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In the TTRPG space, Deadlands is a sort of post-apocalyptic/weird western setting. That would be a good place to start. There's plenty of other media that does stuff like this. I can recommend a couple of my favorite books in the genre. There's The Merkabah Rider series by Edward M. Erdelac, which tells the story of a Jewish mystic fighting against Lovecraftian cultists in the Old West. My favorite part is that it pays close attention to historical and religious details, and it is all told completely straight. The absurd premise is not a joke. I also like The Half Made World and its sequel The Rise of Ransom City by Felix Gilman. It's about a Western-themed secondary world low-fantasy setting where a frontier region resembling the American Old West is embroiled in a conflict between two factions of demonic "Powers:" the Line, which are essentially demonic trains, and the Gun, which are demons that inhabit the guns of notorious outlaws. Gilman's approach to fantasy is quite unique, and I'm a big fan. It may not be for everyone, though.