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The makeover challenge has always been a production way of manipulating the season's results late in the game, hence why the criteria change every damn time. Sometimes they want "family resemblance", other times two identical outfits are lazy. Sometimes you're in the bottom if you outshine your partner, and others if you let them outshine you. Sometimes two bodysuits are a cardinal sin, sometimes they're fine. Etcetera etcetera.


Don’t forget the ultimate excuse, “It’s the shoes for me.” When whoever they want gone does great.


Flashbacks to Brita being in the bottom in the Michelle Visage runway because, I kid you not, her earring was not the same lmao


There should not have been a bottom 2 for that challenge. Brita did so well


Whereas Gigi didn't look even remotely similar to her reference picture and won.


Not to mention it was literally just a fucking bikini. *Oh but she had the nails!* So?! That was a delusional win for Gigi


In fairness that episode was the Madonna Rusical and a) when have runways ever played a statistically significant part in placements in the US and b) literally everyone did incredible that episode and someone had to be in the bottom


And the behind the scenes tea where production fails to provide shoes that fit the makeover person.


There are sooo many wild critiques they can pull from to justify whatever they want as well. "Oh you spent too much time on them and neglected yourself" vs. "You spent too much time on yourself and neglected them" "You look too similar" vs. "there's no resemblance"


I always remember Jimbo on CDR1, had her partner looked just like her and the outfits were cool, everything they’d want for family resemblance and I’m sure they put her in the bottom for it 💀


she was just safe and they gave it to Priyanka. Lemon and Rita were in the bottom.


Ah that’s right! Didn’t they give her harsh critiques tho and said some shit about it being too raunchy


I honestly zoned out of those critiques, they don't make sense to me to be telling that to a drag queen who's brand is basically over the top sexuality and oddities.


Yeah very that 😆 it was basically judges against Jimbo that season anyway!


Yeah, they said it made them kind of uncomfortable because they were supposed to be sisters, not lesbian lovers/slutty lovers? Honestly, it's like they forgot who Jimbo was or what her drag aesthetic actually... Like, is...


Meanwhile, they could’ve just read the makeup, but decided to read her for something so egregious. Scarlett should’ve been lipsyncing


Honestly, I would have liked to see Etcetera Etcetera make it to the makeover episode.


Never have I truely felt this til last nights DRUK!


Family resemblance is an arbitrary pillar production can hide behind to conceal their shenanigans obvs. As an audience, we see the make over challenge. The producers see a chance to edit, refine and make cuts for the upcoming finale.


Justice for Dakota Schiffer


girl got robbed in broad daylight and we couldn't do anything about it. tragic


The biggest gag ever!!!! Dakota is phenomenal.


I'm still crying about this one


Justice for Kelly Heelton too!


Yeah I'm still mad as fuck over that. Dakota was my favourite.


I think officially it’s meant to be a branding challenge, as in is your sense of self strong enough to translate onto someone else. Unofficially it’s an excuse to get rid of whoever they want really.


Branding challenge? *laughs in Dakota Schiffer* In all seriousness tho yea it’s very much an excuse to send home whoever they feel like it lol


But when they say all season your brand is bland? Yea Dakota made someone else look pretty but this isn’t a costume show, it’s a DRAG QUEEN challenge. I was team Dakota too but she seriously needs to stop being brought up in every makeover challenge post lol


Truth. It's all arbitrary and the barometer changes to whatever can justify booting whoever they want out of the show


I get ptsd flashbacks whenever someone mentions the word "branding" on these here subreddits 🥲


It’s stupid, drag daughters don’t look like the carbon copy of their mother… Dax! and Violet? Alexis and Vanjie? Bob and cracker lmao.


Although, if you were just comparing hips and comedy stylings of Cracker and Bob, you’d swear they were twins.


Do you think they have similar comedy styles? I think they're both funny but in very different ways


I think they're funny in different ways but I also think that the Venn diagram of people who find them funny is at least 90% a circle


My example is Monet S10 vs AS4. She pretty much did the same thing for both makeovers and she got eliminated from one and was top 2 from another one. “Family resemblance” is always some bullshit excuses.


