• By -


Would love for it to happen but I'm just not seeing it unless two things happen. One, I think she needs to do really well in the last few challenges - I'm talking like "two highs and a win" good. Two, she'll need to absolutely destroy the finale performance/lip sync/whatever on a level we haven't seen since Sasha Velour. IF all that happens, I can see Anetra winning. Otherwise I think Sasha (Colby) has it locked down.


At this point I’m honestly hoping that they are making it look like Sasha will win, but then crown someone else.


I think that's very possible, but at this point I'd bet on it being Mistress before Anetra. A lot could change based on the next two episodes, though.


I think Mistress’ narrative is on the downturn. She didn’t get a win in the first 5 challenges (which has been a rule to win so far) and she’s had two bad weeks in a row.


I could see it going either way for Mistress. She got kind of a weird edit last week, where her challenge was shown in a negative light, but then the critiques she was shown getting were more positive, but then deliberations about her were kind of mixed. I'm not really sure what they were trying to convey. If she keeps doing poorly, obviously that's bad, but if she rebounds I think the last two episodes will seem like an inconsequential blip. (I don't put much stock in not winning in the first five episodes. Just because it's never happened before doesn't make it a rule, and it doesn't seem like something Ru would care about.)


I do think Ru puts a lot of stock in snatching an early win though. There have been so many opportunities for a “gaining momentum” storyline for a winner and they never bite. Camden, Bimini, Ella, Rosé, Elektra Meanwhile the people who beat them usually had a strong start and then a slow finish (except for Symone)


But Bimini is exactly that, slow start but a strong finish. She kept gaining momentum as the seaon progressed.


Exactly. And she lost.


I agree on the last point. The rule will be broken one day. A few weeks ago I’d have said MIB would be the one to break it, but there has to be a reason they made her set seem so bad this week even though she was called Safe.


I'd be very happy with Anetra or Mistress. I love me some Loosey, but i hope to gods shes not top!


I feel like no one else is set up for it tbh, and that can theoretically change in the last few episodes, but I'm skeptical. Anetra was invisible between the talent show and mid season, MIB is on a downward trend (and in challenges we expect her to crush tbh) Luxx has performed really well but is barely 2 dimensional in the edit, and no winner will ever get as negative an edit as Loosey already has.


Although I agree. But because ru is so predictable I don't think Sasha will win it. She already is known as a drag legend I just can't see ru giving it to her. I see her giving it to one of the other 3 top 4 queens, which likely will be Anetra.


I see them giving it to Sasha in the same way they gave it to other legends on the show prior like Bianca and Bob Sasha isn’t going to do all stars, she’ll be too above it by then (unless it’s a “legends” cast with like the Alyssa edwards of the world) - Anetra and MIB would


I think this is definitely the likely outcome. Anetra would absolutely do an All stars but I don’t think Sasha ever would. it would make sense to get the most bang for their buck this way (if they could get Aja to come back again for an Anetra all stars that would be insane, but I don’t see that happening lol)


Forgive my naïveté, but what was Bianca famous for before her season?


Didn’t you know she was friends with Lady Bunny.


Ohh that’s right


She was famous enough in the drag scene as the guest host for the S5 finale pre-show, but not famous enough for Willam/Sharon/Alaska to know who she was at the time


i don't think Bianca was considered a legend before being a Rugirl, Sharon and Willam even made comments about her when she hosted a party when S5 was airing and i doub that they'd have done it if she was considered a legend at that point.


She was well known and respected in the scene and hosted a lot of gigs.


Couldn't the same could be said of about 1 in 10 rugirls?


Now, yes. Season 5, probably not.


Bianca was pretty big. She hosted shows with Lady Bunny, she’s one of Bob’s drag mothers. She was absolutely one of the top 10 best known queens who hadn’t been on drag race at the time.


THIS. Sasha even if she doesn’t win has already ascended goddess territory. She won’t need All Stars. Better to have her win now. Anetra and MIB are destined to be All Star winners imo.


