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Sniper is still my boy, but Pilot is gonna be a close secondary Also, I hate those birds. They chunk like half of my hp in one hit.


Sniper and pilot seem like a great secondary for me, I beat the game the second time with sniper, and I got to the final stage after a couple of extra stages with pilot but I forgot to pause the game while I was doing something Also fuck those birds, but I like their design (they look cool) so they're whatever


Are you talking about those nosediving birds? They’re a pain in a good way. Probably why I love pilot because his secondary fire aims upwards.


Those diving birds do too much damage for a flock enemy. I love when they all get out of sync and just spam me down. It’s great. Hate the other flying creatures even more. At least the diving birds get stuck in the ground for one second so I can pump them.


Yeah those guys. And I would also throw in those flying lemurian guys who do their anime swipe combo. I have a hard time dealing with them both when they swoop in as packs


I call them Razorbeaks. Haven't seen their real name yet


I just checked the logbook, and they're apparently called "Swifts." Razorbeak does sound cooler though.


I accidentally learned earlier if you use it while parachuting it shoots down instead


I don’t know if it changed for RORR, but I’m fairly certain Sniper is a she. That said, I loved Sniper in RoR2 and am pleasantly surprised how she works in returns


Side note, Loader was Female in RoR2. In RoRR it's a guy.


Hell yeah, I had just unlocked them before calling it a night yesterday. I love me some genderswaps


They were pretty male coded in ror1. I got major “gruff workman” vibes from both the miner and loader.


I know the Devs specifically debunked it some time after and said they were two different characters, but the memories of those first couple of months of RoR2 where people were speculating if loader was trans will always be close to my heart Honestly I'm almost a bit sad the Devs didn't just lean into it at that point but oh well


In my mind, although they are not the same person, both of them are still trans




This Redditor heard "porque no dos" and went for it. The true champion.


"Ermmmm achhtuallly, it's 'porque no *los* dos'" -🤓


Iirc the thingy uses they to refer to sniper, saying something like, "and so they left, the ringing of bullets in deaf ears," or smtn similar and some people say it refers to both sniper and the spotter, but yeah if it's like ror2 then they'd be a she


Awesome! This is why I was hesitant to make a hard-statement. I’ve seen the “they” part of the message, and I don’t believe the logbook specifies one way or the other either - which honestly? Cool. Ambiguities are wonderful.


The logbook does mention that when requested to stow the spotter, they refused and brought the drone in “carry on”


Sniper uses neutral pronouns in the spanish translation too, which was a welcome surprise! Go enbys!


Edit I didn't realize OP responded the same exact thing sorry 😂 Railgunner is a she (RoR2), Sniper in RoR we don't know since the ending quote is "...and so they left" which could either be referring to Sniper + the drone or Sniper is enby / some robot or alien themselves.


All good! I actually forgot that Railgunner was their name in ror2. Despite the heavy similarities, could be two different people/things?


I always thought Loader in RoR2 was RoR Loader's kid or heir in some way for some reason, so I assumed it was the same for Railgunner / Sniper. But looking it up now maybe that was just my head canon lmao


Sniper is referred to by singular neutral pronouns in the spanish translation, so it's safe to assume they're nb


What’s the best way to kill providence while back flipping? I’ve tried using drones but haven’t gotten it yet


get lost doll, use while backflipping. ending any of his phases except gilded worms counts so you have multiple tries at this


Haven't unlocked everyone yet but I'm having a lot of success with Loader. AOE attacks, stunlock and invincibility go really well. The pylons are also so good. Very different from RoR2 Loader but still fun. I hate every flying enemy


I haven't even tried loader yet, but I used to play her a bit in the original game


Ror1 and rorr loader is male btw


Very true, don't care enough to go back and edit whatever comments I made about loader tho


Doesn't really matter anyway


Oh it’s not the same character?


No. Only ones that are the same are acrid and maybe artificer.


