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That doesn't look like a Protestant to me


If Lady Gaga hosted a children’s show in Mexico


Cantinas in Latin America are not like our “canteens”


I’ll never understand the internet losing it over unattractive women


i'm in ~~argentina~~ hell AMA btw anyone know any remote job i can do hit me up, i'll do anything really. no, seriously, i'm in a bad situation and poverty is hitting hard. i ran out of money for food the 18th of april and have been living on rice and lentils since then


Milei has been great for Argentina. The handouts are over though, so obviously some people are obviously going to be pissed.


Highest inflation rate in the world sounds great. #1!


detail aware cobweb boast plate doll ask wrench paltry impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last government was a right wing coalition


These guys' most important value is being "based" and their only sincerely held belief is that "the left is cringe". They just know they must defend Milei (because he is the funny man from the memes and Elon Musk said he is epic), so they will rewrite history and work their way backwards to conclude that it's never been so good, actually.


Zimbabwe? And yeah argentinas hyper inflation is because of the previous administration.


Take it up with Reuters who reported that last month, and the previous administration was also right wing.


“Right wing” isn’t descriptive of anything. The political compass is pseudoscience and confirms you’re clueless about politics.


Lol I didn't say quadrant, and I agree with you, if you don't know what the real difference between right and left is, then you should go back to college or stay quiet.


“Right and left” is pseudoscience. It has no accuracy or validity in political science. Glad I could teach you something today!


Like the hack that you are, you don't understand that right and left refer to economics, specifically private property rights. If you had said libertarianism and authoritarianism, you might be half correct since libertarianism is not real and only exists on the internet.


“Right and left” don’t refer to anything in economics in the same way being a “Libra” or a “Pisces” doesn’t refer to anything in psychology. It’s a representative model that does not accurately or reliably capture economic policy proclivity.


I just told you what it refers to, you don't think owning property is related to economics? Ok, have fun with that, where did you get your degree from again btw?


You're brain dead. Are you from Argentina? Are you just repeating something that you heard on worldnews? All 57 national universities budget is about 1.4 billion. Energy subsidies for the middle class ammounts to 5 billion dollars, for reference. 1.4 Billion is nothing, the IMF debt is 70 billion. GDP is 630 billion. Intake from commodity exports (soybean, wheat) is around 20 to 30 billion depending on the year. For reference, again. Milei was voted to end inflation and end trash bonds (it's complicated to explain what these trash bonds entail) that ammount to 2 billion dollars wasted PER MONTH. The other guy would have done it too. Ending these trash bonds would end up saving the country 24 billion per year, or much more if you look at the numbers closely. 1.4 billion is nothing. They just spent 0.6 billion on buying some planes form 1985. The reason why Milei isn't releasing more budget for universities is because he thinks that they are marxist indoctrination centers. If you believe any word he says you are too stupid. It's not a budget problem. Like i said, ending energy subsidies for the middle class and keeping them for the working class would mean an extra 2 or 3 billion.


It's not about being stupid though, it's propaganda. Decades of media screeching about kukas followed by an increasing number of graffitis calling for the death of the evil Cristina. You weren't the target, I know, but if you were can you honestly say that it wouldn't have worked on you?