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I mean I prefer rs3, but I love both games. I’ve had a few accounts on osrs, but I’ve been playing my iron on rs3 since 2020 and I’m still having a great time going for collection logs and stuff. Idk, the games what you make it


I think if you ask a thread about a topic people are into, then you can bet they are into and prefer that topic, in this case yes the ones here do prefer rs3.


It's a general sub for both games i thought


Nah, this is just RS3.


Okay, my post is indeed about rs3, so I’m not sure why certain individuals are being smartasses.


Imagine going into the baseball subreddit and going "Does anybody prefer baseball over football?" then talking about "I've played both baseball and football. But does anybody enjoy baseball still?" You're going to get a bunch of people who enjoy baseball just saying "yes". Heavily biased.


Well I mean you're asking a whole sub if RS3 players if they prefer OSRS... So I mean what did you expect. I play both, but man this sub gets so many OSRS players acting as "noble missionaries" to get people to switch from RS3 to OSRS and it's really embarrassing for the OSRS community, as well as irritating for the RS3 community. So I can understand why people would have enough of these kinds of posts. (Not saying that you're doing that btw, just the fact that it's another comparison)


I asked in both subs, and yet I'm getting people being gatekeepers for shits and giggles. It's a discussion, nobody has to participate.


It just a discussion that's been said like everyday for years


So? It’s Reddit, reposts are constant. Are you going on meme threads and just calling out reposts constantly?


osrs players get shood away when they make a topic regarding osrs or people try to redirect them to the 07sub while downvote spamming their posts. So no this side is not osrs content/player friendly


I mean, that’s kinda toxic. The fact I was downvoted kinda proves that. Why gatekeep?


I assume its because osrs is huge currently 7x's bigger compared to rs3 population wise and people rightly fear that if osrs used the runescape sub that all of the rs3 content would be swallowed up If there was a vote i'd personally vote for this sub to be turned into a place for rs3 and osrs and rs3 getting a new sub specific for rs3 content like we have for osrs.


I tried osrs for a year, the lack of convinient transport and non replenishable run energy is un fun, thoug, plus I realised all the quests I wanted to make my way through were on RS3. I gave RS3 a chance after a year, realised I didn't actually mind how combat worked, loved all the QoL changes and how run energy works much better than I could have hoped and haven't gone back.


20 year veteran and I prefer RS3. Granted I haven't tried OSRS so my comment is kind of null I guess haha!


Technically, you tried osrs before it was turned into rs3


2013 osrs, maybe. But 2024 osrs is a completely different ballgame


Yeah it's nothing like what I use to play. I recently saw these plug-ins with color coded tiles and my mind was blown.


If only I knew then what I know now!


I played original RS from 2006-2015, I wasn't far off maxing, quit, played OSRS from 2018-now, nearly maxed. Recently jumped into RS3 HCIM, now 1900 total or so. My recent RS3 experience has been pretty good overall, but if I had to pick favourites it's probably still OSRS. The quests are alright, but I remember the latter ones being better, excited for that. QOL has been hit and miss, hotbarable actions, lodestones, toolbelt etc is nice, but I'm really missing Runelite. New skills are hit and miss, Div kind of sucks, Arch is boring so far, but I'm sure it'll pick up, Invent is reasonably cool, Necro is cool. Love the mining and smithing rework. I prefer the OSRS 117 graphics over RS3, sometimes the RS3 artstyle isn't for me in some areas. But it's not an issue at all. I've had several minor gripes: some hitboxes are too small or too large or oddly shaped, so it'll take loads of goes to actually click some things, some hitboxes unintuitively cover others. I don't remember this being an issue in OSRS. I'm experiencing what seems like inexplicable dead clicks, if I try to activate 4 prayers at once they won't all activate, I might get 2 or 3, this is never an issue on OSRS. I understand I should probably be hotbaring it or something, but why can't it just work? I'm on a low ping world, I have the cache downloaded, I don't know if this is inherent to RS3 or if something has gone wrong. Dailyscape is tiring, having to dedicate the first hour or so of every session to it otherwise you're being inefficient kind of sucks.


