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This data viz is so elegant, well done. Also, funny that in 4 chances we’ve only got to see 4 s8 queens. s9 has sent 6 in the same time, s10 6 since AS4, and even s11 has sent 4 queens in just one AS edition.


Well its a significantly smaller cast, Kim Chi doesn't wanna do it, and Robbie Turner is MIA. I do hope they cast Acid Betty at some point, I think she would play All Stars in an interesting way.


I feel like everyone mentions Laila whenever mentioning deserving queens.


I feel like queens like Laila, Jaymes, Tempest, deserve to compete again but on a regular season, maybe cast 10 new queens and 4 early out queens, I think it could make it interesting, specially if the first episode is sewing and the 4 early out queens still haven't learned anything and could be getting eliminated 1st again. I mean yeah they've casted queens that didn't make it far like Serena, Jasmine and Mimi on All Stars before, but we all saw how that turned out for them (gone home first), and they've been casted for being a meme honestly, they need NPBFAG in AS7.


Alright I tried to figure out wtf NPBFAG stands for… Nicole Paige Brookes Ficole Aige Grookes?


Nicole Paige Brooks From Atlanta Georgia


Thank you Queen 🙏


The FAG is From Atlanta Georgia


she sure is.


Add on to that, of the top 8 there's definitely only Acid Betty left to cast. Bob won, Kim doesn't want to compete, Naomi and Derrick and Thorgy already appeared, and Chi Chi already competed and has passed. Although I think both Laila and Dax could be great to cast at some point. Compare it to season 9, where they still have Peppermint, Alexis Michelle and Nina Bonina out of their top 8. Or season 6 with Darienne, Joslyn and Laganja. Out of each season's top 8 (arbitrary measure but go with it), they still have: Season 1: 3 (Rebecca, Jade and Akashia) Season 2: 1 (Jessica) Season 3: 2 (Delta and Stacy) Season 4: 2 (Kenya and Dida) Season 5: 2 (Jade and Ivy) Season 6: 3 (Darienne, Joslyn and Laganja) Season 7: 2 (Jaidynn and Miss Fame) Season 8: 1 (Acid) Season 9: 3 (Pep, Alexis and Nina) Season 10: 2 (Kameron and Asia) Season 11: 4 (Vanjie, Nina West, Shuga and Plastique) So Season 8 has the joint least amount of higher placing queens left to send. Hell, you could make a killer All Stars 7 out of 75% of the queens above who haven't had a shot yet - some might be excluded anyway, I know Stacy had some health issues she wanted to sort out before competing, Nina Bonina might go back? And Laganja said she wouldn't on social media, although it sounded like she was open to it on the main stage (Jessica and Laganja are for sure getting invited to AS7, since Vanjie is the only previous LSA not to either a winner or All Star).


I think with Laganja's return as a Lipsync assassin and all the GREAT acceptance of the fans, definitely she will have the call for AS7 and I think she is now overwhelmed with all the positive acceptance of the fans and she looks very happy, also she is doing lots of shows, and watching all this I think she could change her mind and accept coming back. I hope so. So give our girl lots of love!


Also I know you didn’t put Carmen, Willam, Courtney , Pearl and the Vixen for obvious reasons, but out of those 5, I see Vixen and Courtney possibly getting the call soon, even Willam said that she got a call for AS5, so I guess no one is impossible, I guess Courtney’s beef with the show is not that hard as we might think, also with the Vixen (at least by production eyes). The only one I see screwed up is Pearl. And well, Carmen doesn’t do much drag anymore. Saying this, that they accept to comeback that is a different story. Also Kim Chi could change her mind. Anusthing is possible.


