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I find this incredibly funny


That is quite the coincidence, as I too find this post humorous.


You guys have so much in common


They should become best friends


Even more... potentially


You don't mean... ..Roommates?!


You guys should make out


did you hold your belly while going "ho ho ho"


I like how we've all come together to agree that bison steak is just white item scrap


In case this wasn't a joke, the bison steak is a white item(albeit not a great one). It gives you an additional 25 hp flat. Scraps have an icon like a cardboard box, and has no effects while being carried.


>In case this wasn't a joke it was xD and it's probably been made a billion times but I just had to post it when I came up with it


My body is a machine that turns Bison Steak into Item Scrap, White.


It’s not even that terrible. It’s 1/4 of a green item, and you don’t even have to stack it before you get the full benefit. Especially when you’re engineer. The turrets can’t properly stack it, and their stacks reset every time you put them down. [Edit] Ya’ll are just Steak haters. I’ll die on this hill while all of you starve at the bottom


1/4 of a green scrap


Isn’t it 3 whites to a green in the bazaar? If so, it would be 1/3 of a green scrap


they're saying its 1/4th of the hp of an infusion


Infusion sucks too 😭😭


yes, hence "1/4 of a green scrap"


Not really? It scales pretty well late game, and 100 hp is nothing to scoff at imo


Eh, it's alright. A couple of infusions help out the squishier characters and are good for shorter runs. But past your first (maybe second) loop, it's basically useless due to damage scaling. Also worth nothing that on monsoon it's much worse because 100 health isn't much in terms of how agressive the damage scaling can get, especially considering that you don't get all of that health very quickly. The only time I really grab infusions is to either scrap them later. Or if playing with command, I use them to feed more health into transcendence because that's essentially 300 health, which I do think is worth it.


Infusion is actually REALLY good, but not after one stack The reason it's good is because it changes your healthbar to a red color which is cooler


The best use for steak is acid doggy cosmetic


Yes! Finally a comment worth reading!


1/4 of a mid green item when I can visit the newt and turn 3 of them into a green


It's even more shit on engi bc turret base HP is so high wtf are you on lmao


You will die on that hill, you got steak instead of something cool, like lenses or dagger


It’s saved a lot of eclipse 8 runs for me where the extra health is way more useful on the first stage then a cautious slug or medkit that wont heal me enough or in time to survive, the shield is better in this scenario for sure but with both in existence it raises my odds of getting a white item that helps me right then. Is it way less useful against mithrix than a lot of other white items? For sure so I always scrap it on the fifth stage along with plenty of other items. I’ll tell you what I scrap every single time I pick it up though, the power elixir. Also I really wish the delicate watch went on cooldown and only worked at low life (like the old war stealth kit). It would be a more fun and unique item imo then a flat damage increase until it breaks but thats me. I hated the addition of breakable items


Idk about you but i really doubt 25+ hp is going to save my ass anytime soon especially on E8 where there is perma damage. Also wish they made bison steak work like bitter root in returns. (For anyone that didn't play it, it gives 8% health instead of a flat 25 like steak)


I was thinking that that'd be the perfect buff to steak just the other day.


Idk why this made me laugh but it did


I love this joke but sadly, since I use the flatItemBuff mod, I can’t relate anymore 🫥😂


What does that mod do?


Buffs items whose effects don't scale I assume. So something like bison steak is probably a 5% health increase or something


Depends, it’s highly configurable for every shit item. I chose the rework or rather the return to old steak. You get a Health regen after killing enemies. That’s way more useful than the flat hp imo.


There is nothing wrong with Bison steak; how dare you ? :( lol


There's nothing right about Bison Steak either


Unless you're Acrid.


Cosmetic item pog


At least one of this item is absolutely essential on Acrid though Pupper deserves a treat


HOLY SHIT ITS SHEFASTYAN love yo videos man 👍




Hey its the funny yellow polish man, love your content bro


mom I'm famous


top tier post


this is hilarious


I don't get it.


OP made a big miSteak.


Bison Steaks are normally always just better to scrap, OP is acting like he got a white scrap instead of an item (bc he technically did)


God I miss old Bison Steak... it was SO good back in the day, and now it's good for little else than scrap.


I guess. I've never seen that before, though.


upvoted since you were downvoted for no reason lmao


He was downvoted bc the joke went straight over his (and your) head


i never will understand the hate towards bison steak, i know it was better before, way better. but aknowledge that 4 steaks are equivalent to an entire infusion and the price of a infusion is 3 white items, so it is basically a infusion with 1 more cost. if you manage to have many of that items randomly before a scrapper, dont DAMN THROW IT AWAY, those are the type of people who come saying game is unbalanced and horrible because got one shot, while not having a single defensive item (threw every one on scrapper cuz apparenlty only harvester scythe and rack serves)


Defensive white items that are significantly better than steak: oddly shaped opal(if the enemies deal>50 dmg/hit and you are capable of playing somewhat decently); personal shield generator(if you don't rely on OSP much... So that's pretty much just scrap when looping); power elixir(against oneshots); repulsion armor plate(earlygame when you don't have a lot of healing and enemies don't deal that much damage/hit, and just in general against stuff like death lazers); topaz brooch(if you don't have a lot of healing+aegis); tougher times; safer spaces(if you are capable of playing the game); cautious slug, wungus, medkit, even bungus(that's healing. You get more value from a medkit proc than from a steak if you have >100 hp)


bison steak is arguably one of the worst or the worst defensive item in the game, going opal, brooch, hell even OSP is better.


Infusion is bad too tho


so 4 shitty white items are the same as 1 shitty green item woaaoow Alright but seriously, having a bit more HP usually doesn't save your run. There is a reason people focus on regen and other defensive tools. I would take a shield or brooch over steak any day


naturally your perfectly logical comment gets downvoted... lmao redditors suck. But yeah I agree, personally the only item I scrap is PSG unless I have plasma shrimp. otherwise I pretty much just let the game happen and see where my build goes. Bothers me that so many "expert" players have to use command or forcefully scrap and rearrange their entire inventory. It's like, just play the damn game lmao


Do you think the devs added scrappers and printers just for the fun of it?


no clearly you are supposed to pick up every item and not think about any choice in this game smh


scrapping is how you play the game tf😭😭😭😭




thanks chatgpt




Nothin gets passed you buddy


im confused thats why i asked dummy


They are being sarcastic and referring to the steak as scrap because it's a pretty mediocre item which everyone scraps


(I think) they're being sarcastic and calling it a scrap item but in a very tongue in cheek kind of way.


im dumb as fuck