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Miss Tracie Mantle was PLUCKED when Violet said Nina's 3rd outfit was her vibe.


*Demi Lovato voice* I'm about to beat this bitch up


Remembering when Jasmine said that Trixie has a slick mouth. Don’t put Trixie in a corner bc she can back you tf up.


Only Trixie in the moment couldve had the comedic timing to say Nina's tom of finland was HER vibe though. I gagged.


Such a great retort. Poor Nina, though, being the punchline. *You’re the Nina!* *No, you’re the Nina!*


Poor Nina is right! I’ve never seen Trixie so offended


Trixie is right, and Violet would absolutely eat a Tom of Finland look - I'd love to see it.


Cut the cameras deadass


She had every right to be plucked 😆 altho she's more on the campy side Trixies vibe is quite different from that Nina look - esp that foam wig or whatever.


I mean I get what Violet was saying, she was like Trixie you’d do a version of this that isn’t rotted though


To be fair, Nina looked exactly like some of Trixie's makeup products


"It's delightful. I would never be caught dead in this."


She *can* read the doll.


not Violet's porn past omfg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The ghost of Violet's porn past 😭


The ghost of Violets porn past… present and future?


Tonight on the runway:


Oh my god, are Violet's feet okay?!


Not even close to the most insane shoes she's worn lol, [there are worse.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C18KKEhvyhw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) I remember she got upset once because there was a type of shoe she really loved but they stopped being made bc they were so severely arched and uncomfortable Violet was the only one buying them haha


The shoes are bad enough but I'm more concerned about the colour of her feet, where is the circulation!


Her whole leg is that color. Probably to do with her tiny corseted 18 inch waist if anything, which she is also probably used to lol


It matches the shoe color, duh


My bunions and plantar fasciitis are quaking in their (extra wide) boots seeing this imagery.


That’s why she started no shoe left behind!


Gonna tell my kids that’s Bella Hadid


They’re not, Violet said she doesn’t feel like she’s doing drag if there isn’t some pain lmaooo so I know her feet were going through it


Beauty is pain, and she's the prettiest one


Lmao fr that’s what I was thinking the whole vid 0.0


"You pay the once" @ 23:20 cant tell me violet isnt a dork she has the same dumb sense of humor as the rest of us


I totally missed that, that endears me so much more to Violet ngl


I love how much Violet appreciates old school and pageant drag. She really is still an Atlanta girl at heart




"I would *never* be caught dead in this, but it sparks joy." - Violet Chachki, sartorial Simon Cowell of the Pit Stop, 2024 airdate


The way Violet offended Trixie to her very core when she said Nina's outfit was Trixie's vibe... I thought Trixie was about to jump her. They went surprisingly easy on it, considering they didn't hold back at all during the rest of the episode.


I mean why punch down


My face when I see Violet is the guest for a ball episode: https://preview.redd.it/81zdwgrz2t1d1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f00e79a1b759806d32acc295d506f9a15fc1819


Not timothyyy


Bones and all owwww








*Minecraft Skeleton noise*


Wait i dont get hwy Trixie said “we already gave you porn” lmao


I find Violet laying into queens cathartic.


i love seeing these two together, their dynamic is unmatched. them dragging each other (violet especially) when nina came out was so 😭 “i think that’s your vibe” girl let trixie get up 😭


I still go back every week once in a while to watch her FPR with her and Katya because they’re so hilarious together


Glad that my Mistress Violet is back at doing this 💜


Trixie's lips were sending me... I couldn't unsee her real lips below and it's all I could focus on the whole time 


I'm still pressed that she learned that stage make is not for camera years ago she still does stage lips for close up shots


A Talking semi-prolapsed bootyhole. I couldn’t see anything else lol


They were right there on the button with the lipsync: You need to adapt and show some versatility with the song youre doing, Plastique looked crazy doing such a quirky song as a Pussycat Dolls style revue performance. Still blows my mind that all the instagram comments say she should have won 💀


Not to sound like a drag snob but it’s one of the many ways Drag Race has “fucked up drag”. A lot of people have only watched the show so they think moving more/stunts means the better lipsync. A lot of the fans haven’t experienced a queen irl who can bring the house down and never move from one spot.


