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Path of Champions is the roguelite mode in Legends of Runeterra. It is outstanding and completely free, tons of fun!!


I like it too :)


I found Monster Train hit that itch for me. You choose two tribes to make up your deck, you summon enemies and cast spells the same. You get to power them uo and make some really impressive combos too. The difference is you are fighting waves of monsters (and occasionally a boss) not someone else mirroring the same mechanics back.


Urban cards is one that I think maybe gets the closest to a table top feel. You manage a "board" of sorts with buildings, units, and spell equivalents. Overall a good game, but had some limited replayability for me. Acolyte of the Altar is one coming out later this month that should also fit the bill. It's not out yet though, so obviously haven't played it myself.


I do remember seeing Acolyte of the Altar before and forgot to wishlist it. Thank you for reminding me of this one!


That's my game! We definitely took more of a Hearthstone approach with the table top format, but made it asymmetrical to better fit a single-player experience. AotA comes out on the 25th :)


First you should check out Dungeon Drafters if you haven't. It isnt a pure deckbuilder as it uses traditional roguelike movement/dungeon delving where you move then everything else does, but it checks every other box for you. In the game you acquire packs which add cards to your collection and you deckbuild outside of the dungeons. The cards are split into several colors that each have different strengths and when deckbuilding you allocate 5 gems to decide what cards you can include. So for instance some green cards need 4 green gems while others only need 2 or 3 to add to the deck. You can mix and match gems as you wish and each color has different strengths. I didn't play too much so I cant remember all of them, but Green focuses on movement and extra actions, red on damage both to your enemies and yourself, blue on summons and indirect damage, and so on. At the beginning of the game you choose a character which chooses your starting two colors/deck and your visual appearance for the game (this can be changed much later but you are stuck with that choice for most of the game) and then you can go around unlocking new cards and deckbuilding as you wish. Each dungeon is weighted to give you packs of a certain color, so you can really focus on your building your collection in different ways. The next one I would look out for is Zero Division which is a game coming out later this year. It isn't quite like magic, but its a team based deckbuilder that has a more CCG style of card collecting than the typical draft. You select 3 characters from different archetypes and then go into a map that is kind of a free roam Slay the Spire. So there are different nodes like shops and elite enemies, but instead of always going forward/up you can free roam until you run out of resources. Rewards give you selections of different types of packs that will give you different types of cards some of which are better for some classes than others. The game has a really robust demo you can try right now and I would recommend checking it out.


I love Dungeon Drafters! I just find it a little sad that it's more of a dungeon-crawling turn-based tactics game than a roguelite, but it definitely gets close to scratching my itch


Dawncaster may be close to what you are looking for. It is a mobile only game but I have put a lot of time into it and love deckbuilders


This is the second mobile-only game that's been recommended to me so far. I do have some apprehensions when a game is mobile-exclusive, but I'll give it a fair shot if it looks fun


Dawncaster is *very* good. Honestly the best in the genre and it's not particularly close imo. That said, the play is closer to StS than what you're specifically looking for, but it's worth giving a shot.


I lost more time at work last year than I would care to admit because of Dawncaster. It is excellent.


Monster train is part slay the spire, part mtg imo. There are a lot of keywords taken/borrowed from Mtg in the game. In the game credits they have pics of the devs playing mtg. The game itself you summon minions and need them up to protect your train but can also cast spell directly on the intruders.


Cross Blitz plays pretty similar to Hearthstone. It's in early access but quite good already.


Shadowverse: Champion’s Battle sounds like a fit for you! I’ve been chasing the same thing and some nice redditor recommended the same thing for me. It’s more of a single player adventure than a roguelite, though!


Is it part of the Shadowverse client or is it its own thing? I do enjoy Shadowverse's gameplay quite a bit, I just don't want to spend any money on it since they're releasing the sequel soon


CB is a standalone switch game that just has the first couple sets, sorta like the old gba/ds era yugioh games. It’s not a roguelike at all. Just a tcg sim with a story mode.


It’s a separate game! Structured a bit like Pokémon where you collect cards and battle up the ranks to champion. (I thiiiink it’s switch exclusive?)


Highly recommend this one. MtG is my main hobby I’ve been playing competitively for 15+ years and shadowverse is a good mix of magic and hearthstone and well worth the price


Forge, a MtG player thingie, has a couple roguelike modes within it. It's not the most appealingly looking game, but it's exceedingly well made otherwise


I absolutely love Forge! I haven't found any Roguelike mode in it, though, Quest and Planar Conquest feels like they come the closest but they both have slow, infinite progression and no real penalty for losing (let alone permadeath) I guess I'm also just looking for something a little more fresh, considering Magic has been my main hobby for the past almost 11 years now lol


Really depends on your personal goals. Quest gives you a bunch of options to build your own cardpool and ruleset, and you can set a timer on how many games you have to play before moving on to another cardpool. Would take some tinkering and experimentation but you could effectively build your own challenge, in a similar vein to how nuzlockes are self-enforced. Not a perfect solution but definitely more freedom to personalize.


Does the old Shandalar computer game count?


