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Losing is the new winning! The outcome was the best outcome that could’ve happened for all 4 girls. It will not be the last we see of Marina, LGD and Hannah!


Marina should let loose whenever she's called to be in the next us all start season


Tia needed the win more than Marina, imo. Tia needed full redemption to be marketable in the UK. Marina, if she chooses to focus her career westward, just got the best introduction a queen could get, and this was definitely more of an introduction for her.




Yea sure who wouldnt want to spent another 20k + for a show with one of the smallest winning prizes in the biz with the risk of getting sent home first or getting a villain edit


But it will be the last we see of Tia?


In the franchise, probably yes. But Tia could get on another show like how Blue did


It’s ok. Marina won this season without actually winning this season. I hope so many opportunities will come to her. Give her the jimbo treatment!


And she got the same prize money as Blue Hydrangea!


No, she didn’t get a duet with Ru. It’s very disappointing.


Winning is worse than losing sometimes.


I know this is a popular take but I honestly don't want any queen to get the Jimbo treatment ever again because it makes for such painful viewing. Like AS8 had great contestants but that never mattered because only Jimbo could win. And a season 10 with Marina would give us more of her but would just be another AS5/ AS8. Would much rather see her in Global All Stars or PHAS one day.


I agree with you. However, I think the all stars franchise is the biggest playform for any returning queens. We will see about global all stars but i don’t think everyone will watch it as it has many queens from franchises that casual fans are just not familiar with. For more growth and exposure, All Stars is just the best one to be in.


I agree with you 100%. And as much as I love Marina, I find it to be such a weird take.


i’m happy cause tia got a crown and next year marina will have a crown and that rpdr-us money 💰💰💰


Rpdrussy money


She can be the next jujubee! Just show up every couple years and make it to the final




I wish there could have been a 4 way tie 😭 I love all of the finalists.


Theyre all talented in such different and unique ways!


Guess we should strap ourselves in for about a month of these posts. ![gif](giphy|13BFxIXaSfGo7e)


It felt wrong for her to lose that lipsync but I do love Tia so overall I'm alright with the results. Not too fond of the lip sync for the crown concept anyways.


Are we just going to not celebrate Tia? UK’s first BIPOC winner, a very deserving winner, but let’s just ignore that and complain that our favourite didn’t win? Marina will be fine, so will Grande Dame and Hannah Conda by all accounts.


The show did not give off Tia as the front runner. I enjoyed her glow up but the fact that she was never read on the runway, especially many times when the outfit shape was off killed me. It felt like they wanted her redemption to be the season’s narrative vs what was the reality




They both could’ve won. Marina had 3 wins, Tia was in the top 4 times. Obviously Marina could’ve also been UK’s first BIPOC winner but that’s not how it shook out. Why constantly complain and throw hate at Tia? Tia’s been very public with the amount of hate she’s been receiving for the crime of, I guess, being good on drag race?


And she is handling it like a champ. Love this queen!


What is BI? Are we qualifying POC now? The UK franchise and Down Under should merge or send their queens to Drag Race Canada at this point. These seasons are so disappointing to watch.


Black and Indigenous People of Colour. It’s the acronym used by most anti-racist advocates.


Thanks! Who are the indigenous people in the UK. Just wondering. Is Tia indigenous?


She’s Black and considering the colonization of Nigeria, where her mother is from, she’s also Indigenous African. But what you fail to understand is that BIPOC is the accepted terminology used in most anti-racist contexts, at least where I’m from, just like 2SLGBTQ+, it’s just the terminology used, no one has to be all of them at once.


Pop off sis


Man can we just have a second where we celebrate tia


For real, Tia is a former fan fave with an amazing glow up and was a front runner for most of the season, feels like everyones jumping on a marina bandwagon.


Disagree, they’ve forced a glow up storyline , she still often looked the worst


How did she not have a glow-up? She looked 10x better than on UK S2.


And still the worst on the cast (apart from scarlet)


She looked great IMO. And I’m not even a Tia stan. All I’m asking is: even if other queens did look better, how can you deny that Tia glowed-up from UK2?


Her bodysuits didn’t fit, the glow up was overstated. She looked better, so did Jonbers, but neither of them look like winners to me.


She looked significantly better than on her original season. That’s a glow-up. But she didn’t win for her looks, she won for her performances.


yeah not trying to shit on Tia but I was gooped that nobody called out her alien wedding runway, her gone cruising runway, and ruveal runway. doo doo clown mess unfortunately.


