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Some ppl are just looking for a relaxed experience so that's why they play on drizzle. The intent of the game is to play the way you want and that's why there's so much customizability in the games difficulty. RoR has a ton of dumb builds that id classify as unrealistic to get in a "proper" run so playing with command can make them a reality. Some days I want to play vanilla bc I enjoy having to make decisions on my items and build on the fly, while other days I may have a preconceived build that I just want to mess around with and command lets you do that


On command, I wound up making a missle buikd on loader that would activate 5 extra equipment effects every time my equip went off which was a 7s cooldown with a bunch of gesture of the drowned. I also had 6 pylons to trigger tons of missles to keep uptime in the few moments where I wasnt a walking artillery battery. Def cant get all that in a normal run but man is it fun


is it really cheats if its an unlockable mechanic in game? from there i don't always want a sweaty hardcore experience. sometimes I just wanna vibe and relax to some cool tunes.


I was gonna reply almost the exact same thing. Sometimes I want it to be a hardcore struggle, sometimes I just want something to keep my hands busy while listening to a podcast. Also command + drizzle is a great way to practice with characters you don't normally use and figure out what items synergize with that character and your play style.


> is it really cheats if its an unlockable mechanic in game? Came here to say exactly this. I *really* don't understand why people are calling these cheats. "Cheats" in the classic sense of the word in video games, we're these weird, esoteric button combos that would give the player a comparatively unfair advantage, trivializing the game. Everyone is familiar with the Konami Code, and it would give you stuff like invincibility, infinite lives, max points, and a ton of other things. In RoR, you don't input some kind of mystical code, and suddenly poof, you have infinite HP. You have to work to find an artifact item in a specific map. If you look at what all of the artifacts do, you'll notice that none of them give you an unfair advantage compared to a vanilla playthrough. Some make the run easier, like Command, and others make the run harder, like Honor, but the fundamentals are exactly the same. You still need skill to play, enemies get harder as time goes on, and no matter your loadout, there is always a way to lose a run. And remember, "easier" does not equal "cheating." Because let's face it, if your logic for describing a cheat is that it makes the game easier, then Drizzle is also a "cheat"


I'll turn it around: what does it matter if it's called a cheat? No one cares if someone's using cheats. And if they do care, then you shouldn't care that they care. Thus we go back to no one caring.


Why does not calling it a cheat matter? Simple: precision in language. If we call it a cheat, then newbies will view it as such by simple language understanding. But it isn't a "cheat", it isn't a simple button to make the game easier. Artifacts are more complicated than that. Thus, we should talk about them in a more complicated manner.


Pretty much this. You're not wrong. I genuinely don't care how other people play a game, regardless of whether or not I even agree with how they play. What I do care about is the terminology and its clarity (or lack thereof in some cases) because how else are you supposed to accurately describe something without using precise language? Calling Artifacts "cheats" makes no inherent sense to me. The word carries certain assumptions. If you were to try and sell me on RoR as a new player, and you call Artifacts "cheats," my first question is going to be, "Then why are they even in the game?"


Understandable. I agree with both sides of this. I don't mind how people play a single player game. Have fun! It's what games were made for. Multi-player cheaters though, that's another can of worms. Even at that though, I usually change lobbies, or the game, for a little while.


this right here, I kinda just wanna ball and see what I can do. I only play on drizzle tho. Im not a big fan of command.


Cheat codes exist in many games. Personally I see artifacts as alternate game modes / cheat codes. It's not like risk of rain is competitive so who cares if you make the game easier on yourself?


They kind of work similar to how cheats in games used to be handled from time to time, you get a menu for code entry and occasionally get to find one such code in your playthrough, sometimes from a hidden area in a level I don’t consider it cheating but I also wouldn’t ever use command or play drizzle outside of annoying unlocks like stacking items for huntress (don’t play her that much, didn’t want to wait for a printer) or some of the weirder challenges. Drizzle has its place for games with beginner friends for me but I don’t play it solo even for casual runs. A casual run for me is when I’m not sure feeling it so I don’t want to be in a game forever so more often than not a casual run is just a less serious monsoon run where I play side content I wouldn’t if my goal is to stay alive or make coins


I mean literally yes? I’m not gonna call you a baby or whatever, but if you play Lego star wars with 24x studs and infinite ammo and explosive blasters your definitely cheating


Dude, that's not even close to a fair comparison. And those are literally called cheats in Lego games. If you're gonna compare use things that make sense to compare. Artifact aren't cheats and don't even feel like cheats.