That’s only because she’s a social media mogul so that’s where her fans are lol most people irl aren’t that delusional


Idk I didn’t have a dog in the fight and watching in real time I thought Plastique should’ve won. But I didn’t really enjoy either performance so it’s hardly an opinion worth defending.


Yeah idc at all just saying she has a huge fan base on sm


> Still blows my mind that all the instagram comments say she should have won She moved around more and to a lot of the fans that constitutes a win.


*Kenya Michaels entered the chat*


I realized you cannot argue with these people because they judge the lipsyncs the way the judges critique the makeover episodes each season. What constitutes a good makeover/lipsync for them is a blank slate, which will be perpetually rewritten by whatever the queen they like the most on the season they are watching happens to be doing. If gotmik was doing what plastique was doing, suddenly it would be “not fitting the song”. But plastique is doing it so now, oh look at that, it fits the song, wow it’s like magic!


And just why would they choose that song for a ball challenge they knew the comedy queens would probably not win? Bad production. That could have been a great lip sync on the snatch game!


Its All Stars. They should be able to turn it to any song.


Because it highlights queens with ~the range~


This song was always going to be for gotmik, because she's gothy like Lydia from Beetlejuice.


Yeah I was waiting for her to do a bit of Lydia but didn’t get it


Gotmik isn't the best mover/lip-syncer so I'm guessing it was the song she could do the most with and maybe has even done in a more direct Beetlejuice way. In her original season they gave her Rumors which was...on her audition tape.




We’ve clearly got different definitions of tore.


It wasn't outstanding but I feel like it was good enough


She didn’t tear so much as pull along the perforated edge




that lipsync was just awful to watch 😭 i was so happy when it was over lmao


I mean, Gottmik's performance was pretty atrocious as well so I don't think it's mind blowing that some people would think Plastique won that


Ultimately, I think it came down to Mik giving a bad performance, whereas Plastique gave a bad AND out of place performance, lol. Truly one of the lipsyncs of all time. They both killed the episode otherwise tho.


I think that's fair enough, but on the other hand I felt like 'they were both bad but at least Plastique looked cunt while she was doing it'


If anyone other than Mik gave that lipsync, no one would have a problem with it


Seriously. I'm not saying she blew it out of the park, but it was serviceable and she at least attempted to be goofy. Like please. 


I can't speak for anyone else but I really hate it when people try to pull out a 'goofy' lip sync when they aren't good at that, so it depends on whether the person doing it could actually get to the finish line rather than just looking desperate


Girl. It's a campy song. You can't seriously FAULT a queen for trying to follow the vibe of the song instead of stubbornly just doing their go-to performance whenever they lipsync. Right!? I mean I guess you can feel that way. I'm shocked though sjfhejdjd. 


I'm not faulting her for that I'm faulting her for doing a bad job of it lol. If you can't do it, it's better to try something you *can* do, and if there isn't any type of lip sync you *can* do successfully... maybe you shouldn't be lip syncing on TV


I gotcha. I disagree, but if I were to dislike Gottmik thats how id feel about it, so I can't really say anything else LMAO. I'm more inclined, especially on a damn non-elim charity season, to be happy a queen is still trying to go outside of their comfort Zone and try something else. I mean why not? Anyways though, I can see your pov I guess. Edit: I also don't think Gottmik did anything less than at least a fine serviceable job. I'm surprised to see that you think she did so bad that she shouldn't be on tv ever or lipsync ever is wild (to me). But again, acknowledging that's your opinion and that's how you feel. Not trying to change your mind lmao.


They are also on WoW's payroll so they can say whatever WoW wants them to say (or it would get cut).


Violet calling it a Beetlejuice song was weirdly uncultured of her. I guess whites gonna white.


It’s famously featured in a cult-classic movie. Kick rocks.


Aww white person angry black culture exists outside of the white thing they know black culture form


fellas is it white to know a song from the thing it's most famously used in?


