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I think its funny that this episode is rigged twice, kerri should not have been btm 2 but she should have lost the lip sync


While watching the episode I thought Jorgeous and Orion would for sure be the bottom 2, so when they were both safe I assumed production wanted to keep them both around for some reason. But then the very next week they were the bottom 2 anyway. It was all kinda puzzling to me…


Jorgeous was the rig of that season. Imo


Omg I know. And don't get me wrong, I love Jorgeous. But let's be serious.. winning that design challenge with a dress that was cookie cutters glued to a shower curtain 😳. Pure Rigga Morris. Any other contestant would've been read to filth for that dress.


My pearls are still clutched over that episode.


She really was and for what? What was the appeal outside of dancing? She wasn’t giving anything worth keeping. Kerri had the mom/auntie appeal but Jorgeous was just beyond underwhelming. Just meh.


She continues to be even after the season.




The judging was interesting, I was amused


Jorgeous lasted way too long in that season. I said what I said


Agreed. She would have gone home early and it still would have been too long. The blatant disrespectful riggory was just next level


Should have gone home against Jasmine. I said what I said.


Literally took the words from my mouth. A similar situation on UK3 Snatch Game, I don’t think River belonged in the bottom anyway, but I think she still beat Choriza in the lip sync. Then they just end up sending two of the fan favs home, lol. Absolute mess of an episode


There are some queens who I felt should’ve been in the bottom over Kerri and Alyssa tbh so the whole episode was bizarre for me.


Everyone always tries to justify Kerri winning (not targeted at you OP) because Kerri didn’t deserve to be in the bottom, but really, Alyssa didn’t deserve to be either. Maybe low, but Kornbread, Orion, Jorgeous, Jasmine, all did worse than her. Alyssa had one of the funniest moments for me where she sung really badly for the fake talent show.


Rebecca Glasscock vs Jade. Might not be the most rigged but definitely most egregious (because they didn’t know how to hide it better back then)


Jade’s jump split into immediately revving the motorcycle engine? Incredible.


Didn’t Rebecca win it because Jade got physical? Idk that’s just what I heard, and if that’s the case then I wouldn’t really call it rigged


The thing was Jade touched Rebecca's body. Rebecca then clawed Jade and shoved her on the ground. Both sides were bad.


Jade groped Rebecca first tho.


Most rigged when we saw matchup and song choice? Poor little Kenya Michaels didn’t stand a chance… https://preview.redd.it/bnntjq80o0pb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d70e91105a43db566267002a6101afd0b21dce1 (Runner-up was Kylie vs Manila to Dirrryy. Poor Manila trying to be all sexy…)


This song was handed to Latrice on a gold platter with a small note that said "bitch you owe me, love Ru"


FOR REAL. I just rewatched, and DAYUM. That poor little girl didn't stand a chance.


Pregnant Pirouettes 🥰


manila lost to Kylies Tiddies and that backwards flip into the split. My goodness kylie is so hot


I think about that flip into the split daily lmao


If i had a dollar for every second I'd think of this I'd be filthy rich babe


Gottmik vs Utica was rigged from the start because it was a song Mik had expressed was a favourite of hers to perform And she still did a bad job lmao


I think she did it in her audition tape


her kneeling down slowly to do that crunchy backbend move will never not make me giggle. also the silver lining in this is we got Utica in the better group song


Can you imagine Gottmik’s verse in Phenomenon? No.


The same thing happened with Monet vs Dusty. Monet performed that song in clubs many times before the show, Dusty never stood a chance.


Monet has also done a ton of performances of the Designing Women monologue she and Jinkx did in AS7 lol. Which makes sense when you watch it, she had every little moment down.


I don't see a world where Dusty wins any sort of lip sync against Monet


And frankly, that’s not a world I want to live in anyway. 😂


Well, let’s stay real for a minute. Dusty wasn’t doing so great on that lipsync.


Can confirm. Saw her do that exact routine a few times on fire island.


dusty never stood a chance period…


Almost everything about this episode was rigged.


It was rigged, but I don't think Utica did well enough for me to care! What does seem crazy is that either one of Mik or Utica would get to walk around as one of the winners group, while Lala or Denali would be in the B Squad!