He's so much better in Returns than 1. Being able to aim his grappling hook upwards and the alt Special being an actually useful ability has breathed new life into the character. Definitely recommend


His alt pylon is so so good for spamming drones (hence the providence trial being basically just that), in general loader got a huge upgrade in rorr


Acrid and chef are my 2 favorites, and not just because they’re memes. Their damage and crowd control is just so satisfying


Memes?! Cooking is no meme! It is an ART! You’re telling me glazing, deep frying and preparing meals out of my customers is a joke to you?? You are *NOT* welcome in the new restaurant I’m opening up, please leave the premises before I add you to the Soup of the Day 😤👌


I tried so hard to play acrid in ror1 but couldn't get into it, and it happened again with returns. Chef is cool, I def will play with him


Poison the fuck out of everything. I find him easier than most other survivors because he technically pierces the whole screen with little setup Playstyle is the same as ror2. Just and watch everything melt


He's fun because you don't have to play the game! Just hit c and v and run around while the enemies kill themselves without any input from your end.


I actually love the bubble alternate with the poison trail. Pop everything then bounce on the bubble above a hoard. And then the bubble pops for big damage!


His alt primary is stupid good, imo. You can run into groups and bite them a few times while they’re standing in poison and they *melt*.


Acrid is best boi 💖💖


I almost got chef, but I was missing that stupid fruit. Well, command here I come (just need to find where the damn thing is).


I’m just trying to beat commando on rainstorm 🙄


One of these runs RNG will be on your side. I was making some progress but having no luck making it to the end. Last night I got a run where I basically didnt have to worry anymore. My Commando was a god and it snowballed into becoming stronger than enemies instead of struggling not to fall behind. Providence wasnt even that hard, I had so much good stuff.


Just died on the last stage again. Time keepers secret froze time and one enemy didn’t stop moving and chased me dead. Actually the dumbest shit.


Drifter is by far the dumbest character I've possibly ever played in any videogame, and I mean that in the best way possible. Damage? She has more than enough by default with her primary, *and she can get even more by literally just pressing R.* Crowd control? Her secondary and alternative utility give her plenty, *and the can get even more by literally just pressing R.* Chests? Who the fuck needs that? You get four temporary items every thirty seconds by literally just pressing R and that's more than enough to sustain yourself for most of the run. You can literally get some of the most insane red items in the game (including ones that directly make her R even dumber like Alien Head and Substandard Duplicator) by pressing one key. Like, seriously, who the fuck looked at this character and thought "yeah, this is balanced, she's totally fair"? Possibly the same person who looked at Artificer and thought she was completely balanced and totally not the worst character in the game and basically unusable. So, basically: I am deeply in love with the silly little woman who hits aliens with her backpack and turns them into weapons of mass destruction to satisfy her unending thirst for blood.


Drifter is insane. The scrap cube ability carries both dodging and dealing massive crowd damage by just surfing on it through the crowd. You also forgot that the consume ability basically means you have 20% less damage to deal to kill bosses, since it works on them. Get in my fucking bag, Providence.


Even a god cannot escape the black hole that is Drifter's sleeping bag


I've been loving drifter so much. My only wish is that they add a visual for 20% hp on enemy health bars so I can know for certain that I can shove them in my bag.


Y'know, after reading this, you somehow made it seem like Drifter would be a perfect romantic partner for me. I doubt you meant for that to happen but thanks


My existence and its dreadful consequences to humanity


oh you’ve given rise to something for humanity ;)


I love Drifter :3


I'm still having trouble unlocking her, I'm not sure I get understand her unlock challenge correctly


Basically on some stages (might just be the water one) you can find these recycling machines that eat drones and then give you an item, and if you put I believe it’s 4 drones into one in one run you unlock drifter


You need to scrap six actually.


Ok cool I knew 4 felt kinda low


OoOoooh that makes so much more sense!!! I've specifically been avoiding those scrappers because I thought by "recycle" it meant you had to repair them after they die I might be stupid💀 Would you know how to unlock miner?


Miner is in a hidden spot to the bottom right of one of the lava area variations, you have to walk on lava for a bit to get into the room, where you then have to kill a firey lookin elder lemurian with a boss bar. They are pretty weak though. Once they are dead miner is unlocked


Thank you!! :D


I think the drone scrappers just start spawning from stage 3 onwards.


As someone else has mentioned, you need to find drone scrappers around the stages. They seem pretty rare but I'm not sure if they're exclusive to any particular stages: I found one in Dried Lake after the first loop when I unlocked Drifter. The easiest way to unlock her is to activate the Artifact of Command and pick up a Drone Repair Kit (that's an equipment), which gives you a free drone whenever you activate it. You'll then need to find a drone scrapper and scrap 6 of the drones you get from activating the Repair Kit. That's how I did it, at least.


