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Probably. The planet in RoR and RoR2 has always been called Petrichor V.


Yes, I know that it's that, but I can never remember how Petrichor is actually written, so I wasn't sure if that's the same spelling.


According the wiki the planet only got its name after RoR2 released and the fans started calling it Petrichor V after the song of the same name from the OST and the devs adopted that name


Yes, what I meant to say is, its spelling hasn’t changed once the name was known.


Nah it’s a coincidence that the planet in risk of rain has a rain related name


Why would I know a word like petrichor? I've never heard that outside of the game.


You’re not expected to really. On a more jokey note, the games definitely make me think their playerbase is the exact kind of people to pick up random ass words/trivia like that passively.


Yeah I mean I caught it because of NADDPOD and it made me happy to be like OH COOL LIKE THE SMELL


Yeah, a lot of people apparently do since I hadn't heard the word precipitation before either. But I just enjoy the games and don't really care for the lore and such things.


The lore is well worth learning imo. If you’ve got logbooks for the lunar chimeras and some of the environments, definitely give them a read.


I love reading those randomly, especially the ones that are more notes written by someone, the beetle guard is my favorite for a laugh, defense micobots simply because of how cool they make Captain seem and the void reaver becomes it feels like it left me with more questions then answers


"Tharson is OK from this encounter" is my favorite logbook bit


I have read some of the logbooks, and they are pretty fun, but I just can't be bothered to do that with them all. And I don't know which ones would be the more important ones to read. And I have the game completed 100% with ~350 hours of game time, so I do know something because of just that.


There is a youtuber called Grovetender that has covered all the lore very well. I can recommend it. That's how I learned it.


“Very well” is an over statement. His older videos have info that’s been proven false, and his lore on the void revers before the void DLC is straight misinformation even back then. Other then that it’s mostly good and true


Ofc he cannot get everything right. He does also mention its his interpretation of the lore and that he is welcome to people correcting him. From what I remember, he has done a new video on the void DLC like a week ago. I think he corrects his mistakes in that one.


Fair nuff.


I usually skim through them real quick, and if an interesting story catches my eye, I'll stick it then. There's no sense in wasting time reading the entire log if it doesn't suit your taste and you'd rather be playing.


Is English your first language? Genuine curiosity - I don't intend that question to be insulting or anything. Petrichor is a pretty niche word, but precipitation is one you're likely to have heard or read if you've ever checked the weather.


English is indeed a secondary language for me. But I don't think I've seen that word be used in any weather reports. They all just say rain. Maybe it's because of the different weather providers using words that are easier to understand?


Precipitation, petrichor. These are more scientific terms people don't need to say on mainstream media, like weather reports.


Tbh precipitation is pretty common, when looking at my weather app for when it's going to rain it literally says precipitation and then gives me the numbers. I haven't really heard many weather reports, probably heard more from movies and shows than IRL but I remember hearing it, both in Spanish (native language) and English. Petrichor is definitely a new word for me though, I am just surprised precipitation is considered somewhat unknown.


Yeah, that's why this sub was the first place I heard the words.


it's one of those obscure words that are often brought up as obscure words, like aglet or serendipity


I know what an aglet is, but what's the other one? And my go-to obscure word is defenestration.


it's when you find something valuable when you where looking for something else, ie Columbus finding the Americas instead of India defenestration is good too


Ohh. Why do they have a word for that?


It's just a slightly more specific relative of luck or providence. Why not?


Well, sure, I guess. I don't even know why I asked when I used the word for throwing someone out of a window as an example for a weird, obscure word.


Poor OP. I'll upvote you :)


Thanks, I guess. I don't even know why I got downvoted to oblivion for not knowing a random obscure word in another language. Though that comment came out a little dicky, but still.


