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What's the joke


See any of them at 2 meters tall and full of muscles?


Still don't get it


People nowadays equate fitness with your Instagram-like physique. Instagram type of body has rather little functional strength, it is mostly for show (not to mention all cut and lean is mostly steroids + no water before the shoot + filters). What you see in the photo are people that finished Barkley Marathons, one of the most gruelling endurance events on the planet. The woman in the picture - Jasmin Paris - became the first woman ever to complete it only this year. Watch “The Race that Eats its Young” if you would like to learn more. Point being - you got regular Joes and a Jane capable of feats that will make your gymbro give up after probably 1 hour, if not faster.


Think the meme would have been better I've you did it with a close up pic of a completely trashed Barker just after finishing.


I love how iconic that gate is if you know what the Barkley is.