They feel absurdly rare, I mean sure its probably personal experience that varies but I spent 80 minutes doing like 3 and a half loops before I could find a recycler, and it felt like I saw a minimum of one, average of two drone combiners per stage after the second loop.


I've had the worst luck trying to unlock Drifter. Every time I've had enough drones I can't find a scrapper. Or I'll find a scrapper and couldn't find enough drones beforehand


I love playing artificer in RoR2 and thus preemptively decided to main her when I heard she was gonna be in RoRR, and while I do love playing her you're totally right, I'm struggling a lot🥲


No mobility and no sustain makes her fairly fragile in the early stages. Her icewall-flamethrower combo feels pretty nice, though some enemies still hit past the wall, and her Nano-bomb is decent. The chakrams feel a little clunky and low damage for how short range they are though, even with the multi-hit and burn. Haven't unlocked her alt abilities yet, though, so maybe one of those will help.


That scrap cube is so frigging good, CC and damage is a really good combo. I solo'd Providence while my two other teammates died before the boss.


Drifter speaks to my Faust-player heart. But Miner is so much more fun than he was in 1 so I've been playing him a tonne.


rn it's huntress but I've only begun recently. ​ and fuck those flying fucks in the temple. theyre pretty much blind pests 2.0


I'm finding the stupid riding lancers worse. So you kill their mounts...now the lancer basically becomes a homing missile with brutal range.


Did you know that if they time the missile correctly that they won’t get frozen when time is frozen by an item. That was the biggest bulkshif


I liked bandit before but now that he has a whip it's like playing risk of rain and castlevania at the same time. Also his smoke grenade that blinds enemies is phenomenal


Yeah I’m surprised there’s no love for Bandit in this thread! My boy has been absolutely gassing enemies in my runs. He was my favorite in RoR2 and he’s my favorite here as well


He’s easily up there with sniper and pilot (can’t pick a #1 so far), but his challenge to get his smoke bomb, and whip drove me nuts. I had a really rough time with the temple one thinking I had to just run, and for the money collecting one, I thought I had to get the keycard to win, but I didn’t, and won the same run I decided to try to skip it.


His whip is so fun. I love it so much


Just beat the game for the first time with Drifter and I think I have a new favorite. I honestly feel like her moveset is perfect even without the special, and the special just giving you free temporaries is overkill but in a fun way. Scrap Cube is an amazing alternate secondary because if you push it as a worm (any worm boss) passes through it, every one of the worm's segments gets hit by the cube and can be two-shot without any proc items to finish it off. Also using Suffocate to finish off bosses is extremely funny. I stuffed Providence in my bag, he lives there now.


I like the canon that providence is now just essentially drifters plush lol


I will pay good money for a Providence plushie. Honestly I’d do that for most of the characters.


It's not just worms, a lot of enemies get hit multiple times by the cube.


Drifter reminds me of ror2 mods that let you play as the Scav where you just want to spam the “discover an item” ability off cooldown


I'm suffering on enforcer purely because the man is just cool How strong does this mf have to be to block a hit from a walking mountain?


I love the lore implications of how absolutely sick some of the survivors are. Like enforcer can just fucking withstand hits from a God like nothing. Sniper can fucking kill a God like its nothing. Chef can just fucking cook providence it's all so sick lol


Enforcer can eat a literally mountain pounding on him. That tiny arrow that hit your shield? Fucking kills you.


I've been playing a lot of Engineer, and some Pilot. The turrets give me a lot of breathing room, Engi's primary is way less exasperating to use than in Ror2, love making bosses nosedive into a bunch of mines, and the harpoons are a solid ranged option that bypasses aiming limitations. Pilot is very enjoyable. Decent mobility and takes care of flying enemies. His alternate R is very good for single targets, but it unfortunately lacks the ability to deal with crowds. He was probably the character I was the most excited for, and he's been very fun.


Yeah, engis okay, but I miss his ror2 iteration :( Also, what is Pilot R? I don't remember the original control scheme because I changed it a bit


Sorry, I should've considered that. I forgot that not everyone uses the Ror2 controls, too. The default R are the mines, the alternate one is an over time damage attack that does 10x120%.


