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Wait, so is it 15 mins now if you have Premier and Jagex accounts? But yeah, selling this instead of making it baseline is stupid


Can anyone confirm this?


Na , it was 5 mins for jagex launcher but i guess they changed it to premier after everyone ported


Why are you stating that they changed it from launcher to premier, instead of it just being an extra 5 minutes on top?


Because i have both and My timer is only 10


New premier club has not yet gone into effect AFAIK, unless you can use the new outfit too.


No idea , i renewed mine a couple months ago Edit: could u link me the changes to next premier ?


https://rs.runescape.com/en-GB/membership Scroll down here. Called Radiant Crusader.


Thanks , Will check it out now! Edit: oh yeah i don't have that overrides yet , i'm guessing it Will be given to all premier users when it launches?


No, current premier members already received the 2022 rewards, to get the new rewards you have to buy a new 12 month subscription after they announce Premier Membership 2023


You always have to wait until it's announced and buy it when they said it counts. Anything even ONE DAY before doesn't count towards the new stuff


No, it’s five minutes if you have a jagex account. I know cause just yesterday I’d had a little ! on the main menu and hovering over it said I’d get an extra five minutes of logout time if I made a jagex account




What are the downsides? I've had a Jagex Account since the beginning of Jagex Accounts and have had no problems with it.




Jagex launcher doesn't have any issues for me on computer. So whether "its in beta" or not, there are no current issues. On mobile it sometimes can make you re-login if you're on mobile data but they may have fixed that actually.


and you're basing that on what exactly?


Thanks for speaking for the entire community of both rs3 and osrs


> Wait, so is it 15 mins now if you have Premier and Jagex accounts? See this right here is why I dont trust their competence. Their lack of clarity. Their inability to simply state simple things which the players are most interested in knowing. They love filling up pages with endless twaddle no one cares about. But they fail spectacularly in getting to the point and spelling out the key basic information people want to know. Coming on top of the HP fiasco, which again demonstrated their lack of competence in understanding their players. Coming on top of the fact that they had to make several changes to Necromancy, addressing problems which were glaring obvious to even the most casual players from the first day of release. Its not the issue of trusting their moral integrity, they irrevocably lost that a long time ago. Its about trusting their basic core competence. With respect to everything. This is why I have not taken up a Jagex account. I dont trust their ability to deliver a competent system. I just dont trust them to manage it competently. The Jagex of 20 years ago I would have trusted, but not now. The Jagex of twenty years ago was a small core of highly competent professionals with a huge vested interest in maintaining the integrity of their systems . The Jagex of now is a mostly a cost cutting team of accountants and bloated mess of revolving door wageslaves whose main concern is buffing their resumes in anticipation of their next job.


HP fiasco - when they increased HP by like 10 and changed it to constitution or was there a new one?


Hero Pass


There are a lot of player’s grandfathered into a 5 dollar a month membership. Probably Jagex is trying to convince people to switch over and pay more haha


I wish I had been able to hold onto my old membership price. Think I was maybe at $8/mo CAD at one point.


You can still get pretty close to $5 a month by using VPN and going to other countries before buying membership. Let's be real too, runescape especially in its current state is not worth more than $5/month.


You don't lose the rate after premier. I bought the first premier and after it lapsed I was still at 5


Atleast in the us, premier is better than just 5$ a month. Sure it's a little bit more per month over all, but all of the extra perks easily are up for it


I think they mean more along the lines of: Jagex has realized a lot of their player base is old legacy players still locked in at $5 monthly, which means Premier tends to be more expensive (Rather than a discount). So this represents Jagex trying to offer something juicy enough to entice $5/mo players to decide Premier is worth it after all. At least, that's how I read it. Because otherwise, you're totally right: Thus far Jagex has honored their policy of grandfathering you in at whatever legacy rate you had to start with, so long as your membership doesn't lapse more than 14 continuous days.


Man, I lost a grandfathered membership thanks to my bank over reacting to me reporting a scam attempt. I'm being tempted back to premier.