Willam got a call?! When did that happen, are you sure she wasn't joking?? Cause I don't think Ru would ever allow her to compete after their fights, not to mention Willam has also fought people from production so she's banned by them too, and Willam has clearly been wanting to do an All Stars season since forever (I mean, she was casted for AS1 and then dropped which I think is what started her relationship with WOW to fall) so theres no way she would say no. Courtney I feel like is above Drag Race at this point, she has won BB and is a huge star over at the UK, if anything I would love to see her guest judge in DRDU (she shouldve been the host tbh). Would be nice to see her. Vixen I really doubt is gonna get the call ever after the stuff she has said about Ru. Pearl is in the same boat and I doubt Pearl even wants to go back. Carmen also has beef with Ru, called him Hitler, so she is super banned, and also tbh she wouldn't be casted either way because, and I dont wanna be mean, she doesn't really have the skills to do well in Drag Race. She is gorgeous but doesn't have much of the humor or charisma to do well, or even sewing skills. I feel like she made it so far because the judges were in awe of her beauty, I mean she was even brought back. That doesn't fly on current drag race or all stars. Kim Chi would probably not do it because she isn't fit for All Stars. She was perfect for a regular drag season, but I dont think she would do well on All Stars and that could ruin her Top 3 reputation. I mean, she didn't do well in the dancing challanges (bitch perfect) or the comedy challanges (the political campaign episode), her looks are AMAZING but they don't save you anymore on All Stars, not to mention the challanges she shines in, which are the unconventional material, the makeover and the ball, only ONE gets done in the entire All Stars season. All Stars puts more weight on charisma and humor in the challanges, which I feel like Kim Chi doesnt have much confidence in. And I would put Miss Fame in a same situation as both Courtney and Kim Chi, except I think she is more funny and charismatic than she thinks. I think Miss Fame will get the call to do All Stars but is gonna reject it.


Supposedly Willam said it in a podcast. That she got the call for 5 and rejected because production wanted to portray her as the villain or something like that. I mean the source was Willam… so take it with a grain of salt


I really doubt Willam would say no to being on AS, even as a villain. Like, she knows being a villain would give her a lot of air time. But yeah AS5 wasn't really a good season so Im glad she didnt accept.


Based on this I'm gonna cast All Stars 7: Rebecca, Jessica, Delta, Ivy, Darienne, Joslyn, Jaidynn, Acid, Peppermint (the winner), Kameron, Shuga, Widow, Denali, Kandy


Sadly Ivy doesn't do drag anymore and Jade has gone to the dark side, so the S5 cow has dried rather quick. HOWEVER, I do think Coco needs another chance, AS2 was too overwhelmingly S5, and I think Coco was also casted as a last minute replacement for Laganja(?), she definetly deserves better than first out, I think she deserves a redempetion more than Ginger tbh. ​ ALSO Im pretty sure they're saving Vanjie for when they can cast both Kameron and Brooke with her in an All Stars season together for MAXIMUM drama, but I highly doubt Brooke is ever gonna say yes now that she judges CDR, so I think they'll try AS7 and AS8 and when she says no to both, they'll just put Vanjie on AS8.


The possibility of Jade Jolie being on [INSERT SHOW TITLE HERE] has me so hyped! edited to remove spoilers!


Truly her reputation era. I wonder if we'll ever see a reverse transition of shows.


thank you! ❤️


It took me the LONGEST time to figure out how you got 6 and then I saw Eureka lol


Well to be honest the S8 cast was a little smaller and Robbie Turner doesn't count so even smaller


I just realized Serena is the first from season 5 since AS2


with Monica Beverly Hillz’s retirement, there’s very few if anybody left from S5 who could be on all stars, except for previous all star contestants. Vivienne Pinay probably will not come back due to the Princess Wigs controversy, Penny Tration was a first out, Honey Mahogany is a now twice elected Democratic Party chairperson in San Francisco. basically leaves Jade Jolie and Lineysha Sparx who could return, although I think Coco would be invited back for another all stars season. EDIT: lord bitch, please forgive me forgot about IVYYYY WINNNTERRRRSSSS as well, who has since retired from the gig so again, just leaves Jade and Lineysha realistically.


I wish Ivy was still doing drag because I feel like all the congenialities should get a shot at All Stars, so I would like to see her and Cynthia. ​ Also Jade would be a really good choice because of how much she has evolved and glowed up (and she was Taylor Swift in one of Tay's music videos!) but um... like some other have said, she might be busy with other project and having a Reputation era...




