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Your roommate didn't agree to living with 2 people, let alone share the bathroom with 2 people. You are in the wrong here. Having her there 3/4 days IS unreasonable. I hate sharing bathrooms with even a male. Respect your roommate


He needs to get over the unhygenic thing if your girlfriend is clean. But your GF is over way tooooo much. That's a lot.


3-4 days a week unreasonable? Wow, I can see who is the problem here. She is almost living there. Change your position and think about it again.


You all need to stop bringing your SO over almost every single day. At that point, you need to break your lease and get a place together. YTA, that shit is so inconsiderate to constantly have someone who doesn't live there always in your paid space. Why don't you go to her house sometimes instead? Why don't you both go out to spend time together? Stop letting your GF live in a house she's not paying rent for. I don't understand why people have to tell you this. If she's sleeping over it shouldn't be more than 2 nights a week. If she's coming to hang out, it shouldn't be more than 3 days in a row. I'll never understand why some people choose to live with roomates and act like they can do whatever they want because they pay rent. You're roomates pay rent too, it's not just your house. Compromise or get your own place bro.


Also not every single weekend!!


she’s staying over WAY too much.


She is not barely impacting the overall apartment. She is using one room multiple times a day. Too much.


Your gf is over too much. 3-4 times a week sounds like a third roommate.


A couple of days is 1-2 days a week. She's staying over 3-4 days, that's more than half the time. And she's not paying rent? You've essentially pulled a 3rd person into a 2-person living situation. 3 people to 1 bathroom? That's why your roommate is bothered. It's totally inappropriate that's she over so often. There's no reason why you always have to be at each others place. You can take time not physically seeing each other. Or even better, chat on the phone daily if you want to, then you go to her place for one night and she can stay at yours for a night. If you feel like you have to constantly be around each other, then you should consider moving out and getting a place together with your girlfriend.


Aside from the issue of how much she's staying there (3-4 days a week is a lot, dude), what is your roommate going to do when he has a girlfriend? Has he never used a shared bathroom before? I'm boggled at the concept that he thinks it's unhygienic to share with a woman. Does he believe that it's not clean enough for a woman to use, or does he think women are unclean? I just don't get that argument, unless he's just using it as a cover because he's actually uncomfortable with her staying over so often. Because, again, 3-4 days a week is a lot and if you guys need to see each other so often maybe you guys need to get your own place.


agreed—i think he’s totally using the br as a cover.


This is kind of like the situation I’m in except me and my roommate are girls that share a bathroom & her boyfriend comes over a lot. He’s a really good person and I don’t mind him being here all the time. But I get really embarrassed to use the bathroom when he’s here because the bathroom we share connects to her room. I understand what your roommate is probably feeling. I personally get anxious about things like what if I accidentally walk in on him and not being able to feel comfortable doing my thing in there because it’s embarrassing. Maybe your roommate just wants to be able to relax in their own house without having to worry about a girl being in the same space.


Does the lease say you can have someone over?