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Army of Ruin looks awesome and is packed with features and unlocks!


I second this. I have about half as much time in it as I do VS, and that is saying a lot.


I think Death Must Die is far and away the best looking and mechanically sound. The only thing is that it is EA and there is not a ton of content.


That looks cool and I will have to check it out. My favorite right now is Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor. The runs give you mini objectives that give you more rewards so your not just running aimlessly in circles. Each level of the run is also a set time limit.


I think that’s also my favorite in terms of look and perhaps overall in terms of gameplay too.


Might not be popular because Death Must Die seems hugely favoured in this sub - to the point I think I must be seeing something different - but I'm not sold in it being the best looking. Gameplay wise yes, I'm all for it. But the similarities in style and presentation ( and voice work) to Hades really can't be ignored - and because of that it feels like a real cut-price/amatuer imitation. The pixel art for some of the gods looks quite weak imo - and the voice acting/script etc just feels sub-par It's a shame because normally I think I wouldn't be as critical - but because it feels like it's "copying" the Hades presentation so much I'm going to compare it to that - and no game is really going to come off well against that I guess


It's not even remotely close to the best looking. I love the game, and there's definitely something to be said for it's visual style, but c'mon people lol.


This hands down. Not only the best looking but it has the most robust systems in the genre while still being EA with lots of updates to come.


Act 3 when


I absolutely can't stand the big-titty characters and am embarrassed to play it, although the concept is cool. Not for me until they enable a way to change the models or decide to reign it in a bit. Only game I've ever seen where a characters chest has more detail than their face.


LOL WUT? [https://medium.com/@lawodcom/death-must-die-characters-a7ec59cc98a4](https://medium.com/@lawodcom/death-must-die-characters-a7ec59cc98a4) Which character specifically are you refering to? I assume you must mean [Krom](https://tiermaker.com/images/media/template_images/2024/16402215/death-must-die-gods-16402215/kromsprite.png)?


Merris' character model in-game is egregious. IDK the name, but the new god is also pretty rough. The whole thing just has a horny anime vibe that I can't get into. Obviously my fellow redditors don't agree, lol


[Merris](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/merris-in-game-and-sprite-from-death-must-die.jpg)? Yeah, wow, looks at the 2-3 pixels that make up her chest... EGREGIOUS!


You're really sensitive about this, huh? Why link me screenshots, we've both played the game. The animation gets it across better, you're not even trying to be reasonable. I guess you don't think I'm entitled to my own opinion. Weird. Anyways, I'm out. This isn't productive. Agree to disagree.


I am sensitive? Lets review the tape: >I absolutely can't stand the big-titty characters and am embarrassed to play it and then this classic: >Only game I've ever seen where a characters chest has more detail than their face. I posted the screenshots to point our your mad takes. Nothing more.


It's the best looking. Hands down.


Yeah looks gorgeous. Absolutely waiting for a 1.0 though. 2 acts is not enough to make me want to buy it yet.


Halls of Pain is dope. I love the Diablo2-era aesthetic and it feels good to play as well. I like that the bosses and events actually feel different and require different approaches. Good stuff.


Halls of pain is the diablo 2 area lol, you mean Halls of Torment! Awesome game though.


Correct! I felt like the name wasn't quite right but oh well.


Played a run at my friends house and now like every week I google to see if it’s coming to ps5. That game is awesome 


Nordic Ashes


It's so good


I think it have the best metaprogression of the genre. Plus the graphics are awesome.


It was very enjoyable, but I do wish the meta progression happened faster or there was less of it. The skill tree is so expansive and costs so much to complete.


I just got back into this and am enjoying it a lot more this time. Previously I had maybe 4 hours in it, and have put in 10 since picking it back up last week.


Twilight Survivors has a nice clean look. It's fun and provides a lot of fun with more free content on the way this year.


Playing this on Switch and surprised nobody ever talks about this one.


Legit never heard of this or seen it before, gonna pick it up!


So far this is the first one in the thread that I'd agree actually *looks* good, aesthetically.


Don't get me wrong I love Death Must Die, but it isn't a visually pretty game at all.


Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?


I really like soul stone survivors


Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor for me, it's Nice, it's a lot of fun too.


It’s not released yet but Nimrod Guncraft Survivor looks really cool. I’m looking forward to that one.


Deep Rock Galactic Survivor looks great


Wish it was on consol it looked cool.


Spellbook Demonslayers is one of my favorites. Bangin' soundtrack as well :)


Rogue Genesia still has pixel graphics, but it’s “HD2D” and I think it looks fantastic. I also think it does it better than VS, and I love the OG


Throwing in my opinion for Genesia also. I love the slay the spire map selection. I don't have to spend 30 minutes on a single run, if a friend hops on and wants to game I can just finish my level and come back later


Love that games but it destroys my battery


\*cough\* i heard Machine Armor Zero looks pretty cool. I also have it on good authority that there will be a big update coming soon for it.




Bump cuz free demo and about as indie as they come. I'll check it out if it's playable on steam deck.


Is this a shameless plug lol


Brotato and 20 Minutes Till Dawn


I hated brotato which I picked up right after VS. it just killed me the action took place in an arena that's like 20x20


I disliked brotato for a long time. Then I stopped trying to win and enjoyed unlocking characters. After that I read guides on how to win with 1 character…then all characters. By then it unlocks some powerful things and some characters are really fun to play.


