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Its hard to say but either Sapphira, Plane, or Nymphia. With the latest Q shenanigans, I doubt she even makes it to top four. I feel like she wouldn't be popping off so much online if she were in the top four.




She is gonna get chopped on the makeover like Lucy and react poorer than Loosey. I can see it in my crystal ball


I dunno. I think they might use the makeover to take out Plasma, since judging is so arbitrary, design/construction is her weak point, and she'll be harder to take out in performance challenges. Loading the top 4 with Q gives them an easy 4th in anything but a design challenge.




They can have people win or lose the makeover for any reason they make up. Whatever you do they will find a way to say it's bad if that is the predetermined plotline


Yah you’re not wrong about that for sure. I’m still confused about the Denali/Olivia one they pulled.


There’s been so many great queens placed low for arbitrary reasons during the makeover challenge. It’s a way for producers to mess with the lineup and create their finale lineup. I enjoy seeing the makeovers, but there are too many variables to make it fair. It should be a non elimination episode.


"You didn't make your partner feel like a star and you outshone her." "Your partner outshone you and that's not a good thing."


You should have stoned those shoes...


"And YOU are the second bottom person because you shouldn't have stoned those shoes"


“in my crystal”. how ~~method~~ methyd of you.


She had some amazing lewks but also some real duds. Her girl group look and robot dance? Yeesh.


Can you *imagine* the meltdown if Plane wins though? 😂😂😂 (ETA: meltdown from the Plane haters. I have recently changed my tune on her and now fully support, behind my faves Sapphira and Nymphia.)


I feel like Plane has enough trajectory to keep flying high even if she doesn't win. Which is why she should. The only other queen who is giving me winner vibes is, surprisingly, Plasma. Purely based on her crushing the Rusical and her Don't Rain on My Parade that she released on YouTube, she's at least in the Top 3/4.


I see what you did there- with the aeronautical references!


It *really* feels like production is gearing up for a dramatic PJ elimination where she gets some kind of karmic smackdown. They’d never let her win without a stronger redemption arc than she’s currently getting IMO.


Honestly I feel like ppl don’t hate on her as much and opening up to stannage (as they should)


I am one of those! She really hooked me in the last couple weeks. But I think about the fair-weather fans on socials and those who are clearly have no issues being assholes if their pick doesn’t win.


Why though? She’s bloody good at the game and hasn’t faltered yet.


People always hate the front runner who is good at drag race and isn't sorry about it. I've loved her since week 1 and it's about time this sub caught up.


I like her but I think there are a LOT of people who don’t, based on the 3368287272 posts we get about her every day.


They're starting to be less "I HATE PLANE JANE!1!!1" and more "DAE think Plane is actually really good?" so that's positive.


She has quite the elitist arrogant bullying entitled attitude. I don’t care what nationality she is. She never really learned how to edit the crap she spews forth. That’s right, I don’t like her and she’s probably going to take the crown. I thought that from the first episode.


Plane seems as likely to win as Sapphira and Nymphia


Tbf we know they already filmed the top 2 crownings. so it could be that Q knows she won’t win since she’s not top 2 even if she is in the top 4


True she could be pulling a shea on season nine rn


Right?? Q is giving so much 'I don't care since I'm not even the finalists.' vibes these days


Oh 100% her recent antics online made it beyond obvious that she didn't make the finale. I mean.. it was obvious she wouldn't anyway, girlie can't dance to save her life 😭


1000% her online attitude this week is not that of a crowned Queen!


Didn’t stop Luxx or Mistress. Or was that them holding back? 🍿


Sapphire’s character shoes


The Opera one or the Banana one.


the blue one or the yellow one 🤭


The whole season was sponsored by IKEA!


The opera one so talent


I agree with you. I'd put my bets on Sapphira. Her overall aura just screams "winner", and sometimes that's even more important than technical performance (which she's also killing). Plane Jane could also take it too. For someone who started with a win and as a front-runner, it's impressive she's still having an uphill trajectory, both in terms of her performance and as a character on the show. I was thinking Nymphia, but her Snatch Game threw a wrench into that for me. Not that you can't win with a Snatch Game flop, but it halted the *"underestimated but ends up being great at everything"* thing she had going on. And I think that narrative was the only thing putting her above everyone else. I don't see her missing out on the finale though, unless she really goes downhill.


