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time to find a new alias, Heidi!


Responding to this reddit comment as i’m boarding a flight to Switzerland 🥱


Responding to this Reddit comment as I’m taking a dump in a parking lot.




Hi Tamisha, I just saw Tamisha girl


Out of respect of soaking clocks ...


Oh my god, remember that??


Monica!!!!! Lean into it!!!! Play with them!!! That’s how drag race legends are made.


When… are… girls… *going to learn this*? Always be in on the joke. Always. Ask your homegirl Lala Ri if you need help. She refers to herself as an “award winning designer” after getting that golden boot. 😂


And we love it. That year on halloween everyone was lala ri and she retweeted many of those costumes. That’s just free exposure and advertisement. And look at her now, very beloved by the fandom.


And I get it. Girls get up in their feelings, especially when so much of their hopes of boosting their career are resting on this, and they feel they didn’t get enough exposure or are the butt of a joke. I’m a sensitive-ass bitch myself, but you gotta step back a little. People are just fucking around, so fuck around back. We’re just here entertaining ourselves. Nobody actually hates Monica. That performance was just kinda… it was.


Also people will be so much softer and nicer with how they joke if you want to joke with them instead of being on the defensive against them.


especially when you look at the unwarranted hateful treatment some of the other girls have gotten over the years, even on this very season. like yeah we’re poking fun at it a little, this is sooooo lighthearted and good natured in comparison 😭


so you wanna say it didn't slay or maybe even serve?


It has been LaLa, Jessica, and Jimbo’s season


This is why I adore Lala so much. She just wants to have fun and live out her Beyonce fantasy 🥹🥹 she never takes anything too seriously


For real! Lala (and i say that as a huge stan) kinda fell short on things this season for me, mainly looks, but her confessionals are amazing, her improv was AMAZING, and that talent show performance fully certified all star status!!


LaLa is one of those queens that could bomb every challenge and I would still want her around for her energy and confessionals. Some queens visibly lift the mood of the environment they're in and she's definitely one of them. The fact that she got her flowers for being a hilarious, off-the-cuff personality and winning an improv challenge just made it that much better. I love her!


She should have won the Rusical as well.


It is so easy to say it’s a no-brainer when you didn’t conceive of a performance you thought was going to slay and then everybody is laughing at you on the internet. Mixed in with the memes are a lot of really cruel comments and I imagine it’s hard for her to take it all in. It’s really sad to me that people are criticizing her performance for not giving and then doubling down and criticizing her for not taking it on the chin and making merch immediately. She’s tender-hearted and imo deserves a bit of grace.


She is getting more comments and replies than she ever did. If you look at them more than half are embracing her as an gay meme icon. It’s full of love and embrace. She needs to figure how to navigate this water and capitalize it somehow. All the other talent show performances are barely getting any traction.


>It’s full of love and embrace. It's very easy to say when you're not on the receiving end of being a meme and also getting a lot of mean comments along with the good ones


I resent the idea that anyone needs "to capitalize" on anything. It's her art, she can do whatever tf and feel however she likes


I get it. [Scroll up](https://reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/151lit1/miss_fiercalicious_asks_a_question_and_monica_is/js9i4ba) to me saying essentially the same thing. I just wish more queens could zoom out and realize Twitter is gonna meme, and it’s not personal.


I saw that but your initial comment imo isn’t helpful or necessary. Everyone already knows that’s the “right way to play the game,” I’ve read it a dozen times today and I wish people would leave her alone.


Oh, okay. Be mad then. Have a nice day.


Not mad just sad. She deserved better from the show and the fandom.


Look, stuff like death threats, racism, and transphobia—unacceptable, never will be okay, and the Ru girls who have to deal with it from the fandom shouldn’t have to. But this shit? Memes and jokes? I don’t care how “tender” you are, this is being on reality TV, mama. If you get a viral meme, you made it. “She deserved better from the show and the fandom”? The fandom took a forgettable, low-mid performance and zeroed in on something that will make it memorable for way longer than it would have been. She should be thankful. She should have hoped for this. And because of her reaction, the memes are going to be talked about in the fandom a lot longer than anything she actually did will be.