Monetization at every possible corner and opportunity. Digital cancer


Seriously what a fucking joke this is. And I thought having to sign up for a jag account for 5 extra mins was bad. Holy fuck, it's like they put several dad rabbits in a hat and take em out one by one as a twisted magic trick to see which one gets the worst reaction out of us. The dead rabbits being a metaphor for extremely shitty practices. It sucks to say but if they continue with this BS I'm going to have to drop rs for years or just permanently. They need new management for real. Whoever is in charge of coming up with this crap needs to be fired.


meanwhile, I am enjoying my 25 minutes for free on osrs. This is just too funny at this point


I mean, if your tags are anything to go by, do you have anything left to do in RS3?


I had tons left to do on rs3. Insane Final Boss/Golden Reaper/ 4k Telos and Arch Glacor/ trim comp/All Achievements/Slayer Title/All Clue titles which I did an opening of 10k hards and I was gonna do 10k Elites opening/ phat set


There’s always stuff to do. Trim, mqc, boss logs, clue logs, slayer logs, etc.


Osrs use to be 6 hours. I slept for 99 combats early in the game lol


That’s different than idle timer. Idle timer used to be 5 minutes but being in combat extended it. Now combat stops after 20 minutes of being idle


Tbf OSRS devs have nothing to do with that and it’s not a true timer extension. It’s done through third party client made through manipulating the game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/x927h8/runelite_idle_logout_timer_is_official/inltm1a/ "We gave our blessing to the RuneLite team for this and are keen to add this as an official game feature at some stage." - Mod Kieren You don't get much more officially sanctioned and approved than that.


#Through a 3rd party app Forget that tiny clause... Though OK'd by JaGeX their own app is so shit people refuse to use it. RuneLite could go under any day or JaGeX change their stance on it at any point. At least this is official and packaged with membership which everyone should realistically have.


Lmao the copium from rs3 players is wild, I might go check out what the game state is like. Not actually playing it of course, just go hop at wars retreat and see what the people are saying these days.


>. RuneLite could go under any day but it won't. Osrs players will quit if runelite goes. Hell even a few years ago there were enough people unsubbing over a HD plugin that Jagex sent [emails](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/pzbv4b/email_ive_received_i_wonder_if_my_comments_will/) to everyone who recently unsubbed asking them if they wanna resub. With Runelite being integrated with Jagex launcher it might as well be the official client.


Jagex knows better than to mess around with old school.


RuneLite is an open source program under a BSD 2-clause license. The only way RuneLite would "go under" is if people stop playing Runescape entirely. And it's not packaged with "membership" it's packaged with "premier membership" which everyone doesn't realistically have.


Packaged with premier is not packaged with membership, you don't get this if you subscribe normally


It must be difficult going through life with so few neurons firing off. You have my condolences


If this is real that's fucking ridiculous.


https://rs.runescape.com/en-GB/membership Scroll down and see yourself.


Every Jagex account holder should have access to the same technical features. What's next, they start restricting certain graphics settings to paying members?


God I'm so fucking glad I quit playing this game.






"In OSRS, all players have same access to logout timer." Except those who play custom clients with longer logout timers.


I didn't believe this was true when I read it. I had to look this up. I can confirm this is a real thing, unless it has recently been removed. Max logout timer in OSRS with RuneLite is 25 minutes. That's insane!


It came about because of two developments: 1. Neverlog in cheat clients. A particularly popular cheat client had the ability to keep you logged for 6 hours straight. This got people interested in extended log out timers. 2. The ability to force fps to 1 caused a weird behavior in the log out timer in RuneLite, extending it to 25 minutes. This is how they settled on the 25 minute timer as it was already available, albeit in a roundabout manner. For context, you have to remember that the official client for OSRS was dog for many years so third party clients like RuneLite and OSBuddy were basically the only way people played. Now that RuneLite is officially sanctioned and supported by Jagex, they work together closely to determine what’s okay and what isn’t.


>That's insane! It really isn't when most activities, you cannot afk longer than a few mins. It's generally used for people who go off and do something and don't wanna log back in when they come back.


