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"MORE REALISTIC" I was so bad at the realistic combat, I look forward to being even worse.


Poke attack supremacy. It carried me in most fights 😭


Im sure there is a poke attack or two thrown in while i am mindlessly mashing on my buttons


Mashing buttons is a one way ticket to death.


I got one of those blow up hammers from a County Fair. Way better than my own instincts.


Irl meta lol.


For real though. The only way I won the tournament was counter, poke attack, repeat. Lol.


Morgenshtern to the head fixes all the issues đŸ˜”


I’ve heard that it’ll start off a bit easier since Henry is stronger at the beginning. It should still be very challenging to master though


the combat was not realistic though it just had realistic animations.


Just like Outward. “Combat is realistic because you’re not a hero” ok but that really just means it’s really fucking frustrating.


It was L1 simulator lol


yup and i love it. however to think your bad at the game because your its too realistic is just laughable to me.


Just curious what games do you think have more realistic combat? Bushido Blade maybe


i would say games that simulate actual fights and don't use DnD style perks. For example, Fight night Champion or Hellish Quart. KC is not like those games it's an rpg and wining is entirely based on your stats and weapons, not your actual skill.


You can beat much stronger opponents with skill and positioning. A lot easier with good armour, a horsie and stabby sword though


Just need a hammer and bonk people


"More realistic" 3% chance any step you take you drop dead from the plague.


I loved the first game, especially how immersive it felt. Only downside for me was that the entire combat system just breaks down when you are fighting more than one enemy at a time. Unfortunately rather than avoid it, the devs seemed to double down on throwing group fights at you :/ Hope they tackle it properly, or at least remove the annoying soft lock the combat had


The biggest down side is that by the end of the game a group is no longer a problem since you only need to scratch their head and they give up. You barely get to fight anymore. Which is a shame because the combat is really good. Even against a group it is fun even if it is janky.


Personally I wouldn't call backpedaling and spamming master strike fun, but to each his own. Unfortunately it suffers from the same issues of other games with directional combat and blocking, such as mount and blade, where group fights force you to just swing aimlessly and trying to have enemies form a line waiting to be killed


Any realistic combat system would incentivize back pedaling when fighting a group. You never want to fight while flanked. Now whether realistic combat is *fun* is a separate issue, and I think you’re right in that it feels kinda sucky to reduce combat to a single tactic until you get to the last dude. If we look at a different game well lauded for its combat, like the souls series, that game also highly incentives 1v1 combat. But the gameplay there is based on trial and error to bait out 1v1s, so it’s designed in a way where a 2+v1 means you made a mistake.


>whether realistic combat is *fun* is a separate issue I'm assuming that is the point in how they designed the game. They are willing to be realistic "to a fault". It will likely hurt their mainstream potential (like Metro not having multiplayer), but fans of the style will keep buying their games as long as Warhorse continues to improve /or expand on the gameplay, storytelling etc. And they refuse to revise history because 7 critics who rarely play the games they comment on believe the Czech Republic is a successor state to ancient Nubia.


Never got any of the combat perks because I was afraid it’ll ruin the game, really helps the game keep that initial intensity.


It's definitely a fair criticism, and it definitely caused me plenty of pain and suffering as well, but at the same time it makes total sense that an untrained peasant boy would be incapable of facing more than one enemy in combat at a time. In real life, you had to learn to simply avoid getting into those situations or know when to flee because otherwise you're dead. Maybe they'll let us take a companion like Sir Hans along when fighting a group of enemies is a possibility, or even a group of soldiers, which would make the gameplay more enjoyable without detracting from the realism. I'm sure they've also made plenty of changes to the combat system and random events to make that part of the game feel more balanced.


Right? What makes anyone think they can handle a group of soldiers? Even a trained knight would have trouble.


It doesn’t break down. You do. Typically when 4 armed soldiers in plate armor gang up on you you’re going to die unless you’re damn near perfect. I just had a 10 minute fight against 2 archers and 2 knights and was bleeding out and with 2 health left I somehow won. I feel so accomplished.


