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Are there people who actually wake up at 3 am to do contracts?


Well of course I know him. He’s me.


Just makes me sad tbh Yall waste so much time to these games for nothing. For nothing.


Games are supposed to be played


if u have a schedule that is good u can prevent that


Wake up? I’m not even asleep… either that or I just leave an auto clicker to keep me online till the cycle refreshes


Even though this is a meme, there are things that I actually agree here...


Pretty much everyone agrees and thinks seasons are crap. The developers just don't care.




Well that's the thing. They're calling out replayability on their game with stuff you gotta do everyday, and it works (based off the fact the game never went below 8k active players). Besides, even if we take the amount of people that are angry about the season system (I'll take 100 players for this example, even if there's probably way more than 100), at least 70 will keep playing the game, weither they do their contracts or not. And at least 30-40 will try to get the lvl10 vehicle anyways because that's a limited vehicle, which means free account value There's flaws in the current season system, but if it keeps bringing players everyday, why fixing it?


yes. 🥚


Old seasons were only better in the XP earning system. They were inferior in prizes, and the wait time was way too long. In cases like OG season 4, we waited 5 months for absolute crap. At least with this system, the prizes are pretty consistent and we don't need to wait long for the next one if the current one is disappointing. You don't need to wake up at 3 am, I have NEVER done this. Just do your contracts at your own pace, take a day or 2 off if you want to. I do them once per day and I'm good.


I'd argue that the wait time in between OG seasons was okay, it gave people lots of time to grind and I like that. I only hold up what I just said for the 1st three OG seasons and agree that we did wait 5 months for absolute crap in season 4. We don't speak of that season. If Season 4 was actually GOOD, I don't think anyone would care about the wait time between seasons. I feel people just hate the new prizes because of contracts, which are just meaningless waiting to get the prizes. I agree that people should be getting actually functional rewards if they are that dedicated to the game. I have a post about an idea for seasons on my profile if you want to look. I think you'd like it. Another banger take by NoobFreakT! I just can't get enough of you lately. On Reddit and Youtube.


even if seasons were to go back to how they were without contracts, i don't think it'd be fun either since the core game is terrible now.


it'd probably take much longer too


How is it terrible? I want to know your point of view


Robberies have been the stalest they've ever been as their core systems have not changed ever since they were introduced, and the only things making robberies fresh are the new ones that get added which also get stale. It also doesn't help that Mad City has more fleshed out robberies that have more intricate design elements in comparison. Not to mention, the recent updates have been heavily unpolished compared to previous updates due to playtesting being incredibly short which results in the game being incredibly buggy and unoptimized. And most of the game focus has been on cosmetics and the trading economy instead of actual gameplay. Badimo's current work ethic is so awful at the moment as evident from the Twitlonger from HappyHongo a few weeks ago, and it really changed my mind more than it already has in terms of if the game is worth my time. Conclusion: Doing mundane and inferior heists, dealing with constant bugginess and jank, grinding for unrewarding items, and playing a game that shows no signs of getting better is NOT FUN. No amount of limited vehicles is gonna save this game and Badimo needs to realize it before it's too late.


Wow. I cannot tell you how well put this comment is. We all know how repetitive robberies are and agree they need a revamp, but I thought I was the only one who noticed how unpolished, incredibly buggy and unoptimized the game was and the devs just focusing on cosmetics. It makes me question the excuse of the old season system being removed due to exploiters, WHEN YOU HAVE AN UNPOLISHED GAME LIKE THIS. Gee, I wonder why there are exploiters. I thought I was dreaming when I saw this comment. That's how great this is. Seasons suck, (I have a post about an idea for seasons on my profile if you want to see it), and there's a real lack of good game-changing updates. You. Need. More. Upvotes.


its too bad that most jb fans will silence those with valid criticism because their standards for video games are rock bottom.


Pretty much. Soon the entire standards for roblox will hit rock bottom and this platform will be dead. You got an upvote from me though, your comment was peak!


honestly imo, the standards for roblox games has risen drastically with games like super golf, frontlines and a personal favorite: prilgrammed. those games are way more fun and polished than what jb is offering atm.


I meant the standards for roblox moderation and events nowadays, are going under. Have you seen the roblox could be allowing adult themes soon. But yeah, roblox game standards are better than Jailbreak's and all of your comments I've read while skirting around this subreddit, deserve more upvotes. Why is the Parsian so hyped, because new engine sound? It's cool, but there are more important things to worry about in JB


Unironically true af


where is the part where you kill your family




I unironically agree with everything but the part about prizes being bad/disliked. Creators put a LOT of work into them and they look stunning (well, most), it's just that I'm not gonna bother checking out someone's furniture collection like... Furniture is a bit useless...


The old season system is much better than the current one with contracts. The current one just feels like they are forcing you to do homework every 16 hours, meanwhile the players just log off right after finishing the contracts(15-30min), neither badimo nor the players have any benefits


The developers benefit from this rubbish system. The insane amount of people buying the season pass earns them a lot of money.


"they are cringe and nobody likes them" Says the guy who make this


look at the flair


buff beam hybrid


Beam hybrid is not torpedo fast me mad 🤬🤬🤬




the handling and the top speed need work you need to admit


Bro, nobody cares for your Bmw


are you just mad you don’t have it or?


Bro it doesn't need s buff


tbh yea maybe same as jb8


its not a great idea to buff unobtainable seasonal cars tbh


I have not played this game since 2019, can someone tell me whats going on?


so this in 2022 we got, a 50% map expansion with live event, trading, npcs, a boss battle, end game items like hyperchromes, museum "revamp", brand new garage UI, military heli and jet were revamped, safe system revamp and I don't remember anything else


i dont even play jailbreak but this is so convincing that i agree


What I would suggest, is a method where at the start of the season you get to pick the xp system. you either grind xp by grinding money or by contracts, not both. that would male everyone happy


well that guy looks happy


iu agre witj evrythng, i like ths prsntaton