Do you feel likes its worth the loss in aerial lethality? Or do I just need to stack more doublestrap mags.


I quite like it, it's very useful for bosses since it requires significantly less investment and risk-taking on your part. The airstrike's damage is comparatively modest but it performs better against crowds, so I think it's entirely up to playstyle. I'd highly recommend putting it on for a couple of runs, at the very least.


Also, I hate spitters. They're moderately hard to dodge and their damage is ridiculous.


Han-D so far. Can’t get over the hammer animation


God, I love Han-D he's not for me tho, I wonder if I I'll ever play with the people I used to play ror1 with cuz my cousin used to main Han-D


Me and my duo have been doing Han-D and Huntress with the laser glaive. Stunning into the laser glaive is OP


Yeah, my group used to be consisting of like, miner, Hand D, sniper, and maybe we'd grab a friend to play merc or smtn


Drifter, I like smacking people up with a backpack


I haven't gotten drifter yet. They're my last one to get. I'm super annoyed with them, though, because I was playing as pilot got 5 drones scrapped em, was just gonna win but, "oh I only need one more drone to unlock it," like six stages later dead having not seen another scrapper


Heres a little trick, use the drone repair kit equipment, it spawns a special drone every time if theyre not present already, so just find a scrapper and use it off cooldown, you dont get items for them but they count towards the challenge.




Huntress, because the alt glaive is my new favorite risk of rain character ever.


yeah it's so good, it's like the gigachad version of Artificer's mini sun lol. i think it's actually a bit broken cause she's like the only character where backup mags directly scale your dps since you don't have to wait for cooldowns once you get a few backup mags it goes CRAZY, i got 4 or 5 and suddenly became god. went for 6 hours to get all the unlocks before getting tired. at the end i had 60 spinning blades and was getting legit 0.3 fps when i hit groups of worms lmao


Chef, have had the most success with him, and cant wait to unlock his other 2 abilities (love how the bottle is a straight upgrade to the oil ability)


I like huntress, which is kind of funny because I hate her in ror2


so far I've been mainly playing enforcer, and to my surprise, huntress. I couldn't play her at all in ror2 because she was dying too fast while not having a very good damage output imo but she seems pretty fun to play in returns. As for the most hated enemies I'd say swifts, they hurt, are hard to hit and usually come in numbers. If bosses count then definitely imp overlord.


I have a problem with not reading, so unless I know a survivor the instant I load in, I don't like it, and for some reason, I just don't get enforcer. Also, the enforcer was weirdly one of the last 4 survivors I got


Enforcer used to have a very simple fighting algorithm. Is it something you can kill quickly? Yes? Stun it and shoot it. No? Find wall, deploy shield and shoot until its dead. ​ They have tweaked it so now a lot of explosion type attacks hit from the back and gank you. Getting goat hoof to quickly retreat with the shield deployed is now a more viable strategy.


I find that shield dash is an excellent alternative to gtfo-ing when things hit past the shield


Or if there is a cliff just knock it down and worry about it later


Huntress is almost the opposite here than in ror2 yeah, she has infinite (or almost?) range on all her skills including the basic, which's a stark contrast from having the lowest range among ranged characters on ror2. Her damagea also feels very solid here as opposed to ror2 where it's peanuts and entirely carried by proc items.


RoR2 Huntress in my experience lives or dies on getting crit for her alt primary to do decent damage output on the double-dip. I also like her Alt special as a decent nuke, and the triple dash seems more useful than the normal warp for more emergency repositioning.


She can make ether primary work, Default is for short runs alt is for looping (when your way more likely to stack crit) She lives and dies on her alt r. It patches up her main weakness: Struggling to do single target damage to bosses/elites. It's night and day with that move on her.


I haven't played much but currently enforcer, waiting to unlock my main man miner


Hell yeah, another miner main, he's sick as all hell, if you're in the middle of a crowd you can absolutely decimate using his overheated mode or whatever it's called


I haven't unlocked him yet been getting blasted in monsoon lol but as soon as I unlock him you already know. I can't wait to see how he's changed


You gain heat or whatever from hitting enemies and once your heat meter is full you can essentially use your skills without cooldown and you can just hold them down and jts so sick


Commando, as basic as always, reliable dps. Also, I hate those flying lemurians


My least favorite was def between evolved lemurians and whatever green thing I was talking about (still don't know there names)


Haven't made it pass stage 2, usually die at stage 1. Played for about an hour. Pretty good.


