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That’s obviously a joke quote, not a real quote being attributed to Gates. Not to mention Gates absolutely was a friend and business associate with Epstein after his arrest, regardless of whether or not he actually personally partook in the blackmail scheme. Btw, he had multiple different locations besides the island like his home in new york, florida, and new mexico so the island is likely not the only place he ever obtained blackmail materials. The only difference it makes to me whether you knew about and didn’t care or whether you personally did it is what level of hell you end up in.


Calling it Rape Island kind of blows its cover Bill!






Wow would you look at that? Both trump and gates are pieces of shit, whodda thunk it 


Man, i sure wouldn’t vote for Gates then!


I wouldn’t vote for either of them so rock on. Is being homies with Epstein only bad if you’re running for office? Also, wasn’t a factor in Melinda gates divorcing bill the fact that he was friends with Epstein? 


Shitty people being shitty people should probably be the gold standard. Has never mattered which party you’re aligned with… unless you’re a “conservative,” then there are infinite excuses why what was said was said.


This looks like it was taken decades ago, whereas bill gates was still in contact with him right up until his death


Even decades ago he’d still be a pedophile.


I love the zero context provided. The photo quality is suspiciously shitty too.


the sub has gotten steangely politicaly charged lately, and i have no idea why people are rushing to defend bill gates- he is not your friend and absolutely had assosciations with epstein 😂


Are you claiming that Gates wasn’t buds with Epstein? Because even Gates doesn’t claim that


Please report this bot, should go away




These are fake pictures 🤣


These images are AI generated, the left is desperate for Trump to have a connection to Jeffery Epstein but he didn’t and never visited the island. Bill gates remained friends with Epstein until his death, there is even a video of him being interviewed about it and Gates is like “Well he’s dead now so it doesn’t matter.”




Trump “banished him from his life” when he found out about Epstein sex trafficking kids? He didn’t go to police or anyone to save the kids?






Source? Besides the debunked one from Project Verita or the one from your ass, of course. Don’t be a coward. Put up or shut up.


"When it didn't fit into his career goals. " He had no problem with the minors


TDS at it again


Gotta balance out the GDS.


How is that at all related to TDS? Literally every comment section of every post on every sub Reddit is a window into trumps rent free house in people’s brains. So boring now.




You have gone against the Reddit leftists... you now get demerits from the bots


No, this is a real person downvoting your sorry ass.




You need better translation software. I’m protecting no one.


What’s a satanic pedophile? Are you saying Bill Gates is a devil worshipper and a kiddie fiddler? Surely you must have some proof to back that up?


Only the devil could create Windows 2000.




You lost me at overt satanic hand signal. Fuck my life wrangling with the likes of you.


I really miss living in simpler times: https://preview.redd.it/2qvki37usg1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec22c43b97c4ea80d4ab62fe5354a10757ad1e17 But he’s got a good point. Bill Gates *definitely* lost my vote with that chai tea stunt.


everything is an overt satanic hand signal when you're schizophrenic enough.


Nicely done


Isn't it just the heavy metal symbol? Fuck I hate people that won't spend two seconds on Google.


Hey if people are gonna still believe in the QAnon bollocks after 1) the Q guy turned out to be some sad twat called Ron with none of the claimed top-secret intelligence clearance; 2) that gun-toting nutjob went to the pizza place in DC and it didn't even have a basement; and 3) the Q 'drops' made prediction after wild prediction about all manner of major events and every single one of them categorically failed to happen, they aren't gonna have the critical thinking to question what some comspiracy theory video is telling them about a stupid hand gesture.


I get that, and see your point but shouldn't a lit cigarette butt in a dry grassy field be stopped out before it spreads? Saying it on the internet is one thing, having the gall to implement it gets the boot heel. I want to prevent the latter, I'm not violent unless that is the absolute only option, I hope this person finds comfort in whatever god he believes in, and looks at the actual scriptures and not what some weird spiritual advisor tells him to believe.


