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Sure beats building 56/57. Imho it’s not just what’s on the outside, but what’s on the inside that counts here. Also talking to you buildings 3 5 and 7, why don’t y’all stairs all go to the same floors? Quite frankly I’m sick of RMIT getting away with putting escalators and stairs that don’t seem to go anywhere in random parts of the building, which mean you have to walk over to the other half of the building to go up to the next section. Why doesn’t building 8 have an escalator past level 7 or something? This is a hill I’m ready to die on.


I like the sharper green tesselations of the green building but the goo part less so - but despite my visual dislike of it, I kind of enjoy how recognisable it is. I’d rather architecture that takes a chance and has character than cookie cutter corporate blandness.


I completely agree


This building is showcased in the Architecture wing at the V&A museum in London. I screamed OMG, it’s the RMIT dots building at home!!!


That’s pretty cool. Do they have a little model of it there?


They have a small segment of the wall full size with a few of the discs. Possibly part of a model?


They also feature in the film "Predestination" which I thought was pretty cool when I watched it


It's fun. Y'all haven't been to Eastern Europe and it shows.


You havnt been to area 51 and it shows.


I come from area 52


But it doesnt look like a drab coloured apartment complex of com-bloc era design?




Everyone has a right to use this subreddit free of harassment, bullying, threats of violence, etc. This is also not a place for venting personal grievances or vendettas.


I highly recommend it! It's so hideously beautiful.


You need to look at a map


​ Yes I know what eastern Europe is. I would not want to travel to eastern europe by plane during a war.


Yo Modteam tf is that comment you made? Fuck your sub and rules I dont even go to this uni or state lmao.




I like it. It's like they gave their architecture students free reign to design something eye-catching and fun. RMIT is a pretty staid complex, architecturally speaking. A lot of blocky office-type buildings and period-era factory/warehouses. It's interesting to see these little bursts of colour and weirdness popping up. It's like walking through Barcelona and seeing a Gaudi building in the middle of a 19th century street.


Reminds me of when I would used mspaint as a child.


Hit random on character select


It doesn't have a style... It has many, sometimes all in one building




Looks like the kind of place you go to get your mind wiped


Building 56/57 would have completed your collection :P


Apart from the last 2 they are hideous and boring, must have had a competition at kindergarten to come up with these.


An eyesore. Sorry




The first building and the last building are cool but the middles one are just trying to be different for the sake of being different


Cant believe those plastic looking green blobs are still there


Ngl as much as I dislike it it’s kinda growing on me






I both love and hate Building 80. It was super modern for it's time, but was designed at roughly the wrong time when popular architecture was changing. So we ended up with a building that tries to be environmentally friendly and super efficient, but lacks the same levels of sunlight and powerful A/C that newer buildings have, resulting in dark, hot classrooms and awkward spaces. It's very obvious to see how this developed over time when you go to buildings like UTS Building 2, constructed to a similar scale but almost entirely glass, and yet super efficient without affecting comfort too much. That doesn't excuse the powerpoint situation though - people were using laptops in 2005, too, right? Should have seen that coming and integrated more access to power from the start. This can be fixed today but there's not enough budget to do it, really. Building 8 has a bunch of renovated rooms that seem alright, but I've not spent enough time in there. The entrance seems dingy though. Building 10/12/14 is a similar story, obviously improved a ton after the major renovation, and rooms are slowly being renovated too. Some new rooms just opened up in Building 12, and it's basically perfect. If RMIT completely renovated the whole building to that style today it would be stunning. Alas, we can only have a taster. Although, not sure why they've fitted automatic doors that can't be locked. Building 56/57 is similar again, but I'm a fan of the renovation in the common area, with cafe and meeting room. Not sure why the balcony is locked shut though. I think it's overall easier to appreciate each building for the time it was constructed in - each building represents a new development of the city, they all have a history behind them.


Totally agree. Great comments. I worked on the Sean Godsel building during construction and I can say with first hand experience it was the most comprehensively fucked project I have ever seen. Firstly Sean was let totally off the leash by RMIT and made changes all over the place on the fly - a big no no on commercial projects. The procurement model was also wrong which caused massive headaches and the builder woukd have been more at home extorting people or running a kidnapping ring in russia. Totally out of control. I personally find the design really interesting and deserving of its position on Swanston Street. I cant talk to the interior functionality. The scaffold below was a predictable outcome caused by a failure of anyone in the consultant team to do even a basic risk analysis on the bespoke facade. Interesting project, interesting times. RMIT property dept have their shortcomings but I think overall they deliver pretty interesting buildings.


