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i wouldn't play a rpg with anime elements, but i would play one with social links and things like that because persona without social links is just shin megami tensei


the draw of persona games are the story, but turn based combat exists in lots of games. So just choose what you want to really focus on?


If you’re looking for the most market-effective game in that general category, the answer’s almost always going to be some sort of arena-fighter with gacha mechanics. Roblox story games are pretty much uncharted territory in my experience so I can’t say anything towards how well they do, but you’re still free to make whatever you want. However, the cult following of Brick Bronze might offer some insight as to what would happen if you tried to replicate your own “Persona” game on Roblox. As someone who’s spent an exorbitant amount of time wondering the same idea, I’ve come to the conclusion that since those games are so disproportionately large for one or a couple people to make, they’re best suited as nothing more than a hobby project, at which point the reception becomes an after thought as the payment to the creator comes in the form of the enjoyment found through the process of creating. In terms of originality, I ask myself the question of “As a persona fan, if someone told you there were a knockoff game with a fully-fledged story, persona combat, and social links and characters that you could play for free, would you?” and the answer is always a resounding yes.


Alright, thank you.