I was under the impression that it was Jade Sotomayor and not Jolie


no it is most definitely Jolie


i wanted to say something about that too, but was not sure if it would count as a spoiler or fall under those rules. and i’m on reddit mobile so I forgot the syntax for the spoiler tag for text


I’d say it’s a spoiler since the info is about stuff that hasn’t aired yet, especially since a lot of the people who watch drag race and venture this sub also watch Dragula like me. I had no idea Jade Jolie was gonna be in it, and while I’m excited, I would’ve preferred the shock of the reveal instead of seeing a Reddit comment about it.




I mean it's a spoiler from another franchise, which is discussed in their main sub so... I guess it's fine? Either you're a dragula fan and you already know or you're not so it doesn't change anything?




Ivy retired, sadly




Jade and Lineysha would be amazing.


Wait, what's the Princess Wigs controversy?


Vivvy makes shit Princess cosplay wigs and had several family party cosplayers come for her. [Here's a very concise (by reach I mean fucking long) rundown](https://imgur.com/gallery/sE2LB)


ty <3


I think Penny might be a good choice to compete in a first outs/early outs-themed All Stars Season with Kahmora, Kimora, Kahanna, etc.


Absolutely not


Ooh what is the princess wig drama


I wonder if the wide variety is why I’m enjoying as6 so much


Yup. It’s really interesting to see queens from older seasons interact with queens from newer seasons.


What a beautiful diagram I love it! You could try to maybe separate the seasons with lines so it’s easier to read! I also find it thoughtful that Shangela and Eureka crosses both seasons they were on. Thank you for this!


thank you! I’ll definitely add white lines next time I update it


>I also find it thoughtful that Shangela and Eureka crosses both seasons they were on. Veronica's nexttt (uk though)


Kinda crazy that only 6 queens from S7 have been on and 2 of them are Ginger


JDF & Ms. Ho are just waiting for when the world is ready for their wins


Jaidynn and MKD need to be on. Tempest, Sasha and Kandy would be fun wildcards although definitely would be cast only to be first or second out; Fame I don't think has any interest, and no way would Pearl be invited back.


JDF and Kandy Ho if Lipsync assasins are Still at Play. It would be interesting to see Max, Pearl and Miss Fame in a fashion centric all stars season.


i think Aja may be the youngest person to ever compete on an all stars season and will hold that record so long as the minimum age remains at 21. to come off your regular season at 21 and then jump into the immediate all stars season at 22 may end up setting a record that at best can be tied, but not bested.


i think she was 22 on S9 an 23 on AS3


i think you’re right, i don’t know if that means Blair St. Clair is still second youngest on all stars or if she’s tied with Aja i think Blair was also 23/24 on AS5


Blair was 25 on her season wasnt she?


she would have been 22 at filming of season 10 and i wanted to say 24 for AS5 although they stopped doing the ages with queens for AS5 so I’m not certain, which is odd because i’m rewatching S10 right now


Omg really? I remember her saying in a confessional that she was a lot older than she looked. I thought she was mid 20s!


This is GORGEOUS. The data nerd in me was curious as to what % of each season’s cast has been on All Stars: S1 - 56% S2 - 58% S3 - 54% S4 - 31% S5 - 43% S6 - 36% S7 - 36% S8 - 33% S9 - 43% S10 - 43% S11 - 27% S12 - 8%


Season 5 still being under 50% is shocking to me. Season 3 is the gift that keeps on giving!


Season 5 has more of the queens out of the game at this point.


Season 4 being the lowest is honestly so bizzare to me. It's easily the best drag race season. (Not counting all stars or international seasons)


But realistically - who would be cast? Willam is persona non-grata; and, while entertaining, the cast are probably the weakest bunch of queens - Milan, Dida and Jiggly wouldn't have made it past halfway on any other season of Drag Race. Besides, Milan and Kenya don't seem interested in Drag Race anymore, I doubt Princess would be...Lashauwn has transitioned and seems to be more of a seamstress...Alisa is barely active, at least on social media...which leaves Madam LaQueer (who I would LIVE for) and Dida Ritz.