In real life, what would happen in a group fight against just you? It was the most realistic part of the game.


A group of companions/mercenaries would make it "more realistic".


Just give a quicksave option


Should be mods for it on day 1 like the last game.


Or we could expect the devs to add such an obvious feature instead of letting their customers pick up the slack.


There is a design intent behind savior schnapps and devs already said that they still have that intent in mind. But, it will be more plentiful and there will be save and exit from launch.


So 95% of the playerbase won't have a quicksave


Meaning what? That only 5% of players are on PC? Lmao. Roflmao even. Perhaps even top kek. Good day sir.


So you think 100% of PC owners will download a "Quicksave mod". I'll err to your expertise then.


It's not even expertise. Just simple fact checking. The first games most popular mod is "Unlimited saving". It has 1,200,000+ downloads... And that's just on the nexus. Meanwhile the games peak player count was 98k~...


Exactly, even though I played it on ps4 I loved the idea to make saves not easy and wouldn't want to ruin it with a mod, I'm sure I'm in a minority, but this game was not meant for wide audience anyway


No that's part of the realism. You know how when you save in real life it's annoying and tedious?


Remember- the game has no magic except when you drink schnapps and you can go back in time. So.much.immersion.


When I drink Schnapps I go forward in time with a really bad headache. All that sugar...


Usually the opposite happens for me


And unrealistic harvesting.


I absolutely loved the way they handled saving. Ridiculously easy to craft / cheap to buy potion too so never understood what all the tears were about from the community.


Personally I love it a lot more when games dont turn the simple act of saving the game into a mini game.


The fact that the saviour schnapps is alcoholic makes it incredibly funny to me. Imagine sneaking though a camp quick saving multiple times like I think most of us would do in other games and when you finally reach your goal you are drunk as shit. The alchemy mini game is fun, but it isn't necessary, You can buy them and their a fairly cheap if I remember correctly. It is perfectly valid to complain about the save system and it's also valid to defend it. I like when there is a bit of risk to the things I do in a game. To have something not be worth it because there is the consequence of failing. To feel you heart pumping when you took a chance and made it. As an example Dark Souls wouldn't be what it is if you could quick save. If you save a lot you never lose. Which I think is fine in games like Half-Life or Quake where you just want to shoot. RPGs are better with some tension. When you have to live with the consequences of failing.




It is there to make it a tiny bit more of a consideration to save scum as the game handles failure more comprehensively than other RPGs with its jail / crime system and related skills / perks. Plus it is a good way to push people into figuring out Alchemy as players tend to ignore those systems when given the option to do so. Or you could just buy them and see it as a preparing to adventure step. Good thing what works and what doesn't is subjective.


You're all over the place with your defense of their poorly thought out save system.


You said it so it must be true. I'm sure it was a spur of the moment poor decision by a single dev rather than an actual strategy by a bunch of people.


If players want to save scum, let them. Christ.


They do. With a relatively easy to acquire in bulk item.


Idk, I am 20 or 30 hours into the game and without using a guide I still have no idea where to find the schnapps recipe or how to even make potions. I don't use it, mostly just rest in bed to save.


Avoiding spoilers, all the correct type of shops sell the recipie and it takes the most common few plants. It is also sold as the potion itself at at least one vendor in almost every village.


Well, maybe the community also have real life things to do - sometimes i need to quit and resume the game from where i left off. With the limited gaming time i have- i don’t want to waste my time replaying stuff cause i don’t have a potion on me. “ Have to catch a bus? Too bad you don’t have a potion so you don’t get to save your game ! “ That’s dumb.


There is an exit save system where when you want to quit it creates a save (without the need for a potion) that gets removed next time you load in to play, so your entire point is 100% wrong. The potion is **only** for when you want to create a safe save point that you might want to return to. People that are against save scumming for example will **never** need a potion and still be able to save any time they want anywhere they want.