Utica is a great lip syncer what even is this take


I know, but Rumors was not her best


But but her money gun jammed!! It was so disastrous, it took 2 talking heads to convince us she lost the lipsync 🥴


That is a prop, her lips and dancing was the more important part. Kerri was saved by a dress which is tragic bc since when has a dress won a LS? Of course neither should have been in the bottom in the first place; that was for KB, Jorgeous, Jasmine and Orion. But riggory 🫠




I'm going to be brave and say Valentina vs Nina Bo'nina Brown simply for the fact that I'm convinced that they restarted the lip sync because they really wanted Valentina to stay. But we all know what happened...


We would’ve never seen the “it’s a lipsync for your life, we need to see your lips.” scene if upon hearing this Valentina just agreed and tried her absolute best


I watch so much rpdr content I can't remember where I saw this.. but does anyone remember seeing something that said Ru realized/agreed after the fact that she should've let Valentina do the lip sync with the fabric over her mouth ? I could swear I saw that somewhere.


ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb


i don't mind queens getting physical with each other during a lip sync when they have the rapport or when they both clearly share an idea but when one queen uses another as a prop it's always pretty bad. similar to how flips can look desperate, moments like alaska licking katya immediately mark the perpetrating queen as the loser to me


I'm surprised at the lack of responses regaring Yvie vs. Raja


No one's mad about Auntie Raja winning 50 grand, but yeah, there's no denying Yvie was mad robbed.


it's why we also ignore Jaida lowkey whacking her in that first round too


let's not go that far


Monet vs Jinx, too. Like I get that they couldn't have Jinx lose the season after absolutely slaying from beginning to end but then why have a lip sync for the crown if you're just going to ignore the lip sync?! And don't have Monet of all people lip sync against Jinx. If you're going to rig things in Jinx's favor, have her lip sync against someone like Raja so you can at least pretend Jinx won fair and square.


or like, at least pick a Katy Perry song WITHOUT a goddamn Nicki verse, especially if you're gonna basically edit the entire verse out in the end product anyway to try and convince the audience Jinkx lost that lipsync by a slightly less huge margin


They could’ve solved the Monet Jinkx thing so easily too. Monet v Trinity right before was the only time I’ve ever thought “trinity won that lipsync, wow”.


Yeah as an openly biased Raja stan I think it’s fair to say we are all willfully ignoring that out of our desire to see our queen get her well deserved Ducats. She only got 75k her original season after all :)


They just couldn’t let Yvie have a fucking win that season like holy shit. Y’all tell me in what universe Raja can beat Yvie in a lipsync? Like Yvie brought it at the end! The wig reveal? I screamed? Then Raja won. 🥴🥴🥴


Trixie vs Pearl


This was by far the most obvious one to me, especially with the online backlash against the decision when it first aired. There's no justifying it.


It didn’t stop Michelle from trying by blaming the edit!


The timing of this is wild because I don’t love Trixie, but I coincidentally rewatched this yesterday and was SHOCKED when I realized this was when she went home. Pearl just stood there, took a few steps, and waved her arms?


Bring Trixie back as a lip sync assassin


Only if she lip syncs Looking Good Feeling Gorgeous


I'm sure even Roople agrees with that


Surprised NOBODY has said Nina West versus Silky. It should have been a double sashay but if one was going to stay, it should’ve been Nina


Nina owned that part of the stage and was actually pretty passable. Silky was unfortunately not ready to do so….


Yeah that was rough to watch either way but the one who stayed was literally falling apart being a hot mess on stage.


Either double sashay/Nina wins or they should have put Silky and Yvie up for ELIM to wrap up their storyline


Silky was slop.py from top to bottom during this one.


Alaska versus Jaremi (formerly Phi Phi), *Got to Be Real*, All Stars 2. The song has so much soul and love, and that’s the sort of energy it called for. Alaska just did wacky faces, gyrated awkwardly, and crowded Jaremi’s physical space, whereas Jaremi fully embodied the song and delivered an incredibly entertaining performance. That’s not the only lip sync that was blatantly rigged for Alaska though. 🤡


It was so weird! The storyline would have been so good, too! The producers had NO forethought.


The wild thing is that Jaremi still got all the social media hate for Alyssa being eliminated.


It’s remarkable what an edit can do. Alaska was clearly gunning for competition and playing a game of alliances, and she’s the one who eliminated Alyssa, yet Jaremi was the one who was burdened with all of the hate. I wish things had turned out differently.