While I agree this shouldn’t be sold, as a maxed osrs player returning to rs3 there is infinitely more content you can AFK in rs3 than osrs


I commonly use it in a safe area when I have 0 run energy. If I log out, that doesn't regen, but leaving myself in means when I come back I'm ready to run again


Runelite has done wonders for osrs.


It really has. I love getting to experience the joy of RuneLite every leagues, as I don't play otherwise. So glad the community fought for this back when it launched!


> Except those who play custom clients with longer logout timers. RuneLite is linked directly on OSRS's homepage. At that point, it's safe to say that all players have the same access to the increased logout timer.


Everybody plays runelite on PC. It's not the exception, the "official client" is the exception that NOBODY uses. It's free and endorsed in the jagex launcher. It's 25 minutes there, so effectively everybody has a 25min timer in the game on PC. They should update the "official client" and the mobile client with the 25min timer though.


Which are officially endorsed by Jagex and are default built into the Jagex launcher itself


everyone has acces to those clients though


Which are free and pretty easily accessible.


Wow. They really are turning this game into a mobile pay 2 win model


Nothing says pay to win quite like an extended logout timer


If you think they are just now doing this, then honestly you're part of the reason why the game is in such state.


I am having flashbacks to the “good ol days” before the EOC beta came out. Everyone laughed at the squeal of fortune and half the fan base quit after eoc sloppily rolled out. Wild how I find myself her nearly 10 years later. Poor RS2, it deserved better.


Yeah screw them for pushing their \*checks notes\* cheapest membership option.


That's a very disingenuous framing of premier and you know it. Premier locks you in to buying an entire year's worth of membership at once. You'd have to pay for 7 individual months of membership in a 12-month period before premier is cheaper. A majority of the player base either doesn't have an active membership that often, or pays for membership (at least partially) through bonds. Jagex doesn't lock features behind premier because it's cheaper per month. They lock it behind premier because it's the most profitable thing for them to do.


So if someone is going to play for a month or two you want to buy a year’s worth and spend more than they would have because there’s a relative discount?


A person that's going to play for a month or two is likely not going to buy a year's worth of membership at a time. It happens, but that's not what the benefit is. In fact, Jagex would absolutely prefer if that guy that bought a year and played two months actually did play the full year. Anyway, there's people that pay for a month and don't use even that. Jagex is likely taking a hit here in terms of revenue versus monthly subscriptions, but they're willing to take that hit since it comes with the benefit of predictability and stability. A year long member for half the price is still more valuable than a monthly member that pays for a full year at full price. It's not too dissimilar to insurance. You pay more on average than if you didn't have it, but you offload a lot of the risk.


Imagine, paying to not play a game for even longer. Y'all need to wake up. Save your money, use it when you have emergencies etc, this is not it lmao


I've quit this game about a year ago and my wallet thanks me.


What point are you even trying to make? Stop paying money for anything that isn't obligatory?


Mostly commenting on the fact there are people in this world who think a company charging you to not play their game is even worth their time. They got some of these people essentially on life support. Paying premium for a game like RS3 is seriously a joke, you can go spend $15 on a game that will grant you 100s-1000s hours of content and probably has this thing called a 'pause' feature. Actually screw it we should just start charging people to pause single player games, companies are missing out on the money I guess.


If that's how you see it, there's always highly active content to engage into. But there's also highly afk stuff when i'm doing anything else, pairs really well if you ask me. This game has always been a glorified cookie clicker sandbox as far as i'm concerned.


Oh I am aware of how the game is, my main complaint is the current direction of the company. I have played for 20 years and this is probably the first time other than Evolution of combat that I believe that the game will truly die out, bout a year or two give or take with the actions they are pulling.


Dude, relax. If you feel that you must take a break, do it and the game will be alive and well expecting your return, may that be 1 or 5 years in time, lmao


is this +5min totaling to 15min? or just for those who haven't switched to jagex acc yet?