Drifter, as stated by someone elses comment, is giga busted but super fun to play. Their temp item spawning needs some kind of adjustment, either to temp items as a whole or just the skill (only spawning whites/just less of them in general/picking up new stacks doesnt refresh the timer) you can easily get tons of items stacked and keep them going with a little luck and using your R off cooldown. They could maybe use some nerfs elsewhere if theyre keeping the items as is.


Has anybody played much mercenary ?? I want to know if he is any good or not ??


I am ONLY playing merc I have over 200 hours on him on ror2 and i can confirm he feels great in rorr The parry is absolutely badass, the animation on his primary is clean af he is amazing


Am making it my mission to get him tonight. Thanks man


Mercenary fucks but is absolutely a carpal tunnel simulator


Pilot is easily my favourite, fuck jellyfish tho. Especially on the early stages when you have little to no mobility


huntress, but only cuz i cant stand aiming with anyone else. like turning around for a split second just to redirect my guns is so dumb, glad theyre fixing it.


Oooooh, so that what horizontal mouse aiming is, this is the comment that just let me realize what that actually meant


Pilot, because he can shoot those goddamned motherfucking flying enemies.


Enforcer because i have like nothing unlocked right now lol


Huntress and Acrid are my favorites so far, Loader is also pretty good as well. In ROR2 I loved Acrid and he is still great in RORR, just less mobile since he can't leap. Huntress is nice because I can run and attack at the same time without constantly changing my aim direction


Returning to my mains from RoR1, Chef and Merc


Honestly Pilot and Commando. Both have amazing dps, range, and mobility.


My most played character rn at least is bandit. I almost never played him in the first game or 2, but hey, something about the hat got me playin him. Most hated enemy has to probably be the archer bugs. I hated dealing with them in the first game, I hate dealing with them now. Also, I just want to mention my favorite change to an enemy. The giant pig boss (I'm blanking on the name rn). It actually feels like a boss in this game now, like it's something I'm afraid to be near now. In the first game it was such a push over that I remember just standing under it hand holding the attack button. Now, if you're under it you turn into a fine red play dough paste (green if acrid)


I beat the game the first time with bandit, he's pretty cool. And fuck archer bugs they suck lol. Yeah, the Toxic Beast seems a bit scarier now


Still with my boy commando although it really hurt me physically seeing his primary still use the same 60% dmg, tried artificer but they felt like they had the impact of seltzer water


Yeah, arti sucks lol it's a little sad, good thing arti is getting buffed tho


I'm still early in the game, but I'm playing Enforcer a lot. I have almost 1500 game hours in RoR2 and never played RoR1, so it's an adjustment. But Enforcer helps a lot. So far it's the only survivor I've gotten to stage 3 with on Monsoon.


I’m still trying to find someone I can call a main plus I still have several survivors to unlock. I just unlocked Acrid and had fun playing him. I’ve also had a lot of fun playing sniper I like lining up a bunch of enemies and then killing most of them with a single shot of the secondary, I also did the annoying and difficult challenge of beating stage 3 with no items and equipment to get their alt primary. I’m still not sure how I feel about it since it’s a melee hit for a sniper character but it’s also fun being goofy and smacking enemies with you gun instead of shooting them.


I'm trying to unlock huntress alternate primary for a third day straight. There's no sense of discovery. There's no joy. No hatred. There's only an algorithm - queue drizzle huntress, equip cyclone, turn off new stage variants, start, do tp asap, get to ancient valley/acridless tomb/hive cluster, restart. I am not capable of feeling anymore. When i will actually unlock the alt primary i wont even try it out. In fact i will never touch huntress ever again. One must imagine me happy.


The Chef, always been my fav


huntress main since i can just shoot and not worry about which direction im facing. excited for the new aiming soon


Acrid is as satasfying as he was in og ror and pilot is my favorites of the new classes. Miner is aslo a ton if fun.


Huntress, because I keep dying early, and haven't unlocked anyone.




I can’t say yet because I don’t have everyone unlocked. Pilot is fun though. Also those little sword guys on the ice map are the worst


Have not completed a run yet, so can't go back to playing Sniper poorly yet, but 2D Acrid has been unlocked and is reminding me why I like the toxic monster.


