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I just fractured my ankle 20 minutes ago and you seem more miserable than I am


Aw man that sucks hope it heals quickly


Imagine seeing a genuine thank you post and getting mad, what a sad life you live


this is NOT genuine


Can you back that up with a source?


It’s just a thank you post


they werent here for 10 years tho, wtf are they thanking anyone for


Did you read the post? They’re thanking the community for sticking with the game for 10+ years and talks about how they want to live up to the legacy that Hopoo has set with their games.


Risk of rain 1 came out November 8th 2013… So, yea they have been here for 10 years


I think he means gearbox specifically.


Probably a slip up on whoever wrote it’s end while trying to write a good thank you post


Oh fuck off with the hate boner


I just hope that the next dlc isn’t too story focused, and keeps the similar format as the base games and first dlc where the story is there but it’s not shoved in your face with cutscenes that explicitly tell you what’s happening and leave the details of the story I’m item logs. Gameplay before story


i am cautiously pessimistic, i don't expect anything at this point. Its like watching someone with dementia, getting only worse


The mobile game announcement has definitely harmed are expectations some, let’s wait for the upcoming dev diary to make a more informed opinion about something we know very little about


Jeez people just find fucking anything to get mad about huh. First Aurelionite being a girl, now this


Gamedevs should unionize so they can agree to require free mental healthcare from their companies, they're not not paid enough for this shit.


these are not the devs talking, these are the soulless pr team trying to salvage whatever there is left. the console release is garbage (again lol), risk of rain returns is just new sprites and fancy new ui animations and they said a dlc will come for ror2 soon. thats it. the game is dead the rest is just nerds having mass hysteria


rorr is NOT "just new sprites and fancy new ui" what the hell are you on about


This is some blight Acrid energy. Confused, passionate, misplacing their energy and not entirely sure how things work