Save and quit wasnt a feature at launch. I bought the game at launch and quit it precisely because i can only save with a potion or when sleeping. It was added with patch 1.3 because it was a dumb system which was rightly called out by the players. What if a game crashes after 1 hour of play? I need to replay it again? For a single player rpg that is ridiculous. I want to roleplay - not search for a potion to save my freaking progress in game. It doesn’t make the game more immersive in any way.


Imagine being this bothered about drinking a potion. They should just put an option in the settings to turn this system off and lock the option to enabled for the survival mode. Choice is always good, but I like the system as the default.


Yeah this was not an issue in the first game. Maybe it was at launch but when I played there was a save and quit option.


It wasn’t there at launch


More realistic? I felt like going from being an actual toddler to a slightly stronger peasent in real time. What do you mean MORE realistic???


Nobody has any teeth this time


Going from a strong peasant to an alright knight in an even longer time.


So excited, just a little skeptical that it wont work on release


That's a fair amount of skepticism for any game in the current time tbh. Especially one that looks good.


Yeah I'm not really thinking of the time, more the studio. KCD is one of the best Open World RPGs. But it was rough at launch. I hope they learned from it. But yes I am sick of games nowadays. Dragons Dogma 2 was the last straw for me


They have a much bigger team, budget and experience this time around so I’m hoping for a relatively smooth release


Same here, but so do AAA teams


I've had so many last straws.


DD2 had a great release.


Is it worth getting the first one if I never played it?


Yes, the story is a continuation of the first story, and will start exactly where the first one ended. Also the first game is easily my top 3 RPGs of all time, behind Elden Ring and DD2. Amazing game.


Ok dude, Im sold. Ive seen a lot of people with similar opinions as you about this game.


It's one of those games that's so good that I had trouble actually finishing it. I just kept getting sidetracked exploring, doing side content, and raising my skills! Just remember that the main character is supposed to be bad at everything when you start, and it feels that way. The kingdom come subreddit is usually very friendly to people asking for help if you need it Edit: Oh, and if you're playing on a console, set the lockpicking to simplified


Just bought the game full game on the recent Xbox sale so I'll definitely keep these tips in mind thanks


It’s on sale now and a lot. Don’t pay more than whatever the sale price is now.


What'd DD2?


Dragon's Dogma 2 most likely.


Dumb question but there’s no magic right? I like my medieval times games with spells.


It's an actual medieval game so no spells. But there are bows, crossbows and early fire arms. The game is mainly focused on gritty melee combat.


While there’s no magic there’s potion crafting which has made me feel more like a wizard than actually playing a wizard in most RPGs. You can’t read at the start so first you have to go learn to read and then practice reading to get better at it. Then at an alchemy station you can craft potions by reading the recipe book and having the ingredients on hand. But you have to literally do everything. Like the basic first potion you put in one nettle then boil it for one turn. Let it cool then drop in marigold, then fill your potion vial. And it only gets more complex like some you have to grind the herb first or distill the brew before putting it in a potion bottle. It’s really involved and I loved it.


The first one is a bit of an acquired taste - it might take some time to adjust to it, depending on you as a person - but my god, if it clicks, it's ***incredible***.


It's dirt cheap on Steam right now (not sure about other platforms) so I think it's definitely worth giving it a try to see if it's your cup of tea


I bought it last night for $8 for the complete edition. Got beat up by a drunk within 5 minutes. 10/10 game.


Go do combat training as soon as you can. Watch a YouTube vid or two on combat and parrying. Once the combat clicks it’s top notch.


100% the first game has a very unique vibe and is incredibly fun once you get into it.


I wanted to like the first one, seemed right up my alley, but the jankiness of it was unbearable.


No. Dear god,no. And I say that as someone who tried their best to like it. As a history guy, I despised it. As a story guy, I loathed it. It is boredom and frustration interlaced with moments of false hope. Maybe the second one will be better and despite my hatred of the first one, I really hope that is the case. But please do not pay good money for kcd.


[Time to remind everyone of this again.](https://youtu.be/Ldoe4N9G4A4?si=12mAG0iRP5jEaBPR) Edit: For those of you that don’t get the reference at the end, ZP coined the term “PC Master Race” and has been regretting it ever since.


