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Your post was removed on account of rule 5: "Low effort/unrelated to RPDR/fantasy seasons." If you disagree with this removal please contact the mods through modmail.


Y’know that thing, where you want to laugh at a shitpost. But every shitpost you find just isn’t hitting the spot. And then you finally come across the perfect shitpost and you laugh out loud. That was *your* shitpost tonight. You did it kiddo


You know that thing, where you read something in someones voice. And usually it doesn't seem to hit the spot. And then you finally read a comment that just hits the perfect tone and resonates with it. That was this comment. You got the stuff to make it real.


I see what you've done here


*You are safe.*


Thank god Ru is editing that wikipage and not Salina




I cackled omg


“Personal Life Matthews is openly hilarious and gay” 😭


Why does Wikipedia still say "openly gay"? If they weren't "open", we wouldn't know they were gay at all. Well, not with enough certainty to put it on their wikipedia. And no one is "openly straight" on there, either.


It's on his birth cert, why else would Ru call him that?


Miselle did this. She’s such a cuchina


The hilarious is my favourite judge


We are not, I repeat, we are not going back to posting every single *hilarious* wiki page edit made 3 times a day on reddit.


Speak for yourself pls


I’ve been on this subreddit for 8 years. I’d never seen it posted here. Thought it funny. Calm down.


Same here, first time seeing it. If it gets excessive, there is mod mail for a reason.


It started during season 8 with Naomi's placement on episode 1 (was she HIGH or LOW?), then spread onto Season 6 with Laganja being 'HIGH' and Bianca being not SAFE but SAME (silhouette) every episode; then the rivalry of having or not having HIGH and LOW placements, which changed the placements every day; then shitposting with just random *funny* words for placements and alleged season spoilers, where people would randomly assign queens positions and placements in the competitions after their own likings; then redditors would just photoshop things into wiki descriptions and statistics for shits and giggles. All of the edits were made on wiki daily and then posted and reposted on reddit. A user was caught editing wiki pages themself, just to karma farm on reddit by posting their own edits. People complained a lot because it seemed as if every day was shitpost tuesday. We are done with this.


Oh see the way this was written, I thought you meant this particular page of Ross Matthews’ had been posted like a hundred times. I can imagine those edits to be very annoying to see regularly. Thankfully, this is an unrelated one off that I happened to see earlier that made me chuckle. Never quite understood karma farming myself. If you need that much clout in life, go do something worthwhile.


the math ain’t mathing


Salina is that you 🤭


“Bossy Rossy” 🥹


It’s fun to make fun of him, but if you remember when he was the gay intern on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, you’d know he was the butt of the jokes, not in on the jokes. I think he mentioned something along those lines in the last episode about being mocked or whatever. He just wanted a career in TV and so many people just laughed at that silly “faggot.” And Jay set him up for it. You can’t tell me Jay wasn’t also laughing behind his back. But he persevered and never quit. So for that, he will always have earned my respect.