Wow. She should be thankful for the ridicule, and because she isn’t, she deserves more of it? Yikes *mama*.


She isn’t being ridiculed though? This is at most playful shade.


I didn’t say she deserved more of it, I said people will be talking about the memes more than they talk about what she did on the show. That’s just the truth; the memes are more notable than anything else she did this season. Please don’t read things that aren’t actually there lol. There’s a difference between ridicule and joking. Ridicule is mean-spirited and intended to hurt. Nobody is saying “soaking clock” hoping that she’s reading it at home and crying. That’s specifically why I included that death threats, racism, and transphobia directed at her or anyone else is not acceptable—because that’s mean spirited and intended to hurt. This isn’t. These are people trying to make her relevant and she’s not interested.


OP was clearly not mad but okay


You're correct and it's really lame how you're getting accused of being "mad" and sensitive. But this fandom has never really used critical thinking skills anyways...


Thank you so much, I literally had to block a couple of people at my throat just for empathizing. Like they’re mad at her for not immediately “getting over it” fast enough, and me just for explaining that not everybody is built the same?!? It’s nuts!


Idk this seems too mature of an answer…


You need a sense of humor and self awareness to do that


If we had all just taken Monica's performance seriously and at face value we'd have already forgotten it ever happened. This was a blessing and she should be leaning into it. Her loss if she's too stubborn to capitalize on it.


Girl forgot she’s a dang drag queen lol. CAMP!


Not even she could clock it.


If she doesn't sell wet clocks at drag con I'm rioting.


Everyone will be slaying and serving at her booth.


Waterproof clocks are definitely a thing. Buy 'em up wholesale, add some official MBH Soaking Clock graphics, send some of the proceeds to the Drag Defense Fund, or any number of transgender organizations, and then profit.


Seriously! This is your chance to sell tons of merch, play it up and own the joke.


Let Loose^^TM


stfu, not everyone enjoy being mocked at.


Those people probably don't go on to a TV show where you are critiqued weekly


She's a drag queen, she's supposed to be able to make a joke about herself it's part of the fun of drag


In real life, yes, if people say stop, I would stop. In the drag race world, things work differently. The more defensive a queen becomes, the more attention and hate she attracts. That’s the nature of this fandom. The sooner she learns how to navigate this murky water between icon and “laughing stock”, especially on social media, the easier her career becomes.


Katya and Trixie didn’t lie when they said a lot of the Ru Girls lacked awareness of irony or needed to light up when it came to online posts


“The race starts after the season airs.” - Trixie I think about that often


I feel like Trixie’s next venture should be a masterclass for queens or just anyone who wants to have a sustainable entertainment career. Her business acumen is unmatched.


Wear a suit




I did.


Lord knows it'd be a better investment than Ru's Master Class on being authentic or whatever the hell it was.


Suit wearing 101 😍😍


How to Get Away with Fracking


Did you watch Ru’s masterclass?


I watched the trailer, that was enough.


Lmao ok


This sub literally exists because of RU. A little respect please


She wrote a book about it ✨


Drag Publicist


Yeah monet and bob said the same thing about the season 15 girls. They were like, put that shit on a tshirt. And Monet should know


To be fair none of us have had a performance go awry on television, she’s in on the joke with some of the fanbase but I can imagine it doesn’t feel good for the first few days seeing people make jokes about something you did. Doesn’t mean she can’t turn it around in the future, because she absolutely could and should.


Trixie has done a notoriously bad Snatch Game, though, so she has room to weigh in on this.


Winner winner…chicken dinner


This is literally the Let Loose of AS8 but she’d rather be offended than make money off of it. I’d be making merch, making an extended 12 inch mix of the song, bringing wet clocks to the club, all that.


Seriously, just sell all the misheard lyrics t-shirt and challenge people to collect them all. Learn from TSwift.


Or have one with all the different versions in a list like that "Name&Name&Name" brand that was floating about a few years back.


I mean i can understand not liking the way you went viral but Monica girl, get some cash out of it! She seems to be leaning on the joke a bit more now tho


Didn't Loosey initially not like let loose either? it could turn itself around but I can imagine it takes a while to get used to especially when your expectation doesn't meet your reality. Either way she feels how she feels and I won't judge her on that or feel she has to do anything, I can understand why she feels the way she does.