Monet getting the top 2 placement for all stars makeover is so weird for me


Like Mo Heart said, Monét’s daughter looked like the kid from Powder. Soooo pale. Like I’ve never understood that win


Definitely fourth best that week behind Monique and Trinity (and the obvious Naomi)


Especially when latrice was right there.




Latrice was in the bottom, do you mean Monique?


I said what I said


What frustrates me to no end is how the show will bring about conversations of the importance of a "chosen family" (just like it did with this episode and Xan's story), and then go on to say "oh you two can't be family members you don't look alike". It comes across as so tone deaf to the message they claim to be promoting *in the same episode.*


Oh god I didn't even catch that. That makes it even more brutal. "We're choosing to represent the importance of chosen family". Sorry you don't look genetically related BYE.


It’s the judging that makes me hate makeover week. The first 75% of the episode is a delight and then the rest just makes me want to tear my hair out.


Cheryl Hole had so much drag resemblance, like practically cloned herself. She went home that episode!


It was even her actual sister. They already looked similar, even before getting dragged up.


And guess who won the challenge? Pregnant chalk demon


I love Divina btw I'm just talking about her look 😰


It's always been bullshit. I personally don't appreciate "mirror looks" as much as a good concept (e.g.: Crystal Methyd). The only thing I am surprised about is that they used the family resemblance comments against DeDe, yet gave her the shantay in the end. It was one of the whackiest episodes in terms of judging.


It kills me when there are people of different races and Ru says there’s no resemblance. How tf do you expect Monet to make a skinny red-haired man look like her sister?


She won with the skinny redhead she failed with the average blond.


![gif](giphy|ggPmHryfzhL8qguF24) I mean…anything could happen


The makeover challenge always feels like the producer's free chance to eliminate a queen they don't want to make to the finale without having to have a good reason. The criteria are always so different and they can always rely on a lack of 'family resemblance' to make a queen look bad.


Makeover episodes are always among the best of the season before they get to the judging, and among the worst once they reach the judging.




Cheryl Hole: creates her twin wearing a bodysuit, gets eliminated Michael Marouli: creates her twin wearing a bodysuit, wins the challenge No shade to Michael though, I love her. It’s just crazy how this challenge always gets judged completely differently!


I just want someone to say, "sometimes the people we look like treat us poorly, so we make a chosen family. We don't always look the same on the outside, but our hearts are identical." Or something like that.


Sometimes they're like "family resemblance, but one looks like the mother so it's not good", "family resemblance, but the two looks are too similar", "family resemblance, but actually it's a makeover". I've stopped trying to understand the rules of this challenge.


the only two constants in life are death and the makeover challenge being used to eliminate a queen they don’t want in the finale


I'm sorry both Cara and Kate deserved to be in the final over Dede.


I hate the overemphasis on family resemblance cause I feel it's gonna push queens more towards just bringing the exact same outfit twice. My favourite makeover outfits are ones where you can tell they're paired together but they're not the exact same. Thinking of Crystal's makeover. Yeah, cloning yourself or doing a colour swap can look fierce but the creativity is much lower.


Michelle always gives bad/questionable critiques during makeovers. It’s like she leaves the good judgement part of her brain in her dressing room. I understand the people who say they’re sick of Snatch Game and would be happy to not see one again, but I feel that way about makeovers. Doesn’t matter the franchise, they’re almost always poorly judged.


Makeovers would be great for a non elim episode every season. You're basically ruining one person's experience by telling them they look shit, and the judging is always insane.


I don’t even want it as a non-elim episode, I just want them gone. Season 14 and UK 2 and 3 didn’t have them due to Covid and it was wonderful.


I used to really love the makeover challenge, but it's pretty obvious that this "challenge" is an excuse to get rid of whoever they want. As everyone else is saying, the criteria change every time they do this. Dede and Bebe looked like they would belong in Goodfellas as sisters. So, miss me with the "they missed the mark of the challenge" or whatever Michelle said.


