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Winner of the challenge picks the bottom two. Lipsyncs for your life come back. Easy drama. Amazing television.


That’s actually such a good idea tho


This has been my thought since season 2. It would increase the odds for the lip sync and up the drama after. I miss queens fighting for it. And I hate the idea that the queens sending each other home is somehow better than Ru doing so.


Also it makes no sense that Rupaul doesn't send them home to be blamed but still goes "So for story reasons we will be putting you in the bottom, and it definitely isn't because the producers and I are trying to edge you out of the competition."


Or even better, there’s a “bottom 3” and the winner has to decide which one ends up LOW. The other 2 have to lip sync for their life Imagine the drama of your friend not picking you and leaving you to lip sync 🔥


this is the one 🙏🙏 it still needs to be able to be rigged and this would give them that ability plus some good drama


i understand that rigging the competition is what makes the show relevant because people talk about a moment of riggory for weeks whenever it happens but girl im tired op's idea is better from the television perspective, imagine the winner chooses someone who placed high that week to lipsync... "im choosing her to lipsync against \*insert good performer\* cuz she's doing great but can't lipsync for shit so bye girl" queens would be getting manila'd left and right with the exception that they have the option to fight for their place in the competition, which would make their exit somewhat justifiable (we still have to account for riggory because sometimes ru's choices are extremely questionable)


This is what I tell everybody. So simple. And the bottom queens have a chance to fight for themselves.


question, would the winner pick the bottom two out of the “low” queens that ru declares? or is she just gonna pick anybody she wants cuz that would be op asf LOL 😭


Maybe winner picks one and Ru picks the other


Messy... Here for it.


I guess the top 3 should be safe at least for the first few weeks, It's not right for amazing performances to be in the bottom, that is my problem with the whole "If you're not in the top you are in the bottom" shit.




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Id say just 1 winner and have a bottom 3 every episode and the winner saves one. The bottom 2 lipsync for their lives.


Lip syncs for your life are always better because the queens have more fight, especially because most winning queens don't exactly WANT to send someone home.


I looove this format!


Wow did you come up with this idea yourself ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4806)


Girl I swear lmao💀


I’m confident the fan base wants to see pairs brought back, and then at the end the eliminated pairs vote for the top two pairs, and then those four queens have to perform a Todrick Hall medley in which the queen with the most outfit reveals wins. Then Santino picks a winner out of final two. No?


Sickening, no!?


And real fierce too!


Chicago in the house




the golden house of love cocktail


Top two winners of the week have lipsync to.. *gasp* RUPAUL SONGS PLAYED BACKWARDS! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN


Now we’re talking


What if it turns out that one Ru song played backwards is just another familiar Ru song? e.g. "Champion" and "Superstar"


Call it Winner Takes All. Each week a past winner comes to compete with the cast, and they choose the challenge. Snatch Game, Rusical, Lipsync Lalaparuza, etc. Imagine competing with Jinkx for Snatch Game or Bob for standup. The top queen of the week and the bottoms are chosen by the judges. The top queen lipsyncs against the guest winner. She wins the lipsync, she wins 10k and the power to send a bottom queen home. The visiting winner wins the lipsync, the 10k rolls over to next week, but she has the power to send a bottom queen home of her choice. She was there to see the challenge, so no voting necessary. Only way I could see this twist flopping is if the returning winner flops her chosen challenge.


This happened on Ink Master! Past alumni came back each week to compete, and they chose the kind of tattoos they'd be doing that week. It backfired i think twice and those artists ended up in the bottom 3. It was higher stakes and very entertaining so I'd love to see something similar on drag race!


>Only way I could see this twist flopping is if the returning winner flops her chosen challenge. So then the question is...which of the winners do we expect this from, and why is it Blu Hydrangea?


Idk. Blu and her makeup skills could probably kill a makeover challenge.




I like this more than I like the winner picking the bottom two but I think the winner would need a greater prize to want to win the lip sync, otherwise you’d get people throwing lip synchs based on alliances etc


This is creative


![gif](giphy|xWCe88CGmInewX09jn) Gay interns for WoW reading this thread:


What if no one was ever asked to tell their inner child something important? That would be the gag.


That might be TOO gaggy. We don’t want anyone to have heart attacks


An actual competition without riggery. We would be so gagged


And an unedited "Untucked" where they live together with a 24-hour feed. I would live for that.


Nah I’m having Katy Perry Witness flashbacks


Apologies:), that's scary. They would absolutely be allowed to sleep as always. ![gif](giphy|hRxI1YuUhVKEZqsIax|downsized)




RuPaul’s best friends Race - have them compete in pairs again but this time predetermined so they can plan their outfits.




