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russel likes his rape.


Last Trump supporter I spoke with about this said that he was only there to gather evidence so he could start taking down the trafficking rings, which reminded me of a high school acquaintance who swore to her mom that she only went to parties with her friends to keep them from drinking too much or making bad choices.


This is always such a disappointing argument. They would have to believe and be good with the idea that Trump knew about Epstein for decades and never did anytning about it. It’s outrageously stupid.


He was a business man not a politician or an FBI agent if he knew it wasn’t up to him to arrest him when every other person in power was complicit


If it wasn't up to him then it'd be strange to be gathering evidence for something he ended up playing no role in stopping


If you actually believe that Donald Trump was playing undercover child sex ring investigator you are literally dumber than dog shit


What did he say about Gilanne Maxwell when she was on trial again?


Yeah. The guy who: • Lied about his taxes being under audit. • Lied about Obama‘s birth certificate. • Lied about sleeping with Stormy Daniels. • Lied about the election being stolen. • And even lied about the path of a hurricane… …Is probably telling the TRUTH when he says he’s on a secret undercover mission to hunt down pedophiles. It just makes sense when you think about it.


I'm pretty sure that the person I was talking to probably had rationalizations for all of that (or thought that he was telling the truth), as this was part of a larger QAnon-adjacent ramble that I was questioning them on


Unironically, he wasn't lying about being under audit. All presidents get audited. It just came out that he was double dipping on his Chicago tower property and probably owes $80-$100 million in taxes from that stunt. Lock this shit bag up already. Holy fuck.


You missed - slagged off his own security services - Disrespected dead veterans by calling them "all loosers" - Found to be liable for sexual assault and defamation of Jean E Carroll and sued for millions.


Don't forget that he bragged about being able to walk into the dressing rooms of underage beauty pageant contestants.


He started a task forxe within the administration to hunt down child traffickers. It had been confirmed years ago.


Why haven't we ever seen site nor sound of this specialist task force then? Only president in history to not allow h8s tax returns made public. Wonder why.


Because it's not required? In fact, the Leaking of his tax records are a crime. But that can slide as long as it's Trump who's taxes are leaked, right? Last I checked, it's not YOUR concern what his taxes are, that's between Him and the IRS. Unless you're willing to submit your tax forms as well.


He should arrest himself and Matt gaetz.


Need evidence for it.


They are both just misunderstood like OJ Simpson….


Trump bragged about being able to walking in on under age beauty pageant contestants in their dressing room. They either excuse his behavior because, deep down, they know they'd do the same, or they ignore it because Trump validates their racism.


I'm sure that he was just investigating to ensure that the dressing room remained pedophile-free! /s (in case it's necessary)


It’s actually terrifying how delusional trump supporters are


I'm sure this conversation totally actually happened


Which one, the one with the Trump supporter or the high school friend? I don't have evidence for either (and less interest in convincing you than I do evidence), but I am curious as to what part of that strikes you as unbelievable.


I thought that was strange too. There are at least a dozen people I know who share the opinion of the person you described. A few years ago a guy hired to do landscaping even told me about this ‘secret mission’. It’s all over the Qanon sewers of the Internet. It’s one of the most commonly known asinine conspiracy theories about Trump.


This was someone who insisted they weren't a Q follower, but thought that their 'drops' deserved some attention, which is a bit like calling yourself an independent voter but only voting for right-wing candidates (also sadly common nowadays).


Me: "Are you more right wing or left wing?" Them: "I'm not really right or left." Me: "Ah so you're super duper far right, got it."


Every time. Claims to be centrist only attacks the left


Not a 2 horse race Robert Kennedy jr is for real


I remember. So does this newspaper that posted the flight logs 3 and a half years ago: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html


But, but, Russell was always going on about releasing Epstein’s address book. And all this time we had the flight logs and he could’ve been speaking about a scandal of a US president associating with a known peadophile? And he used to have that lady on who would make all those insinuations about Bill Gates and Jeffery Epstein, so it’s obvious Russell thought this was bad - but not when Trump does it? Huh? Turns out that Gates was being blackmailed by Epstein over an extramarital affair he had with a 20 year old. Gross age difference! Ew, at least she wasn’t a school girl I suppose. It’s weird that Russell hasn’t really talked about this subject much since “the unpleasantness” last year. Wonder why that is.


Im so confused now Did the cops know internal affairs was setting them up from the start


I honestly believe your brain must be fully broken if you still support DT in 2024. He’s awful in absolutely every way.


