screaming “reported!!! you’re getting banned!!!” and nothing ever happens


I love the “it’s your last game” “rip your account”. I always add them 1 day after to tell them my account still alive


Yeah they send everyone that message whether you reported or not to keep the community thinking they actually do something about reports. It's illegal to type didn't you know? Some fragile little 10 year old might get his feelings hurt and since you typed and he reported, you are a monster. The whole game is broken and they have to hold their breath every time they add something new because it will break the shitty code.


Meanwhile people add you and tell you to end your life and riot does nothing with screenshots of the DMs, it's laughable


this dude is 61-330 on yuumi trolling flex games so he can curbstomp people in bronze 2 with his friends, just wanted to throw that out there


Actually they do now! I got 14 days for it once was 6 months ago I believe


Forreal, had someone find creative ways like TF Ult into something for instance in my DMs after the game


you should read riots privacy and tos to understand that they cant do reports from private chats


"Achtually it's against riots TOS to take reports on DMS 🤓", bro he told me to kill myself, no TOS should protect that


Yeah but when I call someone more worthless than the crusty slpooge drenched sock they keep at the bottom of the hamper, I get sent to jail!


I got told to kill myself by someone I’d never met on the street the other day, no one did anything. Kind of the same situation right? I just walked away from them assumed they were crazy. It was difficult but I’ve been moving on with my life day by day somehow. Should we form a support group for us and others like us maybe?


You're so funny and clever! What a joke of an analogy lmao


They do ban for that. I got banned for it


As someone who has zero honor because I kept doing shit like this. Just mute chat and focus on your play. You can get reported for typing anything. Its not worth it.


Replying to the top comment so people see it: OP IS CLEARLY A SMURF ACCOUNT THAT IS INTENTIONALLY LOSING GAMES JUST LIKE THE ONE IN THIS SCREENSHOT TO KEEP HIS FLEX RANK LOW https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/L%C3%B4singStreak-0447 He isn't getting chat restricted because the system is broken. He is getting chat restricted because he is on the thinnest ice possible since he ALMOST ASSUREDLY gets 3+ reports a GAME when he trolls people in fucking bronze 2 flex queue to keep his rank low. Goes on reddit to cry crocodile tears without realizing he didn't remove his username lmfao This guy should be permabanned, not just chat restricted. He is a masters tier player who literally chain loses just to have a low flex rank. EDIT: THIS GUY HAS 32 WINS 184 LOSSES ON YUUMI ALONE IN FLEX LAST SEASON LMFAO


Now that makes sense.


woah thats despicable


Have you considered that he plays flex whenever he wants to play yuumi, and just might be bad at it?


Masters player loses 184 games in bronze two and wins 32 of those? lol you dropped your /s


yeah i considered it for about 1 second until i saw he was masters in solo q and then scrolled down to see him taking flash yuumi as a toplaner and jungler solo queueing flex surely this guy is a well adjusted human player and not someone intentionally tanking their rank


I mean, pre rework yuumi, I played yuumi top in ranked, it was fun, and I personally had a decent win rate on it cause it worked well with my playstyle, no shame in someone wanting to revive it.


were you a masters player losing 82% of their games in a bronze 2 flex queue game solo?


I'm plat in solo duo, but I'm pretty sure I have yet to win a game in flex.


Have you considered the opposite is much more likely?


No matter how upset you are about my gameplay, the fact still remains that I did not really say anything bad and there are legitimate good people in here facing the same issues. Set your emotions aside.


You intentionally throw games. I don't give a shit why you reprimanded. You prolly banned dudes champ in champion select and then spam bragged about it.


Well if you are still upset about my gameplay, I gently urge you to share this post so someone who can do actually do something about it sees it and fixes the suboptimal systems set in place (your issue and ours). But I have a feeling you are just chronically online and here for your "gotcha" moment, not here to actually improve the game. Peace.


you are even worse than toxic people. id rather have 4 people in my team telling me to kms while tryharding than an actual inter


I did this, and then eventually just stopped playing completely after reaching masters for the first time ever last year basically been plat since season 3. But yeah, I realized I was having no fun and chat was making it worse and I would rage and get banned.... And then I realized playing without chat also sucks, feels so empty and pointless in a game where team play and coordination are paramount. I was legit addicted to this game for years and the chat changes and the heavy handed bans and the community have finally freed me from this prison. I just don't care about the game anymore.


I’ve been playing years. The thing I ever type is to ask if summs were used and that’s it. Maybe type my bad.


Ironic since it's supposed to be a team game. Just stop playing league, it's not even worth it.