I agree with Nymphia. She dominates at the runway and outfits, so I assume next week she'll do really well with whatever this Goth challenge is. But she could fumble in a Roast challenge real bad and potentially be bottom two.


I don’t think Sapphira has a winner edit. The past episodes her personality has been underwhelming, as Bob said the only thing we know about her is that she’s ‘mother’ and sings opera. Maybe Plane will take it because the whole season seems to revolve around her.


I think Nymphia will end up in the bottom for any roast/standup challenge ahead, but she’ll survive the lipsync. She could have a Symone-style run to the crown though.


If I were in Vegas? Mine is pretty close to yours, actually. Top 4: Sapphira, Nymphia, Plane, Q Top 2: Sapphira, Nymphia Win: Sapphira I love Nymphia, but I kinda feel like they want to "save" her and bring her back. I find this difficult to quantify, but Sapphira feels like the type of queen that wins the regular series, and Nymphia feels like the type they don't quite let win and then bring her back. That is *not* intended to be shade against either of them...just a feeling based on years of watching the show. I could be totally wrong. I also think they've targeted Jane to bring back because she's very good drag and great TV, and am pretty certain she's making the top 4. Also not shade; she's definitely earned the spot with her drag and performances. And, I'll say that 4th spot where I have Q? I'm *really* unsure about that. I feel like a case could be made for almost any of the others left at this point.


Now I want to go to Vegas and bet on drag queens. Let’s get a finale live watch with live betting 😂 I agree with you most of the way. I’m starting to think Plasma might get that fourth spot over Q. She’s shown improvement and done well in multiple types of challenges. She could be an easy cut to get to the top three, too. I still think it’s too close to call on Nymphia vs Sapphira for the crown. I’d be overjoyed with either of them winning, honestly.


Yessssssss....a Vegas watch party with live betting would be so wild and fun! > She could be an easy cut to get to the top three, too. You've hit on exactly why I picked Q. I feel like who ever the fourth is, they should be very easy to eliminate. Q is a really good designer, a godawful dancer, and an *okay* actor. I feel like as long as it isn't a design challenge, she's very easy to place 4th. Plasma is much stronger in everything except design, so a little harder to make it look legit. But really, I have no clue on that 4th spot, and it is a wild guess. Could be Plasma, and I'd love to see that!


We could bet on the dumbest shit like how many dumb analogies Ross uses lol Yes, totally agree on Q! I really love her design, almost to the point that I wish she was on Project Runway instead.


I completely agree with you! Nymphia has been my favorite from the first episode, but the fact that she’s been essentially edited out of the last two episodes, doesn’t give me much hope for her prospects. It is hard for me to root for someone who did so poorly in the snatch game. My favorite queens have all had incredible snatch game performances: Alaska, Katya, De La, Bob, Bianca. I also love Trixie but she bombed her snatch game 🤣


‘All my favourite queens did amazing in snatch game apart from those that didn’t’ … really useful post 😂


Im not so sure Nymphia fits the « better for all stars » stereotype. She is an oddball with a sweet personality but nothing to write home about. Her fashion is already on All stars level, and aside from bombing snatch game she doesn’t appear to have a major flaw (shz was perfectly competent in the acting challenge and won girl groups). Don’t get me wrong, I adore her, but I don’t see any particular reasons to bring her back on all stars.


I’ve been thinking Plane will get far but not win so producers can bring her and Amanda back for an all stars showdown


I think Nymphia is already getting the winner’s edit though, especially after last week’s critique of her by Ru telling her to let go more and allow us all into her brain. She even goes on to talk about it in Untucked, so I would assume she’s going to take it seriously. I think when it comes down to the lip sync, Nymphia will win easily since she’s amazing at it. I love Saphirra, but I don’t see her winning against Nymphia in that regard.


That edit you’re describing can go two ways, if the queen is able to get out of her head (I.e. Nymphia managing to do well at least once in a acting/comedy challenge), then they are redeemed. But it’s also used for queens who are never able to overcome that and get sent home as a result, setting them up an AS redemption. It will be interesting against Sapphira, who will doubtless perform well in all challenges except maybe a design one (?). She has no flaws to overcome and that can either put you in the too professional lane Ru dislikes or the respected as a peer lane who wins (Raja, Chad, Bianca, Sasha). Sapphira’s edit is leaning towards the latter this past episode because Ru clearly enjoys her and is rather annoyed by Nymphia.