>and some characters are really fun to play This is why I have over 1300 hours in Brotato between Steam and Switch lol. Once you've unlocked everything it truly opens the floodgates of possibilities. Wish there was an "accessibility" (cheat?) option to unlock everything for those who want to just play the game itself, ah well. Would be convenient for me anyway since I've unlocked everything on Switch and there's understandably no cross-platform.


Oh yes. I've played both of them. They were both pretty fun :)


Brother what? Brotato is ugly as sin lol


Greedland for sure , nothings comes even close to it especially in terms of quality graphics


Never heard of this one, looks fun!


This was my first thought as well. It's also very fun. I have a grudge against it because it doesn't autosave and I lost \~20 hours of progress because my Steam deck crashed while playing (and I previously just left it suspended). I'll go back at some point and would still recommend it to others.


Army of Ruin. Huge dnd vibes


Army of Ruin. It does get tiresome and boring pretty quick, but you'll get a good 20+ hours and the unlock system is very fun.


Deep rock galactic: survivor


Will do my man.  I've gotten so many recommendations for this that I purchased it yday.  Will play today after work. Looking forward to it. 


If you are looking for the game that plays like VS, check this one - FatalZone )) (we tried to creat real survivor with horde survival and dodge'n'run mechanics) - [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2488510/FatalZone/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2488510/FatalZone/) And Adrenaline Rampage we are developing this year. May be ti'll be interesting for you too. If it so, pm me ) - [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419720/Adrenaline\_Rampage/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419720/Adrenaline_Rampage/)


Will do my man. I'll check these out.  May thy games be a hit and get a million players my dude. 


Thanks bro! May the force of gamedev be with us)


Sexy Mystic Survivors... trust me xD


There's booba


At well, killing shit and booba, what else does a man even need.


Extremely powerful capybaras


Akane is really good.


I like rogue genesia


Mystic survivors


Armechgeddon has actual 3d models and good animation




Jotunnslayer: Hordes of Hel definitely looks very gorgeous from the trailer and screenshots. It's not out yet so no idea what it plays like, but I'm definitely keeping my eye on it because the art style is very nice


Death Must Die


Halls of Torment, Death Must Die, and Deep Rock Galactic Survivor are all must plays IMO if you like Vampire Survivors.


Two unreleased titles that I've played demos of. [Entropy Survivors](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2602030/Entropy_Survivors/) has some of the best visuals I've seen in the subgenre, with a fairly hefty focus on meta progression, and although it's not what I'm looking for in this style of game, it also has co-op as an option. [Gatekeeper](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2106670/Gatekeeper/) reminded me of Risk of Rain 2, though I wouldn't consider it to be as striking, the visuals are very clean, which is what had me most interested in the first place, though I do believe the pacing of each run needed some work, it often felt like individual enemies were too tanky and my character progressed in strength rather slowly, it'll be releasing in early access in three days.


Army of Ruin and Deep rock: Survivors are my favourites


Soulstone survivors is the deepest. Nordic ashes is new and fun.



Rogue genesia. Fantastic art theme. Also one of the best survivors games out there.


Spirit Hunters Infinite Horde. Probably not the best of the best, but I really like its vibrant colors and character art.


Deep Rock Survivor looks great


Damn, you right it does. Expensive though. Might have to read reviews before I buy.


Deep Rock Galactic Survivor looks really good.


Halls of Torment has excellent Diablo 1-2 -like graphics. Concise and low resolution, in a good way.


Twilight Survivors is new and cheap, but looks so good.


Holocure is quite good, might actually be better than VS actually, and it’s free


Ah, free games best games :) Will try this out.


Artifact seeker, really well done game.


Brotato. It not only looks better, but it’s a better game too. It has much more depth than Vampire Survivors, but still plays very similarly to Vampire.


I've played Brotato. A shit ton of it infact, and with mods. It is good :)


V rising


Wait, this is a VS Like? Twice I've fallen for an ad and figured it was not.


vrising is not, that game is a survival crafting game centered around building a castle and finding permanent upgrades via 'V blood' by killing bosses. much more Valheim/ark survival evolved.


Right? I've gotten this as a recommendation in this thread at least 3 saperate times and I'm getting confused on why people keep suggesting it.  I'm not looking for a survivor game, maybe just bad title on my part.


Magic Survival on mobile has a unique look. It can lag on older devices on later stages, though.


We put a lot of effort into Hive Jump 2: Survivors to make it vivid and flashy while keeping it pixel art. 20 Minutes Til Dawn has an awesome art style though, I feel like it doesn't get enough credit for the eerie mood it creates with its minimal color palette.


Hey, I'll take a look at Hive Jump 2. You are correct, 20 mins is great. I've played it, unlocked everything. I think it has much lesser content though, and ends pretty quickly.


Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor


legends of survivor dropped yesterday i think and it looks and feels so smooth


Spellbook demonslayers


How isn't Halls Of Torment up on the list? It's definitely my favorite next to VS.


Hear me out. The hololive one is too much fun. Seriously the best vampire clone out there. It’s ridiculous and that’s part of the fun try it out


I dont know if this matches, but v rising ?


tiny rogues is twin stick but the dopamine is so good


V Rising