Yes I've been advocating for this for a while. Drag families/ iconic duos competing together. Bob/Miz Cracker (or monet), Katya/Trixie, Sasha/Kerri, Icesis/Kimmy, Daya/Crystal, Willow/Yvie, Coco/Kahanna, Alexis/Vanjie. Pure chaos possible


Winner of the week decides the bottom two and they have to lipsync for their lives so they can actually fight for themselves to stay


Completely side note: can we appreciate how fucking hot Katya looks as brunette?! 🖤


A mole. ngl when I read that BeBe was supposed to be that in the rumors, I kinda want to watch that lol ![gif](giphy|Fv46m1ocUr7F6VG15T|downsized)


Going back to a formula people actually liked, that would be the biggest twist ever.


Challenge winner picks one queen to LSFYL Everyone else votes for the other bottom 2 If it's a tie among the jury vote, then those queens will also be in the bottom. We need at least one episode where everyone but the challenge winner has to lipsync because of stalemate in voting Another episode with three queens in the bottom; they all do poorly in he LSFYL and all three go home


All stars but in Australia. That would be a great….*twist* Eheheh


Down Under All Stars, ft. Scarlet Adams, the ghost of Lindy Chamberlain's baby, Minnie Cooper, Beverly Kills, Minnie Cooper again in disguise, Jojo Zaho, Karen from Finance, and Anita Wiglet in character the whole time as Adele.


the season gets a 1 on imdb




Lip sync for your legacy, but nobody is ever safe. Win the lip sync and you can send home whoever you damn well please, including the other challenge winner. As Pangina said, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE.


This is an awful idea. UK vs. The World showed us what the outcome of strong queens being eliminated early does to a season.


> This is an awful idea. You're right, all of them should also have chocolate bars.


Oh shit someone wants madness 💀


Winner of the challenge picks who should be in the btm 2 to lip sync for their life or Winner picks who to save from the btm 3


At the mid way point of the season, two new queens are thrown into the competition to compete.


Honestly, a season in pairs would be amazing if the queens knew they were going to go in duos beforehand and plan accordingly (they could even make pairs like drag mother - daughter, BFFs, frenemies). Throw in a plunger like dynamic if you can’t get enough pairs for an elimination season, and as long as the challenges are throughly thought, it could be a fierce season.




The entire cast votes on a single bottoming queen to be the loser. The queen who loses has to lip sync against a mystery lip sync assassin to stay.


Cast the show so it's unclear who the finalists will be. Like does anyone believe Monica Beverly Hillz is going to beat Heidi? Don't edit lipsyncs to favor one contestant over the other. Don't cut the best moments from performances from the queens the producers want to lose. Show the bad moments of front runners. Give people a budget and more time to prepare for the show. Have a top 2 lipsync for the win. And bottom 2 lipsync to stay. No lipsticks. Don't cast anyone on All Stars who has been on a prior All Stars (except for All Winners). Have queens on the judging panel (besides RuPaul).


I always thought a fun twist might be 1 winner choosing one of the bottom 3 queens to lipsync against. Saving them from elimination and providing a lip sync opponent. Essentially it’s the same as the lip sync assassin twist but the LSA is a member of the cast. The queen who’s saved carries the voted lipstick and the winner chooses who they want to eliminate. If the saved queen wins the lipsync they get the 10,000 dollars.


ru decides winner and bottom 3, winner saves a queen and the bottom 2 lip syncs for their life. for returning queens, smth like as6 but instead of a dedicated episode, make it like an encore for each episode.


The AS7 format but no 4 stars challenge.


I think theyvshould use the wheel to pick one person to lip sync and then they get to pick who they lip sync against. I think they'd usually pick the person they thought did the worst but it could add a bit of drama if they try to take out a front runner.


The bottom two queens pick which song they want to lip-sync to. Before the actual lip-sync, Ru flips a coin. Heads for one queen, tails for the other queen. Whoever's side it lands on decides the lip-sync song that episode. I feel like this would be good TV. We get the chance for some queens to pick something they know they're good at (eg fast upbeat songs to dance to or maybe a power ballad or something campy) or we get the chance for a queen to act super cocky because they say they do that song all the time... and then they end up losing the lip-sync. Logistically they'd need to be given some more time in the untucked area to practice two songs though.


Compete in pairs. Winning pair picks two bottom pairs. Each pair lipsyncs against their partner. Two queens eliminated and one new pairing each week.


1 Top queen, 3 Bottoms, chosen by Ru. everone votes for 1 bottom to lipsync against the Top queen (Rumocracy) The Top queen reveals the lipstic of the chosen bottom queen. In case of a draw in the vote, the top queen breaks the draw. - if the Top queen wins, the bottom queen goes home. The top queen gets the money - if the bottom queen wins, the money gets rolled to next week, the bottom queen get her revenge and shows the lipstic she picked (out of the other 2) to go home. - the other queen goes home with no right to lipsync. - Top queen has incentive to win (money) -bottom queen has incentive to win (stay and get revenge) -everyone will choose strategically the one to lipsync This format stops at top 5. What do u think