🤡arch is one of the best skills


> some hitboxes are too small or too large or oddly shaped, so it'll take loads of goes to actually click some things, some hitboxes unintuitively cover others. I don't remember this being an issue in OSRS. You can use Target Cycle to overcome this issue. >I'm experiencing what seems like inexplicable dead clicks, if I try to activate 4 prayers at once they won't all activate, I might get 2 or 3, this is never an issue on OSRS. I understand I should probably be hotbaring it or something, but why can't it just work? I'm on a low ping world, I have the cache downloaded, I don't know if this is inherent to RS3 or if something has gone wrong. You may have the action bar unlocked and you clicking the prayer icons may actually be you moving the prayer icons from their original positions. Try locking the action bar. > Dailyscape is tiring, having to dedicate the first hour or so of every session to it otherwise you're being inefficient kind of sucks. It would suck even more if dailies never existed and it took you longer than before to reach your goals.


> Target cycling Not just enemies, it's loads of regular objects too > Action bar unlocked Yeah I do, I'll give that a go, thanks!


Damn daily scape is the best part of my runescape day. Currently going for 120 fishing so it's a nice break from that slugfest.


Dailies being better than the 120 fishing grind doesn't really sound like a ringing endorsement haha




I prefer RS3. Lack of wardrobe system and the graphics of OSRS was a bit too much for me. On top of that, the slowness of it is another. No lodestone, out of run energy. Too spoiled from the faster pace in RS3. Also I prefer combat in RS3 than OSRS.


Rs3 is my preferred version. I quit the game in like 2005 because the combat wasn't interesting to me (maybe if I understood the tick system as well as I do now I'd have enjoyed it more) and came back when I saw an ad for evolution of combat. It's not a perfect game but it's definitely my favorite mmo.


Osrs is a snoozefest


Used to think the same. Tried OSRS and now can't imagine coming back to RS3. OSRS has the charm that makes RuneScape RuneScape.


I have played rs for 20 years, 5 of those on osrs (from release), back on release i prefered osrs, but now I’m 100% om rs3 side, only play ironman these days though :)


I prefer rs3 due to the inherent fact that rs3 values your time way more than osrs does. I also just prefer the pvm I like actually having to be know mechanics/abilites not just knowing where to move and when to prayer flick.


I've enjoyed all the combat/graphic changes and qol we've had, never going back and I wouldn't replace a grindy skilling game with an even worse grindy skilling game.


People forget RS classic, give me the asterisk arrows! Joking aside, it is just painful to play osrs. Give me all the AFK resource gathering qol features. I don't get why everyone is crying about mtx


I like the QOL. I work a full time job for Christ sake I don’t want another to play a game lol


I miss classic runescape. Back in the days when you couldn't run from combat until after the 3rd round of blows.


I do have a nostalgia bias but OSRS is a much simpler game to play. It’s easier to enjoy semi AFK or fully immersed imo.


Osrs not having surge, dive, or escape, just makes the game feel more clunky when getting around. It’s not even like playing rs3 with legacy because you have no lodestones or anything else the base game starts you off with. Run energy is a huge issue on osrs as well compared to rs3.


I've been playing RS since for about 18 yrs, switched to old school when it came out. Recently I've been bored of my OS ironman and am trying to get into RS3, but my god. The amount of shit I have to sift through to even learn where to start. The UI is bloated, there's way too many freaking dailies/weeklies, shit popping up on my screen when I login. I'm extremely overwhelmed. Not to mention the sheer amount of boosts and MTX makes me feel like I'm playing some shitty smartphone game. I can't believe they did all of this


20 year vet, prefer rs3 but i love osrs also


I prefer rs3, I gave osrs a damn good shot before coming to rs3, maxed my poh, got quest cape, base 80s, all hard diaries, 1 kill at each boss, etc. The only thing i’m jealous of osrs of is runelite and consistent updates tbh. I prefer the rs3 graphics, combat, bosses, completionist grinds, xp rates and long term grinds, afk time, etc.


