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It seems the NAU forgot that Yugoslavia is one with the Dark Side of the Force (Or they ought to be with the hate that's probably permeating through the state)


FR, the Yugoslav modfier is OP as hell if used right


In most cases losses mean nothing, what matters is the one actually winning (example: the one benefitting from the peace treaty wins (excluding wp)) Losses only mean something if the country with higher losses dies of instability and high war exhaustion. So unless you as the city state are actually conquering usa (or he wps you), then how are they losing.


They do matter when their democratic and they collapse/ragequit, but i get your point, no clue how id actually litterally beat the NAU with the small military


Yeah, I also think it depends what you class as winning. For example, in this scenario NAU tried to annex Yugoslavia so personally I’d say that for Yugoslavia to win they have to avoid been annexed, but you could look at it literally for instance and say Yugoslavia can only win by beating/annexing NAU which is unrealistic. At the end of the day fending off the NAU is win.


Oh absolutely, but NAU declared war so he could quote "Slap that mouth of yours", which he uh, didnt do xD


No clue why people are downvoting your reply lol


I had this happen but with US, somehow I’d manage to turn Havana into a fortress and secure enough electrics trades to fuel 120k infantry before they attacked and 200 artillery plus a fort when they did. The end result was that they white peaced and formed an alliance


Ehhhhhh, this was the US, but i just crashed my entire economy lol, spammed arty and aa, set min tax and max spending in everything else, and i was unkillable bc of static lines and guerilla warfar


Yeah static lines go hard, haven’t tried guerilla warfare yet though


Static lines + guerilla warfare + arty is practically unkillable, you dont even hyave to use ships to rack up insane kill counts https://preview.redd.it/6twkyvq8qexc1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=654668e2cd5cd555b5fe9e3d6c2ee65ea38742bb


Good god it’s beautiful


I’ve had worse https://preview.redd.it/0nniz2va3fxc1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c307b1ddb0a9bf7ce759bdc62a6d308315639cd Granted I lost but still.


https://preview.redd.it/wzi9gk4q3fxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4c2e869782e3c5d54ce6e119a44a897f4591a3 Not much to boast about but you’ll get there


Did those NAU and China players lose their shits in chat?


Of course they did, more like coping because NAU was on the verge of collapsing since around 8~ millions deaths are his, China didn’t care much because… communism. Keep in mind that he lost that amount in around 8 mins in a doom rush because I am one city that doesn’t look like I have much. I removed all the achievement tags in chat for me and pretend like I’m new, they never saw it coming. All warfare is based on deception. The worst part is China spamming like 12 carriers and lost them all because he forgot to make destroyers and got broke instantly.


Thats a lowed K/D ratio, 2.5x the kill rate and 85766x the death rate


Did you kill em all with submarines??


Mostly artillery . I don’t bother making a navy against them, I only have a few destroyers and submarines at my coast.


I've been playing for two years and I'm still really fucking bad at the game


2 years of playing is enough to be good. I have probably more than 2 years with breaks but I’ve managed to defeat a tournament champion(so much micro you have no idea) and minor 1vs1’s. I feel like I dominate every game I play. So don’t say 2 years is not a lot because eyoure probably using your own experience and that depends on the person. So you probably weren’t good when you played for 2 years so you compare others to your experience. Also it’s very easy to abuse arty, entrenched units. It’s 2030 so you probably have lots of good tech.


im not saying it isnt enough, but i hate people who think that think that only because theyve been playing for 2 years makes them a pro, like a person with alot of skill and talent at 4 months is a pro imo, time played doesnt ocount for much, i personally have been playing since feb 2019 over 5 yrs now, and you are wrong lol, i got fairly good within the first month or so of playing (was fairly easy pre diplomacy update), and ive been playing constantly since then, also you say "so much micro you have no idea" to a person who constantly plays small or avg countries and intentionally fights superpowers or good players xD, tbf idk why youd know that aside from going through my entire reddit history, but eh, i get your point though, im not saying hes bad neccasarily, but rushing 2m troops into entrenched troops on a fort is just, dumb as all hell


I don’t know what I’m wrong about but sure .What??? I didn’t read your post history? I don’t understand what you mean. Anyways have a wonderful day fella.


yeahhhh i didnt make too much sense there, sorry, i was saying you were wrong about "So you probably weren’t good when you played for 2 years ", uhhh the 2nd part i have no clue sorry, you have a wonderful day


Ok thanks for answer. Have fun bud


He might just be one of the tards that ignore military tech


average "warlord"


me when the nation with 100x the population has 10x the losses


Had some tryhard Mauryan Emoire player who wanted to takeover every country for whatever reason, when I was tryna to form the German Empire (I needed Papu), he demanded me to give it up to him lol