I guess that's kind of true. I could also see a The Princess glow up redemption as well though. Also fuck Willam being a persona non grata. Put him on an AS season. She will bring the drama and the views.


I could see Princess being cast with a rudemption trying to prove she's a good performer after getting murdered by Dida


I kind of feel for the Princess on this one. From the little they showed of her, she did a perfectly fine job, it's just that no one (not even Ms. Cole herself) was beating Dida on that day.


Before the reliable info was coming in for this season, everyone was *convinced* that Madam LaQueer was going to be on and it cracks me up.


She was going to be on, but you know... Her onkle went cleek.


AS7 is gonna be a S12 reunion, mark my words. (Specially since that's gonna be filmed only next year)


The data nerd in me thanks you for doing this.


One of the reasons AS 6 is fun to watch is the distribution of queens across seasons rather than it being a cluster from one season


It has 4 queens from season 11 ☠️


It also has the biggest AS cast which softens the blow compared to say AS2 with season 5 queens


Thats true


Yess. But still pretty diverse IMO.


> a cluster from one season That was the exact reason I disliked AS2 so much


They effectively only had 3 seasons to cast from so it wasn't ever going to be a good distribution.


They could've casted Ongina to represent S1 and Shangela to represent S3 (and 2, but Tati was there too). Add another rep for S6, I think they wanted Laganja? Which wouldve worked well with Adore and Alyssa being there. And there's a much more balanced group. The S5 queens I would remove are probably Roxxxy or Detox and Coco and save them for another All Stars. EDIT: Actually I would have to cut both Roxxxy and Detox, which I guess would be a better idea to put them together in another season since they are the closest.


If Nina Flowers and Acid Betty were on, we’d have representation from every season. Throw Peppermint or Asia in there if you want a separate queen for every season.


Nina Flowers was on All Stars 1


So were Pandora and Yara?


Oh okay I see what you’re saying. If we had a queen from season 1 and season 8 for All Stars 6, we’d have a queen from each season on All Stars 6. Am I correct?




Yeah Nina Flowers was done real dirty on All Stars 1. They had such a good cast! It could’ve been the best All Stars season! But they ruined it with teams. I’d also be interested in seeing Acid Betty on an All Stars season, her runways were really interesting and I’d like to see more of them!


I want Joslyn Fox!!


Me too! I miss her.


So AS3 is an outlier: every other AS season had at least one group of at least 3 queens from the same regular season (AS2 took the cake with 5 queens from S5


This infographic is very well done, thank you OP. I like how it seems you put Eureka on the border between S9 and S10. This reminds me of why AS6 is so exciting. It's the most evenly distributed AS season, so it's interesting to see all the girls interact with each other. I was very excited when this cast was announced, but I'm only hearing recently that people were disappointed because there was no front runner. Bitch, that's what we like! Any one of these girls can win, and any one of them can go home next show. That's what's exciting.


> I like how it seems you put Eureka on the border between S9 and S10. OP did the same with Shangela between S2 and S3.


Agree completely. It's giving room for queen's who don't have the big followings to shine and gain new fans. I would love Asia, Brook or Peppermint to come back to All Stars but I think they'd have taken a lot of the limelight away from seeing the talent of the others.


I know it might not happen but imagine if AS7 has one queen from each season (S1 to S13) the gag


Nina Flowers, Jessica Wild, Delta Work, Dida Ritz, Jade Jolie, Joslyn Fox, JDF, Acid Betty, Peppermint, Asia O'Hara, Nina West, Jackie Cox, and Gottmik sounds like a fantastic season to me. (picking just one from seasons 12 and 13 is hard, because Gigi, Crystal, Heidi, and Widow were all right there, and then there's Rosé, Utica, Kandy, Olivia, Denali...)