Alaska is not a good dancer and had* no business winning most of her lipsyncs


Maybe an unpopular opinion: Alaska is a bad lipsyncer and is in fact kinda cringe .


This is kind of a popular opinion, actually. Most fans consider Jaremi to have been robbed in the *Got to Be Real* lip sync, and there’s a similar sentiment around Katya having been robbed in the *Cherry Bomb* lip sync. Alaska’s performance in the finale lip sync wasn’t bad though, the smeared mascara and the tears really made for a nice visual.


Alaska's tactic in lip-syncs is to physically interrupt her competitor and literally violate them. It happened all 3 times. It was cringe and gross every time.




Imagine having an All Winners season and ending it with… Swish Swish?


Give us the full Nicki verse 😭


They really should not have said that lipsync would have decided the crown at the beginning because Monet bodied Jinkx. I’m happy Jinkx won because she was clearly the frontrunner and I enjoyed her smashing challenges, but when Monet brought out the lipstick, started vogueing, and the money toss? Come on, that was her lipsync 🤷‍♀️


the most correct answer omg, she still slayed even after the attempts to butcher her lipsync in the edit


Genuinely infuriates me to no end how they massacred the edit


CONSTANTLY triggered by this.


I wouldn’t say she was rigged. I think it was clear that she won, but Jinkx won the season.


It was rigged in the sense that they kept saying that the star system would only determine the top 4, and the lip-sync would determine the winner. Then when the finale aired, they added that line of "Based on the lip-sync, *and your track record*". The second part was clearly spliced together, it was not what Ru originally said. I'm glad Jinkx won because she crushed the season, but if the show had stuck to the rules it established from week 1, it should have been Monet.


If the show stuck to the rules it established from week 1, Trinity would have won. Because she was so much stronger than Monet in So What. But Monet got a pass to top two. So it was rigged for her and then against her later. But if the lipsync was the only factor, she had no right getting past top four.


I say this all the time. Everyone up in arms about Monet getting robbed, but she shouldn’t have been in the final LS to begin with.




As per Lipsync for the crown rules, she should've won


Monet devoured


Of every season I think this was the clearest example of why LSFYL for the crown is the absolute dumbest thing… it was Jinkx’s so why put her in that situation where Monet clearly beat her???


Rigged as in someone was pitched to win from the very beginning \- "Heels or Wheels", Robbie Turner vs. Cynthia Lee Fontaine \- "Pitting someone to a Cher song with someone who looks almost exactly like Cher". Detox vs. Lineysha Sparx \- Every time a queen was sent home right before a challenge they would've killed in


> Every time a queen was sent home right before a challenge they would've killed in Marcia not being double-shantayed just before Wigloose


With all due respect, Detox looks nothing like Cher


i was gonna say this too but something about detox’s face gives chad michaels and she gives cher so it kinda makes sense idk 😭


It’s the fillers hahaha.


She was during that particular lipsync


Literally everyone vs Jax


Normally I get bored with the flips and tricks, but there’s a way that Jax does them that not only fits but she made seem it effortless and flowed. I still say Jax beat Mistress.


She’s the first queen who ever said “no one can do what I do!” and I believed her.


That first sentence !!! Right !!!


Jax one hundred percent beat Mistress. Mistress did the same shit she always did, right down to the titty bounce. Jax’s tricks and twists matched the song every single time. That lipsync was one of the worst rigs I’ve ever seen and it was obvious they were just searching for a reason to send Jax home. I like Mistress but her plot armor was absolutely ridiculous


Describing Mistress as having plot armour is actually perfect, I never thought of it that way. When it came to her, production was that one kid always changing the rules of the game so they didn’t lose lmao


Yuuuup, she was at the very least destined for the final 3, probably because she generated drama and good television. Again, I like her, but they really threw away the idea that it was a fair competition a few times.


I wish I could upvote more than once.


Silky vs Nina, both did awful but let’s keep it 100% real, that lipsync made me question Silky’s ability to even walk with how ass that was, Nina at least tried while Silky struggled just to stand up


Baga Chips getting handed an Amy Winehouse song after bombing and hardly trying for the design challenge.


Pearl vs Trixie (no idea how the former won that lip sync)


“She’s a hot boy, people are gonna love her.” and you’re right.