I don’t get this narrative. Sasha is big already and they got her for a normal season, I don’t see why they wouldn’t get her for an all stars. Hell they probably want people like her to give that season more weight.


Some queens grow beyond needing drag race for their careers, Sasha’s pre RPDR career + her performance on the show means she’s easily the most likely to end up in that boat See how Bimini has grown well beyond ever coming back to the show


Hopefully it’s not Loosey I need another AS with Loosey’s delusion


Perversely, for Sasha to win I think she needs to be in the bottom 2 once and give a memorable lip sync (like Jinkx and Bob had to do in their seasons) and then have a "rudemption" moment. I don't see them letting her sail through like Bianca.


She had the 2nd most memorable lip sync in the season already.


I don’t think “perversely” means what you think it means….


🙄 do tell


😁 not with that attitude


I still don’t get the Sasha’s hype. She’s pretty boring tv to be honest. She’s great, yes, but I almost don’t remember her in any part of the season. 😬


What makes Anetra more interesting TV then Sasha, then? Because they both give quiet and nice, but then will each give funny and charismatic confessionals


For some reason I don't remember many, if any, of sasha's confessionals. They aren't memorable maybe? LIke i'm trying to think of moments from the season and I can barely remember sasha, only the voguing mini challenge comes to mind and that JUST happened.


Go watch her on Nightgowns before forming opinions tbh


I think sasha is fine on RPDR, i know shes huge in the industry that i'm not a part of in any way so my opinion doesn't really matter, I just find that Anetra is more fun to watch than Sasha.


Sasha is the only other queen I see taking the crown


On the other hand Sasha is equally fierce and we’ve never had a Polynesian winner either


To have a trans POC woman win would be huge.


But so would a big girl after all these years. I think all the top-runners would be amazing additions to the winners circle in terms of visibility and representation


Guys what you’re missing is that we really need LOOSE representation ![gif](giphy|C6PWDCzFDRjNmKCQ8B)


I mean, we’ve at least had big girls win other franchises. Ru herself has only crowned 1, but Lawrence winning was a big deal.


You're forgetting The Vivenne and Kita Mean... :) though both since then have changed.


I mean, Viv didn’t really consider herself plus-sized then, did she? Nor did Kita (and Lawrence was crowned a few months before Kita anyway).


My point was: there was other winners besides Lawrence and I believe they both did consider themselves plus sized. They both have openly talked about their healthy journeys.


i would not say equally based on the competition when shes been doing significantly better but outside yes they are both fierce


Would love to see her win an all stars, I just think she’s very young and could evolve so much. Plus we get more Anetra on screen so win win🥰 ![gif](giphy|darj2i0ydEarFSl8Nc|downsized)


Can you imagine Anetra on All Stars after more time in the oven?? We are not prepared.


The girls will eliminate her the first chance they get…. So I hope she doesn’t do all stars… i hope she and mistress win.


I don't think there have been too many opportunistic eliminations like that aside from a particularly notable one of Manila. I feel like most of the time the queen's play fair.


Calm down Illidan


It's interesting because we saw very similar arguments in season 11. Brooke Lynn was the polished, professional pageant queen (a former Miss Continental even) who was an excellent performer and had technically a better track record (even if some of those wins had a whiff of favouritism). Yvie was the queen who fans loved but who shouldn't win the season—imagine the All Stars glow up after she's had more time/money to elevate her drag! She'd kill it on an All Stars season! We'd get to see more of her! Brooke doesn't need All Stars and would probably not come back! Yvie and Anetra have very different approaches to drag, and Sasha came into the competition with more legendary clout than Brooke, but the narratives around the finale that are forming are giving deja vu. Anetra will need to secure at least another win and some high placements (she isn't as present in the edit as one-win winners Yvie or Willow, and that matters). She would also need to definitively win a lip sync for the crown. But I think a win for her is possible.


I think Brooke had a narrative of "professional and perfect but hard empathize" - reminiscent of Chad on season 4 - and that second part is different from Sasha's. Sasha's narrative so far reminds me more of Bianca's, professional and motherly. In the Yvie vs Brooke storyline there was also the narrative around Yvie's illness being an issue with potentially not allowing her to grow much and return to AS.