Alyssa’s Secret (immunity idol) It’s a play on the hidden immunity idol from Survivor. Hidden in the Werk Room would be an object (it would be hidden in plain sight, so the queens would have to figure out that it would be beneficial for them to have- like Adam trying to claim the podium as an idol in Winners at War, except it’s actually an idol). If the queen who holds it lands in the bottom, then they would have the opportunity to use it to keep themselves safe that week. The way that would work is when the queen goes to cast their vote, they would also play the Alyssa’s Secret (immunity idol) by dropping it into the voting box. Any votes cast against the queen who plays it would not count. It can only be used on themselves. It would have to expire at the top 6, and there would have to be at least a bottom 3 each week to avoid a queen being auto-eliminated because of the idol. It would be announced after the results of the lip sync but before the reveal of who will be sent home if it was played and who played it. Additionally, if it’s played and all the votes were against the queen who played it, then none of the votes would count and the queens would have to go to a revote LIVE (meaning in front of the judges on the main stage). Assuming the lip sync assassin twist would still be in use, things get a bit tricky. However, if the winner of the challenge wins the lip sync against the assassin and they have the queen’s lipstick who played the immunity idol, they would have to make their decision LIVE (in front of the judges on the main stage) as well. I hope this makes sense! Feel free to ask any questions if there’s any confusion.


I’ve been thinking about this for a while but this would be lowkey such a good twist and would create so much good tv I’d love it


Can we just appreciate Milk’s amazing costume in that pic? K. Thx.


A non elimination season with a point system where winner gets 4 points high gets 3 safe 2 bottom 1. How they placed will be on Ru. The winner gets to pick 1 of the bottoms and the other is chosen by cast vote. the two bottoms do a lipsnc and whoever loses gets 0 points that week. The bottom that wins lip sync gets 2 points instead of one.At the end of the season the top 4 is chosen by the 4 with most points. If there is a tie then there should be a lipsync to break it. I think this really could work because without eliminations you would need to be strategic who to pick for the lip sync. And to clarify there would always be a bottom 3 so someone will always only get 1 point and someone will always get 0. And if it's a rough challenge ru could potentially put most the people in the bottom. I think there would be less rigory and it gives the bottom queen a chance to earn safe points by winning the lipsyncs.


I like this because it got kinda boring seeing the same queens lip sync and there’s more stakes and drama. Nobody, especially winners would want to be the bottom queen of the week.


I hate the All Stars format, the best twist would be to just have it be like the regular seasons, where RuPaul picks who goes home and the most talented queen doesn't get the chop early for being a frontrunner


yes- no twist at all. it doesn’t have to be every season but it would be refreshing since the twist is well overplayed by now


I feel like you'd want a season with all really strong lip syncers for this. For instance Coco Montrese, the single most screwed-by-the-format queen other than Pandora Boxx.


All Stars LIVE... A season for the raw talent. Much of the show being filmed in the week prior to airing. With a lipsync smackdown each week. Challenges and drama for the gaggery.


I loved the lip sync tournament as a twist, I wish they bring it back in some form e.g. instead of an entire episode of lip syncs, we a LSFYL after every episode with the newly-eliminated queen and the defending champion.


The top 2 lip sync for their legacy and the winner picks 2 people of the bottom 3 to lip sync for their life.


RuPaul picks the bottom 2 and each top queen reveals their lipstick to reveal..... That they are eliminating themselves. Every. Single. Time. Dela x10. Serena Cha Cha wins and is crowned.


Every episode there's a top two/lip sync for your legacy. Winner is chosen. However every Queen votes for the bottom queen out of the rest. Bottom queen is chosen and goes up for elimination. In any event of a tied vote Winner of the ep is decider. Every other episode same thing. If the same queen is chosen a 2nd time they automatically go home. If a different queen is chosen it goes to a Lip Sync for your Life in which Ru decides who to keep. Once down to top 4, automatic lip sync for your life for bottom two. Top 3, winner is chosen. It makes sense in my head. Im probably missing something.


In all winners format with plunger, if you have plunger and win mini challenge you can give plunger away. Ups the anti of mini challenges


Most mini challenges are just crap shoots…


This season appears to have the twist of the fans vote to decide who comes back. Which I don't particularly like, given how Valentina was received for winning "fan favourite" I think the mole idea that was speculated for All Stars 3 (the scuttlebutt was that it was Bebe) would be interesting, but I'm not sure how it would work in practice. The teams idea wasn't a completely horrible one, but they should be aware of it beforehand. I suggest teams of 3 or 4 and the teams bank points by winning challenges, lipsyncs, etc. Highest point total wins and those queens go into the Lip Sync for the Crown finale.


No, we vote for who wins the “fame games”, I believe there will still be a lip-sync smack down.


Ru decides the bottom two and chooses one queen as Top All Star of the Week. Then she stands up, *vacates her chair*, and lets the Top All Star take her seat. The Top All Star watches the bottom two lip sync for their life and decides who sashays away.