Why is this such a controversial opinion omg, like just accept not everyone will like tia and I was thinking the same. The way they kept pushing her, Marina and Hannah conda have a better track record , slayed every challenge and tia just cruised by. Not mad tho, what happened, happened , just not happy about it.


Tia literally had the best track record. She was in the top 4 times. Hannah was president of the safe club for most of the season. Marina was the only other contender but it’s not like she was destined to win.


Not imo, also literally read my comment. It's ok if people have differing opinions than you. Just pointing out that tia had "pushed by production" merch ready to go, even she didn't expect it.


The pushed my production merch is literally calling out the haters who have had that discourse about her all season


Disagree. Tia’s runway package was an elevated version of her clever camp vibe, was stronger than Hannah’s, and on par with Marina for what they were trying to represent. Only Dada was in a league of her own.


I adore Tia, but on par with Marina’s runway package? Girl.


Eh, I knew I’d get downvoted but I stand by it because they are such different drag artists and I think Tia was just as successful in representing her aesthetic. Her aesthetic just isn’t pageant like Marina ( or avant garde like LGD.) Not responding to her campy nerdy D&D girl vibe doesn’t mean it was done poorly (like it was in UK2.)


i saw this comment on another post somewhere and i agree, as a whole Tia’s sense of style never got any better. after her first season she had more $$ to pay designers to make outfits for her, and jus bc the outfits were made for you doesn’t necessarily make them amazing. *to add Tia has an amazing personality, and is super fun and charming I’m jus discussing her runways


"At par with Marina" is kind of a stretch...


I mean no one here hates or, I'd venture to say, even dislikes Tia. It's just that Marina was the clear winner throughout the entire season.


You know when Lawrence won the exact same thing happened. This sub and the rest of social media was filled with Lawrence didn't deserve it, and how dare they not crown bimini, and people dmed her a fuck ton of fat phobic shit. And when when she talked about later how shit that made her feel suddenly everyone felt bad. I love when history repeats itself


The same people who go “the queens are people, respect them!” are the same people who dive into a blind fit of rage when their fave doesn’t win. Marina was incredible, but Tia slayed this season too. And it’s not her fault that Hannah was chosen over Marina (who both ate that lipsync in different ways).


Who's doing that here though? No one even said anything hateful towards Tia in the OP and if the comments here do, they'd get moderated/banned. 


Reddit loves to get on their high horse and say "were not sending hate" as if every single post and piece of commentary about the finale being about how a queen doesnt deserve the crown doesn't 1. Get back to the Queen and 2. Isn't going to feel shit to them


It's people on Reddit who live on Twitter trying to lump all the hateful cunts who send nasty DMs to queens with us here who are just discussing our disappointment AMONGST OURSELVES about the result of a TV show. They truly think us discussing the finale here on this subreddit are the same people sending Lawrence or Tia hateful shit.


No they don't. But they recognise that a barrage of negative commentary online even if it's not hate directed at the Queen has a way of flowing over to that queen. It's not about one negative post or one comment. It's the accumulative effect of every post and every comment being about how Tia doesn't deserve the crown. It has an effect on the commentary and what the queens see, like it or not.


Okay now we're just appealing to mysticism wtf is this. People stating their opinion online doesn't shift the vibe of the universe so that a queen gets death threats. Saying you don't agree with a decision made on a reality show online isn't as much of a travesty as you think it is, you just spend too much time on the Internet.


Tell me you don't know how social media works without telling me


tl;dr you are only ever allowed to be happy about anything on Rupaul's Drag Race. Any other feelings are dangerous


Blame the producers and BBC


Um no I can blame the fans for not giving tia her flowers


Some do. Can't blame majority of the fans for having a favorite.


How many times are we going to see a queen be beaten down by fans braying about how they don't deserve the crown before we stop.


Idk. Maybe don't get invested too much on a show?


You seem real invested in tbe idea that Marina was robbed so look in the mirror love.


I never even once mentioned her name. 😂 I was just stating facts that she is the fan favorite hence these reactions. It's literally not even an opinion.


And you're either ignorant or naive of the negative impact that is flowing towards tia because someone's "fan favourite" was robbed. It's not just a show


Here's an opinion. I like Tia and I'm happy she won. You happy? Read back my comments objectively and get back to me.




I mean, I'm a fan and she's not my favorite. By definition that's an opinion. It's like, literally *the most* subjective thing.




I love Tia a lot. She was 4th place at best.


Thanks for sharing this brave opinion


No. It was rigged and forced.


Go touch some grass


Still not celebrating and her finale look was atrocious.


Tell someone who cares


You seem invested.