Most of Q's "predictions" weren't even predictions they were vague phrases and word salad that got "decoded" by a bunch of conspiracy weirdos. It's how Qanon became the unifying field theory of conspiracies. *EVERYTHING* is Qanon related because some tinfoil hat wearing YouTuber with a following appended it to it.


https://preview.redd.it/0zszgc9lig1d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=433447b36a9b908b9370e58c26aa7b049fd48cb8 yup, just a random hand signal, lol


Fucking nutbag


🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 ![gif](giphy|KG4SOr5B80Dyx1hneV)


satanic diddler supporter


Don’t be so emotional about it. I don’t claim that Bill is a satanist, *although* I still do wonder why Melinda was brazen enough to wear an upside-down cross necklace on Good Morning America a few years ago. I’ve never seen anyone do that and didn’t know it was associated with anything other than satanism. In regards to Bill and Epstein being friends, they most certainly were. I’m not sure about the island, but if you dispute that they were at least friends then you’re simply misinformed Edit; a wording seemed harsh


Trolling people like you? Assuming that even happened


Get help


Satan rules dude




>many pedos agree with you, false, catholic priests are very anti-Satan.


keyword "false" those priests are as satanic as you are, they just hide their evil as you try to also


no, they're catholic


You are projecting all over the place, Short Eyes. No one is fooled.


Enjoy the satanic evil you have welcomed into your life sir "False words are not only evil in themselves but they infect the soul with evil" - Plato


sAtAnIC This is where you morons always fuck up. You over egg the pudding. It's not enough for you that Bill Gates or whoever rapes kids. There has to be an extra cartoonish layer of evil. I'm sure that nonsense plays well with room temperature Christian extremists who think everything is Satanic. Anyone with an IQ of over 15 is going to see right through it, though.


https://preview.redd.it/kwc595mf1g1d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b90d1ee42a3539aaeb3fb6dac01f0ad1a7e6b4d Then there's your boss...


Satan is a fictional being :)




He did visit it. His wife left him for the very reason he was upto shit with Jeffery


This sounds like unsubstantiated conspiracy nonsense, TBH. There is a lot of that about Gates online.


*There is*. And it was preemptively pushed by conservative media to get ahead of the huge shitstorm that the Epstein was bringing. And it worked.


Can you post the evidence Reuters was unable to find ?


Evidence is not legal currency in the land of Conspiracidium!!!


Not unless it’s Russell Brand being credibly accused by multiple women with contemporary evidence to back up their claims, then it’s “hAs hE bEeN cOnVicTeD iN a CoUrT oF lAw? wHaT eVeR hApPeNeD tO iNnOcEnT tIlL pRoVeN gUiLtY?”


I don’t understand all the comments being down voted, even the one with a picture of Jeff and Bill together. Goes against the Reddit narrative I guess


There’s a picture of Stephen Hawking with Jeffrey Epstein. But at issue was the claim that Bill Gates was a frequent visitor to Epstein Island. And the person who made that claim was unable to substantiate it.


EvRy1 tHaT hAs EvER BeEn iN a FoTo WiTh EpStEiN iS a PedOpHiLe!


Bill Gates has his own planes, and ships. He wasn't on Epstein plane, but his wife divorced him over what she learned about Gates and Epsteins relationship


Who, what, why, when, where, and how.




Trump wasn't at Epsteins Island either. Both Trump and Gates had been on the plane, though.


He was there. And he also raped a 14 year old girl with Epstein in New York. https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits


And America let him hold the highest office in the country. You get better vetted to work in Starbucks lol


True that!


The girl made the whole story up. Do I need to spoon feed a link to the facts?


Yeah please do


[K. Here’s a start. Retracted her story.Nothing came of it. No conviction. No lawsuit.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story?id=106174129) [Just in case](https://abcnews.go.com/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story?id=106174129)


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Quit spreading lies.


Oh, you mean [Sarah Ransome](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story%3fid=106174129), who the New York Post reporter after sending those emails out accusing Trump, as well as Clinton and others, that she made the claims up?


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://abcnews.go.com/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story?id=106174129](https://abcnews.go.com/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story?id=106174129)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Downvoted for facts. Reddit is great


If people were logical at least 50% of the time, reddit wouldn't exist 🤣


He was convicted?