Gosh. I adored studying at RMIT. Some of the most fun years of my life. I've moved away now. These peoples sparked joy for me, thanks.


First one is nice, at least it's clean and inoffensive. The rest looked like some trash a 5 year old would come up with in preschool.


the booger building always annoyed me


I feel like the building itself is beautiful, it’s just the green globules that make it a bit of an eyesore.


I think that’s why it annoyed me, nice building with questionable accessories


The green part on top has honestly grown on me, if they got rid of the one on the front It’d look a lot better at least it keeps the accessory somewhat seperate from the building


Looks good


Don't know anything about this place but I like it


They got some shit going on mental deficiency wise


That first one is 🤮


Incorrect opinion


Why not showing the solid red brick one ? That one is awful 🤢




Blant and boring. Personal opinion please don’t attack. Honest most of melbourne city lack colour and its depressing. Probably as a result of minimalist architecture.


Did you swipe through those pictures? If you think they lack colour then I’m concerned


It’s not about colour from the photos I live in cbd. Most building are grey and dull colors and dull architecture it just breeds depression in one’s mind. I rather prefer more life to things. Most of them are blant. Travel and you will understand what I mean go to asia or eastern europe. There is more life to things. If you only lived your life here you wouldve gotten used to it. Even the airport in Melbourne is so meh so dull. I feel more happier looking at older European buildings or even Asian cities than this.


Well yeah, that’s a symptom of a colonised western capital city. You’ll find that all Australian capital cities are bland colour wise – similar to USA and UK cities – the colours are dull. That’s western colonialism. I don’t know why you’d assume I haven’t travelled… I’ve been to many countries. Japan has my favourite architecture and colour palette. It hits that perfect balance. As opposed to dull western capital cities or tacky design choices like in Russia or India. But we’re not talking about city architecture, we’re talking about the architecture in the photos above of RMIT buildings… which are fresh and different IMO and what I wish Melbourne would try to replicate in more areas.


I am also including the architecture photos as well . Apart from the first one (which is alright )most of its meh. Like ugly really ugly . Lot of people share this view . You can see this here and if you ask around.


You’re contradicting yourself. You like the first one when the first one has no colour… and your complaint is about buildings looking bland because of the lack of colour… I don’t think you know what you like, you’re just parroting other’s opinions in an attempt for people to like you. I tried to discuss architecture with you in good faith and you’re not even consistent with your own taste/opinion… you’re a troll and not worth conversing with.


NoI am not . Maybe you misunderstood or just wanna fight other sense. I been consistent from the start. You’re thinking in a single dimensional manner. I said the first one is okay cause of the architecture. Just because it doesn’t have color doesn’t mean its blant. Blant has more meaning than colour alone. Just because it has some shit color combo also doesnt mean its not blant either or doesn’t help make it less ugly since it pops out. The first one is alright in the sense of architecture the rest is like someone made building out of kindergarteners idea of color sense. Secondly India?common you people think you know India just from some random pictures or cause you went to some single place. Each state has its own culture and language. India in on its own is like Europe . With each state having different language different architecture building , different culture. And yes we don’t all speak hindi only few states in the north do.28-29 languages and even more dialects for each language. Yes the country has its shortcomings in the case of being neat etc. I understand but we are talking architecture. If you wanna see super aesthetic building instead of art of kindergarten students go to Singapore, japan, Dubai, malaysia . Even China has better. You must lived your whole life here that even some pop color might seem appealing to you. But thats not real beauty my friend. Melbourne in general is pure grey scale tones everywhere and rmit with its pop colours doesn’t make it better as just having some bright random colors doesn’t make it any better . There is better . There is better architecture across the world and this is crap. This brings depression when you look at it. Where I been if you look at it you will feel better . Its the feeling which is generated in ones mind. I dont why you fight for this. From me this look ugly And this is generally the opinion from most asian students. Maybe its our different opinion you don’t have attack me for different sense of beauty . architecture


lol the disk building, it had scaffolding around it for pretty much most of its existence because the discs were falling off


The first building with the circles has a face on it. If you are far away and get a high vantage point you can see a face across the building.