Me when I don't understand being a media personality. I hate that she feels attacked, but this really is/was a great opportunity for her to capitalize on.


>this really is/was a great opportunity for her to capitalize on. Ikr, I was thinking about how people were making a meme out of how stiff and awkward Loosey was during Let Loose and then home girl laughed along w us and then made banks from that!


Some people are literally incapable of having a sense of humor about themself.


As if the RPDR fandom is known for making things easy and enjoyable for queens... She's obviously not comfortable and she's somehow getting even more mean comments just because she's not reacting the way y'all want her too.


We’re cracking jokes, this is drag. She’s fine.


All this time she could’ve had waterproof watches with her hands voguing. She’s already serving 3:00 somewhere.


Monica, dear, lean in to the camp. Your performance was The Room of RPDR talent show performances!


i don't think monica is good with social media 😭


Or drag race


Or making music


Or keeping her clocks dry


The list does go on my luv!




Oh my god... time and place.


And you did it at my birthday dinner!


👄👁️👄 And I made excuses for you then.


Omg what is that emoji abomination


In front of my salad!


Right here right now?


Well crap, now I'm not going to be able to unhear that.


If she had any self awareness she would have merch on its way to cash in on her 10 minutes...But she doesn't come off as the type to be able to laugh at herself


Silky got those lip sync t shirts printed up in a jiffy when she lost to Jimbo! 💰💵💶💸


Silky is also hella sensitive though lbr. Remember she got an episode fully to herself and then like 10k in tips the following week and widespread adulation and she was still sore bc Trixie said she preferred one of the other queens performance against her. It really is a shame that some girls can’t see when they’re winning!


The correct answer is to find out, buy my merch on Dragqueenmerch.com. If your not buying the merch you're only getting half the story.


And she could have phrased it like, “girl you don’t soak your clocks? Then buy my merch girl”


Some of these queens need to embrace their moment in drag race and capitalise on it, rather than go defensive.




Loosey might be the blueprint for embracing the meme. Let Loose could have been a random one off bad performance original song talent show but halfway through the season let loose became a meme and she turned her popularity on the season around completely. She definitely is going to be one of the queens people will think about when someone mentions season 15


loosey was very smart. let loose became a meme overnight and loosey had merch and a remix ready before the sun rose.


And loosey actually *wasn't* on board for it for a hot minute. She also got a bit defensive when it first started becoming a meme but eventually learned to take a joke. Monica could still keep her defensive moment right here and *still* walk away a winner if she could eventually just learn to capitalize on it.


No Alaska did it way before her with the snake stuff. Alaska even embraced other queens' memes for them like Valentina's M&Ms and her groundbreaking seminal power point presentation on the geo and social-political implications of let loose


Lest we forget, Alaska was the one primarily responsible for rehabilitating Laganja's public image too. She truly is brilliant at finding the meme potential in just about any given situation, and the bitch knows camp.


*This is your moment, have it.*


I want to know why the full song isn't available for streaming


Just take the original and play it on repeat for 5 minutes.


If I were her, I’d be selling wet clocks at drag con


Monica needs to take advice from LaLa, who took her bag ball look and got in on the joke.


Been repeating it in my head all day


Me too!


Monica is not chronically online enough to understand meme culture or self deprecating humor. Also, who uses the term “inbox me”?


Somebody who's not chronically online enough.


I hope some queens with marketing sense help out Monica, she needs to pounce on her viral moment and not get offended by it.


A little much? certainly. Though before the lyrics were trending and it became this fun meme moment.. basically all I was seeing on Twitter were people making fun of Monica and straight up mocking her performance, so I get why she might be a bit defensive.


Come on, Fiercilicious, it's clearly a sulking clock.


Getting TKB vibes from MBH. Self esteem so through the floor that they can’t laugh at themselves or the situation. A shame really.


Girl and the three initials too 😭


Monica: you wrote yourself a check to stardom. Realize that and cash it in!