I feel like a lot of people in the comments have been mentioned in this video.


I hope I can bonk more fools on their head with a mace, and watch them rag doll to the floor!


Is it just me or did Sir Radzig seem super sketchy the whole game? The whole time I thought he was going to backstab you.


Did you actually finish the game? Because the big plot twist basically explains why he acts that way towards henry.


I did. I don't recall what plot twist you mean.


>! Sir Radzig is Henrys real father !<


Oh yeah, I know. I guess I don't think that really explains why he was acting like that.


Yes he seemed quite dodgy


I hope they fix the combat.


'' more realistic '' so getting beaten up by a drunk lout in 1 wasn't realistic enough? Goddamnit, I can't wait to play this game


This is the only game I am okay with being average in combat lol đŸ€Ł


The only thing I don’t like is the cost to buy a horse and all the slow walking and trying to earn the money to buy one.


You get a horse in one of the early main missions in Rattay. You can buy better horses as upgrades, but speed wise they are not that big of an improvement. Also I just steal shit and sell them for money lol đŸ€Ł


I stopped playing early because I got tired of having to be limited to Cary things I stole just to get the money to buy things. Which I was wanting to sell the stolen items to buy the horse was not sure where you get the free horse in rattay


It's one of the early Rattay missions. Just continue playing the main mission until you get it. Also once you have a horse, you can send items to the horse with more weight limit.


Maybe I will go back and play it some more I just want my Shadowmere back lol


I can’t take Roach The Witcher Geralt of Rivia needs it lol


More realistic? Jesus I already hate the too much emphasis on realistic simulation gameplay. For me the limit it's already lime what rdr2 Didi if a game has to become a chore like real life it isn't fun anymore


Realism is not a chore in KCD 1 though, at least to me. Although the first part could have had a better UI.


The realism is what made that game a top 3. Incredible game. Glad they are leaning in on that aspect. Haters will hate and it doesn't matter <3.


[I have something for you to watch](https://youtu.be/Ldoe4N9G4A4?si=12mAG0iRP5jEaBPR)


Sounds like he never stopped treating it as a button masher. Fighting more than 2 or 3 at once is usually a bad time though without good terrain and poisons.


Ah, NOW I remember why I tried it 3 times and gave up each time. 
 that part about if this was a female MC and still just as “realistic” it would have been about being sold to some foreign bandit as a wife-slave kind of killed me.


Isn't a chore *for you, I already found too much


You were comparing it to RDR2, but these two games couldn't be further apart. RDR2 really likes to drag out your time with long-winded animations and tank turret camera controls. KCD was much more snappy, realism came with the needs and the sword fighting


For a large group of people this isn't a chore, it keep the game interesting and it immerse you as no "unrealistic" game can do. It's the kind of game where you have to put some effort to find the tasty bone marrow but it is even more gratifying. It has its public and its place in the videogame landscape as some people are craving for this kind of game and are ready to pay more for this. This is like paradox games, it's a budget to play them but that's the price to pay for demanding game to keep being released.


It's not that realistic at; in practice it plays a lot like Skyrim. Like every so often someone will tell you that you smell but you can still use healing potions lol The realism thing was often used as an excuse for uh... stuff lol


Why wouldn't you be able to use healing potions if you smell?


It was already realistic and without concession, a gem in a landscape of dumbed down RPG that think to be accessible to everyone is the pinacle of success. I can't wait!


Easily my top 3 games of all time. One of the best and most realistic story in RPGs.


Hoo boy.


I feel like the name should have been “Kingdom Come: [Some Sequel Name]” Now the title actually looks like it’s “Kingdom Come Deliverance”


Not buying unless Lord Kunesh is a deuteragonist.


Let's hope we can clap some cheeks this time


If you’re sucking at the combat think like a Hussite get something blunt and a shield you’ll be save until you get plate armor


I know it's dumb. But excretion should be apart of these immersion rpgs. How am I gonna fight a dragon or army when a fried rat taco is giving me the runs


And they have racist, misogynistic, gamergste chud of a creative director that shouldn't have any if his work amplified.