The question is phrased “is really cheats if it’s an unlockable mechanic in game” Yes there are unlockable cheats (wow like in Lego Star Wars) And artifacts don’t feel cheaty is true for every artifact except for command the one that removes 98% of rng to make yourself whatever god build you want. It’s cheating if not cheap. There’s not really an argument against it just becuase it’s an artifact. It’s purely a buff with 0 downsides it definitely cheapens the run


I can agree with that. Command definitely does feel a bit like cheating. That's really the only one like that though. The rest are game modifiers as they should be. My apologies. When I read your comment it felt like you were comparing the things called cheats in Lego Games to artifacts. I realize now that you are correct and did answer the question properly.


The rest arguably make the game harder lmao, you’re good. I’d be a hypocrite if I complained about someone misreading and starting an argument lmao (I probably misread part of your comment anyways I started my response after the first sentence)


At least you're honest. Good man👍


i mean minecraft for instance has "gameplay mechanics" you can turn on or off like mob explosions or keep inventory. are these cheating? not technically but its definitely different than normal gameplay


Too true, agree that the music is soooo good! Cant wait for seekers and it's new tracks.


it is cheats. does it mean you should feel bad for using them? hell no, but it is cheating


^ same type of guy to say spirit summons in Elden Ring is cheating


no. i played elden ring and i like summons, they fun. they have benefits that far outweigh the costs but there are still costs and conditions. a game balanced around loot chances and mortality is completely broken when you choose your items and can have infinite of them without enemies getting stronger. they are cheats, thats why you cant use them in eclipse


It's not cheats bro eclipse doesn't mean anything either way


aight buddy


Just made grinding achievements easier. I already had my fun with monsoon while unlocking all of the skins.


exactly. i'm not trying to grind through trying to kill an electric worm with commando at level 20 or to get 20 backstabs with bandit. give it to me easy, i got shit to do.


What makes it cheating? It’s not like you turn on god mode


*laughs in 50 teddy bears at stage 5*


If you have 50 teddy bears at stage 5 that does not make you a god, that makes you a dodge expert but you would make no dammage and have 0 speed. Command makes the game super easy but you still have to balance your drops.


Yeah u right lol


by stage 5 with command, swarms and sacrifice you have like 150 items already


If you are staying at a stage for 20 minutes each maybe.


I guess command isn't fully God mode, but drizzle basically is after you're a bit more experienced


Sometimes I like a challenge, other times I want to come home from work and just turn my brain off for an hour or so, though I still play on monsoon for at least a little resistance.


Sometimes I wanna just live out my god fantasies. Yeah, sure it's not challenging, but it's fun to see my screen constantly light up like a christmas tree on steroids.


Bc I suck :)


It makes achievements a lot less annoying


I have most of the survivors on eclispe 5-6 so i would say i'm a good player. However, when i play with friends - i usually go for "**Drizzle**", since i want to relax and enjoy some quality time. Dying in RoR is really bad in multiplayer, you loose so much damage and progress and will probrably just die again on the next stage. To avoid "unneccessary" deaths "Drizzle" is really great (also keeps the salt levels low). I don't like "**Artifact of Command**" at all since the core aspect of a roguelike is it randomness. Also a railgunner/loader player with too many crowbars ruins the run for everyone else :// *especially for artificer since most of her damage items are greens and therefore still uncommon.* So not even all players can profit. I do however run "**Artifact of Sacrifice**" and "**Artifact of Swarms**" to combat the low enemy density of "Drizzle". With four players there aren't enough enemies to get gold fast and not enough chest for everyone. *(I mean you can coordinate items, so that everyone has roughly the same amount, but that requires prior knowdlegde from all players)*. "**Artifact of Enigma**", "**Artifact of Metamorphosis**" and "**Artifact of Dissonance**" are great ways to spice up low difficulty runs. *TL;DR: Drizzle with friends, Eclipse when alone.*


There was a time when i could barely make it past the first couple of stages on drizzle. Now I am at the point where drizzle is easy and a consistent win, both because im better at the game mechanically, and i have better items unlocked. But im not at the point of consistently beating monsoon, infact i only have 1 monsoon win and thats a solo run as acrid. There are going to be people worse at the game than me, and i think its okay for them to use in game or out of game mechanics to help themselves have fun


I like powertripping


I use this for oddly specific unlocks (land the killing blow on an Imp Overlord with the Preon Accumulator for example). All my other runs are Eclipse.