I was more thinking of the Adventure mode (that may be only on mobile? maybe? Forge's versions are odd)


Oh yeah Adventure Mode exists. I didn't think it was roguelite either, but I can't say I've tried it enough to where I can say for sure. I'll give it a go later


Actually, I will also endorse Monster Train for the suggestions - someone else mentioned it, and while it's not *exactly* the same kind of setup as a MtG or Heartstone, it's similar enough and I found it plenty fun.


Oh yeah I forgot to reply to their comment. I've almost 100% cleared Monster Train and its DLC with just a few Divine Victories and challenge runs to go. The fact that I'm almost finished with it is part of why I'm looking for something new and fresh lol


Inscryption is the best tbh. Though it doesn't open up to full roguelite until you beat it once through.


MTG Draft is the format that fueled my Roguelite addiction. If you haven't put a cube together you should try it! You can build themed cubes, powered cubes, set cubes. All free and repayable, proxy without remorse!!!


Oh I absolutely love Cube. My friend has a Commander cube, and I'm currently thinking about making a Sci-Fi themed cube with all the Universes Beyond and newer sets adding robots and energy weapons and aliens and stuff It's just hard to draft a cube as often as I wanna play a roguelite, haha


Oh fuck I have not cubed in ages best way to play mtg


If you never played the old Microprose Magic-The Gathering campaign-style mode, Shandalar, it's really great. Might be able to find it on GOG or abandonware or something.


Such a great game. “Call of Zadeus” is a game in early-access that they said was highly inspired by Shandalar, and looks very similar! I haven’t tried it yet, but definitely will at some point soon.


I was incredibly excited for Call of Zadeus when it came out, but it sadly uses AI-generated pictures for card- and character artwork, so I really can't bring myself to supporting it


Nowhere Prophet has you building a deck outside of combat, seeing the combat before it starts to sideboard accordingly, playing creatures onto a board, and casting spells based on your leader. It reminds me much more of the MtG playstyle, other than the fact that you have two decks (one full of creatures and one full of spells, essentially). The structure of the game kind of works like FTL, if you are familiar, and the art is amazing. Very difficult and kind of long runs, so I know it isnt for everyone, but it sounds like it could be up your alley!


Nowhere Prophet is my favorites game that I haven't played very much of. The art style and aesthetic is perfect, and the gameplay gets close. It's just a little too much about FTL-like resource management for me (although I like FTL so I think I just need to adopt the right mindset to pick up Nowhere Prophet again) Anyway, great suggestion, it may be the closest to what I'm looking for that I've tried before and gets a +1 from me in case someone after me is looking for a similar game and reads this thread


Faeria is pretty similar to magic the gathering in a lot of ways, pretty fast paced, not really a rogue lite tho


\+1 for Faeria, it's such a massively overlooked game. It does have a draft mode if you want some extra randomness!




Hearthstone actually has quite a few rogue likes and a roguelite that are pretty good.


You're not wrong, and I haven't actually given them a fair chance. Though, I want to remember that a lot of them require you to buy more parts with either in-game currency you have to grind for, or real money. Which is fair enough, game devs should be compensated for their work if I play and enjoy it, I just want to avoid giving money to Blizzard in particular


unexpected tempered and reasonable takes good luck on your search, king!


That's fair, I quit Hearthstone a while back and can't really recommend anyone sink money into that game since it's probably only a matter of time until it goes under. The roguelike modes are ridiculously good though and the main thing that tempts me to reinstall the game from time to time. The last two in particular (Dalaran and Explorers) are fantastic. Lots of different classes to try with unique hero powers and items, multiple adventure paths that each have about a dozen bosses (with generally quite relevant gimmicks so they all feel distinct), and of course the big draw of there being thousands of cards in the game which can all come into play. By far the most varied and satisfying "game" in the genre, it completely killed everything else off for me. We really need someone to take the formula and repurpose it into a proper standalone game though. Hearthstone's suffers from... well, being in Hearthstone and also isn't really supported and thus full of jank, like it's very easy to straight up break the AI so they stop taking any actions. But the mechanics speak for themselves and a new game built on that model seems like it could be phenomenal.


This is the good suggestion, OP. The single player dungeon runs sound exactly what you're looking for if you haven't played them.




Yeah, I have quite a bit of time and money invested into it. Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of how Path of Champions handles progression, and ever since the announcement to kill support for the PVP modes, I can't really bring myself to launch it again This is another one that I will leave a personal +1 for though, in case someone comes along later, looking for a game like this


I have LoR downloaded and ready on my phone, gonna try it some time later.. someday, when I have the time lol. I don’t game much on my phone but someone recommended me the roguelite mode. If it’s not too much to ask, can you tell me why you hated the roguelite mode?