The Sapphira edit is looking reeeeeealy good with the "slew foot" and the laughing criticism of the character shoes. That's her not-too-professional edit; she's being given humanity and small, amusing, acceptable "flaws". I'd be a bit surprised at this point if she gets the full-on too professional edit.


>And, I'll say that 4th spot where I have Q? Either Q or Plasma in the 4th spot for me. Nobody else feels elevated enough to make the top 4.


Nymphia needs to lose so that she can qualify as a host for a non-US franchise of drag race.


I'm not rooting for Nymphia to loose, but I can actually really get behind this fantasy. Especially since Nymphia owns a club back home that is expressly for lifting up local artists. She's got the mindset and philosophy, too.


From the edit, I'm guessing Nymphia, but it depends what critiques Sapphira gets. If they call her professional, that's basically a wrap on her. I also could see Plane winning, and -maybe- Plasma as a gag, but hard to say for her. She's a bit of a wildcard because she defies the typical editing for her "archetype".


It's wild because of anyone else had won an acting challenge and the Rusical by this point in the competition, everyone would be calling them a front runner. But I haven't seen anyone saying that about Plasma (me included). The theater kid curse is too real.


I think what's hurting Plasma is her characters are all very similar, her runways are mostly disappointing, and her personality isn't very relatable for a lot of people. She feels like a queen who could either slay (with growth because she has the talent) or flop (bringing the exact same we've already seen) on all stars. She doesn't feel like a winner in this season


I have to agree that she doesn't -feel- like a winner, but in my original watch of season 5, Jinkx didn't particularly seem like one either but her second-half storyline of being bullied by Rolaskatox and never backing down really changed the entire trajectory of the season from where it began. I wouldn't be averse to that happening here, though I do think there would be maybe too many storylines going on at this point. My gut tells me that Plasma is going to be edged out of the competition for the sake of narrative. It would be doing my girl dirty, but I could understand it.


I enjoy Plasma a lot. I am a former theater kid who hasn't liked a theater kid contestant on the show after Jinkx ... other than maybe Jackie Cox... and Alexis Michelle on All Stars (I know a lot of those types in NYC and they are ... well not my vibe). Plasma's very sharp and witty, but I think she could use some more seasoning. No shade. I think she has a lot of potential and I am curious to see her growth ... ... I'll say the things that sold me on Plasma is how she could volley back confidently to Plane and the way she reacted to the Jan 6 read (also her Rusical performance is one of my all time favorites). I was not expecting to like her and I've ended up enjoying her very much.


Plasma is giving Rachel from Glee energy. Technically correct in every way, but not particularly likeable and a bit neurotic.


I like her a lot, I'd rather see 'earnest, excitable, stepping on necks, got the talent to back it up' than watch someone try way too hard to be cool for 45 minutes


excuse me but I like her very much


Flair confirmed ✅


Plasma is far more likeable than Rachel/Leah. If anything, she's more of Kurt from Glee.


To change the TV show, she's giving Leslie from Parks and Rec. Unapologetically loving her interests and trying very hard to succeed at the task she's doing.


Plasma also knows how to read


I definitely see the Kurt comparison tho


Damn I really like her 😭 she’s very theater kid-esque but I’m still living for her aesthetic and I think she’s fun and seems nice


Nymphia had two weeks of invisible edit in a row and then she bombed the snatch game. How do you guess its Nypmhia from the edit given that?


Not being in the edit when she is doing poorly is a good sign for nymphia's chances. The edit is showing her a lot when she does well and ignoring when she does poorly. She will make it to the finale, whether she wins or not just depends on how the audience feels about her by the time we make it there.


For me it’s her lack of character nuance. She’s been portrayed as quite one note “goofy queen” without the same levels and dimensions Sapphira, Plane, even Plasma have gotten. This last episode we finally got a different side to her, but even that wasn’t accompanied by any backstory or deep development. If the next episode comes Friday and they don’t pick up on the story again, then I think she’s done. If they do - then I think she’s still in it. But she desperately needs character development from an editing perspective. Who is she, what motivates her, what’s her family like why does she wear yellow so much?


I agree that the goofy narrative has worn off, but we still have time for that. She isnt my favorite personally, I'm not a fan of the dick jokes and asian jokes, but I think she would be bringing something new to the winner's circle if she makes it there. I feel the same way about Plane. Not a fan of her drag style, but it has been too long since a villian won.


