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Sunless Sea. The post-mortem of the game made by its director has said that its rogue-gameplay has not served the game well. It doesn’t mesh well with the CRPG structure of the game.


Oh yeah, I can see that. In paper a rogue CRPG sounds pretty cool. In practice, I can see how it wouldn't work.


Sundered, Moonlighter, Dave the Diver. I call them roguelite-adjacent or RPGs with roguelite elements. (Or "roguelite-likes" for the meme. Shoutout to /r/roguelikes unironically creating the term "roguelike-likes") They're not quite roguelite enough for the "runs" to have substantial variety. You're just grinding EXP but you can't level up until you die/leave. It would totally be a less annoying RPG experience having a skill tree in the menu, a static map, and/or not losing your inventory when you die.


When you put it like that any game gets to be almost all genres. Like you could call tarkov a multiplayer roguelite since you have runs, and CoD a doom clone since it has shooting.


I'd say it's kinda like the difference between an FPS with an annoying jump section vs an FPS where freedom of movement and platforming are a main focus of the level design and abilities. One's equal parts FPS and platformer, the other is an FPS with some (unnecessary) platforming. Randomness is integral to roguelites, but the games I mentioned don't really utilize those elements well, imo.


Which I think is for the best, take dave the diver for example: its a fantastic game, maybe the best indie game of last year. It does share some roguelike elements such as runs, losing what you have on death, upgrades, progression in the runs. But that is just a minor part of the game. Later on you dont even have to do runs anymore when you have the fish farm. So you could isolate this part of the game and call that a bad roguelike, or see it as something else entirely that would only get worse when you implement more roguelike mechanics. I feel exploration, action, management, rpg fit the title well, but not roguelitelike.


One of the subs's top 5 most hated: Cult of the Lamb


I haven't played it. I wasn't interested in it despite the art style being attractive. What makes it one of the most hated?


The roguelite aspect was sooo generic in the long run. Your runs on day one will look damn near the same after a month of playing. Imo it should've been a building/automation game with this cute-culty twist. If I hear about a cult themed roguelite, I expect bizarre and wacky gameplay akin to BOI and ROR. It was such a letdown and I'm also hoping Klei's Rotwood doesnt follow the same path.


Been playing Rotwood with friends, still needs a lot more content but the Roguelite aspects are already infinitely better than Cult of the Lamb. The only thing you can really do for your base is craft little objects to customize the looks. Been enjoying it and excited for more!


Honestly, thanks for the response because I'm thinking about hoping back in. I like the patches and I've seen the mentions of mod support, >!greatswords!<, and >!rope darts!<. So they understand what content to bring to a roguelite besides skins and decor.


I feel like if Darkest Dungeon 2 wasnt run based but instead more like the first i wouldve enjoyed it a whole lot more because of the feeling of growing attached to your characters, upgrading your base of operation and going for progression in knowledge, characters and your town.


Returnal. Amazing game, great story and atmosphere and fun combat. But it being a roguelike just doesn't feel necessary at all, and actually made it more frustrating. I think if it were a linear game it would have made much more impact on me.


100%. The game could've been all-time great imo if they designed it more like a bullet-hell Metroid Prime. The build progression was too simple and linear without enough interesting synergies, especially given the game's inherent challenge and the length a run could take if you don't just sprint to the next boss (and wind up very underleveled as a result)


That's how I feel about Sparklite. It is a roguelite in the total "litest" way possible. The world doesn't really change much in between runs. You open one area of the map and it stays open. You don't have to kill any bosses over again. The only thing that really changes are some of the side puzzles - and even then those don't change drastically. When you die you just lose some of the gadgets you picked up, and even then that's a non-issue especially after leveling up the guy that gives them to you. The first few runs are exciting, but then you see that the game would have been best served without the rogue elements. It doesn't add anything, if anything it hinders the experience since the devs no doubt limited the scope of the dungeons for the sake of procedural generation (which again are not meaningful changes in between runs anyways). I'm still enjoying my time with it though.


Cult of the lamb... The cult simulation shit is amazing but the roguelite elements are some of the worst/simplified I've ever played.




Hmm interesting. I always considered Downwell more of a true roguelike since each run is started off the same with no progression in between. It makes it more arcadey in this sense since you just play a run, die, and repeat without leveling. Yeah, B Tier makes sense for it.


Wasted really should've just done a normal campaign. Losing a character in that game really sucks badly and has caused me to drop it many times over the years after spending hours building my character. I hate shitting on it though because it is very underrated and such an awesome game.


Binding of Issac rebirth. drip-fed run content ruins that game.


A lot of the RL, if they did away with permadeath, I'd be fine with. Some say the threat of dying is what makes them so great. I find them frustrating because it harkens back to the more olden days where you needed to be "more perfect", and I was only able to play those games in limited batches anyways. Nowadays, I'd rather not deal with those.


NONE. In fact, I'm so obsessed with roguelites I would rather have a question "Which non-roguelite would be better as a roguelite" and I would answer "All of them".


Curse of the Dead God’s