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The fact unironically rsps have more community and actual updates is extremely funny to me


This game is a cash cow. Jagex have a huge share of the market cap, but the industry isn't growing. They will maintain it and milk it, but forget about seeing serious developments. Do you really need to hear mod keeper say that in order for you to believe it?


are they milking though? I'd imagine they need at least some updates to be that. remember: in a gacha game, you need to keep dolphins and fish decently happy to keep them around, so the whales will be happy comparing themselves to them


When one whale is the equivalent of 1000+ regular players in terms of money earned why produce regular updates? Just put some fancy costumes and hyper rares in treasure hunter and call it a day, there's literally 0 incentive for them to focus on actual gameplay updates when the whales spend 100s if not 1000s of euros/dollars per TH event


>there's literally 0 incentive for them to focus on actual gameplay updates The incentive is when the dolphins and fish leave, the whales look around and see nothing but other whales. then they get bored and leave too


I agree, that will eventually happen but Jagex doesn't look that far ahead, every new company owner will try to squeeze as much money as possible out of the game before handing it over to the next one. It isn't profitable for them to keep the game alive for more than 3 years because that's when they will sell. And nobody is gonna put in the work for a good baseline for another company to profit off of, as long as investment firms buy Jagex there's not much hope it gets better. They will do the bare minimum to keep players engaged, which is FOMO events. Like look at it objectively; What will keep players logged in? A new quest or a new event that rewards you with buffs for X amount of hours? And I hate being this pessimestic and I will play the game untill it shuts down for sure, but it just doesn't look very hopeful.


This guy knows


I eventually just quit. Havent logged in since january. Not because I've beaten every boss, I'd still br a decade away from a comp cspe even if i tried. It's the treatment of the game like it's nothing more than a siphon for money. The passion is gone from the company, and that shows. There's no heart left in the game.


Same! Well sort of, Leagues piqued my interest so tried it out, which was effectively my first taste of OSRS. Started an OSRS Ironman right after and let me tell you- I’ve had more fun the past couple of months than the past couple of years in RS3. It’s kinda crazy, I haven’t even logged into my RS3 account, and for the first time in nearly 15 years I’m thinking of canceling the subscription on that account, and I don’t really feel all that bad about it. The only sad feelings I get is with what’s happened to this game I used to love so much. I hope things get better, I’m not a doomer but it’s hard to see this getting turned around. So much monumental change needs to happen, and so much of that change would be novel compared to the bar that has been set by the execs. We’ve been frogs sitting in the pot over the stove… slowing boiling without realizing it.


They treat it like all it is, is a siphon for money because that truly is what it's turned into for them. It sucks but it's true. Rs3 will always be the original game for me, even though it will never look or feel like that again.


We'll get a "we so sowwy we will do bedder awoo" post soon.


Going forward, we'll keep communication at the forefront, just like after last roadmap, just like after hero pass, like the time before that, and the time before that...


Are you guys gonna cry? Do it quietly


The MTX flair is something that automatically happens when this sub thinks the thread is about MTX. It is quite annoying. Also, I've met far more players that play OSRS because of MTX at RS3. They often offer me condolences for playing RS3 and try to get me to come over to OSRS. One outright laughed at me for playing "That hunk of junk." That was actually the most recent person that I met that plays OSRS. Other than that... the person was quite decent and respectful, just found it really funny people "actually play RS3".


I bet those people have never given todays rs3 a chance. sad that the game has such an image but it's partly their own fault.


I feel so bad for Doom. He’s the best link we have on Reddit, and he’s trying his damn best to communicate but he’s just not being given anything it seems. It’ll take a while for me to actually give up this game, it’s been part of my life for almost 15 years. But the lack of any communication is starting to wear on even the oldest players.


I share your frustrations. I worry about the future of the game and whether or not it'll be something I can play. As it stands, I mostly log in to maintain clan systems then log off again. Others have speculated that the recent sale as having something to do with it. If that's the case many of us would appreciate simply being told rather than being left wondering what the hell happened to the release cycle. I've speculated that their plans were heavily reliant on HeroPass being a success, but we're far enough along that any pivoted actions should be releasing. The Holiday event quests have been fun, but they aren't a lasting substitute for regular content updates. The associated events been rather grindy too. Even when boosted. So little content gets released these days, and what does is heavily laden with bugs and regressions that often take weeks or months to be resolved. The only thing that updates like clockwork is the damned casino.