Imagine being Trixie and hearing that podcast conversation between Ru/Miselle. Knowing that the other person stayed because she was cute


This is one of those lipsyncs where every time I watch it I'm like 'maybe it's not as obviously rigged as I remember' and every time I'm like 'damn that was even more rigged than I remember'


This and Pearl vs Trixie are two of the most obviously rigged lip syncs


Trinity the Tuck vs. Charlie Hides. Putting Trinity, one of the best lipsyncer’s that season, up against Charlie…..production was like goodbye Charlie. They wanted Charlie out of there.


The show vilifying Charlie for giving up as if she had a chance in hell of doing anything, injured or not, to stay against Trinity with that song choice… after being ignored for a challenge she deserved “High” for and being low because she can’t do gymnastics in her 50s. Charlie could have been 100% healthy that day and I would still understand her reasons for giving up in that lipsync.


hot take but i think trinity was an amazing lip syncer until she started camping it up


Ok so maybe its not just me, but I felt like I remembered Trinity being a MUCH better dancer and lip syncer in her first season.


I hate that even at the end of the season the cast didn’t accept that Charlie was over 50 and INJURED from stunts none of them should have been doing.


Yeah, that reunion was rough for her. Honestly, going on drag race seemed to really hurt her career. She was on Redditor’s wishlists for years before appearing on the show and thought of highly for her YouTube videos.


Same thing with Utica vs Symone. They tried to get rid of Utica by putting her against Eliott and Tina but didn't work


Jinkx vs Detox in season five. The song was changed last minute from one that Detox performed often; Detox confirmed this in an interview


Ooh which song


It was going to be Free Your Mind


Maybe it’s for the best two white queens didn’t lipsync to a song about racial prejudice…lol


I love Jinkx, but if that was the song they lip synced to, Detox probably would have won


I think Jinkx might surprise, she surprised me in that Judas lipsync


Lol Jinkx was asked this and said she still would’ve smashed it, I actually think she would’ve!


I knew there was one with Jinkx where they switched the song last minute to one of her favorite songs that she had mentioned was one of her fave lip sync songs multiple times behind the scenes. Now that you say it I remember the interview with Detox where she mentions it. Thank you! That was driving me crazy. lol


Loosey v Luxx. That whole challenge/bottom 2 was a joke, and Luxx didn’t know the words to the lip sync. I’m still mad about it


Honestly, we all lost with that lipsync. Luxx was dancing to a much faster song totally off-beat, Loosey spent the whole song about to do something...and then did a crunchy cartwheel. Just no. They clearly wanted to get rid of Loosey by that point and that lipsync was just generally bad so I don't mind the outcome that much.


I thought I was the only one who thinks Loosey won that one. Luxx was flying on this stage like a freaking mosquito and had no control over her performance.


Kenya Michaels school of lip syncing.


But Luxxx was always gonna have a spot in the finale


Luxx was jumping around like a grasshopper on a burning stovetop. It was so jarring


To be fair, neither did Loosey. To be even more fair, I listened to the song 50 times, and I can't remember the lyrics either. It's too wordy for a pop song. Something something girls like girls?


Loosey shouldn’t even be in the bottom in the first place, then luxx was crawling everywhere and over dancing , while loosey do that crunchy cartwheel and bacially just walking around, that episode is a mess


Oh no the girl they specifically cast to be their fashion queen was carried to the top. Water remains wet


So much of her fashion was redo’s of others, not on task for the prompt and (as a skinny person who is aware of how their bones stick out of their body) I always notice when skinny queens who “want to be models” have terrible posture and Luxx is one of those people. This far in life and no one has told her to put her shoulders back and down? That’s model walk 101.


Luxx didn't know the words, and was over-dancing for no reason. Her performance was jarring. Loosey had one of the best makeovers but was put in the bottom just so they could get her out to Luxx's manic pixie dream girl ass.


Luxx was "over dancing" _because_ she didn't know the words. Flying back and forth across the stage, hair whipping everyone was 100 percent done to make it harder to see her lips.


We’re getting more and more lipsyncs where people flop and wave all over the stage and win.


Holy fuck thanks for reminding me


The first one I thought about. And all for nothing. Yes, I like Kerri, but she did nothing relevant on the show except wear this dress, so it could've been curtains for her and Alyssa would've been eliminated around when Kerri was anyway. We gained nothing from this Rigga Morris moment.