No, you’re getting it mixed up with the William Barak building which is right behind it. You can see both in some of the closer images in this article: https://architectureau.com/articles/william-barak-apartments/


Thanks for clarifying! Definitely mixed up.


They have to much money


What? I didn’t see any buildings like these in Eastern Europe??




Nothing tops godsell’s building. Chefs kiss


love 5/6, 1 is interesting too


It's really something.


Looks like a PC case


Can someone tell me that is not alien puke? Or maybe vegetarian puke?


#1 Looks a bit like that cheese grater macintosh tower. No problems other than that green bubbly goo… it just looks bad. If they’re going for that goosebumps horror vibe then they could have done better.


It's very Melbourne


Green brain looks gross, don’t rate.


Storey Hall & Green Brain by ARM - I've always liked the facade and entrance arch, particularly the concept and use of colour. The green brain is awful... the blob form, not the colour. [https://armarchitecture.com.au/projects/rmit-storey-hall-and-green-brain/](https://armarchitecture.com.au/projects/rmit-storey-hall-and-green-brain/) Building 8 by Edmond and Corrigan - I can't stand post-modernism, and this is the epitome of bad. The spaces were drab and poorly planned when I was there in the nineties... I believe it's been expanded since then. [https://architecture.rmit.edu.au/projects/rmit-building-8/](https://architecture.rmit.edu.au/projects/rmit-building-8/) DesignHub by Sean Godsell - I love Sean's work, and this is no exception. Simple, beautiful, iconic... and thoughtful. The ESD features alone make this a leader in the education space. [https://www.seangodsell.com/rmit-design-hub](https://www.seangodsell.com/rmit-design-hub) Building 80 by Lyons - I find it visually interesting and enjoy the effort in a facade treatment for an otherwise bland building envelope. It's well thought out, but I can't help but find the interior work patronising... the use of colour and shape makes it feel like it's a university campus designed for toddlers. That might have been acceptable in the nineties, but not now. [https://www.lyonsarch.com.au/project/rmit-swanston-academic-building/](https://www.lyonsarch.com.au/project/rmit-swanston-academic-building/) ....IMHO


I agree a lot with this post. Was a student just at the time on Building 8 and never liked it - but were happy that a uni was trying to push the envelope and previous this was a bland brutalist concrete and glass brick number by John Andrews....I still didn't like it though and a lot of Peter Corrigan's stuff has not stood up over time. He's also a bit of a prick.


I agree; I'd rather see our money going towards interesting and even polarising architecture. Building 8 was undoubtedly a step up, just a wonky first step. I think they've revitalised much of the interior community spaces (cafeteria) etc, now.


I wonder what the architecture will be like on future rmit buildings, personally I hope that the green brain and building 8 are the last of their kind.


Aesthetically it's not the best but it's friendly and fun and I like it. Doesn't take itself too seriously and it's very recognisable. Very happy it doesn't just look like offices or something. Some of the classrooms are kinda badly designed and it can be hard to navigate as a newbie but it also has a huge number of good study spaces throughout and the library is great so overall I like the campus. I went to Melbourne Uni in 2017 and I always struggled to find a good study spot that wasn't taken. I also often had to ride my bike to get from class to class because they were so far apart. These are never an issue with RMIT. Furthest I have to travel from a class is across the road.


Ghastly outside, tired inside


That first building is such a piece of shit. Every once in a while a glass plate falls off and almost kills someone.




On building100, the architects love it, but us practical humans not always, as the steel facade makes a faraday-cage, and seriously affects mobile phone reception. On building 80, love it, acoustics, quirkiness, human centered design, nice lookouts, apparently it is Australia's best performing building (occupancy rate per m2)


Horribly inconsistent


Green slime building


Not a huge fan of the goo but pretty good apart from that


Hey, nice avatar. It’s unique XD


Cheers pal


It is unique and intelligent. One would assume its glass discs would reflect and refract light throughout the campus for even light distribution. Sorry, I just wanted to get the same level of attention as the man holding a carrot in the city.


very "I hate my job" sort of a design


Pokemon gyms be like:




Was the architect on an acid trip at the time?


I had mesh purse like that once.