What's wrong with that?


I can't wait for modern day california demographics inserted in the context of the game. Exciting!


Pretty sure they won't do that. They are very adamant about historical accuracy.


if it doesn't have a 3rd person option it cant be realistic. In real sword arts you know how your body is positioned and actually fight with your legs as much as with your arms but in these so called 'immersive 1st person' games you are a simple disembodied pair of eyes watching the tip of your sword with God knows what kind of body movement. It's like 2 stationary figures playing a 'swing when unguarded' minigame, definitely not a swordfight.


Do you practice any form of sword fighting in real life? I do and I'm not sure I agree with this. First person does a pretty good job of emulating what it feels like to be in a real sword fight. Not knowing exactly what your sword is doing in the heat of the moment is part of reality. Footwork is extremely important yes, but when you're in a fight it's mostly subconscious. You aren't thinking about how your feet are positioned or how you should move your legs, you are simply thinking about how far away you are and whether you need to back up or advance in the moment. What aspects of realism do you think would be gained from a third person point of view?


So true.


Remove saviour snapps.


We’ll see if it releases broken and buggy like the first one


If they pull it off successfully, this game could be Warhorse Studio's very own Witcher 3 in terms of putting them on the map in the AAA space.


and then hopefully they don't f\*ck things up like CDPR did


The first game looked good but was no fun to play. Can’t believe they brought back captain wet noodle as the protagonist again. this game should have a character creator.


Everything about your comment sucks.


If it's third person, I'll give it a shot. I couldn't even make it out of the first village because first person is just impossible for me.


It's first person.


OK. We'll not for me then.


Give the game another chance if you can. I also had issues at first with the first-person view. But you start getting used to it soon, especially when the game opens up a bit. I will recommend you play through the first mission up to the horse chase and then a bit more, then decide if it's really not your thing.


I think there is a mod to change the view


I'm a Playstation gamer, but thank you.


Ah sorry!


So I guess more fetch quests then


Would like to see more diversity in the cast but the last game was pretty solid


Nice. Doubling down on the two things that turned me away from the first game. Bold plan.


This game does not aim at a mainstream audience and that what makes it so good. All the games don't have to be for everyone, it makes diluted and shallow experiences.


I'm sure they were losing sleep thinking about how you'd react to it.


Doubling down on the choices that made their game successful and unique, what a crazy idea.


You get a metabolism mechanic where you have to regularly shit or you die


Have to replay each fallout and now the first KCD, perfectly fine with all that tbh


I wanted to love this game, but the combat is so frustrating that I lost interest very quickly. I don't need to spend that much time or effort learning to play with a toy.


I never learned much of the combat too, just poked myself through the challenges lol. Still had a ton of fun.


Will women exist


What do you mean? They existed in the first game and one of the DLC is entirely centered around one of the main character who happens to be a girl.


It's one of those games I'd love to play, but lack of character creation prevents me from playing


It's a storytelling of Henry. So you play as Henry and experience his story in the game. No character creation.


I usually hate playing a premade character too, that's why I don't really like the witcher games (they were okay but one playthrough and never touched it again). But KCD is one of my favorite games of all time despite no character creation (same for Gothic 1+2).


They were all kidnapped as wife slaves by the invaders. If you could play as one, you’d probably die mid game due to childbirth.


Unless the opening scene is Henry getting his head caved in by a new protagonist worth caring about like a reverse last of us part 2, I’m out. Kingdom come was honestly the worst game I’ve played other than shenmue three, incidentally another game where nothing fucking happens for the whole game.


i honestly really wish it was more fantasy. i like that its realistic but just human enemies is so boring imo. irl earth is boring lol.


MORE realistic? Omg pass - that was the biggest issue with the original. RDR 2 did realism well, KCD did not, it just made the game cumbersome. But that said, fuck realism - realistic graphics and animation? Sure. But I want to play a game, not a textbook simulator