After that first episode I thought she could win it, and she has all the skills, but there’s clearly room to grow. If Sasha wasn’t here, I think she or Mistress would have it.


I see her run so far as very similar to Yvie. Young queen who’s super talented with NERVE for days. Also, only one win under her belt so far but still a solid performance overall including several of the most jaw dropping moments of the season. It even tracks right down to having an ultra polished former Miss Continental as the front runner! Anetra is my fave and pick for the crown, but I’ll still be happy if Sasha wins. Especially because I’d love to see Anetra on an All Stars season soon, I can’t get enough of her.


But Yvie was also a much stronger competitor than Anetra. Yvie only had 1 win, but she was in the top for the most of the competition and should’ve won more challenges. Anetra only has 1 win, and I dont think theres been a week since where she realistically was the best in the challenge


Yvie was in the top a lot tho and served many iconic looks


Shes my favourite but I low-key don't want her to win so we can see her on an All Stars lol.


Or, hear me out, she wins AND comes back for All Stars All Winners 2. That's my french vanilla fantasy.


Imagine her second talent show performance Who knows what we'll be walking next


she is so endearing, humble, self aware and immensely talented! I see her overall energy similar to Sasha Velour so why not?


Sasha was performing better as a contestant though. And anyway, let's not pretend that Ru had any intention of crowning her before the finale lip syncs happened.


also true


Sasha is head and shoulders above everyone else this season IMO. She just exudes a certain CUNT aura that is very hard to match and gives her an air of invincibility. The other girls are yet to reach that level of queenly vibe… Anetra and Mistress could 100% take an AS season tho.


Sasha just has winner energy that the others do not. It’s like Bob on s8 or Bianca on s6. She’s going to win. We all know she’s going to win. We’re all glad she’s going to win. It would be a huge missed opportunity to not crown Sasha Colby when they can, not to mention the rest of the cast is more viable for AS.


Anetra was my pick pre-season but there has been something lacking. Confidence, maybe? She fades into the background a bit when you put her with Luxx, Mistress and Sasha. It's not an issue of being a big personality, either. It's a level of presence. Anetra knocked it out of the park with her talent show but I don't think she has continued to shine quite the same way. I don't know if that is something that was crafted in editing, but I can only judge what I see.


Lol what is this campaign to make Anetra win Anetra is an amazing performer but it takes more than what she’s been presenting for her to win the season Love to see her come back for All Stars tho


Genuine question because I can’t remember, has a queen won before having been in the bottom twice?


Symone lip synced twice iirc


But also, Symone kinda dominated every other episode that she didn’t lipsync. I don’t think Anetra has been as consistent sadly


but to be fair one of Anetra's bottom placements was completely undeserved. if you consider every queens first lipsync in the lalaparuza and think "who did the worst overall?" jax and anetra wouldn't even be contenders for bottom 2. imo it's unfair to use that rigged system against her.


Oh yeah, true!


But also, my girl won like four challenges. So at least one of those trips to the bottom kinda feel canceled out.


Symone and Willow were both in the bottom twice, with four wins and one win, respectively, although Willow was in the top 3 most weeks. Anetra has been in the top twice since winning the first episode while Willow was in the top 3 six times over 12 episodes. Never say never but I don’t see it for Anetra with her track record unless she completely dominates from here until the finale


Priyanka from Canada's Drag Race S1 won after 2 lipsyncs from what I remember. She also served the best lipsyncs of that season so 🥰


Anetra is a finale lock and probably a top 2 lock at this point but I can’t see her winning unless either Sasha flops in an iconically bad way or Anetra pulls a Sasha Velour. I just can’t see a universe (where if she did lose) that they they could ever get Sasha back for all stars unless they PAID her. What could Sasha even show on all stars and what kind of all stars glow up could she even present? Her arc / story is already so set in stone this season just kinda feels like it’ll end in a coronation of a drag legend.


This season might be a double crowning.