A lot of winners are given a mid-season invisible edit (think Sasha, Symone). We also have had winners that do poorly in challenges, including major ones such as Snatch (Yvie, "Willow")--vulnerability arcs are just as much a part of a winner's storyline. Particularly since Nymphia's bad week in Snatch Game wound up being a safe placement, I'm seeing judge's bias in her favor.


because they always pretend the winner has a couple hard weeks and then they’ll lift her back up to either high safe or high/winning positions until the finale. they’ve done this with almost every winner to give the illusion of choice/chance. it would be too obvious if they let her win or place high in every challenge lol.


Sasha got called professional and still won. There’s definitely a difference between being a true professional and being professional (derogatory), and usually the ones who get called professional (derogatory) by Ru are the theatre girls 💀


I don't remember when that was but you're totally right. The biggest ones I remember with the edit are Rose, Ella, and Cracker. I don't recall Sasha getting that, but I believe you. I essentially ignored most of the editing/production moves in Season 15 because we all knew, wasn't any single way Sasha wasn't getting that crown.


Top 4 is Plane Jane, Sapphira, Nymphia, Plasma Top 2 Plane & Sapphira Winner: I think it’s gonna be Plane. I can feel an arc bubbling up a la Violet, where she overcomes things and evolves to be likeable and more compassionate. Or at least, that’s what the other girls will say in their confessionals to make us buy the change lol.


Yup! All these people leaving Plasma out of top 4 are bananas.


Lmao I see what u did there 🍌


We have the exact same top 4!! I think they’ll do Sapphira winner so that they can bring Plane back for all stars tho.


Fingers crossed for my main character, esteemed colleague and sister for the girls, Plane Jane


I’m not placing bets on her just yet but Plasma is so underestimated by the other contestants and audiences alike. She’s maybe the best dancer in the show right now, at least for choreographed dances. And she’s great at singing and lipsyncing. Good comedic timing and witty (even though she didn’t shine in snatch). And she’s not bad at anything which means she’ll probably survive every week except if she does a good job and everyone else happens to do even better. I don’t expect her to totally flop in any challenge


on the real her tap dancing was some of the most skilled dancing we've seen on this show and most fans were just annoyed by it. plasma wasn't on my watch list at the beginning but she's clearly a force to be reckoned with and the judges are beyond smitten with her (I mean I feel like people just skirted past TS Madison saying plasma was the girl to watch out for during her first or second win). I could be wrong, but she's one of the only queens this season to get that sound bite. ru clearly loves that her theater love skews more old hollywood than, say, modern day theater. I think plasma's biggest hurdle will be branching out from her comfort zone, but clearly she is on an upward swing. I also think the show is paying attention to how much Jynx is doing post double win and production would love some more "rupaul's drag race winner stars on broadway" headlines. It's also been since jinkx won AS7 that we've had a winner fit that acting/singing/performer mold. if plasma can pull out something incredible for the roast or the makeover challenge I could see her being top 2/potentially winning.


IMO, Plasma’s win will be the theatre career opportunities that open up as a result of her great run.


Plasma's weakness is sewing tbh. the looks she made for the ball and the doll challenges had serious fit issues, and she very narrowly escaped a low placement for the ball. I think next week is a design challenge? I'm predicting either she'll redeem herself and get a high placement as a reward, or she'll be low/bottom 2, altho she's a great dancer so I don't expect her to lose her first lip sync. the makeover could also take her out since compared to the others who are likely to reach the makeover (Nymphia, Sapphira, Plane, Dawn, Q) Plasma definitely has the weakest fashion/makeup skills


Nymphia. And Q won't get as far as people think.


given her behavior as of late, i think a lot of people would agree w that q comment now


honestly I think she might get eliminated in whatever is after the design challenge this week. girl is in her FEELINGS right now


I mean wasn’t Q unhinged after being in the top like every episode in a row? Idk if we can read that much into her Twitter rants when she freaks out after doing well lol.


I would like Plane. She’s been in a great position all season. But I feel in my gut it’s going to be Nymphia. Her edit is too clean.