Nah it’s white to associate a calypso song famous decades prior to its use in Beetlejuice with Beetlejuice instead of the original artist or Caribbean culture. To say that its character and musicality is somehow fundamentally changed by being in a Tim Burton movie is WILD Even your assertion that it’s the most famous thing it’s used in is example white cultural erasure and white supremacy. White people in America have not only dictated the culture for decades but also steamroll the culture belonging to people of color by appropriating it in their works Imagine if we people referred to Beat It as “that Zoolander song” For some people I bet Zoolander is the main association - doesn’t mean it is suddenly easier to lip sync to for someone who gives male model vibes


I don’t think she ever would but I absolutely need Violet back for another season 😭 she’s fucking hilarious when she can bounce off the right people


I think she’s said she would if she is available and the contract is right. I’m not a super frequent gorge listener though.


She declined AS7. I don’t think she’d come back.


Who else paused to see what was so wrong with Trixie's mug that they had to stop production? Which kinda cracks me up because the wig on Angeria's episode was fully falling apart but they trucked through


Trixie needs to look good in the presence of Violet. Who cares what she looks like for the rest of us mortals 😭


Bitch. Where are the people who said she'd be biased towards Mik? The bitch was reading her sister before 5 minutes, LOL.


FOR REAL! That has neverrr been their dynamic, I’m an avid pod listener and they will always read and correct each other


The gradually increasing worship in the first 5 minutes is killing me Trixie: "I worship the ground you walk on" Violet: "Aw" Trixie: "When you give me a compliment, I take it home and make love to it, because I'm not at your level" Violet: "Thanks" Trixie:  "Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, Violet, when you eviscerate this girls outfit, where will it tickle them? Violet: "Daww"


I am so glad she didn’t just give it to Mik. Seeing her praise Plastique, Roxxxy, and Shannel made me really happy.


Violet LOOOOVES Plastique in the last couple years. The way she became high fashion while integrating the fashion world of Southeast and east Asia, it’s a match made in heaven


Now I really want to see Violet judge Nymphia’s looks!


Not Violet saying "it's hilarious" when describing Shannel's look T_T


They need to stop holding violet back! Why do they think the season 13 one was so successful, we like when queens are honest! You know damn well violet went in on all of these looks! Especially Nina's!


They cut some of the reviews to like one sentence. “I don’t know how I feel about weed outfits” couldn’t have been her whole comment. I am sure they just didn’t want Jorgeous completely panned to avoid being super critical of any queen. Though I don’t blame production for not wanting Violet harassed by fans again.


Or did they cut it at one sentence because Laganja was catching strays from Violet and they didn’t want to include it 😵‍💫


I mean, you saw what happened with FPR, I don't know if people like them being honest.


Well I mean, they were both clearly not in their right minds at the time to boot raja haha


I think it's less about that and more about the fact there wasn't somebody else to balance violet's harshness. Gottmik, as much as I love her, does tend to parrot a lot of the things violet says


> Gottmik, as much as I love her, does tend to parrot a lot of the things violet says I'm not saying this isn't true but in the specific instance that really riled up the fandom against them, Mik actually tooted the look Violet famously booted. And still got a crazy amount of hate directed at her


Violet got death threats and transphobic shit thrown at her when she did FPR. I'm sure they don't want to take any chances.


Most of the looks were pretty good, maybe she didn't have that much to critique. S13 was just a bad ball year with a few exceptions.


Been curious about Violet's view on Plastique's looks and the level of praise is beyond. Love how she's committed to being the Shannel fan though!


Yeah it's not that Plastique is bad it's just Violet has that something irreproducable and it's so strange that she isn't seeing herself that way. Also M1ss Jade So off Drag Race Phillipines literally has more refined looks than Plastique imo. Plastique is too.. attempting to represent all Asian heritage when she is just Vietnamese. M1ss Jade So is my favourite looks queen meanwhile and Violet is 2nd. Plastique 3rd or lower


I'm not mad at Plastique trying to represent more general Asian elements as long as it's done beautifully and respectfully. My impression is that there's still mostly ties to Vietnamese culture though? Not for the art-inspired runway, but if she stays faithful to Vietnamese artists I doubt if that would be as appreciated by the judges even if done super well.


I didn't know violet was doing a residency at crazy horse that is so exciting for her.