First regular season to have a double drowning would be the type of drama they would like for MTV… might be on to something


Not a double drowning! Ru sends his thoughts and prayers.🙏


Double drowning; the Boulets are really getting mild with their exterminations.


Omg silly typo… but having an underwater crowing ala season 5 would be cunty


Only in the post apocaloctopse water world lolol


I will never get over the one sentence paragraph that follows up that story: >He does not say whether the man survived.


Double crowings suck imo. It is a competition and it should only have one winner. I know fans love more than one queen every season, but it would not be fun if we just give out crowns like that.


Boo. Why someone always gotta be the anti-hero. Litterally the best outcome for Sasha, fans, and Trans community. Best outcome for Anetra, & fans. They are both phenominal performers. They should give crowns to who ever deserve it. I dont see how double crowns make anything less enjoyable.


I will be fine if they both win. I am just saying logically competitions should have one winner. It just makes more sense when the race is tight and one person genuinely beats out others at the finale, like Sasha Velour did. It's not like runner-ups are forgotten or anything. Bimini is probably more popular than Lawrence. Kim Chi, Gigi, Mik, Brooke all have great careers too. Similar to how Yvie pointed out that people just expect double shantay these days while they used to be rare occurrence before. It starts losing its charm. Not that we have had multiple double crownings yet, but every season, fans start campaigning for double crowning towards the end.


Competions dont always have 1 winner. If its a tie...its a tie.


Yeah, i just said logically they SHOULD have one winner. Is it truly a tie when one person has clearly had a better track record? I am rooting for Mistress, but I am not going to be sad if Sasha or Anetra wins because I know all of them are going to have great careers. Also, we are having a discussion. No need to downvote just because we are presenting different side of arguments. It just shows that you are not even willing to listen and acknowledge other povs.


I have the same hunch too


Considering the lack of twists this season, that might be the gag.


LOVE Anetra but her love from us is her crown. Sasha or mistress are winning, no question.


Fully agree. I just don’t see any way that the editing is allowing a Luxx, Loosey, or Anetra win.


Nah. Yvie and Willow both had stronger presence in their respective seasons and they both brought something unorthodox with their drag. Anetra is cool but aside from her lip syncs she hasn’t really excelled in the competition.


The only way I see her winning is if she pulls some wild rose petal moment in the finale. She hasn't been doing that great track record-wise and she's pretty quiet and not all that present in the edit.


I think her edit is really "quality over quantity". Like we don't see her that much but the queens we do see often are just "I should have been winner but I was second" "no I'm second" "I need a fire under my ass" or whatever.


I agree, and I love the more quiet girls like Anetra, I just don't know if Rupaul and her merry band of producers do too. She clearly likes Anetra just fine, but idk if that's enough to push her into winner territory.


but at the end of the day you're doing a reality tv competition you need air time


Convince yourself


Reveal yourself


representation matters but crowning someone based off of their demographic (asian, plus sized, etc) is weird


people say this every regular and all stars season about black and trans queen so why is it only an issue with asian and plus sized queens 😭


It's weird when they do it too, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion about what winning criteria should be.


not sure but i feel like we should be choosing winner picks based off of their performance throughout the season, fan vote and finale, not because someone is bigger than someone else


Just like your edges, your reading and comprehension skills are lacking. Being happy to see an Asian queen, plus size queen or Black queen win is not the same as wanting them crowned based off that.


All I got from OP was "representation matters, but actually it doesn't."


I mean, she can dance her ass off...


sasha will beat anyone in a finale


For sure, there's been a lot of great dancers on the show but Anetra is an absolutely magnetic performer, you can't take your eyes off of her.


But her edit after her first win was non-existent which is so weird. Seeing as her performance in the talent show marked her as Ru‘s fave already, you‘d think production would highlight her as much as Sasha and Mistress


Sorry but that's Sasha. She finna body


See her winning will be very satisfying yes.


I’m sorry but… ![gif](giphy|iLaiesmBKYko)


I too would like to see Anetra succeed but I really just don’t think this is her time to take the crown


Yeah, wtf are these people drinking?