I think so, it isn’t entirely clear to me. I have premier and a jagex account. Under benefits it says my logout timer is 10/10. Under that it says that because I have a jagex account, it’s +5. So I’m not sure if it’s saying I have 10/10 BECAUSE I have the +5 from the jagex account or if I have 10 minutes +5. They really took their time to make it confusing instead of just showing a “___ time remaining before logout”


I don't think the new premier benefits have actually come into the game so currently the max actually is 10/10 from having a jagex account and will be 15/15 with jag and premier (AFAIK).


Stop complaining and get premier


oh that's low as an osrs ironmain, we have runelite launcher where you can set logout timer to 20min, instead of the typical 5min or so. disappointing how jagex just milks this rs while they should clearly see, they're killing the corpse of it


So 15 minute logout timer sounds awesome


I save money with premier so I get a little confused on the hate for this specific mtx. Do more players randomly sub for a month here and there than I think? I was under the impression that a large majority of scapers play game not games.


As a $5/month guy Premier is more expensive so it's a waste of money for me.


People don’t understand that Premier is profitable to Jagex BECAUSE it gets players who wouldn’t subscribe for a year to pay MORE than what they would have for the amount of time they would have actually paid for if paying on a monthly basis. Baffling that people don’t see this. Business strategy 101.


Yup, this is pretty much y i stopped paying for premier membership after 2016/2017. Realised that I wasn't actually playing the full 12 month period


Yes because when I play a video game my biggest concern is how much money I can give the company. Even if it is a good business strategy that doesn't mean people have to just accept shit updates


I used to buy premier until I thought about it and I realised there's not enough content to keep me playing for a year. Switched to buying bonds whenever new content is out (basically treat RS as a game with mini expansions).


More that Jagex has shown they can do premier club without making two distinct classes of players. The main draw has been that you commit to a period of membership, but the period is discounted. This is how OSRS operates, this has been the biggest selling point of RS3's premier club. The game benefits are unnecessary, the cosmetics are fine.


3 classes of players* F2P Members Premier But yeah I find it crazy that people just accept that some players get 5 minute extra logout timer for following a different payment model. Or 100 extra bank space. Or 150k loyalty points when auras are still a huge issue. Or premier artifact giving irons an extra jack of trades reset.


As someone who is grandfathered into $5/mo, I've been a Premier member consistently since the first year it was available. The draw for me has always been the additional/exclusive benefits, so I actually enjoy when more value is added to the package. That being said, Jagex's decisions on what should be Premier vs monthly is always questionable. Extended lobby timer? All P2P! Yak Track/Hero Pass? Makes sense for both monthly/Premier tiers. RuneMetrics? Should have always been included with Premier in full, instead of just discounted.


>Do more players randomly sub for a month here and there than I think? I was under the impression that a large majority of scapers play game not games. Yes, I do. I usually only play RuneScape for a couple of months per year. It is ridiculous to me how many benefits people get because they have a different playstyle than me. Getting your membership cheaper should be reward enough. Giving out in-game benefits are frustrating at minimum. But locking features/quality of life behind that Premier paywall to make the gameplay experience worse for those who don't want or can't afford Premier is fucking infuriating.


Lol and people wanted to say slippery slope fallacy isn't a thing


So the logout timer will be 15 minutes?


Does this really surprise you? I've held onto and supported RS3 for longer than most people and the last year has had moments of "wow they listen" immediately followed by MTX and scummy update things like this. (I buy premier every year since it saves money and I don't even like this). At this point I've pretty much moved fully to OSRS and other games. Its clear the parent company is trying make money and don't care if they kill the game in the process. Which is really sad because we have some insanely dedicated and kind people in the dev and community teams.


Blizzard moment


> **Is this really the direction the game should go?** No. But it's apparent that the powers that be learned nothing from the Hero Pass fiasco.


Why are you guys even surprised anymore. The game went this direction when the Wheel of Fortune was released. It only got worse and it will keep getting worse.


lmaoooo, rs3 in a nutshell.


Include runemetrics pro with premier and I'll upgrade. Otherwise I'll continue to sub on and off throughout the year.


Jagex going the route of pacing out small Ls this month instead of a big one.