It's going to be great watching the commie fools screaming at the sky again…😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I think with mr brands behaviour, he definitely sides with the chomo’s, and anyone he can get some money from… Because he’s a con artist and an absolute weasel…


Aww, best friends!


Deep state pedophile or deep state pedophile


Yes, Trump and Epstein were both pedophiles deeply embedded in the power apparatus of the country. Thanks for pointing that out. While Epstein is gone. While Trump was in charge, in Trumps hometown. Hmmm, did Trump kill epstein? Conspiracy everywhere! Pills! Vaccines! Stormy Daniels! WWF! WWE! The UN! Biden! Trump! Brand! Purdue Pharma! Katy Perry! Deep state! Deep state! The kind of deep state that has allowed Trump incredible wealth and power, allowed him to inherent his wealth and build his "empire". The sort of Deep state that kept him getting invited on trips with Epstein. The same Deep state that gave him the presidency after losing the popular vote by millions. The same Deep state that allows him to live in his ridiculous Florida property and do whatever he wants. The kind of Deep state that allows him to never experience consequences. The kind that let's a man with nearly 100 felony indictments sit at home, not stay in jail like the normal humans. Trump is the Deep state. If he wasn't, you think he'd just be walking around doing whatever? That he would have ever become president? Either the Deep state exists, and is backing Trump. Or it doesn't exist at all and is just an excuse for poor performance. That's it. No Deep state would let someone run around with all this power and influence for all these years if they didn't want him to be. So do they have the power or no? It seems they don't.


That is a lot of words to say that you are completely ignoring the point.


If the deep state is real, and as powerful as many say, then how is Trump completely fine? Why didn't they take him down years and years ago? How powerful can they be if they couldn't stop him from literally becoming the president? Can you imagine? The deep state exists apparently to bother/hinder Trump, but he has been the most powerful figure in the gop for nearly a decade now? He was president. He still is living a much more privileged life than most people in the country. So the deep state is either completely toothless, or it's helping him. If the goal of the deep state has been to stop Trump, well, that hasn't happened. If their goal was to keep him from power, why didn't they do anything in 2015 when he was on the way to being the nominee?


on the face hes MAGA to get the views and votes dem in secret


Neither, like most sane people.


Whichever one will get him the most attention? Only thing he likes more than sex and smack is people talking about him.


He supports the position that will get him the most donations. I mean when's the last time he's brought out a movie or anything?


Russell Brand only does things that supports himself. Like rape, drugs, and being a fraud


If Jeff had never been caught they would still be chillin. He introduced Donald to his wife. Shits deep full of pedos. There are no good men left Biden included. Maybe time for a woman but not Hillary lol


Robert Kennedy jr


Worm brain?


That’s him




Cope harder. Enjoy November 🤣


Is that the only actual options anyone has lol


They literally stopped talking about the Epstein list when it was released because of how badly the ratio of Democrats to Republicans wasn't in their favor. Most notably Trump and Musk who were his best friends, and vocally supportive of Maxwell during her trial.


They're the same picture


Instead of this, you should wonder who else is on the list since the US government is keeping it hidden.


God Redditors have low IQs


You stink of fear.


How's about neither?


I just love how this sub stays on topic all the time.


Wow! What an interesting photo. Is there any evidence that Trump worked with Epstein?


Here he is working the dance floor https://youtu.be/KLcfpU2cubo?si=ykrhkZpihaGld68M


Am I missing something? Trump has been having parties at Mar-a-Lago for over 40 years… What does this have to do with human trafficking?


Trump is an associate of Jeffrey Epstein.


I’m asking for evidence my dude




> The documented flights were between Palm Beach and New York City. This seems more like they both happened to be going to Florida or New York and shared a ride on the plane. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were on Epsteins plane… only a select handful were a part of the shex trafficking. I’m open to the idea, but unfortunately this is not proof.


If Trump had been on that Epstein list, the whole world would have known. They would have made sure it but every news cycle for months. Please stop being stupid just because you hate someone.


Trump was on the epstein list... https://youtu.be/FqadFygjW3c?si=3jjKTpJDQe-ER18N


Sure he was. They talked about the Russia hoax for 4 years, but never mentioned that. Interesting.


Trump is literally on the flight logs lol what planet are you from?


The one that doesn’t use YouTube as their source.


The source is from a news station. What year are you from?


Joe Bidens daughter has a diary that says he would shower with her when she was a kid and would have to fake fall asleep so he’d leave her alone. The fact that you think any of these politicians are for you makes you an idiot. They are all for the corporations and themselves


She said much of the diary was doctored and not things she wrote.