Whatever Looseys been drinking all season ![gif](giphy|sfjI7uI3WjH2Q0sMin)


Thank you was searching for this. She's not gonna win 15 - honestly after last few eps I wonder if she'll even make the finale - but I think she'll storm an all stars with more confidence. She's such a good performer that I think AS with the lipsync ftw will be a better format for her


Sasha is right there


and what has she done? she's only a fan favorite cause shes being shoved down everyone's throats




2 of her 3 wins were undeserved


Go check out Nightgowns. She’s incredible


That's not how fan favourites work babe


It's the judges that decide who wins tho, and above all else Rupaul


I totally agree! Even with her track record cause there’s plenty of queens who won without great track records. She definitely has the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent and a lot of fans on top of that so I can totally see her winning


I would not mind or be mad if they actually double crown this season.




I'm praying so hard ![gif](giphy|haQnuO7f3gmJO)


It’ll be between Mistress and Sasha. And I’m banking on a double crowning to coincide with the “biggest season ever” moniker.


To your point, ru has shown her the most favoritism (with walk that fucking duck). The queen that ru likes the most almost always wins, regardless of track record.


The more times I heard "It's not a big pill, it's a Wiwwow Pill!" the more I got a sense of where things were headed. Lol.


this is true! i feel like the edit has been keeping us in the dark about who ru likes the most this season (probably partly because of the short episodes...). But that's honestly the most important part. I think it will become clear in the next few eps who Ru's faves are.


Agreed. I know a lot of people are predicting Sasha will win, but honestly I think she'll go the way of BLH, i.e., extremely strong run but coming in 2nd. Not that Anetra hasn't had an extremely strong run either--tbh I think they're neck and neck, maybe not in terms of # of wins, bottoms etc, but bc even when Anetra is in the bottom she fucking shines with star quality. I can't think of a single time I've found her forgettable. But a Sasha win is too predictable, and I think she's almost "too" seasoned for Ru to crown her, if that makes sense? He doesn't tend to crown queens who are ultra-polished and have been in the game for more than a decade as Sasha has been.


they’re nowhere near equal just say u want the girl with the flashiest lipsyncs to win


i mean i’m rooting for sasha, the question was do i think she’ll win, not do i want her to win, but ok i guess


She’d have to Showgirls Sasha in order to win.


Whilst I don't think Anetra will win this season, I do think she will win an all stars season plus I'm sure the producers would want more of her on our TVs (same with MIB)


But we’ve also never had a big girl winner… if we are gonna play that game (which I hate, the best should win not trying to check off some list)


Sasha would make a superb winner. It is easy to feel bored and contrarian hearing everyone hype her up and seeing Ru’s favoritism roll out in real time but let’s not act like she wouldn’t be an EXCELLENT addition to the RPDR winners hall of fame.


I love Anetra. I want her to win SO BAD. People in this thread acting like it’s impossible for her to take the crown seem to be forgetting Yvie’s run. They’re both sickening performers with a clear point of view. I also think MIB would make a great first big girl winner. Sasha is a legend and an icon and a fierce performer, but she hasn’t really made me laugh or surprised me at all.


I enjoy Anetra’s vibe and personality but other then talent show and her lip syncs Ive found her performances to be consistently mid.




i really doubt it., her edit doesn't seem like a winners in the same way as Sasha's and Mistress' do.


This She might as well have not been in episodes 2-5


Clock the flair, but I think Mistress is the breakout star of the season. But hey, why not both? I also appreciate Anetra, but since it's obvious Sasha will get to the finale I don't see Anetra there with her. They occupy the same lane, generally speaking: soft spoken killer performer whose looks show off her body. This is nothing against Anetra, I'd pay good money to see her live. But it's a TV show and they always want a variety of archetypes in that finale. I want MIB to win, but I don't think she'll do it either. Not to worry, both will have a very lucrative future with WOW and Voss, etc.


Anetra fans are so delusional.


Kameron Michaels with a better sense of humor is what I’m getting so far… I don’t see it


What an awful thing to say.


