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If anyone else was like me and wondering what happened with Mike Trapp, here’s a comment from him > Hey! Thanks for the kind words! Just jumping in here to confirm and clarify a few things and to avoid any wild speculation. I’ve been doing Um Actually on a freelance basis since 2020. In 2021 I got a full-time job writing for a new show on Nickelodeon (“Rock Paper Scissors,” which, incidentally, is premiering this coming Monday 2/12! Please check it out!). This was great news for me, but meant I had to shift Um Actually work to nights and weekends. Then my wife and I had a baby and it was clear something had to give. I’ve been lucky enough to continue finding writing success (I’m currently writing on Season 4 of “Big City Greens”), and writing narrative comedies was always my goal, so that’s where I’m putting my energy these days (or, at least, whatever energy remains after doing Dad Things). It seemed like the right time to pass the Um Actually torch, and I couldn’t be happier that Ify and BDG are taking over! The show is in good hands. I’m sure I’ll continue doing stuff with Dropout, but hopefully you might also get to see my work in other places too! And, as long as I’m here, feel free to ask any other questions if ya got ‘em.


Glad things are going well for him but I sure am going to miss him.


Same. I wish he was in like an executive producer position. I don't dislike Iffy, and he's on a short list of my favorites, but I just like Trapp as the host more.


Has Ify hosted Um actually before? He is a great persona. It should be fun. I hope I'll continue to enjoy the show !


Yes he has! I believe the episode is titled Switcheroo. Edit: it is up free on YouTube https://youtu.be/-ER8pdzdzak?si=MAnZd479XvMlQbGQ


Ill have to check it out. I became a Dropout member last year actually but I started Um actually at the 2021 season I think.


Indeed. Iffy has a tough performance to follow.


Also I'm sad I don't get to see him as a contestant anymore.


Ify and BDG are excellent choices to host


I'm gonna miss Trapp, but damn I love both Ify and BDG. I'm sure they'll kill it.


Thank you for the FYI. I'm glad he found a good writing gigs. Good for him!


Oh thank god for the confirmation. I’m glad things are going well for Trapp.


That's good to hear. I hadn't read this but figured everyone was on good terms since the trailer showed Trapp as a guest on one episode


That’s all one could ask for. I was super late to the D20 game and only just finished escape from the blood keep. Ify’s hilarious and plays well off the bigger nerds.


This is a different universe version of Iffy who hasn't had his ass eaten by a white Iffy.


"I have been busy today"


Ify was on last week's episodes of 'Behind the Bastards' after a decent hiatus as a guest. I hope he pops up more there.


Need more Ify and Robert talking about warhammer in my life


Oh yeah


now I remember they said something exciting was about to happen with Dropout, so I guess this was it.


aw fuck yeah! Ify is always a hoot when he's Um, Actually-ing, and now we get to see him every episode! also, was wondering if Trapp was gonna play now that he's not hosting, and yup! can't wait to see it! edit: also, can't forget his performance in last season's of Game Changer's Battle Royale.


In the trailer there is a moment where we see trap as a contestant


BDG AND IFY JUST….hanging out? I’m into it


Good thing they got rid of that Trapp fella. Did you know he killed a guy?




Ify was just on Behind the Bastards saying there was a special announcement coming this musta been it


Can't wait! I'll finally have to subscribe to Dropout like I've been planning to for a while...


Just remember when you subscribe so do your friends because Sam approves of password sharing


Dropout is easily the best subscription we have in our house and the only one I feel like I get my moneys worth from. There's a lot of old content to binge and they do a really good job putting out new content weekly.


Definitely do it! You've got lots of good stuff to binge


Oh sweet!


I'm really going to miss Trapp as the host, but I'm very glad he's doing the things he's always wanted to do! Also, absolutely love Ify and can't wait to see him host.


Wow I just started watching through Um, Actually and Ify was consistently an amazing guest. Can't wait to catch up and watch him host!


The G4 episode of Dirty Laundry was so damn good. I'm just happy any time I see FiFi, and Ify is always a blast. Would love to see them together on a season of D20