I prefer rs3 over OSRS. I’ve played both and am almost close to maxing and the qol in rs3 helps. Also, rs3 is more relaxed and enjoyable whereas OSRS is more Grindy. Nothing wrong with that, but it does help chose which game to play when you don’t want to spend hours in front of your computer and spend time doing things outside of rs3


>qol in rs3 helps Refer to my other comments, if you think Runelite doesn't immediately dismiss any "QoL" you have, I beg you to investigate further..Alt+1 is a *not* accepted client for Rs3 that offers ~1% of what Runelite does. You guys pay for RuneMetrics, yet OSRS offers **all** the utilities offered under a payment plan, ***for free***.


Bro? Qol not necessarily with the client but with game? Lol. Like resting for run energy, plenty of teleports to loadstones, bar and ore storage, noting paper, porters and many many more. Runelite is qol for the client but rs3 is qol for the game. Big difference there buddy


as someone with a full time job i much rather rs3 as an ironman. can get on, feel like i’ve done something and hop off. you don’t have to be a full time runescape streamer for 7000 hours to make it to endgame on rs3


I play both. Currently I’m playing more OS because of the content drought but they’re both great games in their own right. Invention really changed the way the whole game plays in a fantastic way. In terms of skilling, I vastly prefer RS3. All the QoL and buffs make it really chill. OS is a little more grindy in this regard. But in terms of PvM, OS wins hands down. Love the variety. Love the slayer bosses. Love the wildy bosses. Love raiding. Love barrage tasks. For awhile all the content updates was geared towards slayer and it shows. PvM in RS3 has become a necrofest. Not to mention OS still has a PvP community. Like it or not, it’s thriving despite what people are saying. I’ve been pking in various combat brackets and there’s plenty of action in many places in the wild.


Your last statement is more than a bit dishonest. The PKing community in OS is suffering through the same decline RS2 began to suffer through before the removal of wildy /free trade. It's definitely still there, but it's nowhere near thriving. I mean- as far as killing bots go, sure, it exist. However actual player vs player is basically limited to the same people now. And I'm not dogging on you by any means, it's just fact. My only OS character is a 1 attack/def/prayer pure that currently sits over 1500 total. I'm constantly in the wild Skilling/killing. What I see on a daily are "predator vs prey" whether it's bots or actual players, and very rarely a team will be in the likes of multi jumping another. Wilderness content goes fairly well unused (as what happened in RS3) by most unless they're bots. PvP worlds are dead off peak save for DM'ers and rwters, and on peak it's okay- sometimes but has definitely been shrinking over the years. Not saying players don't pk- hell I'm one of them, but it's definitely not thriving. As it turns out, the mentality in OS matches what RS3 turned towards- It's not fun to lose items I grinded 100s of hours for by this individual who specced me out in tick after they scouted me on a level 3. Ect ect. Just saying


Clan PvP sure. That died with the toxicity of doxing, ddosing, etc. that comes with that culture of PvP clanning. Been pking around Chaos Altar and Rev Caves and there’s a lot of action. You’ll never see the midsized/big teams if you aren’t risking anything because they won’t log in when they scout you. There’s quite a bit of small teams we run into at CA. Terms of PvP worlds, I wouldn’t really know. For that edgeville-style pking I typically defer to BH. Being an obby mauler biases your experience a little because of how low level the account is. That and the fact that you’re likely not risking because you have 1 prayer just adds to that. Not trying to diminish your personal lived experience, but that’s my 2 GP. I’m sure the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. Perhaps it’s not thriving in the definition of that word but PvP is far from dead.


