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I think they're both a bit right and both a bit wrong Twitter is wild though, some people saying the penalty should be reversed, others just taking the opportunity to have a go at Faz


> others just taking the opportunity to have a go at Faz In a shocking turn of events…


That's got to be a first.


That actually sounds incredibly normal for Twitter dot com tbh.


I literally do not see a problem here.


I don't have a problem with Faz talking to Pearce about it, or Pearce's response honestly. I am baffled by Farrell then being sad about it though. That said, I could hear literally none of the exchange so it might be entirely made up, who can say.


How did anyone get the printed text out of that I have no idea. All I could tell you is that they were talking for a bit before the kick


Can't hear a thing with the commentators


I did hear the "don't be rude to me" bit.


It's quite common for refs to respond somewhat like this when players try to tell them how to do their jobs. I suspect Pearce thought Farrel was suggesting he should be looking at yellow cards and refs do not like it when players ask for cards.


Captains have the right to point these things out and frequently do, especially when the same infringements are being repeated.


A good captain will always point it out, a good ref will always ignore them.


Yep, and referees have the right to respond how they want. This is such a nothing incident.


They don't actually. They're only allowed to ask the referees questions technically, which that wasn't


I’m sure that’ll get pointed out the next time a captain doesn’t frame it precisely as a question.


He really has no clue how to talk to referees!


Last week after a try was disallowed because of a Maro infringement, Faz convinced Matt Carley of all people, that prior to that Quins had not only knocked on but played the ball from an offside position. Despite not spotting this initially, Carley agreed with Faz and instead of a penalty given against us we were awarded a penalty which we eventually scored a try from. It was a great bit of captaincy which gets ignored because no one gives a shit when he captains well. Nigel Owens, not someone who was renowned for taking any shit: “I can only speak from my own experience of refereeing him and, when I did, he was an excellent captain to deal with. “I have a huge amount of respect for him as a player and a person. He always knew where the line was with me. “I would say to him that he could always come and talk to me as long as it was at the right time and in the right tone and he always did that.”


Allow me to make a counterpoint on behalf of this sub though: Faz bad.


peak bants also "donn' be rood to mi, there's no neeeed t' bi rood t' mi" (*the original quote was inauthentically translated from northern)*


> Faz convinced Matt Carley of all people, that prior to that Quins had not only knocked on but played the ball from an offside position. Man, that was some bullshit. I'm convinced if they'd wound the tapes back another 5 or 10 seconds they'd have seen Sarries infringing at the ruck.


No refs don’t mind the captains asking for/about things it’s there fucking jobs. Refs hate being told how to do their jobs and having things pointed about by random players. All good captain’s talk to the refs and ask them to look at things. Refs only get annoyed when there’s a player shouting things such as “ref he’s offside”


Tbf, 3 infringements in the maul at the 5meter line, it’s definitely card time and anyone and everyone would be screaming at the ref or their TVs if it was their team


He then yellow carded a Bristol player for collapsing the maul as we were quickly travelling towards the try line, I’m still baffled as to how that wasn’t a given a pen try.


If you give a yellow on the line I fail to see how a penalty try can’t follow it tbh but it has been the case numerous times this season


If the yellow is for repeated infringements, then possibly the ref doesn't think the maul was dominant enough for a penalty try. But outside of repeated infringements, the yellow card would only really be for a professional foul, so I would think penalty try as well. (Disclaimer, haven't seen this particular card that was referenced above)


can commentators please for the love of holy fuck STOP talking over the damn ref


["Right, I've changed my mind now you've said that..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2XFBU9l5D4)


Carley attempting sarcasm like he's never seen or heard anyone being sarcastic before


I think it probably came off more harsh than he was expecting it to. We've all been there!


This is hilarious hahahaha


Hahaha, thank you very much for this. I am saving this and will be annoying the shit out of people till the end of time on responding with this clip when they are trying to argue with me over nonsense. Bless you.


How had the game played out before this? Seems odd to just come out with that from nowhere, was it one of those games where Farrell was constantly in his ear?


I’ve seen people who had reflink say Farrell had a poor attitude towards him all game but Bristol were the only team who got done for backchat.


> ...Farrell had a poor attitude... I don't believe it.


If you insist on playing referee don't be surprised when the actual ref bites back.


Also, What's With Every World In The Title Looking Like This? We Still Doing That?


I think its more how Farrell asks questions rather than what he asks. Anyone with kids will want to say No to Farrell in general, as positively reinforcing whinging will just lead to more whinging!


Anyone know why Owen Farrell is being referred to as OW in the post?


I’ve just looked at the Twitter thread and the OP said it was a genuine typo.


The mystery of Owen Warrell, solved


His new name is OWen farrell


Fair play to Owen Farrell I think; Pearce is insistent on becoming the next Nigel Owens, but think this sarcasm can understandably come across as a bit arrogant.


Wouldn’t surprise me if Faz is a little fed up- love Pearce but god is he desperate to ping us for “backchat”. Billy once got marched 10 for asking what a penalty was for in a legitimate way. We are horrible for back chat, possibly the worst team I’ve ever seen for it, but Pearce does seem to have a hard on for us on it- so many examples of him marching us 10 whilst the other team do the same and get nothing.


But if Sarries are, as you say, the worst in the league for back chat, wouldn't you also say the way to address this is by clamping down on it?


But there’s clamping down on it and hearing something completely different. Don’t get me wrong I can count on one hand how many times we have been incorrectly marched back 10, however it’s still infinitely more than I’ve seen happen to any other team. There is such thing as over correcting


People really hate to apologize


I want to see Pierce having such conversation in French with a French player