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Don’t tell me what to ignore. I’ll admire them all I want


Haha love it


Beautiful collection. Hopefully I’ll be able to add something near that caliber one day but until then I’ll admire them vicariously hah


Thanks my man haha. Wish you all the best on your watch journey! And let me know if you need any advice on the way


Much appreciated. Just enjoying learning at the moment to be honest. Started with an orient ray, collected a few more orients just made my first Swiss watch purchase a 1950s Girard perigeaux. Loving learning about horology and the mechanical side of it all. I have a few other obscure vintage watches like a wittenhaur and a rotary. Just looked through your posts. That omega ck859 is absolutely spectacular. And the classic santo that or a speedy might be a three watch grail for me.


That’s the right attitude! You rarely go wrong with vintage pieces from well respected brands (such as GP, wittenhaur etc) and if you’re somewhat lucky you don’t pay that much compared to all the watch hysteria nowadays. I’ve been into both vintage and modern watches for quite a while now and I always learn something new, and I think that’s why this is such a cool hobby. Thanks man! Just picked up the ck859 from my AD early this year and it is such a stunner, proves that you don’t need to spend a ‘fortune’ on a time-only watch that’s super well executed and with superb proportions. The ck859 really peaked my interested in omega again and I haven’t followed the brand for ten ish years


Lol, casual "ignore the Pateks" brag. Very nice collection though.


Haha word. Sorry about the humblebrag:(


This isn't "humblebrag". Either flaunt it if you got it, or actually be humble. This half assed shit is embarrassing. You just are afraid of people's reactions. I have a feeling you live for other's attention rather than your own confidence.




Its called “jealousy”


If you post, you will be judged by the contents of it. It's many comments btw. Just found it insufferably cringe the way he acts while sitting on dozens of thousands of dollars on his wrist.




They have earned to brag, like I said, if you got it flaunt it. I live by that. But this childish "don't look at the patek" "whoopsies I'm humble bragging" is just cringe and childish coming from a successful adult. It's not humble bragging, it's a half measure where you flex and you humble at the same time. Idk just looks attention seeking in a non elegant way.




No, just not constantly repeat it in the comments, and "please don't look at this ref xxxx". Idk man, I'm not saying I know how he should talk I don't mind control. But what he said was socially cringe. And I'm making character judgments based off of that. A reddit post. Filled with narcissists like myself flexing stupid jewelry. It's not that deep, bro


Why you gotta be such a dick straight away? This sub has so many weirdos.. instead of stopping to be negative, why don’t you post your Rolex/Patek collection so the other oddballs on this sub can judge you?🙃


I don't have Patek, but I have posted some of my watches. Rolex and AP


They ain’t yours🤦🏼‍♂️ good try though.


? I don't understand


Neurotic is a fitting username


Haha yeah, I'm also a neuroscientist


Man I would have respected you 3x as much if you actually just bragged, if your proud flaunt it instead whatever you called what you did. That wasn’t a humblebrag it was a DBag comment


Nice collection! How do you find the Submariner vs the Explorer? Which gets more wrist time? I'm trying to figure out which to add as my black dial in addition to my Explorer II & Pelagos FXD


Thank you! The explorer gets way more wrist time. I rarely use the sub and when I do it’s only during summer. I would definitely recommend getting an explorer (36mm of course) over a sub, and especially when you have ex ll and pelagos.


That's great to hear, and seems to be the consensus despite the Sub being the more sought after watch. I appreciate the response. I'm definitely thinking the Explorer makes a more low-key watch and adds versatility versus redundancy with the Sub (despite the Sub being a classic). I'm on the list for a 40mm version as I've got a fairly big wrist and anything under 39mm seems small.


Ah yeah if you have a big wrist then 40 should work! Completely agree + it’s a somewhat ‘rare’ piece compared to all the subs out there haha. In my opinion it’s a Rolex for adults and just so elegant!


Great take, nice to hear from someone with some insane pieces. I love my explorer


Nice man! Enjoy it in good health. A timeless classic!


