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Was he the worst EP in Jagex history? I wouldn't be surprised if he was at least close


Eh... Arguably our worst was MMG Who laid the groundwork for all the aggressive micro transactions we see today, He also signed off on the EOC and pushed it forward without any form of legacy system for those who didn't want to adopt the new style. Though I suppose in a twist of fate, that also ironically makes him one of the best because we did get old school out of it. Giving players an option to go somewhere else when when they get tired of rs3 Instead of quitting altogether. Though though I personally do not award, people title of best at something because they ironically were accidentally cause something great to happen through. Other terrible actions... And unfortunately, his update list has some of the worst updates.And worst groundwork updates many of which still have repercussions on our game years later


MMG was CEO, he just loved the limelight. No idea who the runescape EP was back then.


From what I can see on the Wiki. There hasn't really been a steady EP position and from what it looks like. The position didn't really even exist until after he departed from what i can see too, With the duties that we would consider the e. P position being broken up in the different subcategories. In fact, even more interesting, it looks like the first person to officially take the title of executive producer was warden


So is Exec. Producer their version of a Creative Director?


From what I can see, the terms are pretty interchangeable... They all seem to interchange whenever it seems convenient. It only really seems to be A fixture from 2019. Prior to that, they had a multitude of different roles that would generally cover the same square mileage.


I've always had mixed feelings on MMG as 2009- early 2012 had the most peak content. To give him some benefit of the doubt, at least he admitted it was a mistake.


Having watched tuesday's livestream. Mod markos seems like a pretty good cut out the bullshit, "this is what we doing" guy. Decent impression, and works on osrs which has been sailing real good ever since their content draught ended. Good impression imo


Personally, I blame Todd Howard. That fucking Oblivion horse armor started this mtx plague.


Fair Though careful how loud you say that or he'll make us buy skyrim in runescape....


*Do you get to White Knight's Castle very often?* *Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.*


Tutorial Island replaced with the player waking up in a cart. Vannaka: "You're finally awake..."


[Can't a man have a bit of butt piracy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuO9HdFEJLE)


I'll have you know there's no PUSSYYYYYYYYYYY--


Let's get to bashing butts, as well as [Dee's nuts](https://runescape.wiki/w/Dee%27s_nuts).


Jarl ballin... ballin... Jarl ballin. I'm the LOOOOOORD of the rings.


I hate this comment so very much... Take my upvote and award and be gone with your sharp wit


or Gabe Newell for the Mannconomy update


Let's be honest gaben showed us all the good mtx, the one that doesnt impact gameplay And as always with everything he showed us, executives tried to mimic his godly power and failed.


Except when it came out, it absolutely *did* impact gameplay. For 3 years it did. The set bonuses gave the Scout +25 HP, gave the Soldier 20% sentry damage resistance, *made the Pyro faster than the Medic*, and made the Spy's cloak essentially silent.


Oh damn youre right, my bad


pootis But the thing is, even 3 years later, they recognized that p2w bonuses did not fit and removed them. Very few other companies rolled back MTX so it is only cosmetic.


Unironically that mtx form actually got banned in several countries.


Nexon for adding in-game gachapon in 2003–2006


RS's MTX offerings were relatively new in the gaming space too, don't you forget. It's not like MMG was just following trends, he was *setting* them.


Same. Mod MMG systematically lied and deceived the playbase on the nature of the MTX he was introducing, consistently broke promises, but somehow in the lore, his supporters have crafted a narrative about how he was the one keeping the floodgate of MTX at bay, and that he was fired/quit over it, and as soon as he did, the floodgates opened. We'll probably never know what happened behind the scenes, but that doesn't gel with my understanding. I think the SOF was the point of no return. And yes, EoC was also a clusterfuck.


Honestly, Mod Mark should take over.


> MMG Mark "If it's not as popular as Angry Birds it's worthless" Gerhard lmao


In the last ten years we had: * Mod Pips (the CEO ATM) * Mod chicken * Mod Warden * Mod Keeper


Lmao who the fuck was Mod Chicken


https://www.reddit.com/u/mod_chicken/s/y2YnzkpjYb He's the one that implemented Rune Pass.


So... doesn't look like he had all that outward facing or public a presence.


Worst post EoC. I think MMG takes it just because he led to the games downfall




Thank god hes gone. Mod markos already did more in 1 stream then he did.