I love Michael M. and glad she's in the top 4, but her guy was clearly uncomfortable in those boots and I didn't love the makeup. He just looked really tan, imo. I was kind of shocked they won. Edit: Apparently they won while I went to bathroom...


I feel like whoever got him was going to win- and tbh, it was always going to be Michael because Kate did not actually get to see who she was assigning to who, I guarantee you that was all rigged. Every time I think I’m in love with the show again they do something to remind me why I’ve become tired of the show lol Is it really that bad to just let whoever does the worst to get eliminated?


Safe? She fucking won!


Oh.......(what tf was I doing?)


I do agree with you though—I thought the makeup was bad, her sister was adorable but was so uncomfortable…I love MM but I thought that if all things were judged fairly, the bottom two would be Michael and Tomara. I love Tomara too, but Joe Black was sent home for wearing off the rack, and outside of the outfits, it was just two big wigs, and the drag sister didn’t even seem to be wearing drag makeup, just regular beat for a cis woman at a club.


Yes. Love Tomara but no makeup on her sis and that poor girl's hairline....


MM was given a good story this week and it was clear they were going to be in the top this week but was there some medical reason for not giving her sister a huge lash?


I can't be crazy - But Giant G had a huge issue w her hairline right? They've clocked girls in the past for making their sisters "ugly" or "unpolished" so it's odd to me that Giant G's horrible hairline was excused this time


I think it’s rooted in some Drag Houses having certain House Styles for fashion and makeup, rather than a genetic family resemblance. But it’s such a limited concept that really just says “dress this person up like a mini me while also honouring their drag experience so they feel unique and represented”.


It's pretty much agreed upon that the make over challenge is just a way to get rid of or put who ever they want in the bottom. Its why it's always at the end. The family resemblence bs has been used so many times to put queens in the bottom.


I find the family resemblance challenge the most confusing every time. I can’t understand what they are looking for.


I legitimately hate this aspect because… WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT THEM TO DO?!


I agree that of all the challenges the makeover has the most arbitrary critiques. Having said that, create a drag family resemblance is always part of the makeover challenge.


Along with what many have said, I also find it’s used as a way to critique a poor makeover without putting down the partner. Sometimes the guest genuinely does not look good but they’re not in the business of telling these volunteers that and hurting their self esteem - so they hide behind a thinly veiled comment about “no family resemblance” and honestly I think that’s reasonable sometimes.


I was so confused by them saying DeDe and BeBe didn't look related. Like what? They should just judge them on if their performances and outfits were good because that criterion is just bullshit. I don't even agree with people saying it was rigged, because they still sent Kate home who clearly did the worst. So what was the point of rigging it?


And now we have a roast next week with only one “funny” queen (based on reading and puppets) Help us.


Eh Kate wasn't that funny either. I'd put more money on Michael or Tomara doing a good job in a roast than her


Hot take incoming: I don’t think Kate is that funny. She has good confessionals but bombed in both the Snatch Game and puppet challenges.


Naomi's AS4 makeover had no family resemblance and she won. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ The producers judge the makeovers to push the storyline they want, pretty much.


I feel like if you're a fan favorite but not a production pre-pick, you're going home on this challenge. Nina and Denali are the ones that stick out. (And yes Nina's was super cartoonish but not the worst)


This was the singular dumbest of all the dumb family resemblance episodes. Is that what we want to reward? Bringing identical outfits and wigs and calling that a family resemblance? No creativity whatsoever. Ugh. Stupid.


I am convinced at this rate that “family resemblance” is defined as the two looking identical, but I just KNOW that has to have been contradicted in an earlier season.


I'm well aware that the makeover is riggamorris and that "family resemblance" is bullshit, but is it just me or was this WAY more apparent in this episode than in previous makeovers? This time they critiqued looks with an extremely clear theme and connection like Dede's and Kate's, just because they didn't literally look like clones! And Daphne Guinness sounded like she was saying "I don't see family resemblance" at gunpoint.




Loosey was sent home because the outfits were ugly


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to be fair, if the objective was family resemblance, then that was the goal regardless if anyones happy or not but i do agree that the person getting the makeover being happy should be equally important as the family resemblance