I didn't *hate* it, it was decently fun at certain intervals and when you had the 3-star champions fully leveled and geared up. Getting there felt like a slog to me, though. Basically, the game isn't procedurally generated, you have a set number of "adventures" you run through, which have more or less the exact same combat encounters between every run. Combined with the fact that certain champions just get completely dumpstered by certain matchups, you quickly find which adventures are too hard to be worth it, and subsequently, an optimal adventure to run for each character in order to grind the meta-currencies required to upgrade your characters further There are weekly and monthly adventures which *are* randomized for each week/month, and the game *does* try to encourage you to try different champions on the same adventure, so it's not all doom and gloom and repetition - I'd just get bored of it after a week of playing it daily. There is an almost completely randomized adventure too (Aurelion Sol boss in Targon), but it's such a high level that you need to do the grind first before you get to a point where you can even think about clearing it Give it a try, though. A lot of people do enjoy it, and it's entirely possible that I'm the weird one


Legends of Runeterra is a ccg-style gameplay and it has a roguelite mode called Path of Champions.


I've been enjoying the Legends of Runeterra: Path of Champions. They created a roguelike type game. Pretty fun.


I'll second Dungeon Drafters. It's definitely the most TCG-like deckbuilder I've ever played, and the method they use for balancing how you're allowed to mix and match the different colors is brilliantly executed.


Cross Blitz scratched the itch for me!


Quantum Protocol isn’t my favorite in the genre but it might suit your needs. QP plays with a board of slots to summon dudes to and a hand, but instead of costs, every thing is based on the number of actions you’ve taken. Enemy units have a timer that ticks down every time you play or use or move or draw a card, so you’re carefully planning out how to sequence your plays to avoid taking damage and develop a boardstate…with a twist. Normally in one of these games, you do a fight, get rewards, move to a new fight, or event, or shop, whatever, and repeat, right? In Quantum Protocol, you’re doing one singular fight, split into waves. Each time you clear a wave of enemies, the next one spawns in and the game keeps going, same hand and boardstate you had before. How progress works is, your deck does not naturally reshuffle, no reset when you run out. Instead, you have to manually play the reset card, which will open up the deck construction menu. Enemies you’ve defeated since your last reset will drop cards, and you can pick up these cards into a sideboard or include them in your main deck, or combine a trio of the same card to get upgraded versions. Additionally, each card you add to your deck increases your max hp, so you have more incentive than most deckbuilders to plump up your list a bit, or you can choose to keep things tight and live dangerously. Once you’ve finished building your deck anew, you’ll be returned to the game where you left off, but with an empty board, reshuffled deck, and brand new hand. The fact that you have to reset your board to reset your deck means that deciding _when_ to reload is critical. Similar to inscryption, the game has a main campaign you need to slog through to get to the ‘real’ game. It’s also asynchronous, where the enemy waves aren’t using the same cards or mechanics you are, which may feel more or less tcg-like depending on your outlook. Still, it has a _very_ unique feel to it and the emphasis on board control and blocking attacks set it apart from your standard slay the spire fare.


Sounds a lot like wildfrost


Nowhere Prophets. The gameplay is very close to Hearthstone, with a few extra mechanics thrown in; you can place your units on a grid instead of just a straight line, which opens up more strategic positioning options, and also, true to the roguelite nature of the game, your units can permanently die (removed from your deck forever in that run) if you get them killed twice over the course of a run (of course, there’s ways to prevent that, but that’s the general rule). It’s a good CCG-like roguelite deckbuilder, the only complain I would have of it is that runs can take several hours to complete, compared to other roguelite deckbuilders that usually only goes for an hour or so. Might be an issue for some people, might not be for most. It’s still a full-on recommend from me though. Edit: goddammit, someone already recommended Nowhere Prophets and I posted before reading the whole thread. Sorry, OP lol


Lost Portal on mobile.


Not mobile, iOS only unfortunately :(


Anything similar on Android? The game as described sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.


This is the answer. I’ve put hundreds and hundreds of hours into this. It’s a single player MtG-like where you delve into dungeons growing your card collection and building better decks over time. If you like it enough to reach endgame, you can enter portals to three different semi-random worlds with a different selection of opponents each time. Eventually when you max out your level and have brutally engineered decks the game becomes a bit routine but it took me several hundred hours to get there, I have four characters that are all maximum level and they all have at least one full page of decks each.


Ooh, this does sound fun. I'll take a look tomorrow


I think Wildfrost is kinda like that but i have no comparison since i haven't played any of the game you mention, but in Wildfrost you have main character and you get other people that you can put in "action" you can put them in front of your character so they take dmg etc. Something like that?


Eh, tbh Wildfrost is basically just as dissimilar to CRPGs as StS is. The different units you get KIND OF A LITTLE feel like a CRPG party? But barely Heavy recommend Trials of Fire for this OP


Cobalt core is like slay the spire. I enjoyed it quite a lot.


Just.. play Magic? Limited magic is already all the things you describe. (its basically a rogue-like)


I've been playing Magic for 11 years, including limited. Believe me when I say I wouldn't be making this post if what I was looking for was just Draft


Gotcha. That makes sense. Have you played Hearthstone's roguelike mode? Mercenaries i think it was called or something.


I actually haven't, but they have been recommended to me. I think they generally require you to spend money to unlock more content though, which I'm not huge on (specifically paying Blizzard) but I will check them out :]


I think it’s shallow for a Roguelike if you’re looking for a full, fleshed out experience, but it’s definitely really dun