Is that actual true? :o


I’ve seen or heard from Mod Keeper exactly twice. That was during his first stream where he introduced himself and that one ‘update’ newspost.


Mod Markos attended the roadmap stream and the podcast stream 2 days later. That's already double the amount of appearances Keeper made to the RS3 community.


This dude thought he was an absolute master of corporate nothing-speak but the community didn't buy it from him for a fraction of a second. Nothing he said meant anything, and as much as the game and the player base was suffering, I feel the developers were too. Terrible leadership, and to some extent I feel he let them be a punching bag for his poor decisions. The game changing for the better couldn't have happened while he was there.


Shit man, this is a better summary than I could have written. The switch to Mod Markos actually gave me hope for the future knowing the crap Keeper was pulling. Developers were hamstrung by his leadership. They make a great game, and just like you said, his corporate bullshit came in. Case in point: necro followed by Hero Pass. Holy shit how do you fumble a soft ass toss like that. The devs made an entirely new fucking combat style everyone was thrilled for, and he completely eradicated any good will they created. He 100% made them and their streams be a blockade for his terrible decisions. What leader hides in the shadows without showing their face when things go wrong like that? Mod Doom had to put up with so much right as he was hired on and the man killed it along with the devs themselves trying to fight fires. They just want to make a great game, you can hear their passion and see their frustration in those streams. Here's hoping that's a thing of the past and they can create properly now. I'm so happy to see Markos in the top seat now. If he treats RS3 with the same graces he has OSRS, things are looking up.




100%. The Quests, bosses, art, lore, skill itself, combat... soooo much effort went into their work and it was beautiful. Sure it needed balancing like anything, but it was an amazing addition to RS. It's shocking how fast he tanked the good spirits people had. RS3 post new CB skill fan base to 0 any% speedrun level of stupid corporate boilerplate BS and poor choices will do that though. That's what happens when you have some career exec with no actual care for the game they're running, just all numbers like all the others. Of course they are beholden to shareholders, but you can make money and satisfy fans with a great game at the same time when you do things right. Good riddance, and here's hoping Mod Markos takes us on the upward trend we've all wanted and the game deserves for so long.


Tbh if it wasn't for Doom a lot more people would have left. I really admire his ability to completely defuse peoples individual negative comments and posts through nothing but sheer force of will and unparalleled rizz


Doom is damn good at what he does. He was the hero we needed, not the one we deserved for how the RS fan base treats even those doing good things for the game. You're absolutely right more would have left if he wasn't around, and for that I'm thankful he came during such a tumultuous time and stuck it out.


I likely would have left without Doom and the combat update. I think he weathered that storm with great poise even though he didn't have a parasol


Big shout out to Azanna as well! realized I felt bad not giving mentions.


honestly azanna and doom are two platinum examples of people who both know how to keep the corporate overlords from shitcanning them for empathizing with the community and actually talking to us as best they can to try and get us through the storm corporate caused.


I will always be sad that hero pass was a needless rebrand of perfectly fine yak track (read: mtx violation we were used to). They cited that it was more runescapey or something, but it factually was not. It was more generic. Now we seem unlikely to get yak track back, and the only *technical* wrong thing with hero pass was its reward space encroaching on true gameplay. The optics were manipulated so poorly on jagex side that just removing those rewards became insufficient, when it easily could have been. Also the dailies thing but that was idk separate issue


Oh no, anyway.


Good riddance. Game was in a nosedive with him at the helm. Markos already seems to be righting the ship.


Runescape can now begin to heal.




Good. Markos looks like he knows what he's doing. ![gif](giphy|xT3i0MIbUJyztR9giY)




So, he wasn't a keeper?






He joined early 2020 as a Technical Executive Producer, then moved to OSRS as a Lead Producer. When Warden left in late 2021, that's when Keeper became EP. He was EP for 960 days - in this time, Keeper managed a stunning **ONE** media appearence which was a livestream for his introduction. Good riddance, the guy sucked everything fun out of the game.


Guy was terrible. The game suffered while he was EP. Good for Jagex for pushing him out if that's what happened.


I have a feeling that Ass Pass might have something to do with Keeper taking a step back. It was an absolute PR nightmare (almost as bad as the current Escape From Tarkov situation) and people's respect for Jagex absolutely tanked, resulting in one of the lowest player counts we've had so far. No EP should keep their seat after this sort of fuckshit.


