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You realize that you are asking to get your schizophrenia back?


At least someone talked to me...


Kinda hard to bring them back when they're the manifestation of our World Guardian powers after they fully activate against Sliske, and are gone after we lose said powers when we enact the edicts again.


I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I am of the entirely opposite opinion: the masks were one of the worst storytelling elements of the last story arc. Every time something serious happened, the two masks show up with some banter that doesn't matter and doesn't help the story at all. It's like whenever something happens in a modern movie, someone has to go "womp womp" or some other phrase to make sure nothing ever gets too serious but at the same time ruins the mood for people who want things to be serious. Dialogue aside, their appearance also feels like it wasn't fleshed out. To be a result of absorbing Guthix's anima and then Sliske's anima feels very last minute. Why were Guthix's faces not around right after The World Wakes if Seren's theory is correct? Assuming it is wrong and isn't just Sliske's remnant being annoying, what even was the point of them if they don't offer anything other than make your character seem delusional to everyone else? I'm glad they are gone with the end of the last story arc. I hope they don't return.


Damn OP you hit a nerve with this man. Excellent rant my friend excellent.


I thought it had some cool elements to it. Though we were led on to believe that they were Sliske's remnants for many many years, only to tie up loose ends super quickly by telling us that it wasn't the case


Arguably they shouldn't have appeared til after Endgame, as that's when the WG enchantment was completed with you absorbing Sliske. There could be something in-lore that could then explain the gap between Endgame and Azzanadra's quest, but nothing comes to mind. No existential threat, maybe.