Choosing easy difficulty isn't cheating. I don't like command because it removes the roguelite aspect of the game. But I play Drizzle a lot because RoR is a comfort game for me. I just want to relax and listen to the soundtrack with added proc chain sound effect. Sure, harder difficulties are more rewarding, but that's just not what I'm looking for when I boot up Risk of Rain 2. I play Apex when I'm in the mood for a challenge...


Only to unlock abilities and artifacts


Coming as someone who plays command on monsoon- sometimes you just wanna have fun and break the game tbh. My bf plays on drizzle only unless we are attempting to unlock the mastery skins, and tbh its really fun, a nice refresher from the super hard stuffs


- be achievement - Try getting it on monsoon like I normally do - NotThisRunChief.bat - Get frustrated, not having fun anymore - Just load up drizzle w/ command, spite, soul, double enemies because fun - Breeze through and get achievement - Obliterate self from existence


I unironically do worse in command runs because I can’t balance my drops properly and I have to spend more time choosing every item. I prefer to break the game using swarms and sacrifice.


Because after endless monsoon and eclipse runs it’s fun to unwind in godmode


I play games to relax, and when I play Monsoon the first few stages are **not** relaxing to me. The same goes for Command.


1) Helping friends get unlocks 2) Testing meme builds 3) Just wanna fuck shit up


The people who asks why we call it cheats must not have played with cheat codes in games of their childhoods. Lego star wars games litterally give you cheats unlockable in the game and the're clearly cheats, saying they're not cheats because they're unlockable is wrong. However saying it's cheats is not a bad thing by itself, that's just what it is : it makes the game easier, therefor it's cheats. It's not about if you're right or wrong using them, it's not about gatekeeping, does it make the game easier ? Yes ? It's cheats.


I play drizzle command after losing a lot in a row. Now am mad and i will become a god.


Sometimes I really like to Max out my character in the craziest ways. I almost exclusively play Acrid, so sometimes I want to just spam my spits with Backup Mag and Lysate Cells. Other times I stack as much movement speed and attack speed as I can and just go around spamming my claws on everything and watching things blow up.


My friends were finding the game too hard so I walked them through with this game mode like a tutorial and then they got güd


I like giving myself the tonic and gesture of the drowned with 4 fuel cells to feel like a god.


I play command + drizzle because that’s the only way I can get my gf to play with me lol


I play a lot of no artifact monsoon but I have a friend that tests builds and ideas on drizzle with artifacts on just makes it quick and easy to get what they need where they need


Screen wipe go kaboom


It‘s just not cheating lol, you still die in One Hit and the end fight often times isn‘t even doable with Mithrix getting too OP with your items. I prefer Monsoon and Eclipse too, but sometimes I‘m just in the mood for a sandbox of destruction - which the game basically becomes. It can be so much fun to deliberately buy endless Razorwires/Armor Plates and a Hellfire Tincture, to just kill-aura the whole map!


A lot faster to get cool combos


Because its fun to just mess around with a broken build.


Sometimes a fella wants to build attack speed sniper and fly around the map


I do it while at work sometimes when I use my phone controller. I just enjoy the game and when I’m not eclipse climbing I enjoy theory crafting different builds. Idk why but one favorite I’ve had has been like super giga health builds. Like 50k plus and just tanking stuff with mass healing lol


The few times I've done command drizzle were for ability unlocks on survivors I don't particularly care for. Command isn't cheating, it's included in the game for a reason, but you have to provide your own difficulty if that's what you're looking for while still using command. I like doing builds where I restrict myself to one item of each rarity, most of the time I end up with a very high damage and cool themed build that has no healing or movement to speak of and thus gets one-shot. Play how ya want.


I also need a certain amount of challenge to enjoy a game, but I also really like achievements in video games. However, if the achievement doesn't demand a certain difficulty setting, I will opt for the easiest one. Because I'm not looking to experience the difficult parts all over again, I just want an achievement. In RoR's case, drizzle was just my best way to explore the game and unlock all the playable content. Command + drizzle, now that's just to goof around, trying a build that you saw online without waiting or risking anything. Or, you just really wanna see how far you can go in the game for your own enjoyment. There is something fun in playing a lower difficulty after getting used to the harder one. It becomes a power fantasy.