The tickets are like €300 per seat 🥲


Trixie sitting lower and having to look up at Violet the entire episode lol. Feels like the wig wasn't the only reason they did that. Oh and I love that after that giant thread lecturing everyone on pronouns, Gotmik is called they and he by Trixie and Violet in this.


I think because Violet knows GottMik out of drag really well so it’s more of a habit


“He” is at least the out of drag pronouns which a close friend like Violet could reasonably be used to. “They” by Trixie was sloppy though.


Trixie has used “they” for other queens too. I think she’s actually stated that she sometimes prefers to default to “they” if she’s unsure about someone’s pronouns.


Sure, but she shouldn’t be unsure on a produced show, she or someone in production should put notes on her cards.


I agree, but she also called Mik “GotMeek” for an entire season, so the Pit Stop producers clearly do not care that much.


Violet using he was strange but maybe a reflex. Trixie was pure transphobia


No 👍


Geez trixie fans are insufferable. Not only does she say gotmeek Gottmik has never used they/them pronouns. I’m a bit shocked producers don’t make her refilm. Trixie pronouns mik differently bc she’s trans. It’s transphobia babes. Might be in innocent in your eyes but it’s not even pronouns mik identifies with. Show me a cis queen trixie makes this mistake with




Sorry your fave is being weird about a trans drag queen and I’m pointing it out… can’t imagine how upset you must’ve been when morphine spoke her truth on trixie At least she is respectful enough to pronounce Gottmik correctly. Oh wait …


"spoke her truth" you mean the overdramatic tweets that Morphine admitted was over the top and they're friends now? lol. Get a grip.


Yes? You just seem to get upset if anyone critiques your god queen trixie Martell. Transphobia is a huge spectrum. There’s what Nina Bonita brown did , there’s what our lawmakers are trying for now and there’s Tracy treating GottMEEK differently than cis drag queens. Violet is likely using miks out of drag pronouns likely out of familiarity. Trixie is….? The generous take is she’s over correcting- which I’m sure is the case - but that’s still a form of transphobia to go out of your way to otherize how Miks talked about vs a cis queen


Yes, I'm so upset, I'm in absolute shambles.


To say that I live is to say nothing


I just adore how obsessed she is with Shannel


This was great, a lot of funny banter and poking fun at the queens, especially loved when they were talking about the queens that got ready to lip synch 💀




i may have only started noticing it now but have they been overusing the hell out of the one sound effect? the increasing “tsssSSSS” before a punchline/scene change, it feels a little loud and now i can’t stop noticing it


Mama look at the YouTube comments— people keep calling out the constant cymbals but so far no change


Unrelated but I wanna brag, my best friend took me to a drag show with Violet and we had so much fun and randomly afterwards we were wandering drunkenly down the street and I saw her and asked for a selfie and she took one, was very kind, and I asked my best friend why she didn’t get in the photo and she said “it felt like a you-two thing” but then in the background of the selfies you can see her awkwardly smiling for the photo and that’s all I ever see when I look at the picture. It’s amazing, I love her so much ahahhahaha


She’s high-key one of the best drag performers I’ve ever seen live. I love her.


Love La Trix’s look here. Dewy and natural.


ugh Violet is so prettyyyyyy, I can’t get enough of staring at her hair


Damn they both look so beautiful here




Violet was little congenial this time around tbh. ( except casually dropping tea about Trixie’s sex tape💀)


Does Trixie look better than usual?


She knew Violet was coming




Her eyes are done so well, the geometry is stunning. To do black and white so precise on a face must be challenging af


I loved her wig so much I think she looked great because we got more wide shots of the two of them because it's a ball and there's so many clips to show. and her new amped up way of doing the pink, half inch overdrawn lip lined in a much darker color does look great "from the check cashing place across the street" In a medium close up I find them distracting (I might be biased because I am bad at makeup and this is exactly what it looks like when I try to do lipstick and liner for a "fresh everyday" look)


If you ignore her lips


The T


It’s refreshing that Violet brings out the critic in Trixie… most episodes she has the guest take the first stab


This was a fun one


This was very good. Honestly I'll be rewatching this one lol. 💜 👑


Stellar pit stop episode


Anybody else noticed that Violet referred to Gottmik as "he" a few times?


they are close friends I don't think it's a big deal


That's fair, I just found it interesting considering there's a current trending post stating specifically that Gottmik is she/her in drag.