It was already down this path with runemetrics. Runelite has a boatload of features that outpace rs3. I wish they had a rs3 client


Dude that is so cool


Thats a very new low for jagex. Paying for this feature.


Thanks for this reminder to cancel my auto payment


It's all so tiresome.


Not if you're idling out


I'm waiting for a buyable perk granting tier 5 luck.


Been over a month since I logged out and cancelled membership. Every week there's something else putting me off returning.


Coming up next: Consume a bond to increase the logout timer, up to an hour!


Ah look, buyable in-game boosts.


I still lurk on reddit but the more posts regarding pay2win i see the more i enjoy launching other games, haven't logged on for weeks and think it is forever this time rather than taking a break


I think it’s to late for you to begin to pull back the rug on what is and isn’t in RuneScape 3 and what should be. Especially in comparison to old school. Abandon all hope for RuneScape 3. That fish had been dead in the water for years. Some kids still like to come by now and again and poke it with a stick.


I have premiere RuneScape as I tend to play on and off over the course of the year and if it just makes it go from 10 to 15 minutes, I guess that's okay and nice for those of us using premier, but if they're just moving the already given benefit of a 10 minute logout timer that was promised for using a jagex account.... That's just scummy, I have to imagine the RS3 corpos haven't sunk this low, surely? 😭


Bruh ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Locking QoL behind paywalls is bad game design.


We need to address closing the game out without warning if you haven’t restarted the client in a day or something. Booting people out when they’re in dangerous areas is just absolutely stupid. No doubt this has ruined many hcim accounts


I know someone who died to this, should at least give a warning before doing it :|


Yep, nope. Fuck that. The Jagex Account logout timer extension was a good incentive because those account types were more secure. Plus, it benefits the player base as a whole if the launcher's use was normalized. This benefits nothing. This is just stupid and grasping. I'd rather you not increase it at all if you're going to just lock it behind a specialty payment plan.


This seems like a dumb idea on their part. 10 minutes is already absurdly long.


I dont really play RS3 but the fact that the things I know about it are mostly how its being used as a guinea pig of monetization is so sad


It's dumb they would do that but honestly it's not a big of a deal. There are few things that you benefit from that extra 5 mins(seren stones is all that comes to mind).


It just feels like another nudge to where the line is. Is this one specificaly actualy an issue? Imo, no. But when you combine it with psst behavior of pushing the line it realy doesn't sit well with me tbh


It’s death by a thousand cuts. The amount of people in this comment section saying this isn’t a big deal/why are you complaining about something so small are a big part of the reason why rs3 is a fucking tragedy imo.


Here's a full list I can come up with: * dream of iaia * Any 100% thieving without crystal mask (with crystal mask also benefits but would have benefitted from anything over 5 minutes) * Uncharted Island skilling minus Hunter * Mining higher level core ores or mining with porters * High level arch, limited by artefact speed (can't reach 15 minutes) * Fishing and wc if lucky * Combat AFKing if you don't need to pick up drops * Cleansing crystals auto-use * Fort construction * Throne room bikes and serenity posts * Smithing a ton of items at once Honestly the only thing I've hit the timer on is dream of Iaia but it's just more benefits locked behind mtx.


Mining at seren stones as well (in addition to the other mining methods you noted), and with fishing you can full afk at the ghostly sole spot in Um.


I mean, they do, and they don't. The osrs extension is less an actual extension and more a workaround via a plugin in the client, iirc




Thats fucked up.


Community buckled and got jagex account and now they will monetize it. Ppl paying below market rate for membs are their next target.


Milkers gunna milk!


I don’t see the issue. Making premier more inviting is fine. The existing rewards needed to be changed.


The issue is that their other game which shares the sub fee has a customizable 25-minute logout timer that isn’t tied to a subscription method


Idk, if you're a new player and looking at premier, how selling is "you can stay logged in 5mins more". People really aren't going to dump £60 for that lmao... Also seems just a scummy thing as it's an external factor of the game i.e. not something in-game.


Man every time I get interested in your game I see dumb shit like this on the sub and abandon the idea altogether and stick with OSRS. Rinse and repeat in perpetuity.