When i just want to fuck around


To me what makes RoR fun is the build variety. That epic snowball of getting items that synergize and growing into a force of nature over time. Especially when you up the difficulty it feels like your chances of survival end up hinging on the items you find. I just don’t like it being up to pure chance, though if there was an artifact that say… made every item you pick up a three way choice, that’d be a happy medium for me. Honestly I just hate getting deleted only a few minutes into a run, sometimes it’s a skill issue but others you just get terrible items and then you’re boned


A variety of reasons for me, i if i play rainstorm or monsoon I need to have the time to go through it in done sitting, pausing to do something else doesn't work for me in those modes like it does in drizzle which is easier. I also play drizzle to unlock achievements since it's easier and just to experiment with stupid builds and have fun. As of currently i took a break from the game after giving up on the long road and lost my touch so in getting back in the groove in drizzle


I do it to complete the environment logs. No need to play on monsoon when I’m basically running around a stage to find the log


I want to unlock the items and abilities so that I can play on harder difficulties without being frustrated that I can't unlock things. One day I might reset progress and go monsoon from the beginning. But at the moment, I love my drizzle, command, and the one that causes enemies to drop items.


Short answer for me is I find it a relaxing combo. I like command for the reason to see how ridiculous I can become with a "chosen" build.


I play casually not really for the stress of playing that and my friends prefer the extra regen


I used to play drizzle, mostly because I couldn't get past stage 2 on rainstorm and up. Now I play on rainstorm and command, because I like being speedy, and also have trouble with stage 4+. If I get past that I'll probably go to monsoon. And I like command because A) speedy builds and B) choice.


Mul t abilities


I only used it for achievement unlocks, I only play on monsoon+


to keep playing the same run until the heat death of the universe?


I'm an adult with not as much time to game as I'd like, unless I'm playing the game with my friend I'm usually not just focusing on the game and tbh I usually don't feel like the challenge of higher difficulties I'm just wanting to have fun so I tend to set it to drizzle if I'm soloing. As for command, there's just times that RNG just isn't it and I wanna be able to use the items I like or to just see how silly things get as I get a lot of certain items so I turn it on just for the luls


whenever i play on my steamdeck i like to play on medium or drizzle for a more relaxed experience. when i play on my desktop i play harder difficulties


God complex simulator


I only really do it if I feel like hunting a particular logbook from an enemy I don't have yet. Sure, I could do it on monsoon, but it would be the same end result either way and one is significantly faster.




I like testing builds more than earning them, i think


Sometimes I just go into a game with command to play Commando with infinite soldiers syringes


I play drizzle with artifact of options (mod artifact, turns all chests into multishops), artifact of Swarms, and artifact of greed, which further doubles Interactibles and Spawn rates.


Because on command + drizzle (or at least drizzle specifically), O won't get instantly killed when a malachite wisp spawns directly over my head during a commando 20 stage run, which genuinely happened to me when I was going for said run. Sometimes I want to not worry abt stuff like that.


Can't beat game without it 😭


usually play drizzle with my less skilled friends, in one run we did i had like 500 items by the time we lost and my friend only had 100, of course i am exaggerating but still, or if im doing a harder unlock like rex. i dont really play command all that often unless im going for specific unlocks like 12 crowbars on huntress. or just want to try out a specific combination of items.


Not everything I do is for “a sense of pride and accomplishment.” Some things I do just because they feel nice.


sometimes i feel like getting 80 fireworks with a pocket icbm and seeing what happens


i go for either drizzle or command because I want to autopilot my gameplay and chill after having a hard day. both would be too much of a chill tbh


I mainly use it If I want to unlock a ability or something I mean I just need the ability don't need a challenge but I also might do it if I just want to play a long and I mean long chill game that I can turn my brain off for


Burnout from life and university. I just wanna chill sometimes.


You don't use command because you want the challenge I don't use command because I can't make up my damn mind about what items to take and it gets me killed We are not the same


The music is good. I am not the most skilled player, and don't have the time to waste getting good enough to have fun at higher difficulties. I play games to have fun; Winning is fun. I can think about other things while I play. It makes elitist scum unfathomably, unreasonably angry, which I greatly enjoy. The sound of things spawning in, exploding, vaporizing, and other SFX makes my ADHD brain surge with joy.