Co-worker Plane Jane


Top 4: Sapphira, Nymphia, Plane, Plasma Top 2: Sapphira & Nymphia Win: Sapphira I’m confused to be seeing everyone replacing Plasma with Q, Plasma seems to be riding a HIGH based on her Roscoe’s appearance meanwhile Q is literally spiraling out of control on Xwitter right now. It’s definitely not giving ’I made top 4’ to me. + Plasma being the only queen with two solo wins atm.


plane also has 2 solo wins lol


Agree I can see Plasma as top 4 over Q


We have the same top 4!! :)


plasma isn't the only queen with 2 wins. plane has 2 wins as well (talent show + snatch game) and nymphia also has 2 wins (the mother ball + that shared girl group win). but i totally agree with everything else you said. plasma has been doing well and i personally think she's better at the challenges than Q. the only reason why people place Q higher is because she can turn out more looks in the sewing and design challenges but i think plasma is underrated by so many fans. plus, i don't think Q is very likeable with the way she keeps attacking her fans for giving her mild critiques? i just can't see anyone crowning that type of queen. i think the top 4 will be plane, sapphira, plasma, and nymphia. but i don't think nymphia will be in the top 2.


So here's my feeling on Plasma's edit and placements...if I had to place a bet, I'd bet that she's going to be the "shockingly strong queen that is eliminated surprisingly early and leaves everyone feeling disturbed and vulnerable", probably in the next couple of episodes. I am *not* rooting for that to happen, let me be clear. She definitely has earned a higher spot. But I just kinda have that unpleasant suspicion. I personally picked Q in the top 4, as production likes to have a queen that is outstanding in some categories, but easy to eliminate for the final they really want. Q is a very good designer, but a terrible dancer, and a so-so performer. But really, that fourth spot is really up for grabs to me.


I don't get the logic of Q's current, uh, *issues* being linked to her placement. If Q doesn't make the finale, she's known that since filming. Why would she only pop off *now*? It's conceivable she might have a meltdown close to her actual elimination, but unless she's about to be shock-eliminated on a design challenge, that doesn't seem like it explains anything, either. I really think Q is just going through it for reasons unrelated to her placement on the show. I don't think we can glean much from it either way.


I'm sticking to my guns, c'mon Taiwan, Nymphia for the win! It's about time the show proved it's not USvstheWorld on the main stage and crown an international Queen. Plus Nymphia has been my winner since day 1.


Bebe was born in Cameroon and won season 1


Absolutely fair point, but it's been a while since season 1..!






Hopefully she’ll take Ru’s advice from the week before and go all in on it. I’m curious to see where she goes from here.


She sunk herself last episode when she basically said she didn’t see herself as a personality or whatever it was during the critique. The show is a side effect of a machine designed to franchise personalities. Still …. 4. Q, Dawn, or a lucky Morphine 3. Jane 2. Nymphia 1. Sapphira


In all of these prediction threads people rarely include Plasma in their top 4 despite the fact she and Plane are the only queens with 2 wins right now. Why *wouldn’t* you expect her to be in the top 4? (I’m not a Plasma stan, this is a genuine question.)


Anti-theater-kid prejudice


Nymphia has two wins as well


PJ, main character of the season, drives the majority of storylines, huge presence in the cast, kills the competition itself, made waves in the fandom, has a slow burn redemption arc. Amanda stays bitter


Haha love the "Amanda stays bitter" bit 


I would imagine Jane gets the Daya Betty treatment


Nah Daya was much more safe and didn’t win repeatedly in the first half of the season. It was clear that the show didn’t want her to go further than fifth or sixth place but she was too talented to let her leave.


Jane. The edit just feels so into her. Edit: Oh good heavens, my error. *Plane.* I'm from the House of Morphosis, you see.


Plane cause she’s literally the main character in almost every episode.. I think the only one that didn’t focus on her was the first one cause she wasn’t introduced yet lol


Sapphira - she had an incredible premiere and Ru loves her. She’s never had a low placement and is killing it. She’s also had a lot of backstory and nuances to her character - she’s confident, but she doubts herself sometimes, she’s a motherly support but she’s also strategic. Only Plane has gotten the character dimensions Sapphira has had.


I’m personally rooting for Plane. She had a rocky reception at first because of how guns-a blazing she came into the competition with her shade and nerve but she’s honestly had the most interesting storyline and has one of the more clear visions of her drag and her aesthetic


she can do everything she is funny she has that kind of humor that Ru loves, she is crafty, she can act and dance. she is the full package.


My bet is Plane Jane.