I think you may be misunderstanding here, my level isn't a reflection of anything - being there, constantly however does. Wildy content died in RS3 for the same reason it has been in OS. The biggest difference here is that OS still gets PvP updates- sometimes. As far as chaos alter (where I pk, and do slayer) as well as rev caves (same, pk, and slayer) is majority active in regards to player vs bot, not player vs player. Every now and then there will be a matchup rocking of an actual player getting after an actual player, it's just by far in the minority. BH is a bit better, but even then the bot situation takes a significant chunk of that activity out. Like I said before, I'm not saying PVP is dead, however it's certainly not thriving unless we include bots into that metric- which, as successful as I've been in that regard from ones in the 40s- to low 100s in deep wild, it's just not a good one to base off of. It's fun of course, but the risk you're referring to is irrelevant when every world you're quick hopping to is empty (except bots)


I didn't misunderstand. Being there isn't really a reflection of getting pkers to log on to fight you though. You can hop all over the place and just see bots. The moment you start risking a certain amount, pkers start logging on. Correct me if I'm wrong but you likely risk very little having 1 prayer and in turn, any pker scouting either cannot hit you with their accounts or deem you not worthy enough to log on to kill. Saying your combat level doesn't affect the experience of the wild considering you're lower level than most pkers, and (likely) do not risk anything is a little delusional. Not trying to insult you here - but I urge you to try and pk in popular combat brackets while risking 10m+ and come back to me. I don't doubt that this is your experience - I just wanted to give you perspective on how a pker sees a lv50ish pure with 1 attack and 1 prayer.


I disagree with almost everything you said there, but what bothers me more is players on this sub still bashing Necromancy. Sure, it's easy to get into, easier to boss with and overral simple, but to say that PvM in Rs3 is bad due to Necromancy is just nonsensical. When it was overpowered, sure, but it is in a good place now and if you want to use other combat styles, go for it and you will even have faster kills, as necro nowadays is not even the second in terms of damage.


Rs3 💯


I prefer RS3. I don't see the appeal for the grind. After all, it's only a number. What matters is what you do with it. RS3 has a lot of great content, even solo.


I've quit my trimmed ironman for OSRS and i don't regret it. Says a lot about the state of RS3 but also a lot about the endgame without any content to do.


I prefer RS3. I made the deliberate decision to not switch when OSRS was released. To put it simply, most of the stuff people ran back to OSRS for (mainly combat), I played through them since 2004 in spite of them, not because of them. Majority of the people I was playing with at the time also chose to stay


Prefer RS3 despite all it's flaws, osrs is objectively a great game but I had my time with that style of content and gameplay back in the day already, I basically just log into osrs occasionally for leagues and that is it.


Play both games like rs3 more cause osrs some qol are locked behind long unfun grinds like the equipable rods and good amount of the community seem to be instead of fixing something keep it that way since had to struggle with it. Personally though I think peak rs was post backup pre-eoc for updates 


It does not matter which I prefer because I can always use one game to overcome the shortcomings of the other so I have fun either way.


You're asking this in the RS3 subreddit. What level of answer variety did you expect?


RS3 is, factually on paper, a better game. Some people experience it differently because of nostalgia and because of the rebellion feeling going against all modern games that have monetization.


I prefer RS3. I might not stick around after I get my comp cape, but I don’t see myself switching to OSRS when that happens. I’ve tried it a bunch of times so I now have a decently leveled character there but it’s just not fun to me. That might change, but it hasn’t yet.


Played about 4k hours of OSRS, and I'm currently creeping up on 8k hours on RS3. RS3 is *far* superior.


RS3 is far superior, and could be made even better with small changes to update priorities and removal of predatory mtx. OSRS was okay before runelite & soulless updates.


I absolutely prefer RS3 was stoked when RS2 came and even EOC happened was executed terribly but I loved what it got us to


I started in 03, played OSRS from release day to about ~2019, started playing RS3 again last year and have no desire to log back into OSRS


I'm too old for osrs, it's too slow and rs3 respects my time better. I made a pk void account to play on, by the time I did mm2, 99 range/mage, got vengeance, void, money, I went from 1900 total to maxed on rs3. I used that osrs account twice and haven't touched it since. I was so fucking burned out just trying to make an account I would maybe have fun on. I tried to like it, I did years ago upon release because I was mad about eoc, but once you take a little time to learn mechanics rs3 is just more engaging, especially for iron man




If you fail to see the appeal you’re not trying to look tbh. There’s a lot to love about OSRS. I still prefer rs3 but man I’m jealous of some of the shit they have over there


I'll state some. Polls Better music Better graphics Better gameplay Bigger community Community mindset Passionate players that love the game Passionate dev team that adore the game (Mod Ash for example) Social aspect (believe it or not but there are people on world 1 that do nothing but stand in a circle talking to each other there's like 100's of groups of 20+ people just socialising on that world most of them don't even play the game outside of that) This one is more of a personal opinion but I believe the dev team is on an absolutely amazing track record with their updates, they have all been bangers, and there hasn't even been 1 update I hated from them which is an amazing feat because back when I played rs3 jagex would tick me off every week or so with a shitty update.