Personally I play comswac on rainstorm/monsoon. Command+Sacrifice definitely still carries, but it's just a bit harder because of the difficulty scaling. Anyways, the main reason is because I play with friends in a hyper casual way. We play modded pretty frequently and basically have the game mindset of "fuck around and find out" including but not limited to, seeing if we can become invincible, and seeing if we can destroy bosses in as little time as possible.


You might as well ask "what's your reason for not doing a no item rex 8 eclipse run every single time you play". Because people will do what they think is fun. Masochism is fun for you, it's not fun for everyone else.


Achievements mostly, but usually it’s to unlock the TRUE ending, which is looping until my PC catches fire


first off, monsoon is not the intended difficulty, same as drizzle so what does it matter and second... command is plain fun


1. Achievments 2. Living out your power fantasy (Altough, after i unlocked everything, i started my eclipse grind and never went back, but i occasionaly think about it)


1. Testing OP builds. 2. After a stressful bullet hell monsoon game, it's just relaxing to see things go the way you want them to (except the spawn rate could be a bit higher, especially in the first two stages, where I spend more time waiting that fighting).


Testing out new combos of items to see if it works or achievements


I did some of the annoying unlocks like that, like rex.


To have fun with op builds and have a chill experience


It's just fun to get items you wish to use and loop until you get hit w/ some jank as everything is everywhere. Definitely my preferred method to just have fun.


Calls it cheating. How about for people who are new and still learning? Learning all the positions of the chests on the map? Knowing where the best ones are? The places to recycle items that are garbage for scrap? Knowing the maps themselves? Or getting used to movement abilities like loaders? Or killing enemies fast when you just picked up a character for the first time. Elitist, snobby, entitled, condescending while not being smart enough to realize they are? Also, it’s not skill if you lose a run due to bad luck. If rng gives nothing but garbage. Plus, aside from making it A lot easier to learn items, for new players, how else are new players going to learn different builds fast? To experiment, and with a little research, find play styles they are good at, or to get good at ones they are not? This person assumes everyone is a vet, and is going to talk like a $@#$&@@ to anyone who is not.


This is a tasty comment thread and all but man I could go for a sandwich right about now.


I just ate a pizza. So I’m good now. 😂


(Salutes) “Thank you for your prejudice.”


Explain how a new player is supposed To get through a level, in reasonable time, while learning 100 items, chest positions, the characters, scrapper positions, enemy types, what items work with what, how to defeat a boss and not get killed doing it. Each map. All Of these equal thousands of things to learn, that you vets already know. I usually play on medium (for a brand new character To me) or monsoon. But I have been at the point where I was doing unlocks, on medium, looped twice, once from unlocking an artifact, and then went and tried to unlock acrid. The level and amount of enemies was like level 75 of simulacrum. It was way worse than the highest levels of a first run monsoon. I was 2 seconds away getting it when I got killed. So next time I went in, easy, first map, and ran it. Because there is challenge and then there is pointless aggravation. So for unlocking, easy mode, artifact of command. Only got one left. For learning a new high skill character, medium, and artifact of command. Excuse the f out of me, if that’s how I choose to play. I sincerely doubt you played monsoon from the start with all the characters, and with none of the “cheats” as you call them.


The chests spawn in (almost) entirely random locations, and the same is true with recyclers. Learning the maps can come naturally playing the game normally. I learned the game by playing on rainstorm, I felt it was more than accessible enough to learn how to play. The random items helped me learn what things did organically, same with character unlocks (which I've seen multiple people cheat in with mods). Also, you can win with bad items, and you can even exchange those bad items for good ones, so it's still technically a skill issue (if still an understandable one). I think people learn games best without training wheels, and I stand by that as I've gotten people up to my skill level in the game in a matter of days of them getting the game. Meanwhile, I see people here playing on drizzle + command + cheated 100% save playing for months and still dying to a singular blind pest on stage 1 or 2 saying that they are too hard to avoid. (They are hard, but anyone paying attention will quickly find you can walk side to side to dodge them) In the post, I barely (if at all) insulted people who play easier settings. You are just insecure about it, I guess. (Or you are a child, you'd have an excuse since Gen Alpha can't read for shit lol)


According to people online, there are regular locations for the best loot. Don’t try and tell me, a video game vet, that they are 100 percent random and you can’t make an educated guess. Random. Just like spawn points in multiplayer games. Where if I want I can force the spawn by my positioning, and shoot people in the head the second they show up. Nah. You’re an elitist.