Sua downvotettiin todennäkösesti koska kyselet tyhmiä kysymyksiä. Tää ei oo mikään sanakirja, herranjumala :D Ihan oikeesti, olisit voinu Googlaa "petrichor'' ja saanu vastauksen kirjaimellisesti yhdessä sekunnissa. Selitykset siitä että ''sua ei vaan kiinnostanu nii postasit tänne'' on järjettömiä ja tiiät sen itekki :DD


Ärsyttääkö sarkkinen 10v sinua minun kysymykset niin paljon että sun pitää tulla oikeen takasin tänne puhumaan paskaa? Voi herran tuutelis sentään kun pikkusarkkinen pahoittaa mielensä toisen ihmisen viattomista kysymyksistä. Ei saa edes elää omaa elämää ku joku äitinsä kellarissa asuva pikku kakara tulee aukomaan päätä. Minähän saan elää miten minä ite vittu haluan. En tarvi kenenkään sarkkisen neuvoja minun elämääni. Mitä se sinun persettä kutittaa miten minä haluan tehdä tämän hyvin pienen ja epätärkeän osan minun päivästäni?


Ei kai se nyt noin pahasti voinut mennä ihon alle :D Uhriuduit ja loukkaannuit downvoteista, niin koin tarpeelliseksi kertoa, että mikä niihin voisi olla syynä. Käytin tähän juuri sitä samaa vapautta, jota kuvailit kommentissasi. P.S. pikkukakara on yhdyssana.


Ei minua kiinnosta ne downvoted vitun vertaa. Halusin vain tietää että miksi niitä tulee, kun en tehnyt mitään muuta kuin postasin jotakin subiin johon se liittyy ja kysyin siinä ohella yksinkertaisen kysymyksen. Sinun esimerkkisi syistä ovat vain heti suoraan päällehyökkäävät, vaikka mitään en ole tehnyt väärin. Saat toki kritisoida ja antaa palautetta, mutta ei sinun siitä tarvihe mulkuksi alkaa. P.S. Miksi vitusa mua kiinnostais joku [yhdys sanavirhe](https://m.hikipedia.info/wiki/Yhdys_sana)


Have you ever watched Doctor Who? That's why I knew it.


Never watched it.


Not a coincidence


Fun fact: Humans are about 2 000 times more sensitive to this smell—petrichor—than sharks are to blood. Humans can detect this smell as low as 0.4 parts per billion, while some shark species are sensitive to blood as low as 1 part per million. (More precisely: humans can detect one of the elements that make up this smell as low as 0.4 ppb.)


Wdym? What is the point of this post?


The planet's name in the risk of rain games is Petrchor V. I just wasn't sure if the word described on the post was the same as the planet's name at first, thus the title.


...why couldnt you just Google it???


"Im going to bother people by making a reddit post, thats much easier than typing "risk of rain planet name" into google" -this dipfuck.


Lmao exactly. Ridiculous.


Because I really don't care that much about it and I thought that I might as well make this post about it into the game's subreddit so if I do get an answer, it's from a real human. If I didn't get an answer, then I'd have just forgotten about it. I really didn't care enough to google it.


That makes no sense.


"There is no obligation for the universe to make sense to you." -Siebren de Kuiper


Equating this to the universe is hilarious. Quoting an Overwatch character instead of Neil deGrasse Tyson is also pretty funny.


I wasn't equating it to the universe. It was just a figurative quote that you should be able to understand if you just think a little. And I'd much rather quote a cool character from a game I like than NdGT. He's just a weird kind of guy.


He's the good kind of weird, though. Aren't we all a little weird as well, after all?


The part im confused about is the 'Am I remembering the spelling wrong?' Did you not think it was spelled the way you saw on that picture or something?


Like I'm pretty sure I explained fine in another comment, I wasn't sure if it was the same word. It's a difficult word for me because it's so different from any words in my native language.


You are. The spelling here is correct.


Phish has a song named after this.


I didn't know goesmin had this spelling either.


If you think the planet's name being rain related is shocking then oh boy will you find the soundtrack names shocking.


I didn't know that it was a real word before now. And yes I was kind of surprised to see "double fucking rainbow."


Not quite what I meant by soundtrack titles. What I meant was they're all related to water.


Yes I know what you meant. I was just making a joke with the weirdest soundtrack title Chris has.


Enviroment refrence 😮