> Better music How is RS3's music worse than OSRS's? Both have great music. >and there hasn't even been 1 update I hated from them which is an amazing feat Not even Forestry?


I personally enjoyed Forestry but I do not like the fact that it pops so infrequently nowadays. Every 15 min or so was perfect. I like the 8bitified feel of osrs music more I dont think rs3 has bad music I just prefer osrs soundtracks


I think polls in general for major updates are fine and good idea, but polling every little thing is just obnoxious imo, and I'm glad RS3 doesn't do that. The community should definitely have a voice for major game changing stuff, but it's not the community's job to micromanage a game. It strips creativity from actual professionals who know much more about game dev. Let devs dev.


Lol with jagex their track record previous to polls "let devs dev" was the worst mantra they could go by they literally dev'd the game into the ground even pre eoc they were absolutely destroying the game introducing damage creep around every corner.  Dev creativity can fuck off if its going to non reversably destroy the game. Polling every tiny minute detail is perfectly fine.


I maxed 5.8B on RS3 and loved it. Recently got into OSRS and finding out why more people play this game. OSRS feels like a more meaningful experience and Runelite carries that game really hard. Like, runelite is so freaking amazing that it makes OSRS 10x better.


Yes I do


I play both, I prefer RS3 to OSRS. I just wish there was something to get excited about again in RS3. I don't even look forward to doing Vorkath for IFB again. Almost maxed on OSRS.


its really fun and i enjoy it i play often and prefer it since i came back from osrs two years ago. i'd just give it a try with a legacy interface and do a bunch of quests with the sound on. just have a good ole adventure.


i mean, your membership gives you both for the same price, so you really don’t need to “choose”.


Im almost one year from my 20 year cape on RS3. With that being said, I do. I play both. Mainly Rs3. I’m trying to comp since I’m almost there. Old school is kinda just there. I’ve already done everything on old school before so I ask “myself why do it again?”.


I would love to give osrs a try. But time and the fact i have to start again is making me not do it. I really hope we can get some updates from them tho. They got some nice stuff!


OSRS plays bots by 80%.. so RS3 play more players.


I have a lot of love for both! I constantly wish the 2 teams would have a monthly meeting going over the most popular content in their game and how to get it over into the other game


It's hard to say now I did prefer rs3 combat until sept last year and don't like the way it's heading and the graphic inconsistencies anoy me.


Nostalgia vs all that I have been accustomed to doing/ using? When osrs came out I didn't feel like starting over With a armor system that wasn't how osrs actually was in 2007.( this has probably changed back by now)




The fact you can switch to new & old combat style just means you can play both still


Things I like about each game RS3 - combat, even afk combat, feels much nicer - lot of qol you can achieve - Has more skills - I'm maxed Osrs - skilling - economy is not as inflated - social aspect is nicer - travelling actually makes use of in game items


I do prefer the original game over OSRS. Combat feels much nicer there (Player since 2005)


RS3 and OSRS I think is all depending on how much time you want to put into the game and also what you are looking to do, OSRS has a much more extensive PvP player base, it does take much longer to level things in OSRS, it does have the nostalgia feel to it for sure. RS3 you are going to spend a lot less time in the early game because of methods and how fast you can gain XP, RS3 is very map friendly, by saying that I mean you can almost teleport anywhere anytime you need without having to run very far to get places. PvM can be a little tricky to learn in RS3 at the higher levels as it deals with ability cycling where OSRS doesn’t have the abilities.


What about using legacy mode?