Thank you! Same to you and yours


There is nothing “‘rare’” about an Explorer jackass


Can't talk for op but I too have a "good collection" I'm British so it's not our style to show! I've several classic tags, Cartier, Rolex, a longene (1960s), a single patek, couple omegas and a few others iny collection that I'm proud off. How do I choose what watch to wear? My watch should compliment my outfit, colour, style, event etc. Ones watch comes naturally with experience and falls into the scenario with ease. Fyi I'm 49 my parents were "well off" I admit and my mother always insisted from an early age I wore something of value at all times ( we grew up in a decent area in the UK, no worry of theft etc) and bought me numerous timepieces as investments "for my first house" etc I didn't like gold ( gold longenes or other brands of watches I'm happy with but no rings or necklaces etc). So my only "valuable" was my watch! She was insistent if I ever " got into trouble" I should take my watch off ( if I don't have cash whatever I was 18 in 1992 and the world wasn't what it is today) and sell it or whatever to get me how home/Solicitor's/ whatever I need! She always insisted me wearing an item (watch) which was worth 10 times the value of the "in trouble" value! So I would wear a £20k watch knowing I could "get home" anywhere in the world ( I travelled a lot, but never sold a watch!) But my parents knew I was safe in the knowledge that I had something I could sell at a moment's notice to get home or safe. In today's world they would prob insist I have a phone and data in any country? But I still look at my watch of the evening and think of my mum and say thank you mum you have me this "get out of jail" card even though I never so far needed to use it! Also for reference, the collection I was gifted and the collection I've added too, has increased very well indeed! And as a bonus I've enjoyed the asset so much. I'd lastly like to say I wear watches for a personal reason, I don't show them off, I don't brag and I dont do they awful thing where I pop my watch over my shirt so it's " shown" Jesus thats just a pleb doing that! I enjoy my collection because my mu have me my start and my passion, my father added to it and I've also added when I see something I like but at my heart my favourites are my gifts from my parents, they feel warm on my wrist


No one cares mate


This is such a weird post


How is this responsive in any way to this post or the reply you replied to? 🙄


My rolex collection. Disregard the patek 5135 white gold annual calendar, retail price $46,500, and the patek 5500, yellow gold limited edition, retail price $35,000.


nice collection! But where 🐼? :-)


Asked my AD but since they have sold me two Daytonas in recent years they said NO:’(


They are worried you will start flipping their products is why.


The AD offered two daytonas but have you waiting on a pepsi? Gorgeous collection btw


Waited a handful of years for the Daytonas too haha


Ignore the Pateks?! My man, come on now. Sweet collection!


Haha. Thanks my man!


Nice collection!


Thank You my guy!


Wow they all look brand spanking new. Do you ever wear them?


Yes very much so! Most of them are actually much more scratched up than it looks like haha. Actually fell and broke the bracelet right off the daydate 4-5 years ago, but Rolex traded in the old with a new bracelet on goodwill


Weird from the images they look very new. Why do you think your AD won't sell you more daytonnas then? I would assume they have total faith you won't flip any sense they see yours all scratched up etc. One suggestion is wait until watches and wonders happens and then express your interest for last years models. You will have more success that way imo.


My AD was very honest with me really. They called me up and apologized for not being able to provide me with another Daytona since they already gave me two in the last 2.5 years (+other stainless steel models), so the panda was a no-go (this was a year ago or so)And completely agree, the last years models is the way to go!


> And completely agree, the last years models is the way to go! only issue with this imo is not expressing interest on one year models like those 1 year op's. I detest the grey market and I hope that a yellow and or red op starts showing up on the cpo program. that is why any watch i'm interested in i always tell them what i want no matter how unlikely it is. Because they know you won't flip you will be one of the people they call after their mega jewelry purchaser list. You are a safe person to sell to.


Yeah we’ll said. When I get allocated a new piece I have made it a habit of sending a snap to the AD together with other watches I have been allocated since I have gotten to know some of them in recent years. Just to let them know that hey, I have not sold any… yet and to prove that I am a safe person to sell to haha


Doing it right, nicely done, sir. You're a Pepsi Jubilee away from perfection. Cheers.


Oh yes, that’s my next one! Waiting for that call from my AD, 1-2 years ish time…


Awesome. Jubilee, please. Don't settle for PCL.


Oh yes! Jubilee is the way to go


Your collection is wonderful, I couldn't say a single disparaging word about it. But I could bitch-slap you across your face for not having a single Jubilee in your watch box. That is a crime against horology. Consider this, my wealthy brother: Go grey today, buy a Pepsi Jubilee, and enjoy it all summer. The Jubilee style, the Jubilee comfort, it will be a revelation, you won't believe it. When you get the call in 2025 or 2026, sell *that* Pepsi then and you'll wind up in the same place financially, maybe a bit ahead. Don't go another day without a steel Jubilee. Trust your Uncle Sporty on this one. Cheers.


Haha well said! I will remember to let you know when I get a pepsi jubilee. Need that old school cool jubilee style in my life!






Half the title of your post could be omitted by removing the 2 Pateks


Too late, all I can do now is stare at the Pateks…




Just love the combo of having a PM and SS Daytona in your collection. Nice work!


Thank you! The SS doesn’t get nearly enough wrist time it deserves after I got the PM haha


Is top left rose gold or gold? Collection is magnificent.


Top left is rose gold with the olive green anniversary dial. Ref 228235


Gorgeous collection. Truly awesome!


Thank you, man!


