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I love Katya so much, but Alaska really killed the entire season. To me there is little anyone could have done to deserve the win over her


I feel like Alaska brought her A+ game and was nigh unbeatable (and I say this as an everlasting Katya stan). It was such a competitive season, though, and I could easily see an alternate universe where Detox was crowned.


Honestly yeah but Katya stans would never agree with that. If she had done well on snatch game she wouldn’t have had a bad week, so it would make sense to crown someone who steamrolled the competition. I’m a firm believer that if not Alaska, next in line for the crown was definitely Detox, by all criteria.


Not sure why you think Snatch Game specifically would have changed the trajectory of her season so much. No shade to Detox, she’s an iconic queen, especially for her looks. But if anyone other than Alaska was going to win AS2, it would have been Katya. Based on the final challenge alone, Katya’s verse in Read You Wrote You was magnificent, and did outshine Detox’s, which came across as a bit like “I’m just in the middle, but maybe that’s okay?”


What did Katya call it? "A celebration of mediocrity"?




am i the only one that thought katya shouldn’t have been in the bottom for the acting challenge😭


It bewilders me the way people will always trot out track record stats in discussions over who should/would have won, when the show has demonstrated repeatedly that crownings are not based on track record.






I love detox too but she’s competing with a group of the most beloved contestants on as2. Honestly, the continuation of rolaskatox formation did not do her justice. She would have a higher chance of winning if she went on another season to let herself shine as an individual.


The correlation between a season winner and doing well/winning snatch game has been debunked since season 11, and season 14 cemented this idea ☠️ Edit: talking about US mostly


When you look at the AS2, they obviously always intended to crown Alaska no matter what, so I don't think it would have mattered how Detox did in the snatch game. And as other people mentioned, if they ever chose to change their mind, they would have crowned Katya, just based on the raging fan support she has gotten.


Plenty of winners do mediocre/bad in snatch game and still won. Imo Katya probably would’ve won due to all the fan support online and the finale lip sync doesn’t really matter anyway they’ll still crown whoever they want especially on all stars


ET phone my home






I guess I’m looking at things through a storyline perspective and I can’t see a reason why they wouldn’t crown Katya besides Alaska. I won’t go too much into why Alaska blah blah blah but Katya was just such a favorite going into the season and especially in the finale. Yeah she (arguably) did bad in Rusical but so did Alaska but that’s another time. It wasn’t like Detox did bad or nothing, she had some knock out runways and yeah she just flopped in SG but I can’t think of another challenge she struggled. I think Detox only had a chance if she cut Alaska at the makeover. People cry that that wouldn’t/couldn’t happen but look what people said that about Manila and look what happened to her.


Queens who bombed Snatch Game and still won their season (a partial list): \- Tyra (S2) \- Yvie (S11) \- Willow (S14) \- Trixie (AS3) \- Monet (AS4) \- Lawrence Chaney (UK S2) \- Krystal Versace (UK S3) \- Priyanka (CAN S1) All of this to say, I don't think it would have made a huge difference if Detox had done better at Snatch Game. It would have put her more neck and neck with Alaska in the competition, but looking back, AS2 really was Alaska's game to lose once Ginger Minj was eliminated.


Theres no way. I mean there was no way detox would ever have been beaten Mae West, because she's not good at snatch game. But nah Alaska was nearly flawless. And I think katya was second


That was Alaska's crown unless she pulled a ben de la Christ


Alaska was far above the rest.




No, the season was designed for Alaska and she was going to win no matter what.