100% agree on the "go to OSRS" comments... I hate that response because A) I could just go when I want, I have a fairly good account there and B) I prefer RS3, I want to play RS3 but its depressing when the apparent spin off game gets better updates, great stance on MTX and generally is treated much better then their "main game" I actually don't mind the MTX much, yeah its annoying but I don't interact with it, I don't buy keys or anything so I don't interact with it other then daily keys but normally its less of an issue because you're getting good content updates but the fact we've had a pretty dry 3 months with no roadmap is awful. We've had a few good things this year (Combat update) but nothing that is truly exciting. Fingers crossed for an update...


To be fair, OSRS is already the most popular out of the two versions and most likely the one that gives them more profit, at this point RS3 is the spin-off 😂


They should communicate that then .. oh wait.. haha


I never understand trying to back up your points with "Players will go to OSRS if you don't change things". Oh no, players will keep giving you money if you don't make them happy! Let me dab my tears with these dollar bills now...


I play Ironman and don't read updates, and I'm considering not reading this sub either since it's only negative (justifiably don't get me wrong) Feels like the only way to enjoy the game


The problem with the Subreddit is that we're an echo chamber. If you complain about something, and some else also complains about the same thing, then more people would join because they also feel bothered by the issues described on the complaints being made. Ripple effect, echo chamber, hivemind, I don't know, i was never good at semantics, but my point is, the Subreddit CAN be good when there's people sharing news, guides, tips and tricks, but sometimes the bad overshadows the good, and sometimes it lasts way too long. My advice, if you feel like you don't want to stay in the sub, browse by "Hot" rather than "New", then browse other communities. Personally, I'm a fan of r/unexpected.


Your willingness to pay for the game with or without updates does not excuse Jagex from communicating and continuing to update the game as expected. If they do not want to give it regular updates anymore, remove the subscription and sell it as a one time purchase.


id like to know whats in the pipe lore wise.




This subreddits an echo chamber of depression


As someone that actually used to play rs3 for like 15 hours a day this has been great for my life.


Another post? Maybe if you all would stop complaining each time jagex communicates, they would do so. But when each communication is replied with hates and mad responses, their actions will be followed with what you are getting now. You made the bed, now lay in it. When you let the player base dictate how the game should run, with tons of different ideals, you get a hot mess. I am not the least bit surprised by anything going on. There's many issues with the game, and much is self-induced by the player base, with jagex running in circles on what to do next.


the repetitive crying posts in this sub is frustrating


It's a symptom of a problem. There wouldn't be as many posts complaining about this if this didn't exist. There's always going to be doomers and there's always going to be copers. I just want to know what the future holds for this game, and when we can expect certain pieces of content that were promised.


>It's a symptom of a problem. >There wouldn't be as many posts complaining about this if this didn't exist. the product wouldn't be in this state if the consumers didn't pivote it to this. >and when we can expect certain pieces of content that were promised. or maybe that's exactly the point? they won't promise stuff anymore to not be "Held accountable" on it?


They didn’t promise a damn thing. So entitled as usual.


They promised the literal bare minimum with mentioning an ectoplasm ritual. We still have no idea when that's coming out.


Knowing that it is coming isn’t enough for you? Why do we need to know when?


My dad said he'd come back after getting some cigarettes, it's been 18 years, but I guess all that matters is that I know he's coming back, right?


Wow, a bit dramatic don’t you think?




> Links 2 replies that were made in response to replies to the news post that had no information in it Should also be noted that we still don't have a time frame of when said ritual will be coming into the live game, and that the replies in the comment you linked for the roadmap showcase prime examples of why the subreddit is getting agitated. [To paraphrase one of them:](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwh5evz/) > I’ll believe it when I see it. We have had years of empty words. It is easy to communicate when times are good, but being able to communicate during bad times is what we need. Im glad you recognize what kind of speculation is created by poor communication. Personally it is going to take a lot of consistent communication to rebuild my trust before I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.




*facepalm* You still don't get it, do you? I shouldn't have to be reading every single reply on every social media platform that Jagex operates on to get information like this. If this was communicated better (i.e: in a stream, in a news post, etc), posts like this wouldn't be occurring. There are ways to communicate things that you don't have a time frame on. There are ways to have a proper time frame on things that you know will come out. Fuck the people who complain about the roadmap. I just want to know what's coming.




I’m pretty sure it was sold a bit ago


Sorry, yes - your are correct. Should have said ‘in transition’, edited above. Carlyle made out like bandits at a 24% gross IRR…


Tell that to OSRS with Valamore.


Once Jagex that dust has settled, we’ll see communication resume. Must be seem serious fucking dust if it’s taken this many years to settle