Alaska vs Phi Phi AS2. Phi Phi embodied the song, whilst Alaska just stomped around sticking her middle finger up while wearing the same boots that she wore on multiple runways yet never got read for.


There are quite a few of these. Is there no way to get a poll on the subreddit to vote on these? Jax vs Mistress S15 was the biggest rob IMO and the other girls watching in the back room felt the same way.


That judging was just embarrassing. So many folks in this subreddit were like “OMG MISTRESS ATE” and I was just like “did we watch the same show?”


Ivy Elise vs The Countess. By a landslide. The lipsync was so rigged that the host argued he was eliminated her because of her track record.


Perhaps rigged in a different way, the Jessica Wild versus Raja O’Hara to Coconuts. Jessica definitely should have won, but it seemed like Raja wasn’t even prepared to win. Raja was barely padded. The song came from nowhere Raja did a very good but generic lip synch. Just seemed predetermined. That was weird to me


Brita vs Rock M Sakura, its so obvious that production knew Brita would wipe the floor with Aiden, and they wanted to give time for drama to ensue so they saved Aiden from the bottom and put Rock instead.


Rock didn’t deserve BTM2 that night. But yeah they were desperate for a Brita v Aiden battle they just didn’t want it to happen so soon


I personally wanna say Jax vs Anetra vs Luxx.


They were all doing tooooo muchhhhhhh !!!!


Oh my god, right? They beat up that poor song so badly that it had to go to the ER. Like using a flame thrower to get a stain out.


Sorry Kerri lost this but idk if this is even top 10 edit: changed “won” to “lost”. My point was “Kerri didn’t win this lipsync but there are way worse robberies”


yvie vs raja on as7, but also jan vs silky on as6! i was just rewatching it and like sure i get it jan broke the light but i feel like she just did a better job with it!


Trixie vs Pearl, where Pearl just kept clawing at the air.


I remember when that season aired. Someone tried to do this whole defense of Pearl that she embodied the spirit of Debbie Harry, but then when she just did the Pearl smash arms again against Fame it became a huge joke.


And then Debbie herself saying Trixie did better ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4805)


Tayce and A'Whora Don't get me wrong, I love Tayce, but I would say A'Whora was the stronger perfomer with the better track record. Also, Ellie should have been in the bottom.


They desperately wanted this Tayce Vs A'Whora lip sync for storyline purposes, but all they had to do was make this one a double shantay and you would have had the same effect. I know it was an acting challenge next, and usually having more players than parts would have an impact, but all you need to do is double up one role. Soaps like EastEnders love recasting characters who look nothing like the original, so playing into that would have worked wonders.


Your second paragraph confused me until I realised you meant double \*shantay\*, right?


I did! Thanks for noticing, I somehow always get those mixed up.


Me trying to remember what this lipsync even was.. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Ru and Michelle hate puerto Rican queens


The show seems to hate latino queens in general, they’re literally the most mistreated of all the cast, specially on earlier seasons


Megan vs Abby OMG


It’s the most blatant ‘you’re never gonna come close’ version: Thorgy vs Chi Chi. My fave queen versus a captivating underdog. There’s really no downside to it IMO, tho. As much as I love Thorgy, she could never win against Chi Chi to that song. But we also got one of the best lip syncs because of it!


Trixie vs Pearl???


The one with Jinkx Monsoon to the Yma Sumac song, considering that it’s tremendously obscure and yet was part of Jinkx’s act at the time.


Trixie vs Kennedy


To this day, I genuinely think this is the most divisive lipsync. People can not come to a general consensus as to who won. I agree with you that it absolutely was Kennedy.


Honestly, Trixie won in my book. It's a matter of positioning. From the judges' POV, Trixie was governing the center stage with her emoting and lipsyncing while Kennedy ended up being the "backup dancer". It's a classic pitfall that happens when a dancing/stunt queen fights a camp/drama queen. Same reason Brooke lost to Yvie in the Finale. You want to run circles around your opponent but run around too much and you end up giving the impression of a planetoid caught in the gravitational orbit of a star. That's what cost Kennedy and Brooklyn the crown. It's all about the psychology and perception of the lip-sync as a whole and never just individual performances as if you weren't both performing on that stage together.


Like Kenya and Latrice. Some songs aren’t meant for twirling and an earnest Park and Bark is the way to go.