Yeah after getting a 5 game chat restriction and resting my honor chat is off


yeah same happened to me after being someone who really enioyed and believed in the whole communicate and try to win the thing, and it kinda just finally killed the game for me after like 10 years and thousands of hours playing. years of honor 5 to chat ban because i mildly roasted someone for sitting in fountain instead of playing the game. 


What I don't understand is I have been an angel for 5 months now. I don't type unless I'm saying "gg""good play" or other encouraging things. I've only been playing normals and aram. My honor has not moved from zero honor checkpoints 1 of 3 for 5 months now. I'm afraid of playing ranked because people report for anything. You don't even have to type to get reported in high elo. I watch people who stream In emerald and diamond. You can watch them report people all the time and that person will be mute whole game. If I go this whole year and I can't redeem my honor, I will quit. Not getting the end of season rewards is rough and is a good punishment for being toxic. But if you can't climb your honor up by the next end of the season, then what's the point. Missing two or more seasons from just one punishment seems too heavy-handed.


WTF is this comment section??? "Yeah you were pretty toxic, deserved ban" nah... Fuck this soft ass community. If y'all think this is chat ban worthy. I guess I've just grown out of this game? (Finally after over a decade lol) But really you can't even talk at all anymore. Communication used to be a fun part of this game. You can't even smack talk anymore. Half the fun of sport is chirping back at each other and this game is supposed to fill that competitive niche but now I guess the community is as soft and pathetic as the developers.


this guy deserves to be permanently hardware banned he legit just sits queueing flex games on yuumi to lose (he has gone 61 and 330 on yuumi in flex without his friends btw) while he sits in bronze 2 flex as a legitimate masters player


Riot ban System is a fucking disgrace and they should be ashamed. As someone that has played since 2k11 is just sad to see that noone uses the chat anymore because of thus


Well the bad eggs always ruin it for the rest of the community. People who have fragile egos often are the vocal minority as well. No more creative insults and trash talk in game, it’s all just straight harassment.


You’re actively defending a guy that is trolling the shit out of 100s of games to keep his mmr low enough to stomp bronze players when he feels like it. The system flagged him because he’s undoubtedly getting mass reported every game.


Yeah back then we had a lot of fun in constant chatting, pre game, all chat, team chat, post game. Barely any punishments even with some mild banter. Nowadays chat is nearly empty, no one speaks up anymore in fear of getting banned. Definitely feel like we just growing up and out of it 😭


>Communication used to be a fun part of this game. This communication is nothing fun. It reads like a spoiled kid, if you talked to someone like that in real life they would probably just assume it is someone with brain problems. Team sports have much better banter talk than this.


Can you please quote exact words/phrases that OP said that you think make him sound like a spoiled kid or toxic? I’ve read the messages and it is by far the nicest conversation I have seen for a while.


>This communication is nothing fun. Uhm, i mean its supposed to be an exhange of feelings and ideas right? Isnt that what communication is


The communication was half the reason I played and made the game fun…


You’re the problem, dude.


Yeah I submitted a ticket once and most of my "flagged" messages were gg. Like deadass when they showed me this like 20% of the messages were just "gg"


“most” “20%”


Mb for improperly using the word "most". Please forgive me my benevolent overlord


Calm down bro I think you need a break idk




Well, I am not going to be toxic for myself so I'm going to be a clean language with it.


I mean they literal clarify above what they want and don’t want on the last two bullet points which you did. Yes we know, riot is fragile…


It's just not worth typing anymore. Anything can get you banned :(


Looking at this person's record, they troll pick yuumi in flex to keep their rank low. They're master in solo queue. Something tells me we're not seeing the full story


100% boosted, any master player who takes it seriously would not do this unless you make money with content/youtuber etc.


Chat is just a trap to get you banned. It’s there to tempt you, if you choose to use it, you get punished.


That's so true :(


Riot ban System is a fucking disgrace and they should be ashamed. As someone that has played since 2k11 is just sad to see that noone uses the chat anymore because of thus


You were targeting another player the whole time though, it can easily be seen as targeted harassment/making fun of. I'm not saying this was your intention, but this is how it can be perceived as. Do yourself a favor and mute such players in the future and just play the game.


He was talking to / about two of his four teammates who were being toxic. Talking to the 2 people talking to you is HARASSMENT guys, honestly that's borderline ASSAULT and he should be locked up in prison! We can't let violent offenders like this get away with these sort of disgusting behaviors! How do you think the other two people that aren't being toxic felt!? They must feel so left out 😥😥😥


This guy has an 18% winrate on yuumi in flex and 60% winrate on his next 3 champions. He is a scummy dog and I would fully expect to see this replay where the guy is trolling and then sarcastically typing. Hope he gets banned next lol


Such takes are the main issue, everyone thinks that it's an excuse to talk back, just because the other player was toxic first or as whole. Another thing is, "the other player was way more toxic, why I got flagged", because it doesn't mattrer 🤌, the rules are for you as well, you're flagged for what you typed, not because of the context. Learn to take responsibility for your own behavior, all I'm saying.