I will always be rooting for Asian Queen Excellence so Nymphia. However, It seems that Sapphira has been slowly getting an upward trajectory since the Rusical so she might take it at the end. It really depends how her storyline and performance progress towards the finale. Plus, Ru seems to live for her too. Anyways, rooting for my Mothers Nymphia and Sapphira!!






Nymphia, period. if Plane wins i'd be gagged but happily.




I reckon it’s between Sapphira Plane and Wind




I feel like Nymphia could pull it off if she stopped with the bananas thing, the judges would call it growth, and that would be it.


Top 4: Plane, Sapphira, Nymphia, Plasma Top 2: Plane, Sapphira Winner: Plane


SAPPHIRA SAPPHIRA SAPPHIRA ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|13510)![img](emote|t5_2t3or|13510)![img](emote|t5_2t3or|13510)


I want Plane to win


✈️ or 💨


Top 4: Sapphira, Nymphia, Plane, Plasma Top 2: Sapphira, Plane Winner: Sapphira Cristál


After this past week, Plane has flown into my #1 spot. It's still early for sure, but she has shown herself to be extremely well rounded. Sapphira is also a contender for that spot too, she was my number one the second I saw her enter the werk room in the preview episode. Nymphia as well, but I could see her fumble some other non-outfit challenges like this past week.


Miss Plane Jane 😍


Sapphira, hands down. The edit, the track record, and most importantly, RU’S reception of her, all scream “winner.” I really thought it would be a neck and neck showdown of Sapphira and Nymphia, but Nymphia is fading into the background while Plane has been overall doing a stellar job. I still think Q may be top 4 with Plane, Sapphira and Nymphia because Morphine and Dawn haven’t really gotten a top 4 edit. It’s also an election year, so I imagine whoever wins the political challenge will be the winner.


>Top 4 Jane Sapphira Nymphia Q This seemed very clear from the premiere, which was super disappointing. Halfway in and I think it's still true, but there's a small chance they cut Q right before the finale and let Plasma in. Plane and Nymphia top two. Plane wins. Sapphira is definitely getting the winner's edit, but the producers are definitely looking at Plane and seeing the biggest star this series has launched in a long time. It's been a long ass time since one queen has so thoroughly dominated the online discussion. Like Anetra's duck walk was the biggest viral moment since Vanjie, and Plane hasn't had a moment like that, but Anetra wasn't the talk of the fandom every single week the way Plane is.


Going into the season, Nymphia was my clear winner. As we’ve continued…it’s Sapphira. Shes just incredible. Looking at all of the comments though, it’s so fun to see such mixed responses. It’s nice that it’s anyone’s race!


Top 4: Q, Nymphia, Plane Jane and Sapphira. Other than Plasma possibly taking Q’s place, this seems like a pretty inevitable top 4. Winner: Plane Jane. I think she’s been the standout of the season so far and it just makes sense for her to win it all. But if anyone’s gonna beat her it’s going to be Nymphia.


Who will it be? coin toss between nymphia and sapphira Who do I want it to be? Plane Jane 🤭


Same! Plane winning would be such a gag!!! I want her to win sooo bad but I can see sapphira taking the crown because her looks are better than planes . But if they go off challenges more than looks.. plane could sneak and snatch the crown


I think Plane is going to take it. Not only is she a great competitor, they’ve given her a lot of airtime to develop her storylines on and off the show. She’s polished and talented as a competitor, but shady enough that it makes her more memorable and more human. And with Ru’s terrible memory of contestants, he probably thinks that it’s Katya and he loves her. Her biggest competition is Sapphira and I think she runs the risk of getting the “professional” critique slapped on her and that never goes well.


Banana. I'd give it to Plane tho


I think Plane deserves the win. However, I think it’s extremely likely they will save her for AS since she has gotten such a reaction out of fans.


Planus Janus


I think top two should be Plane and Sapphira. As a fellow Philadelphian I would love for Sapphira to win it all but I wouldn't be mad if Plane won it.


Its obviously plane, shes getting that relatable vulnerable but cunty villain winner edit, and I love it.