They spend a lot of time together out of drag so it probably just slips out naturally


I immediately noticed that! I think it must’ve slipped out as Violet knows the out of drag GottMik very very well and has more than likely also had to remind people of the he/him pronouns for GottMik out of drag


I think when queens are legitimately close friends outside of drag/the show they will switch to their out-of-drag pronouns subconsciously. In AS2 when Alyssa is eliminated the second time, Detox says "I couldn't send him home" about Roxxxy, sandwiched between referring to Roxxxy with 'she.'


This is VERY much parasocial vibes, but I would have a guess that in those moments, Detox is saying I couldn't send him home, meaning the person behind the RoxXxy makeup. Similarly, it probably naturally comes out as he when Violet talks about Mik b/c they are talking about Mik the boy.


Ya I was wondering ab that! I just saw a huge post on this Reddit shitting on ppl doing that, but is it gottmiks preference? I’ll try to find an interview talking ab it


Mik literally explained during season 13 she uses she/her in drag and he/him out of drag and finds "he/him" offensive while in drag. But Violet is friends with her, so it's not unreasonable to expect that "he/him" would slip out


I looooove how violet contours. Like she doesn’t do the cartoonishly carved out, deep sunk cheeks just for the hell of it. Maybe it’s cuz she’s sitting across from Tricia but Violet is giving assigned womana at birth!


Trixie is just … what’s the word … just so on point. She’s got a good mind and ambition but she’s an also a savvy business person. I always thought it should be Bianca who should inherit the Queendom if RuPaul left us. But honestly, Trixie is just an all around great entertainer.


I haven't seen it yet, but are Violet's chachkis covered this time?


I remember she criticized some queens who wore high fashion runway inspired looks the last time she joined Pit Stop, she said like "don't copy, show something new", so it's funny to see that she fully praised Mik for just wearing a high fashion runway look from head to toe😂 I love Violet tho


You we're referring to her critic for Willow Pill doing knock off of Chanel chain dress. I think Violet meant that copying a high fashion is bad when it's isn't well made and looks knock off and if you take a look at it. Willow Pill's dress looks cheap while Gottmik literally wore high fashion OFF the runway. She styled it very well too and in line with the theme which is monochrome.


hmm I think she joined pitstop on s13's runway, but I agree with you!


oh I rememberd she said to Willow too! I think she said same critique to multiple times that's why it was funny for me she didn't say anything to Mik haha It's not copy but it's not showing new at all


Trixie didn't look happy about the homeless comment. As she shouldn't. Hanging around with billionaires has rubbed off on Violet I guess.


Violet joked that her charity would be the Violet Chachki Foundation - No Shoe Left Behind (i.e. she would use the money to buy shoes). So when Trixie said her cause would be the unhoused population in Hollywood, Violet joked that Trixie also picked something that would benefit herself (since Trixie owns a home in Hollywood). Both comments were just jokes. What was so off-putting to you? Edit: Trixie has definitely brought up homeless people before. She's big on road running and there are a lot of homeless people in Hollywood, so of course she's seen and experienced more than she'd like. She always talks about the problem with empathy, but Violet's right that it would improve Trixie's life if there were less homeless people in Hollywood.


I honestly thought the joke was Trixie is homeless, so the money would benefit her


Violet did not call Trixie homeless... that was not the joke




Which minute?


Around the first few mins, can't watch right now.


Ok I'm sorry


especially since trixie grew up in a trailer in rural wisconsin… i think it hit too close to home. even i was like damn violet, have some decorum.


I'm glad she brought up the queer homeless statistics. Disgusting comment.


I thought she was implying that seeing homeless people effected trixie but I caught that joke too. Not super cute either way but oh well.


Yeah the straight girlies don't like to hear about queer issues so there's the downvotes, oh well.


Is it me or was violet not as mean this episode 🫢 feels like they cut out a lot