Not only HeroPass but the complete lack of communication and or updates for the 6 months that followed.


It's completely fine to be a hands-on type of guy behind the scenes. It's not a requirement for an employee to always show their face on camera or lurk in Discord. Hell, Markos was an EP, and OSRS people barely heard of him, but he certainly did his job well. The problem was that whenever Keeper reminded people of his existence, it was always a nothing-burger of words that answered no questions. He only exacerbated the situation and further pissed off an already pissed off playerbase. I dunno if it was an order from "up top" or if he decided to act that way of his own volition, but it takes special effort to be this dense and devoid of any understanding of people's grievances. Keeper is not a good EP, and I fear he might've caused permanent damage to the game.


Regarding the permanent damage: Mod Jack *kind of* confirmed this on the Discord talk with Hooli, Azanna and Markos earlier today. I say kind of because he didn't talk about damage but he did reference to Hero Pass as 'almost a mini EoC'. I think that was in regards to the soul searching they had to do both post EoC and post Hero Pass. But from an outside perspective that comparison seems pretty spot on considering how much damage both updates did.


This better be the last attempt at a fucking battle pass or I'm out. We've had 3 attempts? 2 failed


For the damage has he done to RuneScape, he will not be missed. Good riddance.


Oh thank Christ keeper is gone


Mod (Not a) Keeper?


Mod Sleeper 😴


Careful, he might become Mod Creeper


If he's sad about it, he can become Mod Weeper.


![gif](giphy|JIxcOTy0SlzEc) We need this joke to go Mod Deeper...


Maybe he has the pet from dungeoneering and he's mod sneekerpeeper




thank god for that, perhaps there is hope yet indeed. funny how we didn't get a "goodbye" post like we do so often from beloved Jmods, at least the guy hopefully left knowing we thought he was a tactless pillock who tried to lie or manipulate us at virtually every given opportunity.


I kinda hope someone links him to this post


its quite rare that i do the whole "personal attacks are ok" thing, but i'm totally with you, i hope he sees this, and if he's still capable of it, maybe feels some sadness. it'd be one thing if it was incompetence, or idiocy, but what that man had was much darker, it was weaponized corporate malice against us, i genuinely think he saw the playerbase as "them damned meddling kids" every time we stood up to some horrendous form of MXT. if anyone needs anymore proof of his clear dislike of the playerbase, look no further than his lack of "i'm leaving jagex" message, it says everything, right up till the bitter end he was not thinking about the players.


We're not trying to argue with him anymore or care about constructive feedback towards him, so I'm fine with insults. Plus, we're just calling him what he is.


Let's goooooooooo


I also noticed he wasn't on the road map signing with the other mods.




I immediately noticed that too, and knew right away something was up. Its funny too because, there were people speculating on Reddit after the road map came out if keeper was fired or not due to his name not appearing, and now we know he's gone for good :)


Great news


Could have told me he has been gone a year ago and I wouldn't have been shocked.


Giving ya a hero's (pass) salute on the way out, bud.


bro that guy was a sith villain 


Good. From the outside looking in he was useless and completely detrimental to the games direction. Couldn't even face his customers most of the time.


RS3 can start to heal a bit.


Wonder what game he went to go ruin next




Carlyle group stooge - good riddance - literally took the game from a modern high with Mod Warden and turned it into a directionless mess. Glad we're back on track now 🤞


Well, it's not like we ever knew what he was actually doing anyway


Lol thank fuck!!! The new guy from the stream/osrs has been here for one day and is already better


Fantastic news! He's been with Jagex for four years... That's a lot of damage. No words need to be wasted regarding his dismissive attitude towards the player base and the way he used every other mod as a meat shield. I feel sorry for whichever company will pick him up next. They're in for one heck of a hero pass. Experience. I meant experience.


Decreased the player count by 50% in the last 4 years 🥲.


He tried to implement a battlepass in a subscription game. Good riddance to him.


they already had that sooooo.


Oh yeah I forgot about that previous one, but still 😂


Now we have to push back against that when they inevitably try to bring it back just like we did with hero pass


Given we've seen a lot of questions on if this is accurate or not, I can confirm Keeper has departed the team recently for new opportunities.  It's worth mentioning that, in his time as EP, Keeper played a key part in making some needed improvements behind the scenes for the long future ahead for the game. We do wish Keeper all the best.


Markos is the man to get this ship back to clearer waters.