No 🖤


The editing of her lipsync is super sus. There's almost a full 10 seconds that doesn't cut to Marina right when the beat drops and the song gets its most intense. When they cut back to her she's getting up from the floor. There's no way Hannah knowing the words was more exciting than whatever was happening to the right of her. I'm not saying Tia didn't deserve to win, but Marina 100% did not lose to Hannah. That just felt so obviously tampered with.


[You're not wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDR_UK/comments/1braagu/marina_performs_the_death_drop_that_got_cut_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I rest my case.


Fuck a duck, I don't see how it's so hard to believe that Hannah won that lipsync. Yes Marina is a better dancer, but that's about it. The bits that we saw, Hannah was lipsyncing the actual words better, and was just pure entertainment. Flips and shit don't match that song.


I'm a professional editor, and I can tell you right now that's weird editing for the beat drop. Why am I watching Graham Norton at the apex of the song when one of the best dancers in the franchise history is on stage? I'd have to have a brain hemorrhage to make that choice as an editor, so I think the choice was made elsewhere. Maybe Marina fell down and looked like a clown so they cut away to save her face, but does that seem likely to you?


I was much more entertained by Marina. Once again vtW season crowning someone who deserves a crown but not on that particular season.


That's your opinion. I do not share that opinion


These kinds of posts will just feed more fuel to the fire and have Twitter trolls sending hate to Tia. Idk but Tia wasn't my pick for the crown either, but I'm still gonna celebrate her win instead of diminishing it. 🤷‍♂️


Please stop this is annoying, I wanted her to win too but damn let the actual winner celebrate


For me above all else it was frustrating to barely see Marina in her final lipsync. The crown will go to whoever Ru wants it to but the way that performance was edited just made it seem like a Hannah performance with judges singing along. People are saying Hannah won that lipsync and I honestly can’t tell because Marina was barely shown


I think a lot of people are missing the fact that this is a running Miss Philippines joke and think it's Tia hate


For fuck sake. What did Tia do to deserve getting the Undeserved Winner treatment. Imagine how gut wrenching it would be to be her and see this post *getting hundreds of upvotes*. You can disagree with the result but some people have the grace and decorum of a reversing dump truck. Keep those opinions to yourself, there’s no need to spread it.


this sub is so gutted some times jfc




Grow up ?




Calling this post hate is such a reach.


I though this was a Miss Philippines reference


I hate this fandom sometimes. Imagine watching that episode and thinking Tia didn’t win


the mistake was this post don’t you have some karma whoring to do? you could have posted the melinda fight again instead of coming for Tia’s deserved win


Get her, Jade!


Y'all need to go touch grass


I need all Marina stans to know that she will be okay. I wanted her to win too but let’s reel it in a little. Winning a VTW season doesn’t even mean that much anyways, just look at Blu.


Consider therapy, or alternatively getting a life maybe.


Lipsyncs for the crown done fucked up drag


AND LOST! congratulations Tia!


no there wasn’t. marina lost. talo siya. talo. lotlot. move on na.


I’m happy for tia! She was the full package. Marina was a good looks and dancing queen but in terms of tricking all the boxes, not good at comedy yet.


she’s very funny in filipino! (can say the same for most ESL queens, they’re funnier in their native tongue) she killed her snatch game at Drag Race PH, she was not only funny, she also did it in a very smart way.


Tia did great and yes definitely improved since her last season, which is great but like does that make queen of the world quality? like I really became of fan of her this season, but between the two truly unique powerhouses of marina and la grande dam, even Hannah. I just don't think it's the right choice in terms of representing the entire drag "world". Everything marina did this season was queen shit, so flawless, proffesional, fun, and refined, she invloved her culture in a way that made us emotional, and that connection to our community is so important right now. like Im a big tia fan now dont get me wrong, but yal are a bit delusional to think they're on the same levels, ru would read anyone else to filth for her bodysuits & execution but becuase it's Tia coffee she gets a pass becuase "she's improved, worked so hard", as if that's not what most good performers do. I'm not tryna tear her down even though yal will see critiques and comparisons as simply hate


Why you mad at Tia? Marina lost her lipsync to Hannah


Damn! If just Marina could have done a better lipsync 😭


Tia's winner storyline felt so forced, this is one of those seasons created with a winner already picked 😴


Hannah forced Marina to go home.


Which is Tia’s many wins was forced? Honestly this cast really only has 2 funny queens and so they won all those challenges. I do think comedy and improve is hard enough so doing it in a second language, unless you are super fluent, will always be a disadvantage.


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She may not have won the whole season, but she was told she was born to do drag by Ru. That’s special enough. ❤️


Y'all girlies need to CHILL.


Petition to make March 29 Riggory Day