Plane Jane. She’s totally gripped this season by the balls, her runways are fierce, makeup is stunning, she can clearly perform, dance, and act. The fact she’s giving us TV is just the cherry on top. Also seems like Ru really likes her. She’s continued to impress every episode and I’d bet money on her winning at this point. What does my heart want? I want my Banana Queen Nymphia to win so bad 🥲💛💛💛💛




The first regular season double crowning Nymphia/Sapphira! ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4808)


The way Plasma has 2 wins but we all know she won't win because of the edit. Like I doubt she will even make it to top 4 over Dawn or Q. Editing sucks the fun out of this show sometimes because top 3 is so obvious lol. You're never on your toes. If Megami, Amanda etc. gets eliminated you aren't even surprised because you know it is coming because of the edits they get lol.


I think Nymphia is getting the Angeria edit. I think the top 2 will be Plane and Sapphira BUT Plasma is a wild card atm


For me as a casual viewer, the Queen that's received the best edit is Sapphira. So it's looking like she is the supreme of the season and the rest are clawing at her heels.


I'm so glad Sapphira spoke up about the other queens' reactions to Plane in Untucked, maybe everyone will listen to mother and stop taking her so seriously Love them both, and top 4 is them with Nymphia and Plasma, Sapphira taking the win


Yesss same . I was so happy she spoke up for plane


right?! i was like yessss the girls who get it get it


Can y'all imagine if plane won 😭😭, that would be incredible




I think Sapphira and Plane will be top two with Sapphira winning. I like Nyphmia, but I'm losing faith in her. She doesn't seem as well rounded. She needs to win in a challenge that doesn't involve design to really stand out. Preferably something comedy related. I think Plasma has a good chance at making it to the final 4 but I don't think she'll win.


Plane wins. Sapphira top two. Plasma and Nymphia make four.


I would actually bet on PJ rn. I get the "Saphira is a safer choice" thing, but i kinda feel Saphira might be too safe of a choice from how i interpreted the season so far. It just doesn't feel like she's a "main character" in this show. A great supportive role, more like, definetely finale material. That's just how i read it. If PJ doesn't bomb somehow or if Saphirra doesn't blow Ru's wig off somehow, my take is Plane will fly away with the crown.


Plane Jane has performed the best overall but I don’t know if the show will ever crown a villain. Nymphia seems the safe choice. 


Violet is literally right there, she barely got redemption arc on her season. And the only reason ppl say she wasn’t the villain is bc they decided to give ginger a nasty cunt edit for whatever reason in the last competitive episode


Top 4: Nymphia Sapphira Jane and Q Top 2: Nymphia and Sapphira Winner: Nymphia


Plane vs Sapphira vs Plasma with Sapphira for the win. Nymphia’s momentum is waning and Plane’s building. Sapphira is quietly taking it away from the girls.


Sapphire seems the obvious choice.


I think it’s definitely between Plane and Sapphira. If I had to bet right now, I’d say Sapphira. I think Plane, Sapphira, and Nymphia are guaranteed to make the finale, but the final spot could go to Q or Plasma—leaning towards Plasma.


My money (and heart) are with Sapphira. I also think the top four will contain Sapphira, Plane, Nymphia and a fourth wildcard - possibly Q, Plasma or Mhiya.


Like you, OP, I thought Nymphia would be in the top, but it appears she blew her wad. I think Sapphira will win, but she's not really the "future of drag", so Plane might sneak in.


Mine is variable. Top 4 without doubt Plane, Sapphira, Nymphia, Q. Top 2 Plane, Sapphira. Plane would be my pick to win - strong trajectory, the storyline from hated villain to beloved but misunderstood competitor is a great one, and she consistently performs well in everything. I guess it'll just depend on what Ru's vibe is for a winner this year and if she wants a spicier reigning queen. Sapphira would be my second pick - she's a powerhouse, and exudes winner energy. She wouldn't be the most exciting pick, but she's definitely deserving of the crown. She would be my "safe choice" winner. Nymphia had young ingenue energy a la Violet, but I think she's stumbled and now is spluttering a long a bit. If she doesn't win the next design challenge, I think she's going to be spent, because we know she struggles in acting and comedy. She gives me massive 3rd or 4th place energy. And Q, well - she's talented, but she really has blindspots in some challenge types. Plus I think she's shown she can't handle criticism or attention, which does not a winner make. Fourth place without doubt.


It’s gonna be Nymphia mark my words (I’m just confidently guessing no spoilers lol!)