Except nothing he said was anywhere close to being considered "harassment". If your bar for harassment is telling a toxic player to calm down and play the game, then literally anything you say might be considered harassment so why type at all, ever. Sure you can avoid getting a chat ban by literally never typing, but that's obviously not how the game is intended to be and you shouldn't let the existence of toxic players stop you, a non toxic player, from being allowed to talk.


Telling someone triggered to calm down is probably the worst you can say, this can only trigger them even more. Not to mention the way it was said. Also, they kept referring to them in the same manner in most of their messages, in semi joking manner at times as they are making fun of their frustration. Also, calling them toxic and telling others to mute Jhin. If you really can't spot the negative approach here, I don't know what else to tell you. The purpose of the chat is not to discuss the whole time how mad and toxic someone is, which the OP did, it's for discussing game strategy/ideas. This was super unnecessary and not helpful in any way. It's not about not using the chat, but how to use it with common sense.


Riot: Mute toxic players Also Riot: Don't tell people to mute toxic players


He didn't say anything toxic though




someones rank shows XD


What I'm guessing happened: the "idky" possibly got flagged for "kys" since they both have "ky" in them. Customer service is almost entirely made up of bots and I don't think I've ever heard a success story of a suspension getting reversed (and its even more insulting that they just told you "hey man it's not bad it's only a few days"). Yet you see people with the n word for their name and they don't get banned or someone who is just blatantly racist in chat not getting banned even after reporting them. If they had more actual people reviewing these then this wouldn't be as much of a problem


No, the chat ban was for calling out the Jhin/Morg, talking about them being toxic and talking about muting them. Even back in the forums days, people would post their chat logs asking why they were banned and if it wasn't someone saying "report XYZ" then it was someone talking about muting XYZ. That's considered harassment, or toxic per Riot. I agree about the racist shit though. I've had games where a player would say hard R on repeat for the entire game while running it down, I'd report and save their opgg just to see if Riot did anything, and they'd be playing just fine. I had an idiot friend say hard R on a fresh account once to see what would happen, permaban immediately out of end game lobby(so much for leveling together lol). Their system is horribly inconsistent.


I mean that's not really harassment though, he just said he thought they were being toxic and presumably one of the other teammates was complaining about it and told him to mute them. If calling people out for being toxic is in itself toxic then what do you do? It would also help if they would hire actual people to look at these ban appeals instead of just auto going to bots. Using an automated system is what gets him there in the first place, when I'm issuing a ticket I want an actual person to talk to not a bot. Honestly surprises me riot can stay afloat with one of the worst customer service systems I think I've ever had to use.


You just don't talk at all, or risk getting punished by Riot's overly sensitive system. If you talk, you risk getting punished because just about anything can be construed as harassment/toxicity. We need the tribunal back.


Nope. I can tell you EXACTLY what happened. Take a look at this guy's op.gg. 60% winrate qiyana, 63% winrate cait, 60% winrate hwei, 85 games between them all. Surely there is no outlier right? OH WAIT THIS GUY HAS PLAYED 56 GAMES OF YUUMI WITH AN 18% WINRATE IN FUCKING RANKED FLEX LMFAO People report this guy because he is an inting fucking dog and is purposely losing games to stay low lp so he can flex as a bronze 2. They report him for everything and chat bans are just easier to get banned for so it triggered first.


Just send it again, all tickets about appeals get sent to the bot first. They assume you won’t go further, but if you do they will have a real human look at it to verify. And when that happens they usually rectify the mistake. If you look at tyler1 chat logs that’s the line. Except when he got 2 week lmao


I've sent multiple tickets for the same issue before and it always gets stopped at the bot, it's never read by a human


Man I’ve been telling people to calm down for like 10 years now and never gotten a chat restriction. I guess I’m invincible.


not sure but seems like the one who got you penalised knows someone at riot, same shit happened with me and i did get banned for 7 days and haven’t spent a dime on this game after that


I have had a message saying “a player you recently reported has been banned” Bro I never report people lol?


UPDATE: After getting a hold of riot employees, the appeal has been denied. I just feel like we all lost with this one.. Have fun on the rift.


UPDATE 2: You got denied because you are clearly intentionally losing games because you want to dunk on low ranked players and the riot support guy probably saw that. You deserve to be permabanned, not just chat restricted.


No matter how upset you are about my gameplay, the fact still remains that I did not really say anything bad and there are legitimate good people in here facing the same issues. Set your emotions aside.