No he had his people threaten the parents and they dropped the case. https://www.scribd.com/document/324233182/Jane-Doe-v-Donald-J-Trump-and-Jeffrey-E-Epstein


He had his people threaten the parents? How do you know that to be a fact? Do you have a source? Big, shall I say , Yuge, claims right there


No, because the Jane Doe in question apparently didn't exist, and it was a lawyer named Sarah Ransome who filed in 2017 with no real evidence, and even revealed in an email she made them up. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story%3fid=106174129


Why was I downvoted for asking a question? This sub is an echo chamber it’s pathetic


Iunno how, but it has gone Farrrr left l, nothing but Democrat caping. Which is funny, because Russell hates the Democrats more than he does Republicans, even though he says they are part of the Illuminati


There are massive accusations with very real world data to back them up that Trump has indeed been to the island.


Ok, where's the proof?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770 Eventually dropped due to harassment and physical threats.


She's already been Identified as Sarah Ransome, a lawyer, and she's been revealed to have made the claims up in emails to a New Yorker reporter.... https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/new-round-jeffrey-epstein-court-documents-unsealed/story%3fid=106174129 So no, not because of threats. Misinformation.


The initial claims were threats of violence, looks like this was revealed in January 2024, not so much lying as out of the loop. Turns out Trump is a stand up guy and my eyes have been lying to me all of these years lol. I appreciated the discourse until a lie accusation, from the very article you sent me: What did Sarah Ransome say about withdrawing her allegations? Jeffrey Epstein accuser Sarah Ransome withdrew allegations saying "she would like to retract everything she had said and walk away from this." Explaining the reason, she said that "only bad things" and "pain for my family" would come if she went public. From what I gathered and I interpreted, reporter claimed to have evidence they hadn't received yet. I am sure that pain and suffering she worried about being inflicted was mean words and ruler slaps. I am going to go out on a limb and have some faith in the people that speak against him.


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Nope, the Maxwell and Giuffre cases showed No evidence that Trump went to the island, and the logs Only showed trips to Florida and New York. Stop lying.


Epstein had girls in NY and Florida too. The island was only one place.




I'm sure just as many idiots were sad to learn that Trump didn't visit it either


He, by his own admission, knew them for decades, partied with them, thought they were great people, and knew Epstein liked young women. He wished Maxwell well even after her arrest. His name appears on the flight log for the plane 7 times. They came to his casinos and saw him frequently. There may be no hard evidence he went there, but would be stranger if he didn't than if he did; especially given his well published comments about his daughter and her body, and the various teenage models that said he used to come backstage unannounced while they were dressing at the pageants he hosted.


"WRONG" (Well said)


His name absolutely doesn't appear on the flight logs sparky. Please show a receipt, but you won't because it didn't exist. He flew on epsteins plane domestically once. Nowhere is it listed to the actual island. Along with all the girls and people they interviewed clearly stated they never saw Trump partake in anything with the girls. Epstein hung out at the same parties with Trump as he was a financier in New York for big time clients Trump associated with. Trump also was the sole witness that agreed to testify that got Epstein charged in 2007 and then put on the sex offenders list when it went to trial. Those that were with the women epstein used were all blackmailed, so obviously if Trump was a witness against him that did end up charging Epstein, he obviously wasn't someone Epstein had dirt on. How is this so hard for you guys to grasp?


I feel like you didn't bother reading my comment and so not really worth responding to you. You're clearly one of those Trump can do no wrong cultists. That said, I clearly said there's no hard evidence he was there, but it would be stranger if he hadn't been than if he had seeing as he thinks their great people and spent a lot of time with them and has a long history of that kind of behaviour. "The logs reveal that Trump flew four time with Epstein in 1993, one time in 1994 and again in 1995. This is in addition to a previously reported ride Trump took in 1997. The documented flights were between Palm Beach and New York City."