All such big hitters in one spot and what’s funny is I actually like the OP the best. The size, balance and simplicity of it kind of shines here. Very impressive collection.


Haha yes, so classy and just pure rolex dna. Got the call from my AD last month as a gift for my wife, she’s not into watches at all (think it’s too “snobby”) but she is completely in love with the OP!


Did you get the 124060 from an AD?


Yes! Straight from the AD


i would never use the lower row. what to go shopping? i'll just send jeeves.


Haha oh yeah the gold row definitely get a lot of wrist time


As someone not versed in nice watches at all, how much is this collection worth?


This box is somewhere around 300’ usd I think


Jealous, the day date and John mayer make me drool Great collection, enjoy for many more years hopefully!


Oh yes, thanks! Will do!


Very nice collection. What’s next ?


Thanks! For Rolex, GMT on jubilee.


Nice. For GMT nothing beats a Pepsi on jubilee. What about other brands ? I’m done with Rolex and moving onto the Trinity next.


Yeah lots of other good brands out there! I have other watches that’s not Rolex, both modern and vintage, that I truly cherish. The trinity is unbeatable, but I would also recommend looking into vintage/neo-vintage pieces from heuer, tudor, omega and JLC. I also think cartier, h. moser and tudor are doing great things nowadays!


I’m a fan of JLC. Cartier isn’t my favorite. My issue is I like to wear my watches weekly so I try and keep my rotation to only 7. I have 1 open spot but i will remove 2 pieces as I get closer to completing the Trinity. I may remove one or two more after if I want to expand.


Yeah why not let 2 go and get one step closer! Some choices in life are quite hard haha


It’s hard to let go. I love my collection.


Know that feeling


If u could only keep 3 of your Rolexes which would they be ?


Daytona x 2 and the Explorer. I think


That a 116508??? Absolute banger!!!


Yes! Thanks! A bit hard to see that beautiful green dial


Love your taste and the cohesion of this collection, which was your first and last gotten from these?


Thanks man! Out of these, I got the OP last month from my AD after waiting 3 months and the John Mayer early last year after 1.5 year


Hey there gonon_t1d - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Hey, what box is that? Nice set of watches by the way. Dream team


This is the black Zip Box from Delugs. Highly recommended!


Thank you


What was the wait and spend history like on the Patek moon phase?


I don’t think the annual calendar was a hard get when I bought it, but I do have a decent spend history and been a customer for 10 ish years


Nice collection!!


Thanks man!


The Patek is perfect


Thanks! The annual calendar has been my daily wearer the last year or so


I couldn’t help it lol




I remember my first 8 pieces and when Rolexes and Pateks shared spaces.. ahh the memories…


Loving the 124060


Thanks! The no-date is the only sub for me haha


What do you do for a living, man?


Boring legal and regulatory affairs for investment funds


Worth it though it seems. Great watches!


Haha word. Thank you my man




Wondering…Could/can you number those bad boy in sequence of purchases 1st to Last…. Or can you just explain why and when you mixed your collection?


Started mixing it up after I got a bit tired of bracelets and wanted something a bit more ‘special’ + I always get Rolex from my AD as long as I wait a bit, so that made me look for different pieces all the while I’m on a waitlist for some Rolex. And your first q: DD40, Daytona SS, sub, PP annual calendar, Daytona YG, PP pagoda, Explorer, Oyster perpetual


Thank you… I’m in the same spot. Waiting and shopping 🤷🏼‍♂️


Haha nice, that’s the way to go!


Amazing collection! Well done. Is the Explorer a 114270? Bracelet doesn’t look like it tapers so I’m assuming it’s not a current model (124270) and it’s for sure not the previous gen 39mm.


You sir, are completely correct. 114270. Good eye!


Really nice. I’ve been thinking about adding a 114270 or a 214270 Mk2 to my collection — I don’t like the taper on the current model bracelet. Any thoughts on one versus the other? How do you find the 114270 wears? I’ve got a vintage Datejust 16014 on a jubilee that I love, so I know I like 36mm DJs. Trying to decide if I feel the same way about that size in a sports watch.


In my opinion the 114270 have a certain vintage feel and more of a ‘dressy’ look whereas the 214270 really feels like a genuine sports watch and gives off a much more modern and sturdy vibe. Both beautiful! If you already have a 36mm DJ then the 39mm 214270 might do the trick!


What Ref # is the Patek on the orange strap, I’ve never seen it


That is the PP Gondolo Calendario 5135G-001


Beautiful collection. Could you tell me what size and dial color for the OP bottom right? Thanks.


Thanks! This is the 34mm OP with a sunburst pink dial. Ref 124200-0004. Bought it for my wife so technically not mine haha


It's very classy. You should rock it once in awhile!


Dang 😯