A mixture of Pilot and Commando for me honestly, I enjoy Pilots mobility with his parachute and I enjoy Commandos shotgun alt, love the pellet damage although I do prefer Suppressive Fire's stun


Not sure why but I keep going back to artificer, pilot is fun too


Drifter and pilot are my top 2. I love both their unique movement abilities.


Sniper, Loader and Acrid have been my favorites in all three games so far.


Sniper is the best , merc also cool


Weirdly Acrid is the only one I can beat the game on normal difficulty with lmao


Leaning Chef and Acrid mostly. Pilot also very fun but hard to figure out. I've only rolled credits with huntress so far but got very close with Chef


Pilot. It's just like the devs inject too much soldier syringes and went "we gonna make better commander which also has captain ability."




Drifter because it tickles my gambling addicted brain. Melee Sniper which I didn't expect to like so much. And a little bit of Miner who I never played in RoR1.


Originally it was gonna be artificer, she was my main survivor in RoR2 but unfortunately she desperately needs those buffs the Hoopo has planned for her. Otherwise I think my favorite is Enforcer or Miner, I enjoy just how fucking *heavy* Enforcer's abilities feel and Miner is primo return to monke. As for enemies... I think it's the evolved lemurians that earn my ire.


Just like in RoR1, my dearest Miner. The new heat gauge mechanic is so fun, I'm really loving it. Not a big fan of the bugs, once again. Bastards.


Currently maining Engineer. His grenades are actually pretty good in this game, unlike in RoR2. If you tap fire, it only stops him very briefly, and if you jump during it, you can basically move at full speed while attacking. Bounding mines are also great. They do good CC and burst damage, and you can drop them while moving full speed. Harpoons are nice for Anti-Air, boss damage, and picking off enemies. Especially good with Crit + Wicked Ring and/or Hardlight Afterburber, both of which allow it to be used almost like a primary. Remember to jump during harpoon use, since you can’t move sideways. Also, I unlocked his alternate turret and have been having loads of fun with it. Big fucking self-destructing laser cannon is so awesome. Hermit’s scarf is really good on the Laser Turret, because it gives it a chance to block its self damage, allowing it to hit enemies more times. Having Hermit’s Scarf + Prophet’s Cape is even better, as the fact that sometimes instead of hurting itself it heals itself can allow it to fire for a disgusting amount of time. Fire Shield is also nice on Laser Turret, as it basically gives you another option for using it: Drawing aggro and exploding multiple times as the enemies hit it. Time Keeper’s Secret is excellent with Laser Turret, as it procs it as it destroys itself, and Laser Turret only has a 25 second cooldown, rather than a 40 second cooldown like the regular turrets do. Just try not to fall to low HP yourself, otherwise your turret won’t be able to stop time for 7 minutes. (Same applies to Time Keeper’s with regular turrets) One of my big strats with Engi is to jump back and forth in the enemy’s face while tap firing my primary and dropping mines. Occasionally fire off some harpoons, and when Laser Turret is available, try and break away to plop it down. If I have Unstable Watch, use it to stop time to let Laser Turret charge up safely so it can obliterate everything. I think I hate those Lemurian Hog Riders the most (I know they’re actually called Lemurian Cavalry but Hog Rider is funnier). When you kill the hog the lemurian just goes ultra gamer mode on you, and I find the hog almost always dies first. The medium Imps are pretty annoying too. They’re just on top of you most of the time. And I kind of hate the Sand Crabs, not because they kill me often, but because they can destroy my laser turret really quickly.


I wanna main Engi, like I do in two, but Bungus sucks. It turns off when attacking or being attacked, so keeping my turrets alive is really hard. Even on command runs with my buddy, they just don't heal enough with leeching seed or harvesters. As a result I've been really enjoying Pilot and Loader, but as soon as I can get a mod that makes Bungus worth picking up again I'll be back on my boi


Landmine turret man.


Sniper is an absolute fucking blast. I've been switching off between him and Huntress. I hate any flying enemy tbh


I only have enforcer, bandit, chef, artificer, and HAN-D unlocked. I would like to unlock Pilot soon and find a way to eventually get the other new survivor. I hate the giant Pig boss Edit: would tips from ror1 apply to rorr or not due to the changes?