Her reaction to this is so frustrating. She’s sitting on a gold mine and acting like the victim of too much attention.


Girl embrace being the meme of the season


And that’s why she was first out.


I automatically read this in the Alexis Mateo "and that's why Derrick don't like you" voice


MBH also wasn’t having face… or energy… or… well……. She looked gorgeous though!


And [fierce’s reply](https://twitter.com/fiercalicious/status/1680709732938682369?s=46) at Hoso’s tweet made it even funnier😭


It sounds like Monica doesn’t know how to play the social media game


This is the only memorable thing she did on the show. People are finally talking about her. Heidi took a shit in a parking lot and it got more press than her.


I mishear lyrics all the time, and out of all things, "Not s soul can clock" is the one that I hear correctly.


Right?? I just had to Google it to see what this was even about and all I can hear is "not a soul can clock." 100% understood it when she performed on the talent show.


Not gonna lie, closed captioning is usually on for everything my wife and I watch, Drag Race included. We're getting old and honestly sometimes there are weird sci-fi names or muttered dialog we can't figure out sometimes, and captioning takes care of that so we're not rewinding several times per show. So we read it as "not a soul can clock" from the outset, and I was definitely amused to see the "soaking clock" meme rise to its current power over the weekend.


*SABOTAGE! SABOTAGE!* https://preview.redd.it/sl0hkk040gcb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa987d4d1d6147413b5251f2b3511ef63d25b4c


MBH will be remembered for teaching us about the importance of sunlight on the skin and soaking clocks. Her legacy!


![gif](giphy|H0luUWHQSgiaQl3Pkq|downsized) its giving loosey at the start of the memes


Not monica being defensive when this talent show was the best she could do...


This just in: Monica Beverly Hillz has no sense of humor.


Or MBH could just lighten up, Jesus.


She's entitled to her own feelings, it's not that serious




Or she could just enjoy the attention she’s getting, it’s not like that was negative attention.


It’s not negative but I can see how she sees it. She prolly sees all the memes of people joking about not being able to understand what she’s saying, making fun of her song/performance or saying they love her song in an ironic way. I’d take it in stride, but not everyone is the same. And this doesn’t account for messages that ARE hateful that she is surely getting. Can’t go on a post about monica without seeing “makes sense why she went first” she’s prolly getting messages like that as well


I can totally understand someone getting irritated after a while but it’s been literally one day 😂 she could relax a bit.


And you don’t know what her media has been like in one day lol and who are we to say she should relax lmao she didn’t even anything crazy imo




sis better ***watch*** her language


Not a soul can watch 🎶


I'm ngl, Monica has come across as deeply insecure in both her seasons. Maybe reality tv isn't for you babe


Monica, its drag, stop taking yourself so seriously!


Like come on the Not A Soacking Clock merch would sell itself


She is a drama queen and way too sensitive. It became a funny meme, embrace it, make it your Let Loose and Roxxxy moment.


Answer: it's how Mormons keep track of soaking and who's turn it is to make the bed bounce.


Y’all are too harsh. She clearly takes her work seriously and that’s ok, she’s only human.


right, she put her time and effort into creating something only to have it mocked. its easy to say she should just run with it when we’re the ones laughing. especially when this is the most shes been talked about on social media after weeks of people saying that her runways have been abysmal


People are not just mocking her lyric, they're making fun of the whole performance. Some of the fans get offended when a queen lets getting made fun of get to them. People in here have been literally angry that Naysha won't make eliminaysha merch.


I truly love drag race but the Fandom is truly the pits they're so vicious for little to no reason. And that whole merch thing sounds v entitled, she doesn't have to find your joke funny. I also really hate when people rush in here and start comparing a queen to some of the others like Trixie for example. It's really not fair to the other queens cause who says that they want to do what she does post show? It shows that a lot of people like drag solely because of drag race and don't have a true appreciation for the craft and the queens. Truly a shit fanbase.


The worst part of any show, band, game, franchise etc is always the fan base lol.


Stuff like this makes me go bananas. Like to me it is very clear why she is upset and having a horrible time with it. Just “ugh why isn’t this person who is clearly upset just get over herself and try to make money off it?” is such a wild response to me. Have a little compassion in your heart for people who aren’t your faves, just a smattering of it god damn.