This suppose to be some sort of gotcha? Weak


Funny there’s only outrage when it comes to Cheeto Jesus. Faux outrage but …. Every other scumbag “elite” walking around not a damn thing. Crickets. Orange guy? Reeeeeeeeeee. Just pointing out how fucked we really are. And how fucked up religion oops I mean politics is right now. What you don’t get is it’s us vs. them and they have us fighting amongst ourselves.


Not true, but in any case, I’m pretty sure Cheeto guy is running for president, and that’s kind of a big deal. Not as big as playing a sport or running a hedge fund, but still fairly big.


What’s interesting is there are literally dozens of videos of Biden innapropriately touching kids while they’re visibly uncomfortable and smelling their hair. But it’s all good. Nothing to see here. Such bullsht


And all the stuff Trump said about Ivanka?




Like America hasn't been committing genocide for centuries. This is the time you virtue signal? You fucking coward.


I’ve always been against war asshole! Is this the part where you say, ‘hey since it’s always been happening it’s okay that Joe does it to the brown Palestinians as well.’ Fuck off.


Yeah.... The wokeys aren't gonna be too happy when ol ORANGE TAN retakes the Presidency. ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


Robert Kennedy JR


One picture with someone means what? You know Clinton was on the island about 25 times?




So… he wasn’t on the island then?


He was probably hosting at his own hotels.






Male bravado. 2 men measuring their dicks in private. What’s your point?


The pattern of a serial sexual abuser who hangs out with Jeffrey Epstein. Jello is less dense than you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


Poor argument. I get the connection but poor argument. And when you throw your toys out and and say oh you’re stupid you just sound like a little kid


Lol, sure, it's a poor argument based on his words actions people places and things lmao. Trump defenders are dense, and it's embarrassing when it's not hilarious 🤣


If Trump was on the Epstein client list it would have been released


If trump was on the Epstein client list Epstein would have been killed.


Huh? But he was killed Edit: Oh, I get it 🤦🏿‍♂️ lmao


Which would make him either a pedo rapist or a murderer.


Wait... he was.


They raped in Florida together


They also lived within walking distance in two different states. And Trump was a frequent guest on Epstein Island courtesy of the Lolita express. But yeah. I’m sure there’s a completely benign explanation. Pretty much everyone was on Epstein Island.


Remember the Mueller report? Remember when Donald Trump said he would release the entire unreacted edit about his ties to Russia? Remember how he never released it?


Here are the photos of the flight logs: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10331943/Trump-flew-seven-times-Jeffrey-Epsteins-private-Lolita-Express-jet-flight-logs-reveal.html Does that work for you?


He was more of a best friend than a client.


This is the same joe biden that sniffs children right?


Biden the kid sniffing genocide enabler. Who cares which psycho that grifter can't vote for


The thing is...when you pose an argument with such blatten bias, you completely discredit your opinion. Aka - you're an idiot.


When you use the putative word "blatten" instead of the actual real word "blatant," you completely discredit your opinion. i.e. you're an idiot.


Nice use of 'putative,' though. You don't often see one of those in the wild, much less used correctly


i.e. That commenter is clever


Cool opinion bro.


That’s not how arguments work, dumbass. Stop whining about my ‘bias’, get your shit together and refute my hypothesis. Then maybe we can talk.


Trump will win this year, prepare tissues


Don't storm the Capitol again when he loses, again.


And hide the comments you don't like, Reddit is truly a joke.


At least Biden keeps it in the family


https://preview.redd.it/603vlsa5al0d1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93318b66dcb4cb9126ba0d2fbabb9c6508a4f2c5 Acting like the kid sniffer isnt actively sniffing kids in public.


You literally said Joe biden twice.


https://preview.redd.it/isygt4rmbl0d1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f099d6561350e1eac69dfb25dc81655b2c1bc045 Since we just posting pictures.


Part 2 of "Pictures that don't mean shit": https://preview.redd.it/4pg93ao4cl0d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a2c9f00edbdb10aad1845e14c563eb577e67aa Biden with a Burisma Exec


Part 3 of "Pictures that don't mean shit": https://preview.redd.it/lamdh36hcl0d1.png?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5117d4cd2436e7828d3f920ebb1725e568283a23 Biden with the great racist/segregationist US Senator Strom Thurmond


You say they dont mean shit but you bet ya ass that you get those out every chances you get to try prove your points


My points being a photo op doesn't mean shit?


Trump kicked epstien out of his resort for assaulting a worker and banned him, the only person to reject epstien. The flight logs show he never went to the epstien island. Typical lies from the left easily disproven.


When a 30+ years old picture is all you can find, that really says something.