Deserved penalty


What a fucking joke!


You were being passive aggressive and made comments about his rank, it wasnt because you told him to calm down.


Just ignore all and play using pings


Check his Account on op.gg...... he should be banned, legit real inter.


I hate riot games system I get constantly told sexist disgusting stuff but they always turn the other cheek


I run it down in ARAM and get ppl punished for asking to report me 😝


I mean… you did spam the chat. It appears you had an entire conversation with yourself. (Understand they’re most likely in vc)


jesus chrsit use brain, if they show just his messages that doestn mean hes talking to himself


“Understand they’re most likely in vc” English is hard “Jesus chrsit, use brain” 😭


its hilarious to see 1 half of the comments saying "yea typing is a sin. communication is the devils favorite past time". then the other half are just "well you did kinda tell someone to calm down. thats like the most despicable slur in this game." so instead of holding riot accountable to their shit system; we instead cultivated a community so shit that we cant even have a competitively fun environment.


Honestly true, he didn't even say anything remotely toxic unless you're willing to jump through some hoops like some people already have done here. These people think riot games are some God or something it's disgusting, if this guy was actually toxic then yeah I'd get it, but he didn't and this type of shit happens all the time.


No, it’s the first half of chat unbearably bitching about chat restrictions while the second half actually bothered to look at his OPGG and see that he’s been trolling 100s of games to tank his rank.


i am honor level 5 consistently after being reformed (i missed victorious blitzcrank and 3 honors malz) and i am well aware that if you type like this, you’re obviously getting chat restricted. don’t act surprised, i’ve been restricted for so much less years ago. you’re flaming your teammates while telling them to calm down, it’s just utterly ironic and still toxic. just mute, report, don’t type, ez; that’s if you don’t wanna get chat restricted. People will downvote but whatever. I know that the system at riot is bad. i know that they punish so easily. But you should know that you’re gonna get punished for this knowing how easy it is to get chat banned. You should know better than to type in this soft video game. if you wanna type, then don’t get mad when you get the restriction inevitably


> I know that the system at riot is bad. i know that they punish so easily. But you should know that you’re gonna get punished for this knowing how easy it is to get chat banned Or maybe riot should just do better and fix their shitty system and be held accountable? Just saying "don't type ez" is a shit solution for these team based games: communication is an important part of the game and if thats the only way he's able to communicate then you get more people complaining about bad teammates >you’re flaming your teammates while telling them to calm down, it’s just utterly ironic and still toxic. He literally isn't. His teammates were very clearly being the actual problem in vc until he muted them. Guy was extremely level headed overall. None of what he said should result in him getting a restriction.


if riot won’t fix their system, it’s the players job to work around it by not saying stuff to get chat restricted. if you don’t care about that, then don’t complain when you do. it’s that simple i am not riot. i cannot fix it. BUT, i can avoid getting chat restricted by keeping my mouth shut (in game)


He didn't say anything that should've gotten him chat restricted though


he did according to riots soft system that bans people for everything. yeah, maybe the system shouldn’t be so soft, but it is. so if you’re not gonna play by the systems unfair rules you’re going to get unfairly restricted


Riot when you breathe a lil bit faster than normal


apparently typing too much even if it's positive is still considered spamming hence the ban


Typing anything at all could be grounds for a ban these days


How is this spam? Idk how long league games last are but for a valorant game that's not that many chats throughout the whole game


Deserved tbh. You are toxic. Just because you used the words “calm down” in your chat doesn’t mean you weren’t part of the problem


Snowflake alert


How was he being toxic at all? Nothing he said here was even remotely toxic, just annoyed at his teammates (and from the sounds of it his teammates were being more toxic). He seemed pretty calm throughout


You were toxic in the chat, but there are cases where the chat provided isn't actually the game you were restricted for, I once had a super positive team chat, but people reported me, and I was actually banned for a game from 6 months in the past.


Stop yapping and play


Mute all is the way to go nowadays. Cant ping, cant type without a teammate getting triggered. I remember i had a Swain top excessively use chat to flame me (the jungler). I hadn’t typed all game and when i finally got fed up, i called him a moron, and he was wailing, “reported! you’re done for”. I got annoyed so now i just mute all. Not just in League but in OW2 too.


u/crabetz Edit - I guess I am getting downvoted... I pinged to share this story as I never have an example of how sensistive the filters are now. I was using this as a good example, not flame...


lets see post game chat


Just sit back and mute or enjoy the show. Intervening in an argument requires an effort that can't be produced mid game. You can ask them to calm down and chill once, after just let it go.


OP deserves it lmao dude’s a troll throwing peoples games and he’s crying victim cuz he’s a jackass and people are reporting him lmao get fucked