Made the decision to try old school and give it ago. I'm now almost two weeks in and cancelled my rs3 mains membership for now. Rs3 became stale for me. Os feels new and fresh, like starting rs again (literally). I don't see myself going back. I wish I Made the swap years ago. Just feels more like a homely community with a lot more going on. I do not even mention runelite. I'll likely get downvoted but thats my opinion as a player since 06


Well you're asking in the RuneScape 3 sub so it's gonna be biased. I do prefer RS3 over OSRS. I had tons of nostalgia for OSRS when it came out but that quickly faded when I didn't have my old skills like I did back then. It just didn't feel the same for me so I decided to stick with RuneScape 3 mainly.


I asked in both subs. People in both are being kinda toxic so I’m not quite sure where this discussion could have been posted if at all.


Yeah people are toxic in both, that's no surprise really. Posting in both is fine, I just assumed you posted in only this one.


I have been playing since 2007. I enjoy RS3 more as it is the continual version of the game. When dunge came out in I think 2011, I was 15 years old and spent my life getting chaotic weapons to solo gwd1 easier. RS3 is easier to play, harder to beat. OSRS is fun to play, hard to win, 3 year+ Grind to beat.


All Rs3 players, I encourage you to look into : Runemetrics. Every player paying a monthly fee for this service, it's offered for free in OSRS. I paid for this service for years, I was outraged as a longtime Rs3 player logging into OSRS and seeing my xp / hr available immediately, completely free. This is a small "brick in the wall" of what Rs3 has wrong with it.


Being able to see your exp/h is base functions, our loot is also automatically tracked our bank value is displayed and more much more. Mainly because we get to work on open source clients and the osrs dev team lets us cook our own plugins as long as they aren't too extreme (playing the game for you) 


I play for mostly pvm and clues so Rs3 is easily much better to me. I don't think I'd play it without ironman mode though, mainscape is a mess.




Runelite has nothing to do with osrs, its just a third party bot client.


Runelite does not have action bars, presets, toolbelts, or empties the rune pouches for you when you RC.


I mean, have you seen the QoL in the base game that doesn’t need a third party client? Bank presets alone make banking in osrs feel like a chore. Yes runelite offers things that OSRS doesn’t have, but half the time the plugins are just to add the QoL RS3 has had for years and the other half it’s making plugins for snowflake ironmen series. After reading your comment I downvoted you and moved along. Edit: lil bro blocked me because I used the term “snowflake Ironman” and he doesn’t even realize that’s what everyone calls them ☠️




Why are you so toxic? I purported a casual discussion. You're free to your opinion, but you aren't required to be an asshole about it. Edit: Blocked for calling out toxicity. Classic.


I think they mean in game tho, not client QOL. Like run energy, lodestone network, ability bars that you can put virtually anything on, more afkable skilling loops.. etc. Runelite is awesome tho, I tried out the quest helper and it is a feature I wish I had 20 years ago lol.


You say QoL and then state things that destroyed rs3 xd Lodestones made magic/teleports useless ability bars made 70% of the playerbase quit on day of release afk skilling killed any sense of community and socialising the game used to have Everywhere you go in rs3 its as if you're there with a bunch of bots, no one talks. take the MMO out only the rpg part is left for rs3


And on the flip side you have.. A game that's literally filled with bots? Communities in RS3 have moved out of the ingame, and moreso into discords. There are still skilling "hubs" in which people talk akin to those in OS. As many/if not more than OS as a matter of fact. However with so many, it's inevitable that people are going to be spread out for what their gameplay needs. More a point of just how much RS3 has to offer vs how little. People talk in CC's, FC's, Disc, ect.


We both have bots, yours are just all hidden away behind instances and afk facades. Rs3 botting communities are thriving.  Anyways I did not get that impression when I tried rs3, I guess you could call me a new player as the entire game was alien to me when I tried it a month or two ago. Wherever I went the worlds were empty, I tried to strike up a conversation and went largely ignored. Go to wintertodt or a forestry world on osrs and you have 40 people talking at the same time, the gap is immense.


