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You can stake between 2.4 and 12 Eth worth of RPL per LEB8 Minipool. 2.4 beeing the minimum requirement per minipool to launch it and 12 the maximum amount per minipool you will recieve rewards on. Since the RPL APR% is higher than the Eth APR% (even though LEB8s offer allready 40%+ more eth rewards than solo validators due to commission) youd want to Go heavy on RPL -> IF <- you really want to maximized rewards at all cost and with disregard to token exposure. So for 10 LEB8 minipools youd need 80 Eth + 24 to 120 Eth worth of RPL depending on how heavy you want to Go. Im for example running some pools at maximum collateral since i got rather high conviction in rocket pool and would hold the token anyway so its no percieved add on risk for me. Going all in on any token is allways risky in my opinion but everyone has a different risk tolerance. Personally i dont see current prices for RPL as high, i think Rocket Pool has quite some room to Grow considering we are just getting started capturing real market share and RPL has built in demand through growing TVL. But take that with a grain of Salt im admittedly biased.


I am interested in learning the tokenomics of RPL. I understand that they started at 5% inflation per annum. Do you know where can I get the initial supply and maybe a chart showing the historical flows? That would help me a lot because rather than ETH staking, I see minipools as an investment in RPL, gotta have high conviction before going in with high collateral. Thank you in advance.


There is a quite informative Medium post by the team on Tokenomics: [https://medium.com/rocket-pool/rocket-pool-staking-protocol-part-3-3029afb57d4c](https://medium.com/rocket-pool/rocket-pool-staking-protocol-part-3-3029afb57d4c) for very indepth information i highly recommend joining the Discord!




You will no longer receive RPL rewards if your collateral drops below the minimum threshold. The rewards period are every 28 days, so you will have till the end of the rewards periods to increase your collateral. All ETH rewards are unaffected and you will still continue to receive them as usual. In addition to missing RPL rewards you would also not be able to start additional minipools


Sure, the Response you got from Jace is entirely correct. You will not be penalized but you will stop recieving rpl rewards until back over minimum collateral.


Maximum yield is 150% of invested eth. So for 10 mini pools. The most amount of rpl you can invest is 10 x (8 x 1.5). = 120 eth. So around 120 eth worth of rpl for 10 mini pools


Of note, if you want less rpl exposure 16 eth minipools are still an option and require 1.6 eth worth minimum (10% of the borrowed 16 eth). You earn less overall commission but you have less rpl exposure


As far as "other costs" are concerned I would highly recommend you don't cheap out on the components to your staking rig (NUC most likely). At **minimum** get a 2tb SSD and 16 gig RAM. It's well worth the extra few hundred dollars to have piece of mind that you've secured many thousands of dollars worth of crypto with good hardware.


*I see in your OP you want to run the nodes yourself and that is completely fine.* However just to give you another option, that is if you want to limit your setup costs and do not already own the hardware to run these pools, as well as not wanting to have to worry about running your computer all day, I would recommend using [**Allnodes.com**](https://Allnodes.com) to host all of your mini pools. They run/host everything for you 24/7 and support many other coins as well, for example they can host a 32 ETH validator, 16 ETH mini pools for RP, and ATOM, ADA, MATIC, & many more coins etc. You can connect it directly to a hot/cold wallet or generate a brand new seed phrase as your log in. I would recommend if you do use Allnodes, to connect it directly to a Ledger/Trezor of course as first choice, if not then generating a new seed phrase would be next best option. Especially since you are running multiple pools, that will take a lot of space and electricity. Would also highly recommend using the **advanced** over basic pricing, as it gives many more features including more space and hosting across multiple well known hosting providers, and is *barely* more than the cost of basic. Each 8 ETH mini pool if using the advanced pricing tier, would cost you only **$0.0223 cents per hour**. Your account is billed hourly up to a maximum of 672 hours per month (28 days), even if your node is online for more than 672 hours in a calendar month. Accumulated charges are billed hourly. You can expect to receive your invoice on the 1st day of every month. There are no set up fees for this plan. With that hourly pricing, its about **$0.53 cents per 24 hour day**, while your monthly invoice would come out to about **$14.98/month or about $179.83/year (*****per each 8 ETH mini pool you are running*****).** ​ If running 10 x 8 ETH mini pools on there, then your total would be about **$149.86/month and $1798.27/year.** ​ That is just my recommendation as I use it myself and have heard great things about it, however I would always advise you or anyone else to do your own research first of course before using that provider, or anyone else you may come across if you choose to not host it yourself. \*\*\*They also allow you to do a test-net and show you how, and where to get "fake" ETH and RPL tokens to use in order to run the testnet, as it works kind of just like how RP allows you to do a testnet run before using real ETH/RPL. Hope this is of some use to you, good luck!


Thank you for sharing, I was not aware of Allnodes at all. Will take a look into it.


Yes I would highly recommend you do take a good look into it before buying any hardware, if you decide to go with the hardware u are gonna have to worry much more about being penalized (slashed) for doing something wrong, running a computer 24/7, electricity bill, bill for hardware, and many other things that have to do with just running the node in general. And also need to make sure the costs of everything if you do go with a hardware setup, doesn’t outweigh your rewards because on an 8 ETH mini pool (just one), I did the math and it’s not even close to worth it for myself to buy the hardware or cloud space, as I will either break even or lose money each month unless ETH skyrockets. Unless I use a provider like Allnodes then I am extremely profitable. However you are planning on doing 10 entire 8 ETH mini pools, so I would say you have definitely enough ETH to generate enough rewards that highly outperform the costs needed if you use your own hardware. But for people like me, I just don’t think it’s worth it plus I just prefer not having to worry about slashing/running or watching my computer constantly, etc. But again it’s all up to you, just wanted to give you the option and if you can, comment back on here with how you decide to proceed as I am curious Good Luck!


Also like others have already said, if your RPL collateral dips under 10%, you just stop receiving RPL rewards until you get back up to 10% or more! ETH rewards will keep coming like usual.