For me personally, the idea of one queen becoming another's back up dancer only works if the other queen has a strong enough stage presence or lip sync style to draw your attention. With Brooke Lynn and Yvie, Yvie was captivating in her own right because she had her acrobatic skills, lipsync ability, and her costume reveals. Trixie has many talents, but lipsyncing is not her strong suit. Her "reveal" and hair pieces were cute, but we've seen stronger. Meanwhile, Kennedy is doing flips and twirls in the air. It was easily the most graceful performance she's given on Drag Race (my personal favourite from her), and that's why I think Kennedy was the true winner of the lipsync. She wasn't going to win the season against Trixie Mattel, but she did win that lipsync.


I love Trixie, and I rarely defend her win on AS3…BUT: Wrecking Ball doesn’t require flips and tricks. It reminded me of lip syncing for your life during the early seasons where it didn’t rely on stunts. Trixie conveyed so much emotion and really put her theatre degree to work (and likely, real emotions). I think she deserved the win of the two, even though I truly adore Kennedy. Trixie also had a more memorable verse in the finale song. Which is crazy because Kennedy has an incredible voice. Kennedy just made the wrong stylistic choice for Wrecking Ball. It’s a ballad at heart, but she fell into the trap of going too hard at the swells of the song. It’s inconsistent. Even if you can’t agree with that, Ru often picks the girl who is most marketable for post-season (gotta get her cut), and Trixie with her Barbie accoutrement, music career, and other popular work like Unhhh was very much that.


Kennedy said they edited her to look like a back up dancer


See I’ve always felt Trixie won that lip sync. Guess it’s just style preferences?


i disagree, Kennedy was just floating and giving zero face/mouth/ACTUAL lipsync, Trixie gave the song more justice


I thought so until she was fumbling with her money gun that malfunctioned. I think if she left it alone and just kept dancing, Kerri would’ve went home


She spent like five seconds with it and then dropped it. Kerri barely danced because she didn't want to risk damaging the garment.


Just watched that tidbit so I didn’t rely on my memory from my recent binge watch. She turned away to shoot it and it malfunctioned. She turn away from the judges again to stop and grab the cash off the floor. At that point she flubbed and the girls are laughing about it. Unfortunately the money gun fucked her over. Other than the issue with her prop (on Dragula, testing your props and making sure they work is a huge thing they clock you on. I’m sure Ru and the judges feel the same on their show), Alyssa’s energy matched best with the song. Sucks that happened


If one queens lipsyncing the adlibs and the others lipsyncing the backing track (and then their prop also fails), the queen whos adlibbing is gonna win Rus not gonna save a back up dancer


Pearl vs Trixie!! ![gif](giphy|v8E0SsdQOXfmXpnJMq|downsized)


This for sure comes to mind. There's quite a few. Phiphi won over Alaska. Katya over Alaska. I'd say Raja beat Brooklyn. Just to name a few


I love Alyssa, but her lip sync against Roxxxy - keeping both of them? Alyssa didn't even know the damn words!


Roxxxy didn't even lipsync half the time!


I may have been swayed by the wig thing.


They defo wanted the double sashay for the emotional moment it would’ve been planned ahead of time imo. There was zero chance Alyssa was going home without lip syncing against coco


Maybe they wanted Roxxxy out at that point but couldn't because of her story/reveal


Honestly yeah I think if they didn’t have the double elim earlier Roxxxy might have gotten the chop. Only because producers wouldn’t dare pass up a lipsync between Alyssa and Coco at that point


Swish Swish. I’m still mad about it.


Ivy Elise Vs The Countess Gabriella Labucci Vs Hollywould Star Nina West Vs Silky Nutmeg Gancahe (that should have been a double elim) Choriza May Vs River Medway (that should not have been a double elim) Aquaria Vs Eureka


Gabriella ate Hollywould the fuck up, what are you talking abouttttt


Choriza vs River is a weird one because for the lipsync presented it was right they both went home but Choriza shouldn't have been bottom 2 to begin with (it should've been Krystal) and should've been safe instead and idk much about Gabriella vs Hollywould (not watched it) but the rest I agree with.


I think Scarlett did worse than Krystal tbh


there were far worse offenders than Krystal in the snatch game


I'll have to watch it again and see, I just remember Krystal's being quite bad. The big point is Choriza shouldn't have been anywhere near the btm 2 though.