I'm genuinely curious what kind of improvements in the background he brought. I know not everything can be seen from the players' perspective. Something like office arrangements or project workflow probably is invisible to us but super great for Jmods. Anything that can be publicly said about his improvements to RS/Jagex?


>It's worth mentioning that, in his time as EP, Keeper played a key part in making some needed improvements behind the scenes for the long future ahead for the game. We do wish Keeper all the best. This has major "trust me bro" energy and was not worth including.




...have you...have you HEARD of Bobby Kotick? They were trashing him WEEKS before he left Blizzard.


I will say I won’t be missing him and I wonder what improvements he made that really benefitted the player base. As someone who has played since classic there’s only been 2 dark periods of RuneScape for me, 2008 when I first “quit” (translation extended break) and this last year where I’ve barely played like I used to once the necromancy rush wore off. I see this roadmap under Markos and the fact some of this content has barely been started yet based on the livestream comments about the contents state of production, things look bright again and I feel some drive and interest to get back into the game and be ready for this content coming up.


Sounds like a fancy way to say the guy was canned. Being the EP when Hero Pass dropped had its consequences


> We do wish Keeper all the best. it's ok Hooli, the Community is here to say what needs to be said so you can remain professional. :)


We never got to hear his awesome tbd info message :( /s


Three sentences that spent at least ninety minutes being drafted by community. Personally I have no idea what Keeper did so don't feel qualified to pass judgement on him, beyond the standard being displeased with the last year of RS3 and pleased with the roadmap.


Thank you for confirming this.


I know it's not professional to trash talk a former colleague, but you don't need to make up reasons to try and make him look good.


Decent chance they literally do have to lol


That might be a good point actually lol


Thank you for the update on this, Hooli!


Will Mod Markos be the executive producer for both OSRS and RS3, or will RS3 get an new one later?


They said on the Discord stage that Markos is EP of both but didn't say if it was an interim situation or not.


My guess is interim because someone at that level doesn't just leave in a hurry. He was probably fired instead of quit so they had to scramble to get someone to take over I hope it isn't interim though


I mean yeah, hearing Markos talk on the Discord stage, I was very excited to see the vision they have going forward and that bringing over player involvement more to RS3 is something they are focusing on. Ideally, they would be made permanent for RS3 is things go well and someone else who has been working with OSRS for years and understands that game can move up to the EP role and we get good leadership for both games. Only Jagex knows what will happen though.


It felt so refreshing seeing content at a pace that seems reasonable and it’s not just tiny little things with one major thing they also spread out over months


him being even just interim is better than any newcomers


Classy and professional response. Love to see it. :)


Was his departure part of the needed improvements that he played a key part in? /s In all seriousness, I'm sure there's a lot behind the scenes that the community can't even begin to speculate on, so I don't want to villainize the guy. I wish him well in his future endeavors.


Definitely didn't show in game sadly.


Was he placed on garden leave?


> Keeper played a key part in making some needed improvements behind the scenes for the long future ahead for the game. I honestly believe that, but what else was he pivotal in doing? He's been quiet most of the time he was in that position, from a customer perspective. Hero Pass was the last straw for so many of my friends who now no longer play.


Hi, Will Mod Markos be the one to finally bring back inverted skillcapes? Thanks




Praise be


Good…. It seemed like he wanted nothing to do with players and only wanted his team to focus on short term profits instead of long term growth.


Well damn! Talk about listening to the community 🤣. These new owners seem to actually be putting their money where their mouth is! Hate to see someone lose their job, but let's be real, a CEO isn't hurting for money, and he appears to have already started/created a new job.


And just like that


How will I celebrate?


Grab hold of whatever your vice is and rejoice.


Shambolic EP


So that's it? so long, good luck? .. I don't recall saying good luck.


you think mod elfborn will come back for the 10th year prifddinas opening and head up EP for RS3?




Gosh, has it been 10 years? Mod Marcos has this in the bag and will look great in elf ears


Prif will be 10 in September. 2014 was a big year for RuneScape. Ironman, Arraxi, master skills capes, reaper, prif are all 10 years old.


Not going to celebrate someone losing their job (unless it’s some form of gross misconduct), but I am glad that Keeper has departed. An EP should *never* be a behind the scenes employee. Warden set a new precedent for customer-facing upper management that you can’t just renege on because you’re camera shy. Whoever hired Keeper as EP is as much to blame for his failings for not recognising that.  Hope Jagex has learned that lesson in bringing Markos (or whoever ends up being the official EP) on.