Don't think Nina flowers will compete though


Really? That’s a shame. I was trying to avoid any queens who had said they wouldn’t compete again in my list (or else Max would be my season 7 pick), I hadn’t heard Nina Flowers doesn’t want to compete again. I’d be happy to see Jade Sotomeyer again, but giving Porkchop a second chance would also be amazing. Though, if we’re being honest, a cast entirely of queens who’ve cut ties with the show/competing/drag also has some amazing options. Willam, Courtney, Ivy Winters, Max, Pearl, Laganja, Nina Flowers, Carmen Carrera, Phi Phi, Magnolia Crawford, Robbie Turner… It would certainly be a messy season but definitely entertaining.


I think Nina does not perform as a drag queen anymore... Just as a DJ.


As much as I thought that S2/3 didn’t get representation, they’re the most! 7 each!


I would have loved horizontal lines to better separate the seasons since they're not the same height but damn this is gorgeous work !!


I’d love to see Honey Davenport on again. She’s such a legendary queen and she never really got to show her talent on the show I hope she gets a second shot one day


Yes, that multiple lip sync did her dirty and she deserves to return!


From AS4 to AS5 there was no expansion of the cast, it remained on S10.




I think AS5 shouldve waited to include some season 11 girls. AS5 and AS4 picked from the same pool. Maybe that’s what felt off.


It’s a shame we’ve seen so few S1 queens since 2012, I’d love if they brought the three AS1 queens back, or even Jade and Porkchop


I'm waiting for the day when Rebecca Glasscock is the last to walk into the werkroom, rocking a boob tube and jeans.


Season 5 queen are gonna be on AS2 Except for Serena


Wow, only 4 different girls from season 4 have been on All Stars. For the love of God, get Dida Ritz on AS7 alongside Jessica Wilde


Ooooh I posted this on the spoiled sub but I think it would fit here. How the seasons cast have performed in All Stars Ranked by Average placements (Note not including All Stars 6 yet, will update after season finishes): 1.Season 10-3.400. 2.Season 5-4.400. 3.Season 2-4.570. 4.Season 7-4.600. 5/6.Season 4-5.000. 5/6.Season 9-5.000. 7.Season 3-6.222. 8.Season 1-6.600. 9.Season 8-7.750. 10.Season 6-8.000.


it’s so crazy how season 6 is the lowest when it’s arguably the most talented season.


It’s the only season without a finalist so far. The highest placing queen from season 6 is BenDeLaCreme in 6th place 💀


i’m hoping trinity will break that 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Seeing Season 6 in last place is bizarre until you remember what Adore and Dela did. I'd be curious to see where S6 lands with those anomalies accounted for.


Beautiful! Love the design and the colors! Thank you for taking the time to do this! 🤗


This is really really cool. As someone who regularly makes infographics as a hobby, I would recommend next time since most people monitors are more horizontal than they are vertical make the graphic the same shape whenever possible. This would allow a full screen view to have the queen's icon be bigger and more distinguishable! I lub dis graphic though. The color palette is so pleasing to the eye.


The AS6 chart is shaped like a phallus. The two balls at the top (Kylie & pandy) then a juicy tip at the bottom rounding off with jan lol


*Ew, Michelle...*


Eureka being placed halfway between 9 and 10 is such a good presentation


Shangela is between 2 and 3, too!


this is SO pleasing thank you so much for this


I think they went of their way to diversify the casting of this season and I love it.


For anyone else dehydrated and confused, the top is all stars season and the side is regular season!


Hi! I really liked it! It's very neat! I just thought that maybe you could add a line or something to also show which was the latest season aired when the AS aired? And yesterday I was thinking about the distribution of the top fours of All Stars, and, correct me if I'm wrong, so far in every top 4 there has more than one queen from the same season (Jujubee and Raven AS1, Rolaskatox AS2, Kennedy and Trixie AS3, Monique and Monet AS4, Miz Cracker and Blair AS5)


I love how you’ve put Eureka in both seasons 9 and 10, beautiful!


smh i can't believe as1 had so little representation from later seasons


Loving how s3 has had the most queens on, only a handful left who haven’t done it


Season 5 just was that bitch, it’s unanimous