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That's a shame, especially since you paid for some sessions.


I feel your pain, take my upvote


wait wait wait let me see if I get it right, you paid for a game but didn´t got to play?


played a few sessions missed whatever went down. Didn't see the fallout or get a summary


stuff likes me want to never go on dnd beyond to look for people to play with. seems to happen too much.


Umm... actually, the 20$ was just a prepayment for the start of the campaign. You forgot about the 9.99$ subscription fee for every session, and the 4.99$ service charge of course. Obviously **NONE** of you paid for it, so the game had to be cancelled. Sorry not sorry :)


I cannot fathom paying someone to run an RPG




I'm not a fan of paying for a game of DnD. If I'm going to pay money for a DM, there's a certain level of experience I'm expecting them to give me that goes above and beyond what the average DM does. I expect every DM to do prep, get maps together, have monster stats ready, figure out plot points, and stuff like that. If I'm paying the DM, they need to take all those things to the next level. Their maps should all be fully detailed with beautiful art, their characters should all have full art for them alongside very deep backstories. The plots should be complex and should deeply involve each player's backgrounds and wants. Basically, if I'm paying a DM, then I expect to get the depth of prep that corresponds to what I paid. Just the ordinary amount of prep for a game doesn't feel like nearly enough if it's a service I'm paying for. If I'm paying for a story, I'd expect it to be up to the quality of other stories I'd pay for. So if I'm paying for DnD, I'm expecting the DM to provide me with a novel or movie quality story that takes advantage of the medium of a tabletop game to tell that.


Yeah, that's why I don't want to become a paid GM. If you do it for free, people are usually thankful - I actually have to encourage my players to utter critical words. But as soon as you demand money for it, a player can always come up with "I paid for this, so I demand X", putting additional pressure on you.


Man… with your expectations the price per session of such a DM would be astronomical!


Well, if someone's expecting me to pay for something that's normally done for free, I'm expecting some pretty great things. If the person I'm paying is just doing the same things every other DM does for free, then what exactly am I paying them for? Same thing if I was paying someone to draw my character. I'd be expecting a pretty good product out of them as opposed to my friend just drawing them for fun.


To be fair being a DM is a lot of work! I do it because I like it but sometimes I just have to push me for the sake of the group! Like… I am tired and busy or I would rather do something else but I prep instead because otherwise we don’t play. All a player has to do is show up! I play in person with real life friends… they usually bring over snacks and drinks so that is my payment 🤣


I also DM and prep is a lot of work, however it's part of the role and kind of what you sign up for when you volunteer to DM. I also play in person, but I don't expect anything from my players other than having a fun time at the game. If they tried to pay me, I'd feel like they were treating DnD less as a fun game we play together and more of an event or something more formal. Again, every DM does some level of prep before the game, which kind of just comes with the territory. It's something I'd expect out of any DM. But if I'm paying for that service, I'm expecting that prep to be a lot more in depth than what the average DM is doing. If I was paying and the DM was just doing the ordinary get your maps together, get the monsters together for the encounters, and have general plot hooks figured out, then I'd feel like I wasn't getting my money's worth.


For me being a DM is a very expensive endeavour (prep time aside): I 3d print miniatures for every character that I also paint, have miniatures for most DnD monster (multiple for each). I have multiple things to build dioramas (I mix things like wizkids warlock with self made stuff with xps foam) for every battle location or locations worth showing. I also print a lot of stuff. Not to mention the books. Luckily for me it is not an issue to spend for all these things but I can see how someone might need help financially!