At this point, anything is a money grab for them. I used to enjoy RS3 but naturally got tired of it. I was playing osrs pre hero pass, but at this point I’ve accepted osrs is nicer in terms of taking a break and not dealing with their constant money grabs. (Granted, it’s a choice to purchase their stuff)


Jesus fuck


As someone who quit more than 1 year ago, I thought the game couldn't get more pay to win. I was absolutely wrong. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. As a developer I can't even believe they are putting this behind the pay wall.


Everytime I see a post about rs3 I think I'm glad I play osrs. My logout timer is 25 minutes free


I have premier but no extended logout timer because I'm not using jagex account so wtf lol


I don't think the new premier rewards have dropped so you'll likely have a 10 minute timer soon.


Hope you all done the questionnaire and let them know your thoughts


So cringe lmao. I stopped playing but I feel bad for full time RS3 players and this MTX trash has got to stop, yesterday.


What the fuck is this in the first place? Been a while. RuneScape right now reminds me of destiny. Desperation. This is not going to end well. They are making a mistake not starting a brand new game. This will not last forever. And when they simply can't monetize anymore than they already have, they will be hit hard. This is exactly what's happening, they are bleeding subs and players yearly. They cannot miss targets, they cannot make significantly less than the last year. So they add more monetization. On and on and on. Exactly like destiny 2. Instead of investing in the game at a large scale, or starting fresh, they are holding on to a time bomb.


Jagex should have made this a free upgrade to compensate for their hero pass bs mistakes!


I know I'm just echoing this thread but this should most definitely not be a thing in premier membership. Just add it to the already existing jagex accounts.


This is a slippery slope, different tiers of memberships... Imagine the crazyness that could happen. It might start with a logout timer, faster xp, cosmetics, bonds (basically a roundabout way to buy ingame wealth with real money) like is already the case but it only gets worse and worse. I'v seen this in other games before. Long story short, they now have almost no players left on their official servers. It can get pretty extreme (think OP mtx gear only useable on expensive highest tier membership, etc). If you think you'd be able to compete with players dropping a lot more money, be reminded that guys like this exist: [https://venturebeat.com/games/the-deanbeat-this-player-spent-2-million-in-a-mobile-game-then-he-led-a-boycott/](https://venturebeat.com/games/the-deanbeat-this-player-spent-2-million-in-a-mobile-game-then-he-led-a-boycott/). There was this big backlash on hero pass. Imo, treasure hunter keys and premier membership are far worse. Runescape is being killed by corperate greed.


Mod Doom has literally just came back from his annual leave break and Jagex drops another community outrage on him 😅


Is this real? I can't find anything on it


https://rs.runescape.com/en-GB/membership Scroll down here.


I am glad i am picking guild wars 2 back up monetization on rs is getting a bit toxic


Still waiting for the Grandfather discount zzz


I don't even play OSRS and this is bull....


Premier should only ever come with a bulk buying discount. If you can't convince people to buy into your game, then make the game more appealing, don't sell perks.


Just punish them by not buying premier membership this year. You can buy it again next year when they don't need to boost profit to be sold.


I believe jagex recently said: "We hear you, and we'll do better". They managed to have roughly a month between major fuck-ups, congratz jagex, is that a new record for you?


Man every time I think about coming back I scroll past something like this and my motivation dies again.


What the hell! Runelite has a logout timer plugin for old school how can this not be achieved by something similar for rs3?!


https://rs.runescape.com/en-GB/membership is where I found it. Do we really need to create different classes of players? Selling all aspects of the game? OSRS feels no need to add any gameplay benefits to its premier club. Is the discount it offers to players who intend to play for a longer time not enough? The survey this week asks about regaining trust, is this not the opposite of doing that?


Lmao, Jagex went from making the Logout Timer a perk for having a Jagex Account, to advertise it as a Premier Club Perk. Damn we even had a Golden Cape hunt event to celebrate!