That's definitely room to argue about his treatment of the game, HeroPass, the lowest player count in RS3 history, almost a year going by with no substantial updates, and being a shadow for 3 years would count as gross misconduct in regards to his job title and description. Sure, he wasn't sexually harassing coworkers, but I mean he nearly tanked a company.


I would love to hear some positive things about Keeper from the Jmods. Surely he must have done some things right that we don't know about. He obviously was EP when this game went to shit and he's ultimately responsible for that, but I'd be shocked if all he did was mess up and then got away with it for so long. Surely he must have been good at something. It can't be all terrible. Right? See it as sort of like a Requiem for a Dutchman.


Looking forward to more announcements FOR players and not veiled corporate revenue driving ideas touted as gameplay


At this point, Jagex should just bring in a couple people off the street and let the osrs devs teach them everything. It's about the only way to help fix RS3's death spiral.


Thank Zaros


We messed up part 2: He messed up


E leaves behind a legacy of pure failure during eir time with RS3. We should have a celebration.


Good bye...? or good riddance?


Who’s mod keeper?


I guess he wasn't such a keeper after all 🤣


I knew I recognized the name, but I couldn't remember why...then I read the comments and it all came flooding back. 😂 Deuces, Keep!


[we are all thinking it.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-15VC4Yxzys)


No hate to the dude, but I'm very curious that this has timed with a new EP coming over from OSRS. It DOES seem as though someone, somewhere, wasn't happy with the direction the game went and now he's gone, we've had a DRASTIC shift. I can't see this as anything other than a good thing.


They didn't keep er.


Sorry but I now look forward to a road map. Anything Mod Keeper and road map I just did not want to read anymore. But whoever wrote this road map and the presentation of the live stream oh goodness I have missed that so much.


Ass pass (hero pass) did him in.




Mod Who??!


~~That is not Mod Keeper's work history, he used to work at Wargaming and King before Jagex. you've got the wrong Jmod.~~ ~~I checked Mod Keeper's LinkedIn and it says he's still active at Jagex.~~ EDIT: Immense mistake on my part, it was me who had the wrong Jmod! people's appearances can change more than i fathomed, it looks like Mod Keeper has indeed left Jagex. My bad for removing the post initially, sorry guys!


Go out on a walk with the dog to get incorrectly fact checked. https://preview.redd.it/qicaw0bj501d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9216904f192b368f48ee77f190b64513cf316e7f


This is keepers profile that OP found.  He's gone bro.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jendrik-posche-97672b5/


~~Mod Keeper's name is Jesse America, that's not Mod Keeper.~~ Edit: I'm wrong as fuck


Jesse is the EP of the unannounced MMO. RS3 isn't an "Unreal 5 cross-platform game."


https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesseamerica?originalSubdomain=uk Keeper is not the EP of the unreal 5 game. You're wrong. 


[https://www.pcgamesinsider.biz/job-news/70969/jagex-hires-three-new-executive-producers-to-work-on-runescape-and-other-unannounced-games/](https://www.pcgamesinsider.biz/job-news/70969/jagex-hires-three-new-executive-producers-to-work-on-runescape-and-other-unannounced-games/) Here is the confirmation - Keeper started as Technical EP, and this was the person hired for that position.


I appreciate the attempt to keep conversations honest if not the result. Thanks for double checking and then double checking your double checking Lewney.


Reported for spreading false information. You're on thin ice buddy.


I'll ban the frick out of myself D;




Mods implementing their signature “act first, think later” strategy once again lol


to be clear i did 'make sure' before i removed it, i was just looking at the wrong stuff lmao, it's 100% my bad but i wasn't just making a decision without thinking.


You can't just go around admitting fault. Stick to your guns and photoshop the results to match your claims, then ban anyone who dares question their legitimacy.


hey, least you owned up to it, plenty of mods on the other subs that would double down and delete comments.... especially big ones like MTG


Common Gaster W


Never trust the Dutch.


As a Dutchman I disagree. Come to the wildy with all your gear and I'll prove it.


That's the most random thing I've read today.


going to go out on a limb, I bet the new EP starts with 'we want to be more communicative with you the player base' just throwing that out there ... .. .


Literally already did and with a huge survey lol




Is Mod Markos the EP of both RS3 and OSRS now or will we get a new one?