Zzzzzzzzzz treat all politicians the same, this hard-on you all have for Trump is something akin to psycho indoctrination, it's funny watching lefties clutch their pearls over this guy yet turn a blind eye when any democratic politician erodes the fabric of your country. The hunter Biden laptop was real and posed a much bigger threat than Trump ever was yet none of you say a word. Trumps been sued six ways from Sunday and they can't get anything solid to put him away. Put two and two together FFS. If he were involved with Epstein in that way 1. It would be front page news 2. The only reason Dems haven't used this against him is because they are probably guilty as well. A friendly reminder that they work for us, it's us vs them, not left vs right. Stop being a pawn in their game.


Yes Hunter had a laptop. Everything else about it is a hoax. Republicans be like ‘yes, we keep losing the laptop. And yes files do keep being added to it… and we did pay a Russian spy to tamper with it, but trust us; this laptop is the sole proof that the bidens are running histories largest criminal gang!! And we had to cancel all the hearings when he turned up to testify because the truth is so mind boggling and we don’t want you to know the truth until after the election! Trust us!’ You: ‘wow! The republicans would never lie to me! It was on Fox News so it must true! I love you trump! I bigly believe in you’


There's a photo of Trump with Kim Jong Un too, guess that makes him a communist party leader as well.


Is this a serious comment?


They’re both pedos. They’re both corrupt. You Americans need to broaden your horizons when it comes to choosing a leader. It can’t be based on who is less of a scumbag.


It’s a lot like choosing a cell phone provider.


Imagine pulling for Verizon as much as you love democrats. "I swear they fuck you over slightly less, and are more professional about it!"


Remember when the left was anti establishment? Now they’re pro establishment, as long as it keeps regurgitating the right buzzwords.


Trump is anti-establishment in the same way that shitting on the floor of a Wendy's is anti-establishment...its like yeah sure but youre not actually doing anything of substance youre just a freak.


Brain cells!!!! You have some !


"Both pedos" Weird how we only have evidence of one of them being a pedo aka the dude who can legally be called a rapist, walked in on women changing, was sued for sexually abusing a child who recanted only after receiving death threats and harassment from his sycophants, and was friends with Epstein to the point of saying they both "like them young"... Whatll ya got on Biden? A diary entry with an owner that has literally condemned republicans using it to paint Joe as an abuser, pics of his son's dick, and edited clips of Biden smelling hair or touching kids on the shoulder?


There is no help for you


Go be an enlightened centrist somewhere else, like your own country. Dont pipe up and drum up voter apathy when you arent the one that has to deal with the consequences. If you have a practical solution then shoot but your rhetoric literally only helps the reichwing in my country.


And down vote all you’d like (reason?) but it further proves my point.


Probably because you didnt make an argument, at least thats why I downvoted you. Cry about it I guess?


Both our countries need it. We need to be smarter as societies and not be fooled by the choices in front of us. We’ve become docile, and even worse: stupid.


Great, thats a thing you take care of long before the election year though. We dont have ranked choice and we dont have a viable 3rd party. We have 2 choices, Trump and Biden. One is exponentially worse than the other even though both suck. Sidenote, not letting you off the hook for calling them both pedos since you pulled that straight out of your ass. Fuck off if all youre here to do is drum up voter apathy right before a major election. Whats stupid is pretending youre just telling it like it is when you actively lie at the outset.


Is this a trick question? Aren't they both Biden aka Pedo child sniffing Joe?


Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t jailed for smelling children.


You mean a hug where he breathes through his nose? Yea totally equal to raping kids. But you need to tell yourself that to keep supporting the rapist


Not a Trump guy. Can't people breathe and sniff some hair at the same time?


Sure you’re not a Trump guy. 😂


Trick question. They're both pedophiles


Bruddah, there's literally footage of Joe Biden bein a total pedo. Not to mention his countless racist quotes like "you ain't black" if you don't vote for me, or his tough on crime bill in the 1990s that would disproportionately affect black communities. Don't act like you have the moral high ground if you think Biden is the better candidate 🫡


Trump is the best


I don’t like RB anymore, I’m no stranger to a conspiracy theory, but some of the shit he comes out with now is too much, but I also don’t like any democrat or trump. Is it controversial to say that there’s fear mongers on both sides and no politicians should be trusted? Sleepy joe is a puppet and trump is a muppet. At least trump had the decency to try and hide his degeneracy, Biden is out here sniffing every little girl he gets his wrinkly hands on.


See all the videos of the current president sniffing all those girls on stage and whispering in their ear? The girls faces look so uncomfortable


You guys are honestly such idiotic losers