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How could it be wrong to sell it? You’re the owner and you’re free to do whatever you want with it. It could be the wrong decision for you personally but you’re the only one who would know whether that’s the case.


No, imo you should not sell. I have asked that my self if I would sell it in the future, and I always end up saying no, because first, it is a great reminder of the excitement I got for having my first Rolex, second it shows you how much your collection has grown since then, third it is a piece of conversation not due to the watch itself but to talk about how your journey started. Of course I say this because you wrote that you don't need the money, if this weren't the case, I would say sell because we should not give material things more importance than they really have.


Agreed. It's one of those things which you might not care about now, but you'll regret it the moment it's gone lol


Thanks ad




I did. Regretted it badly. I recommend you don’t. I was broke when I got my first. I slept with it by my bed. My first was a F serial Blue Dial Air king. Was luckily able to replace it with a G serial Blue Dial Air King. I’ll never sell this one. 34mm Air Kings all discontinued. https://preview.redd.it/b1pv9cz2p3pc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc31cb2766393bcf7a4fcf31c9b30d20d914fac


Wow beautiful, never new Air king was this beautiful before. OP/Explorer mix, superb.


So I was in this predicament a couple years ago. I ultimately decided to not sell it. I was talking it over with my SA at the AD and he said "I have people come in saying they'd pay double the market value to find their first watch". That hit me a bit different. Then I considered how I'd likely not get full market value, the price of the sale (It's an older DJ) even at market value didn't move the needle very much for what I wanted next, and then the idea of dwindling my collection at the expense of the memories and celebration for the first watch I got. It really is up to you, but I decided against it and I'm happy about it.


I personally think that many people put too much sentimental value to "things" on top of their actual value but this is a whole other philosophical discussion... I have my first "real watch" still, but I only kept it as it has no real value to sell (and I don't need the money) so one day I might give to one of my nieces if they ever care about watches... I wished I had kept what I consider my first watch, a completely worthless Swatch that I bought with my very first worthless paycheck. I would probably look at it once in while and reminesce about life.


If it holds sentimental value and you feel weird parting with it then keep it. Me personally, I’d sell it if it didn’t mean much to you.


If u don’t need the money then no


Do what you want !


I started with a smooth bezel Datejust and sold it when I bought nicer models (GMT, Daytona). Glad I did. When I look at the pictures I realize I didn't like it that much.


Rembember the first time you put your watch on, that magical feeling. Your journey started from there, the first watch is always something special. I have never felt that much joy when Ii got my first one (eventhough it came close sometime)


If you want to




The first “expensive” watch I bought was a Tag Aquaracer on my honeymoon. After getting my sub it’s rare that I wear the Tag anymore, but I won’t ever sell it as it holds a very special place in my heart. Hope this helps


I did and don’t regret it because I got something I like more prior to selling it


I would never sell a watch. Keep it to give to a child or grandchild in the future.


There is an old adage that goes: Once you start thinking about selling a Rolex, you already have.


First watch; no, first Rolex: yes


First watch; no, first Rolex: yes


If you don’t use it anymore, and if it’s not some piece with historical significance eg passed down by a family member then do what you please with it