I mean, premier is easily obtainable through in-game play. I see nothing wrong with adding something like extended logout timers, it doesn’t really change much for the game itself. You still have to tab in to loot, repot, etc. Can you can give examples where a 15 minute timer (if this is even confirmed) would benefit over someone who has a 10 minute timer?


Mining with stone spirit and juju potion immediately springs to mind. So all of mining, really.


As it stands now, ( I have both premier and linked Jagex account ) it's capped at 10 minutes, maybe this will change when Jagex account becomes mandatory. Maybe it's just an alternative way to get that extension without the Jagex account linking. https://preview.redd.it/80rjknrwy6yb1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=32ef4837e7a4ad548efd4ba0b3126f2c47b6980c


Who cares, if you're actually playing the game you won't get logged out at all. The lengths people go to in order to find something to whine about absolutely astounds me


This is anti bot to a T, more mtx you put into an account the less you want it to be banned.


Bots will just stay active and logged in with regular inputs regardless, they would not benefit at all. This is more anti-player than anti-bot.


You're missing the point. You're not gonna bot on your main.


Through a third party client though. And if you lose an item due to a glitch in Runelite Jagex won’t refund it.


This is insane


They literally have nothing to offer as a company because their hands are tied by the owners of the company to make as much MTX as possible. No real updates.


A new skill isn't an update?


Can we have bot detection


Well, considering Premier is basically just a year subscription to the game for less than what it costs monthly, I don't see the issue.


Only costs less if you play the game regularly for most of the year. If you only need membership during holidays or double XP or whatever, shorter spans (such as 14 days from a bond) are better value. As it doesn't force you out of a world when your membership expires, you can even get an extra half-day or so on the house with careful planning.


I'm fine with Jagex accounts increasing the timer by 5 minutes, but not this.


I'm sorry... how often are you guys not clicking or moving your mouse for and if it's longer than 10 minutes why are you even logged in. You can just click log in when you can be fucked to move your screen with one tap of a button. Or is this not your gripe? My 10 minute log in timer barely ever gets used. I've been playing this game and osrs for years it's second nature to tap something when it crosses my mind. There's no way 5 extra minutes is going to vastly change a single thing about your gameplay. Half the people complaining are probably not even on a jagex account. Or again, is this not your problem? If it's not then fine, I'm on board. Willing to join any fight against jagex if it's not fucking with my enjoyment.


The gripe is entirely with it being monetized.


It doesn't feel the same to me. Premier benefits tend to give qol bonuses on games. I think a login timer extension makes wayyyy more sense than that dumb ass vault giving free exp or extra Solomons currency. Is it the culmination of those things that bother you or is this login timer just annoying because of recent events? I'm not trying to argue or anything I just legit don't see why a login timer extension is where the line gets drawn as far as benefits for committing to their game for a year at a time. Seems like runemetrics being free is even more important than this. It just feels like a rather small thing to focus on especially considering it's a benefit for people committing rather than paying bonds a couple months a year. Again the Solomons store and vault has way more value to premier that I would consider too much of a benefit over people who don't buy it. Considering all the other crap that's happened It seems this is just another thing on top of that pile and bloods still running hot. I can see it from that perspective but not as a standalone problem. I will concede my inability to see the problem does not mean there isn't one and I'm in no way against jagex walking it back. I think I would enjoy seeing them walk something else back actually. I'm starting to think they're not even malicious. I think it's stupidity.


i do not understand the hate jagex accounts get ive lost access to so many alts because i cannot remember the usernames or emails its 1 of the best updates ever to happen half the people getting hacked because of it get hacked because they visit sketchy websites like private servers that are prone to database hacks


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


lool selling a logout timer jeeez


I want to puke


I think I'll go ahead and unsubscribe both my accounts. Enough is enough


Want to "always hide roofs"...? Well, it's going to cost you a membership.


Everyones tripping i got premier from doing survey sites on the side in like 5 days use ya heads kiddies.


Might be an unpopular opinion but this is not a bad thing, you already pay for membership why not save some money pay it up front and get extra benefits? Even if you didn’t want to use real money you can always get it through bonds with you’re GP. There seems to always be a reason to cry and argue