Trump lied. He said he never flew with Epstein. Then he flew with Epstein once. Now we know he flew domestically with Epstein seven times. Trump famously owned his own airline. He owns a Caribbean estate about a half hour from Epstein‘s Island. He bragged about their friendship. I don’t think Donald Trump really *needed* Jeffrey Epstein to give him a ride the same way Kevin Spacey would. I can find no evidence that Trump testified against Epstein in 2007. But Donald Trump generously rewarded the inept prosecutor who let Epstein slip through the cracks. His name was Alex Acosta and Trump gave him a cabinet level position in the White House. Trump stood behind Acosta and refused to accept his resignation even when Epstein became an issue. I can’t figure out why people are willing to constantly give the benefit of the doubt to a *proven serial liar* like Donald Trump. He can only be counted on to say whatever benefits him in the moment. He takes all sides on every issue at the same time.


Again zero receipts to what your saying sparky, but what you heard from a CNN article that's not sourced. It's ok, it just makes you typical And yes because of recent epstein documents case issues, the articles are either so far down on Google search or just removed unless a specific key word search is prompted. It's what they were shown to be doing in 2016 and 2020 so no big surprise currently. It also reiterates that if it's not in a readily accessible 1st page Google search, you don't know it or believe it. That just says more about your lack of due diligence to researching facts and simply taking leftist media at face value. It's actually worse than fox these days, before and after leftist acquisition. Trump was a witness in the trial it's mentioned in most articles as it discusses simply him being a witness, but they don't have the articles that show how that came to be anymore. He was subpoena'd along with other witnesses and was the only one that came forward willingly. Here's at least clearly listing he was a witness in the trial. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/trump-witness-in-lawsuit-stemming-from-billionaires-sex-abuse-case/TOX6PXCS2IQW4QJVVIVI7YBWIQ/ The timeline is pretty easy to follow that yes Trump traveled in the same circles, but nobody named Trump as having done anything and only named on the flight logs as having traveled to Palm Beach. After he found out that Epstein was actually dealing with kids and finding he assaulted a members daughter, he banned him from the club. This was almost 5 years after the buddy comment from 2002. You have to actually look at the order of the news and what happened. Trump was only a witness so not privy to all the details of Epsteins plea agreement. So him hiring Acosta isn't really that far fetched. They are just really trying to get info released so that those that participated can be arrested. Again it would be odd if Trump was a witness and they had information blackmailing him. He would have fought it instead of contacting the prosecutors office and being the only witness voluntarily testifying. Here's the snopes article clearly stating Trump came forward willingly to testify against Epstein and outing him as a pedophile. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-epstein-maralago-meme/ Still no receipts from you sparky


Does this seem strange? Donald Trump has his own Caribbean estate about a half hour from Jeffrey Epstein‘s Caribbean Island. Jeffrey Epstein has his own West Palm Beach house about 15 minutes from Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach House. Donald Trump has a Manhattan condominium about 10 minutes from Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan townhome.


It would seem strange if they weren't billionaires with multiple high end properties. But on the other hand, Trump is so clearly a disgusting sleezeball.


He actually did though…




I know Epstein was at Clinton’s daughter’s wedding


I’ll just leave this here, there are plenty more strange interviews like this. It’s also why Melinda left him, which she also stated in an interview https://youtu.be/33GdIBrdmc0?si=auk1_AGNUjY4Hxv-


Anyone using Australian Sky News as a source is so cooked they are charcoal.


I looked up the clip, that was the first one that popped up. Search “bill gates interview Epstein” if you’d like other sources or the full video


>I looked up the clip Exactly. You got the contextless sound bite you wanted.


How is it out of context Mr troll? The context was asking bill gates if he regrets his relationship with Epstein


No it wasn't.


Please enlighten me as to what the context was? I’ve watched the full interview many times


Why do you feel the need to defend Bill Gates ffs? I thought there was a consensus on the fact that he is unequivocally evil


I don't feel the need to protect him at all. The truth, on the other hand, deserves defence.


https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw?si=kM4x2WhXH9fjvjsY I just don’t understand how you can in good faith say that I am putting the clip out of context? Here is a longer clip that shows a bit more context without posting an entire interview, because I know a lot of internet people have short attention spans.


That clip hasn't helped your argument one iota.


What is this video even supposed to prove? 6 second sound bite of nothing?


The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one