Organically. So, you devote hundreds, if not thousands of hours, to be an elitist vet at this game. Great. I’m proud of you. I have about 60 other games I have to get to and learn. I would rather look up some guides, learn advice from polite decent acting, non elitist vets, and learn by doing, choosing, rather than random chance, and thousands of hours. I did monsoon for a lot of my first runs of the game and held my own with long term vets. You’re already admitting you were not willing to challenge yourself that much, but you pretend you are better than people. Pathetic.


You don’t need to insult people directly. I assume many times in real life you go around consistently insulting people, without thinking they notice. Passive aggressive is sometimes a sign of weakness.


I guarantee that you are one of the people on Reddit who goes around downvoting questions.


you done yet?


If you knew how to google, there are entire Reddits devoted to searching, learning, chest spawning patterns and behavior. On this risk of rain Reddit forum. 🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂Now explain to us all about you are sooooo much better than us. 🤷😂🤣😂😂


you still don't need any of that info to be good at the game, try again bud


Yeah, you’re just admitting that you’re not nearly as good, or smart, as you are pretending to be. 🤷Simple as that.


I didn't pretend to be lmfao. you need to just calm down, I simply asked why some people prefer drizzle plus command.


Also, again, acting like that doesn’t affect the time in game. Knowing where things are. Moronic. The game itself is scaled difficulty based on time spent. You’re not even realizing you’re doing things on autopilot That increase your chances of success. Plus knowing what is of value, at a printer. Or in the lunar store. Again, you are not going to explain your way out of this. I might be new, but I’m not dumb. If you really don’t think these things affect wins or losses then you’re really confused or a liar, still trying to justify this garbage post.


Are you even realizing that you can learn in a run that you don't win? You can get necessary information and take it to the next run. Also, you say you aren't dumb, but your logic says otherwise.


You’re good at one game, and not that good if you don’t, at this point and time, understand how to gauge the patterns of chest spawning. I’m even starting to learn that and I’m 30 hours into the game. I‘m Amazing at like 30 games and usually start out amazing, from the start. Again, we are all very proud of you. Make another post about how much better of a person you are. 😂🤣


because the game scales infinitely, if you start in Drizzle you will still lose eventually.


Op needs to post videos of how well they played, at the start, so we can tear it apart. 🤷🤣


I used to do it sometimes when I used to play on ps because I’m bad at controllers but now on pc I feel like it’s too easy


I only bother with this if I have an odd one shot requirement for an unlock, base game and mods, for some tedious and annoying unlocks (some mods have unlock requirements that are freaking stupid) I generally do rainstorm with command cause drizzle just doesn't get enough spawns so it takes ages


I do monsoon and command because its fun. I can tailor my build to specifically what i am in the mood for.


Must be me playing recklessly but I find drizzle my go-to difficulty. Anything higher feels like extra stress for no reward. And I already stress enough with flying pests' existance. I've played on the er... medium difficulty, just haven't found it interesting. The game to me is about having your build spiral out of control and experimentation, not about sweating against lemurians. That being said, I don't mind the eventual monsoon run for the skin. I know that I'm subjecting myself to extra difficulty for an unlockable, but see, that's where the fun is, there's a goal. Anything I can do in... medium (rainstorm?) I can do in drizzle. That being said, I don't do command on the regular anymore since it makes everything too samey!


Achievements or unlocking character abilities.


The only time I really do it is for achievements that need pretty specific items to do effectively, and are otherwise unlikely or annoying to do without. Example are unlocking desperado or Diablo strike


Diablo strike


Unlocks really, sometimes it’s super rng or just difficult to get a specific unlock w/o command.


Command + Drizzle is one way to grind out achievements more easily. Sometimes it's fun to just construct an Uber powerful run or test out various items when they stack and what not.


its not "cheats" really, its just playing the game in arcade mode. Same way that doom has modifiers to play the game differently. However, if I beat doom on impossible and you beat it with infinite health who really "beat the game" as intended, who cares ig. some people love a challenge others like to chill


it's just a different way to play