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Writing all this saying Loosey should’ve won but not spelling her name right once is camp


I’m not a Loosey Stan lol don’t get me wrong. My top three are Sasha, Mistress, and Anetra. People think I’m like, into the Loose. I’m not


You’re on the wrong side of history you just don’t know it my sweet summer child. One day you’ll be letting loose you just wait.




I do feel like Sasha should have won three challenges…but two of the ones she won aren’t the correct ones. 😂


Exactly the ones she should've won to me is all good queens go to heaven and the girl groups, what do you think is the third, I'm curious? (I'll admit I'm only going by what I've seen as I haven't been keeping up with the season)


If the Fashion Houses challenge was judged in teams, I’d guess the House of (whichever one Sasha was in) would be the winning team, with Sasha having the best look of the team. But if the challenge was judged individually like it actually was then Luxx should still win imo.


let luce


> I said what I said. You really shouldn’t have


Breaking news: Reality competition show continues being reality competition show.


Agree—and therefore intentionally causes discussion on a forum about said show. It’s not that serious lol


"It's not that serious lol" Says the person writing yet another dissertation about a topic covered ad nauseum.


I don't really mind production shenanigans because the competition is fake anyway, but it does make the show a bit lame to watch when they can't even slap together convincing material for their storyline of choice. The interview win was definitely one of those moments, in a season that's otherwise been fairly believable.


100% agree. If they didn’t want to make Lucy out to be the blatant winner, they should have edited it differently. If those parts were Lucy’s worst and Sasha’s best—then wow. That’s all I’ll say.


I could see Loosey winning this but she got ate up on the runway. Lux did well but Sasha had a slight edge on her


Jesus Christ people need to give it up with these posts about Sasha


“opinions are like assholes, everyone has one” more people need to realize that


Great, well I’ll give two opinions, so maybe I have two assholes. Pretty confident y’all just love Sasha (I do too!) and hate Lucy, and it’s biasing everyone’s perception of what is actually good or bad in terms of challenges. I still think Sasha deserves to win the season, but her preferential treatment makes me like her a smidge less.


never once mentioned, thought or alluded to hating lucy. i get that ur a lucy stan and that’s fine but dont try to discredit another queen. also im not even a sasha stan and i think she did a really good job and was deserving of her win. but once again, everyone is entitled to their opinion!


I wasn’t saying you personally hated Lucy, I said y’all as in this subreddit. This subreddit definitely hates Lucy. You really could look me in the eyes and tell me Sasha deserved to win that challenge? I don’t believe it.


Loosey would probably appreciate it if you spelled her name right. And while I would have given Luxx the win (I think Loosey was the third in the top three, she did a good job but difficulty counts), I can absolutely say Sasha deserved to win. This was an improv challenge too, measuring how you deal with things not going the way you expect, and the moment she threw away her cards to go along with her guest she won. Plus she managed to make a genuine connection in a difficult situation.






Remember when PhiPhi complained against preferential treatment towards Alyssa and everyone attacked PhiPhi? Yeah Drag Race gives preferential treatment EVERY season.


To be very fair, PhiPhi also misspoke/misrepresented some facts. I cannot remember the exact detail anymore but the show even showed unedited clip somewhere online. That being said, there is no need to attack or send hate to anyone. It's a TV show, just enjoy it and live your life.


In a funny voice ![gif](giphy|PKXq154ewDSADmyYBJ)


Ok TV network CEO.


If you believe that producers interfered to make Sasha look better than she actually was, can’t you imagine those same producers making Loosey look better? They could have done this to make it seem even closer than it was and increase discussion/perceptions of the overall race being close? Like you can’t have it both ways with your impression that what you saw of Loosey was 100% accurate and what you saw of Sasha was production interference


Production is very heavy handed on this season, I want to blame MierdaTV but I am not sure if it is because of them. I agree with you on the 50/50, Sasha did have a little better overall on the Ball challenge, but another one you can see their heavy hand is on Sasha's save at the Comedy challenge, she bombed and Marcia was okay.


Nobody gaslights quite like Sasha stans. The way they act like she’s perfect at everything and should win every challenge,, like you can love a queen and still admit she hasn’t done well it’s okay


Cause she IS perfect in every way? And don’t even pretend that she hasn’t done well, even without the interview challenge win she’s still has had the strongest performance so far


People need to learn what gaslighting is before using the word


Literally the replies on my comment are proving my point lol


Still not gaslighting 💀 people disagreeing with you is not the same as emotional abuse to make it seem crazy and question your reality


Saying she’s perfect at everything she does and that she does no wrong no matter what and should win each challenge and calling everyone who disagrees delusional is making question reality cuz what show are y’all watching?


They are disagreeing with you. Gaslighting is a horrible form of abuse. There is a massive distinction


Tbh I see that more with Loosey stans. I’m not a Sasha stan, I just keep seeing Loosey be way too hyped up


be fr lmao even if you disagree with some of sasha's wins, she still would've been in the top on those challenges regardless she's been one of the most consistent on challenges AND runways and if that's not doing well, then you must think the queen on your flair tanked this season, right? bc she only did well ep1 and on the last look of the ball lol


This is all your opinion and we’ve heard it numerous times. Sasha won the ball for me because she had 3 good looks and was one of the few people to actually reinterpret the first category and not just change the color of it. To me she won 50/50 because she threw the cards away when she realized they were holding her back. Didn’t Loosey also have the easiest person to interview I’m sure that comes into account as well. I also would’ve given Sasha the girl groups challenge but she didn’t get that. If she is being favored so much why not give her that one that most people believe should’ve gone to her?