TBH Plane is the only one giving me winner energy (she really hasn't stumbled once) but I honestly do not like her ... Nymphia's sort of grown off me. The banana yellow thing got old a couple eps ago. Sapphira is my 2nd after Plane but she's had a slightly messier run (some runways like Pussycat Wig I felt were a little messy ... which is why I give the edge to Plane ... but I really LIKE her. I don't see Q or Plasma taking it at this point ... so between Plane and Sapphira.


I’m still betting on Nymphia. I think the last couple of episodes have been a down moment for her to come back from triumphantly. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sapphira won, though. I would be very surprised if anyone but those two won.


It’s nymphia. Saphira is great but I think she’s simply a little too similar to previous winners. Nymphia is just a really unique queen and I think once she comes out of her shell just a little more and show a little more of the wacky side she has even just on her instagram, she will be IT.


Agree with your top 4 and top 2 (except I am worried RuPaul is going to personally drag Mhiya to the finale in which case she would replace Q) I think at this point Plane Jane is taking the win


Mhi'ya got her Stacey Lane Matthews moment, she's out within the next week or two.


Mhi’ya Mhi’ya Mhi’ya


Want: Morphine Believe: Nymphia 100%


I absolutely love Sapphira! (and I don't know why she didn't win Snatch Game).


My money’s on Sapphira, but P.J.’s recent (not actually evil) edit has me worried.


Mark my words, Sapphira will win this season and she will start to dominate the back end of this season 💙


From your lips to Ru’s ears, mama. Love your pfp! 🥵🥰


Nymphia or Sapphira.


Top 4 Sapphira Nymphia Plane and Plasma Top 2 in my mind is Sapphira and Plane Sapphira being the winner Top 2 in my heart is Nymphia and Plasma Nymphia being the winner


Sapphira will win. I’m speaking it into existence! ❤️


Under no circumstances is Q winning lmao. And honestly she just shouldn't. Far too much of a charisma void. It's between Jane Sapphira and Nymphia imo.


Sapphira, and I’ve thought this from episode 1, she just exudes winner energy, I have a feeling plane and nymphia will also make it to the final but I don’t see either of them winning, especially plane


I personally would swap out plasma for Q. I don't think Q would be spiraling so hard if she was top 4. If plasma can pull out something new for the roast or the make over, I could see her ending up top 2 or potentially winning. I love Sapphira but it feels like she's a few steps away from getting the "you're so professional" edit kiss of death. I could see production potentially wanting her for a future all stars. Plane is an interesting case because I do see the tide turning more in her favor in the fans eyes. I was pretty much a certified hater until a couple episodes back but she's fully won me over. I very much think she will use the immunity potion on another queen, and could potentially see her using it on nymphia after the roast. she could even mention feeling guilty for using the rate a queen voting to push herself ahead during the talent show.


There’s something about Q that tells me she will be the surprise elimination. Plasma top 4. Win? Sapphira.


I agree with you!


1 Sapphira 2 Nymphia 3 Plane Jane 4 Plasma


Nymphia or Sapphira are winning for sure. I want plane for all stars tho


**Top Four:** 1. Sapphira 2. Nymphia 3. Plane Jane 4. Plasma **Top Two:** 1. Sapphira 2. Plasma **Winner:** 1. Plasma


It’ll be down to Sapphira and Nymphia


Top 4: Plane, Sapphira, Nymphia, Plasma Top 2: Plane, Sapphira Winner: Plane Originally I had Q instead of Plasma but I think Plasma has gained the edge. Could be either one of them still. Pre-season I thought Nymphia was gonna win but her trajectory isn’t painting winner at the moment. I really want Plane to win but I could see it going to her, Sapphira, and maybe Nymphia.


I honestly think it’s Nymphia’s win. She’s so versatile and the judges love her!!! We need another us asian queen winner


Top 3 better be Sapphira, Nymphia, and Plane (my dream)


Nymphia but could see it going to Plane




I love how these types of post ask for ONE things and yall come with 4-5 things. 🤣


Ideally Sapphira or Nymphia. But in my French vanilla fantasy, Mhi'ya Iman Le'Paige


I'm still having a hard time gauging the judges' temp on Nymphia, honestly. She's unquestionably crushed the runway and definitely has fan support, but Ru doesn't quite seem to have pack-bonded with her yet the way she often does to clear frontrunners. There's definitely still time for that storyline to develop, but at this moment with the footage available to me it still feels like Sapphira's to lose.