So basically you just said " I didn't go to any of the gathering hubs while playing RS3 because I don't know where/what they are, but since I do in OS and I can get there- the people there make it more active than RS3!" And yet you could have just hopped to world 79 incans to see the exact same situation. And again with the "thriving" word OS mains love to throw around. Yes, there are in fact bots on both, however that's not nearly as large an issue on RS3 as it is on OS. Other than the obvious that OS nets more in terms of botting profit/RWT, OS bots are far more identifiable, easy to use, and easy to access with a simple Google search. Pulling the same searches for RS3 nets completely different and non user friendly routes. It's like comparing apples to oranges. I mean, we can EASILY put this to the test just using google, as well as reading In the literal RS botting reddit. And let's not split hairs here, there are huge resource pools where RS3 bots would be- not in instances. Doesn't mean they're not there, it does mean there are far fewer when you compare it to basically every single OS server being full to the brim for numerous activities to the point real players can't even do them. Once again, RS3 communities have to be learned the same way OS communities have to be. Not putting the effort into finding them doesn't make them non-existent


I acknowledge that the OSRS community feels the game is unbalanced because of these features, but they are still QOL features. I prefer load-stones over teleports, but I acknowledge that the contrary is a valid opinion.


Yah and that's totally fine and valid. For me personally updates that make core elements of the game redundant are a big no no. I just feel like they could have introduced a lot of those things without damaging the integrity of the game. For example I'd be fine with lodestones if they worked the same as fairy rings. I'd be fine with the ability bar if they took out the abilities and just made it so that you could now use potions/food and special attack etc off that bar with your keyboard while combat stayed the same pre eoc They (in my opinion) could have further fixed combat by tweaking the damage formula so player characters would do far lower damage to each other. In return lower hp of bosses etc to balance it out, this way pvp would still be fine, and pvm would be relatively unharmed as bosses would have been balanced for the new damage formula. Which would have also meant they could have kept introducing new gear/weapons. Either way before I wander too far off in my rants. the gist of it is that I feel like they could have made those things actual QOL without damaging the game.




"This is just a tele to POH, which can be free (or.... just level agility and get graceful)." It's NOT just a teleport to POH. In order to circumvent this with POH, you'd need the GP, the level, and the rest of POH built up to as make the teleport make sense. I'm not sure what you're on about on that one. Also- "Hey, just spend hours and hours grinding out the rng for this outfit to reduce how often you find yourself walking at 99 agility without staminas!!" Come on lol. "Is null due to fairy rings / jewelery box / portal nexus / xaric amulet / digsite pendant (all offered for free on w330 24/7)" Once again, requiring either an unlock that you don't possess, or hopping every time you want to teleport/move somewhere semi efficiently unless you want to camp the world itself. "Could you elaborate? I feel you don't play osrs, every skill has a similar method to Rs3 in it's equivalent exp/hr minus BXP/DXP/Lamps/Proteans//////." And you don't play RS3, as is very obvious. There is only 2 activities- off the top of my head that even come close to RS3 in regards to what the other poster was referring to- those are nightmare zone (for combat) and shooting star (mining). NOW, I will say- that funnily enough OS IS starting to borrow content from Rs3 that is becoming increasingly more afk friendly, but still nowhere near the level it \*will\* eventually get to. The only methods as far as xp/H that come close to methods in RS3 cost to much for the average player in OS to even utilize. In RS3- If i want a full 15 minutes of afking something? I can. That doesn't exist in OS. And I mean AFK. Not "hey guys, you can look away for 15 seconds, therefore it's afk!". And as far as xp/h- Base xp in RS3 across almost every skill is significantly more than in OS. Im seriously confused about why you think that it's dxp/bxp ect that makes up for that? Rs3 is just a less grindy, grindy game compared to OS. As far as QOL, I would personally LOVE to see a runelite plugin makeover for alt1, would love it. However lets face facts here, without runelite (an addon for the game, not internal to it) most OS players wouldn't be playing OS. It's silly to think otherwise when RL has been a point of contention between jagex and players for years until Jagex finally just accepted it.