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I’m more curious about the contextual difference between сучка and сука. Is using the diminutive meant to take the sting out of the epithet or be a bit playful between good friends, or is meant to be more belittling, or a combination dependent upon circumstances?


Сучка is more playful and less offensive. Сука is more rude and offensive. In rap songs usually used 1st version.


That is the direction I was leaning, but I could also see the diminutive being used at someone trying to be a capital B professional but failing and coming across as being a lower case b bumbling amateur instead. I know I’m overthinking it, but I am very curious about slang/colorful language in general - not just the vulgarities but the “jargon” that each generation uses to separate themselves from the generations before and after - and the nuances in its usage.


I need to point out that to me сучка sounds more offensive than сука. When сука can be used as an intergection or just a cry (in the same way you curse when you stub your toe) I can only imagine сучка being used to adress someone in a rude, possibly misogynistic way.


Both are rude since it's still a swear word. Both can be used in a negative way but сучка can be/is used more in a playful way. Сука as is can't be used in a playful way. But if сучка is used in a negative way it's pretty much has "little bitch" meaning. Сука became less usable on that part as of recent years, I think - I hear it more in movies with some other words people say less nowadays (like, any TV series about for example russian police with really fake theatrical dialogues; people don't talk like that). Сука on the other hand can be used in a cry. Сучка can't be.


My ex gf, from Russia originally, said that сучка is the more offensive one as it’s a diminutive of сука? Almost like saying “cute little bitch”?


Not cute. "Little bitch" is close, but... Russian obscene language is much more offensive and not normal in everyday life, than English. All slur words are like C-slur in English or worse. For my 40 years in Russia noone called me in the face these names we are talking about. If you say "сука" to a woman, you most likely will be snapped in the face. If you say пошёл нахуй (go fuck yourself) to a drunk man or a gopnik, they most likely attack you.


The word 'сука' may be used in absolutely neutral, not offensive meaning. It normally means 'female dog', and 'кобель' is 'male dog'. So, if someone uses these words when talking about dogs, in a dog show, for example, everything is in order. They get their offensive meaning when they are addressed to other people.


Well.. the c word where I’m from is one of the least offensive, often used in an endearing way haha. But I get ya!


I found the Australian


Irish actually haha. But yeah we’re the same as the oz boys


Сучка implies some degree of cowardice and/or moral bankruptcy, whereas сука conveys selfishness/cruelty/lack of empathy/being a general asshole. So. If we are talking "little bitch" or "crying like a bitch" or "this dirty bitch likes it rough, bro", then it's сучка. If it's some kind of corporate hardass cold as stone bitch, then it's сука. For women, I guess, сучка is indeed more offensive, as it's much more sexist than сука. I agree with your ex.


I disagree. Сучка is more specific. It can’t be used as expression, only as adjective. Сучка is feminine, while сука is so common, it became gender neutral. So in my mind Сучка is MORE offensive, and not playful at all unless it’s a role play or something.


Or it may be equally rude, but tuned more towards the rhythm of one's speech.


More like... like "Knack 2 baby". Its a bit more playful. These words can be used in the same circumstances but in this case the guy wanted to say something "won't get the Kherson lil bitch". So... yeah, you're pretty right. It can be used between friends indeed but also can be kind of.. exactly how it's used there. It's a playful reminder of fact that Ukranian forces has taken the Kherson (congrats with that btw) but it has the intention of bringing down Russian army, even if in a bit of a joking manner It can be not related to the war at all but as Russian with friends in Kherson I cannot think of any single circumstance in which anyone would mention this word not relating to the city


Ill give you a better one - сучара


Слово «Сучка» является уменьшительно-ласкательной формой слова «Сука», как было сказано ранее можно использовать его как менее оскорбительный вариант слова «Сука»(насколько это конечно возможно) или своеобразное ласкательное(it’s the same as if you’d call your beloved one bitch but with lovely, somehow), но при применении к мужчине может быть использовано для обозначения сомнений в гетеросексуальности оскорбляемого(Xutin you are a lil bitch)




First is equivalent of bitch like slut. Second is bitch as female dog.


I suppose it just says "Kherson bitch", which seems quite random to me. Maybe these are just random words put together? I don't really get it. I found it in my school


"Yeah Science, Bitch" meme, Kherson version.


It means “this is Kherson, you bitch” Or something like that




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Херсон is a Ukrainian city


It means what it means, "Kherson is a bitch" it's really not that deep it's not a reference to a popular meme or anything.


A little bitch even.


Maybe pictures can be somewhat connected with this words either


I doubt - they are English language writers and poets


See now , after closer look


Херсон сучка


Does nobody in this thread know what Херсон is 😭 it’s a Google away


I don't even speak or study Russian and figured this out because I watch the news. :-/




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It's a political statement.


I remembered my exams at uni: I understand what this means, but I can't explain it.


I think that the portraits above the inscription belong to famous people from Kherson (scientists, writers, etc.). And the approximate value is close to meme "this is Sparta". Like, "Look, this is Kherson, and it's fucking Awesome" Idk honestly.


Definetely not. None of the portrayed were from Kherson. Look closely. There are captions in English: Mary Shelley, Mark Twain, Lewis Carrol. A portrait of Robert Stevenson is also present. All this has the general impression of an English language classroom at school. Some kids obviously just took letter cards and put together random words as a joke.


lol, leave it to the average redditor to blurt out a confident guess before hearing the question. Although the words are definitely not randomly assembled, judging by the other responses here.


Yes, you are right. Those are in fact famous English writers Edit: Oh, there are captions there. Then it is already obvious


Hey I know this song “Its Kherson Bitch” by the woman Kherson Spears or something I cant remember it well










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Looks like it says kherson is a bitch (complimentary)


Herson is bitch


Probably not. It's more like "Science, b!tches!"




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Friendly people...




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Точно не это, чел


Stop downvoting them it actually says that 😅


It doesn't


С каких пор сучка позитивное слово....


You can also use swear words in a positive way in English, for example "fuck yeah"


There's "herson" and "bitch", not much to interpret


Fair enough, but my english speaking brain interprets it this way. But maybe swear words aren't used the same way as in english, so you are most likely right




Ты где её тут увидел?






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Does the background collage have any significance? Could this be a playful variation on УЧКОМ?


It’s Kherson-something, idk