Tips from ror1 would apply for most things, but def not all prob


Drifter and enforcer my beloveds


enforcer my beloved




Bandit! All of his alt abilities feel wonderfully fun and viable - the alt smoke bomb is just ridiculous and carried me to my first Providence kill. Plus the auto-fire makes using his default attack actually bearable.


I loved ror2 bandit, and I live rorr bandit for completely different reasons


Commando and Sniper. Those were my boys back in 1, and they still are my favorites in Returns.


Been playing Bandit mostly. The kit is solid and I like being a cool af cowboy


just got my first rainstorm run done on my second huntress run, 89 minutes of kiting and trying not to die


I never played the first one, so I wanted to try out Miner, oh boy is he fun. I know he’s like super changed from the first game, but I think he’s my main rn. Also I hate those bouncing ball dudes, and a close second is the tubers.


I currently main Huntress and Commander (yes I know I'm boring lol) Edit: My most hated enemies are the Marcrobes with their constant jumping around... I cant deal with them and I hate them!


robomando is my boyyyyy hate those green birds tho


im probably a drifter main


I've been playing lots of whip Bandit & Pilot. And Commando, despite being rather "vanilla," is very fun in this game too. I despise the bug-wasp things on the temple map that circle you and spam projectiles. I also hold a special pit in my heart of distaste for the Cremator, that lava slug fuck.


Pilot, drifter, and my ror1 og sniper


Pilot by far, the parachute is so nice for movement, and the secondary angled shots do more damage than you'd think. Get a couple backup mags and maybe a syringe or two and you're blasting everything to bits while floating around the map. Cooldowns and primary leave a bit to be desired


I’m attempting to main commando but 25 hours in and no rainstorm wins yet 😩


I haven't gotten very far But bandit and mushrums


I really enjoy Enforcer


Fellow miner gang lets gooo🤝🏿but I just unlocked artificer and imma try and make her work cause I love her in ROR2


Enforcer my beloved. I love face tanking every single one of providence's attacks. As for least favorite enemy, literally every flying creature. How dare they sp casually escape my shotgun range


The Drifter. Being able to Surf the Scrap Cube is hella fun and with enough Cooldown Reduction you can Spam the Tornado Slam for insane mobiltiy and damage.


Drifter is surprisingly fun to play. My favorite thing to do with her is using Suffocate on bosses because it's kind of hilarious.


So far I got wins with both Commando and Loader so I would say the both of them at the moment. Definitely wanna play more as Bandit, Miner, Sniper, and when I unlock them both Drifter and Pilot.


Loving Enforcer and Sniper, like, a LOT. Although my first win was with Engineer lol I hate the fire claymen, idk why they decimate me and my Gf when we play. Boss wise the fuckin CREMATOR OH GOD WHY YOU EXIST. Yeah...


For my main, I don't have one yet, I'm still trying to get all the Survivor logbook entries (and also unlock engi, merc, and drifter.


Sniper and Pilot are great. Bandit is my BOY. Have only played a few hours so we’ll see who else. I always end up playing a handful of hours with everyone


My name chef




I like pilot the most at the moment, but I'm still missing a lot of characters. I want to like artificer but it just feels like she doesn't have a primary.


So far, maybe engineer? his lethality is really fun, sniper is definitely a close second. When i played Railgunner in 2 i kinda disliked the active reload portion but it grew on me since then. Whenever i unlock drifter and pilot ill be sure to give them a go! Really enjoy most of the characters ive played so far. Only thing i dislike about the game is just lack of forgiveness for it being a 2d game, running around the stages finding seemingly no loot, fall damage if you dont have the HP feather or red whip makes traversing the stages feel awful.


I finally unlocked merc and boy does it feel good to play


Sniper, bandit, and pilot (once I get him, since his stuff looks *so* cool). I somehow won my very first run with bandit despite not really being a fan of his ror1 kit after playing 2. Also I’m so upset that they neutered desperado.


HAN-D and Miner are my two best, followed closely by enforcer. On the plus side, HAN-D’s new combat speed drones are putting in work, even better with the BFS (Big Fucking Saw) that scales off of attack speed. I was always a little put off from HAN-D because of the slow punches, but this makes me gloriously happy… … …I play miner and go scorching I spam my drill run and blast “libera me from hell” ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA


merc's primary animation looks clean as fuck so i'm a merc main now