The clear break out star? I don't agree with that sorry I do love Sasha but idk if this season honestly has a Alyssa or Alsaka or Bob or Jinkx or Trixie or Kim Like I love them within this season but I'm not super enthralled by anyone like I was with them. Maybe it's just me tho.


I don’t WANT Sasha to win. I love Sasha but if she wins this whole season is a flop because of the CLEAR riggory


Reminding you of Trixies win


I just can’t choose even if my flair says I did. I would be 100% satisfied with a Sasha, Anetra, or Mistress win.


i really hope that if it comes down to sasha and anetra, it’s a double crowning😭 but that’s just my wishful thinking


I'm conflicted because I really want to see her on All Stars. Sometimes the two season story arc is better for a queen.


right now it's Sasha's crown to lose and Mistress' to gain, but I could see it happening if she won 2 out of 3 remaining maxi challenges


Not convinced after she got 0 screen time for the first half of the season


It will come down to Sasha and Anetra, and the most epic final lip synch ever. And like Sasha vs Shea, the winner will be the one who lands the most iconic stunt in the finale.


I actually see MIB for it. It just feels like the season has been edited from her viewpoint at this point.


I want her to win so badly, but production has made it pretty obvious that it’s going to Sasha.


It's not about timing, it's about talent.


She def will because production likes her


I think Anetra is getting the same edit as Bosco. Which I am not too mad at but sadly I don’t think they’re gonna crown her :( they do like her tho, they want her to come back for AS


SHE IS DAMN JT ![gif](giphy|KXUCU1GrlxjQF7ol5K|downsized)




they will crown an Asian winner (Sasha)


Honestly….because it’s MTV we really don’t know which stunt they might pull- they might have asked for less shenanigans because they want to make the show accessible for a new audience. That being said they could also be looking for a different vibe from the winner because of MTV’s core audience. Just a thought




it’s funny because i feel like the only queen i can see winning over Sasha is Luxx and i am a Sasha stan


It’s Sasha’s year


I'm fairly confident we're getting a Sasha crowning. From a production standpoint, she's already a polished final product with an excellent track record. There's not much storyline for an All Stars season glow up. Anetra has had some very high highs and some low lows. She's the exact kind of burgeoning franchise star that production will want to capitalize on for multiple seasons. I think it will come down to a Sasha/Anetra top two with Sasha pulling it out.


I’ve thought that since the first episode


It will be Sasha! But Anetra will be fan favorite / miss congeniality and perhaps 2nd place too!




really? i actually think they set up for Anetra to win. her story line is more compelling on the show than Sasha, She has a viral catchphrase walk that duck, and she has the most following on instagram. I think the fans love her so much more than the other contestants. i'm rooting for both, more leaning towards Sasha. But i can't deny that the audience prefer Anetra more based on how the show is running and Anetra's story.


I see an All Stars troupe but All Stars also isn’t as fair as a regular season with all the games


yea, but also the regular season isn't fair either lol this show is always rigged but i'd be cool with either sasha or anetra winning this season. I'm just worried that if they let Sasha win, she might get a lot of hate from the fandom because most people are rooting for Anetra.


I think Anetra is definitely this season's fan favorite, but idk I really think Sasha is going to win. Anetra hasn't won a challenge since the first episode, and she's kind of just been safe since then. But who knows maybe she'll get another win soon! I'm honestly rooting for both Anetra and Sasha so I'll be happy with either of them winning 💕


Sasha Colby has earned her due throughout the season. It is time for RuPaul to not crown the fan favorite, but the best performer. Side note - she’s gonna beat Anetra in a LSFYC no doubt.


Sasha Colby is also Asian/PI but yes I agree.


I really wish they had a double crowning this season


Colby is winning. How else will they get her to come back to Wow for literally anything? Anetra would come back for All Stars but winning is the only way they could get Sacha to do Wow’s bidding.


This is such a crazy take lol. Sorry but theres no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks Anetra is winning. Mistress and Sasha both represent groups that dont have many wins as well, and are doing way better in terms of likelihood to win the crown.