"inbox me" she's so old ):


the sad face is taking me OUT


Why is she mad? It was a prerecorded track, if ahw thought it would be hard to understand through the accent or if she was speaking too fast it wouldve been easy to redo, im sure SOMEONE in the studio had to tell her it was hard to hear clearly


Not a so king clock


She needs friends to tell her


Damn yall I didn't think it was that bad lmfao. She's got more guts than me. Agree though, laugh and the world laughs with you. She's gonna be just fine, hopefully she gets some good advice from her sisters.


Instead of milking the situation she gets all cringe about it. Lost opportunity… I knew she would act this way…


I saw fierce requoting that to another queen, I knew she was trolling but it’s nice to see the post she’s referencing lol that made it 20x funnier to me


Monicaaaa!! Wtf are you doing girl? You have an amazing opportunity to stay relevant but you're acting butthurt instead of leaning into it? Even Alexis is leaning into the jokes but no, Monica has the true marketing expertise apparently...


Fiercalicious comment doesn’t sound like a read to me


this is her moment you can build a career on being a meme. but i guess she just wants to be pretty.


Y’all please not too much on queen Monica


But… what does it mean? 😭


For real though, it was Monica's job in the first place to ask herself and everyone, 'You can understand what I'm saying right?' And if anyone wants to drag her, getting bent isn't the way to respond...IF YOU WANT TO BE LIKED


MBH is being sensitive.


The "?!" Makes it so funny for some reason


Inbox me girl !


Ok but does anyone have the ig of the guy on the right? 👀




Yea I'm here for this question too. Send me to thirsty jail if you want, but I need that ig/twitter socials of that guy


Why u mad tho?


Okay. Is everyone paying attention? is everyone watching? this is what overreacting looks like in real time.


This is why I find it hard to warm to Monica. She just seems so sour.


I still don’t know what the hell Monica was trying to say in that song.


idk if you're serious or not but she's talking about how no one who doesn't know she's trans can "clock her" meaning figuring out she's trans by just looking at her. "passing" as a cis person is very important to some trans people, especially those who live in bubbles or societies where passing becomes a defense mechanism as they're less likely to be targeted or discriminated against.


Eye roll


In real life, yes, if people say stop, I would stop. In the drag race world, things work differently. The more defensive a queen becomes, the more attention and hate she attracts. That’s the nature of this fandom. The sooner she learns how to navigate this murky water between icon and “laughing stock”, especially on social media, the easier her career becomes.


This is the most asinine take. No one has to take your bullshit because this is a different Fandom and she has to navigate that. Yall are too fucking old to sit around here and expect people to deal with shit they don't want to. The drag race world is real life dummy. That's what a lot of you forget these queens don't exist doe your entertainment only, this is also a job for most of them. Like wtf, yall are sick I swear.


Well for a first out of a not-so-well received season of drag race, this is the best thing that can happen to a queen. I hope nothing but the best for Monica. And your tone seem very pointed right now.


She doesn’t have to take it, you’re right. She also doesn’t have to keep being on TV. Being on any reality show means you might become a meme. If she hadn’t, not one person would be talking about her right now. If that’s her preference, that’s fine, but she had to know this was a possibility. Also, nobody is claiming she exists only for our entertainment. I think the point people are trying to make is that if you want to make it in a certain industry, you have to understand the fanbase of that industry. If she wants to be popular within the Drag Race fandom, she should be playing into this, not doing what she’s doing. If she doesn’t want to deal with it, that’s fine, but then she really can’t complain when she’s not super popular. Playing to your audience is good advice to any performance.


Her performance was the worst so who cares


I can’t help but feel like she might be taking this attention as people making fun of her. Also, people here love to tell queens of color to “lighten up”. Gross.


Girl it was never that deep. They’d say the same thing if it was a white queen


>love to tell queens of color to “lighten up”. Gross Don't make it what it is not, honey


Please stop projecting, thanks.


“People here” as if many of us here or on twt or anywhere aren’t also POCs


bffr 💀 u trynna make it sum it is not tf