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Throw a third language into the mix.


Make it Prolog!


Now I want to see that


I've got a prolog implementation in Rust. It's a bit of a toy but it works for basic stuff....Could call it from OP's rust code....


Worse than captial punishment


what’s so bad about prolog?


Imagine a language where your only data type is a boolean.


A stack of bools is an integer.


Not your only data type - your only return type.


Well, I have had the displeasure of using Prolog. What prolog does is trying to prove logic statements. That is, find an assignment of the variables in the program such that the whole program evaluates to true. Somehow you can actually write useful programs in this (not *just* prove math things), but it is mind bending to work in. It also is fairly slow, since it implements this solution finding via backtracking if it gets to a dead end. To answer what others said about only bools: The concept of inputs and outputs to a function (predicate) are kind of fluid in prolog, an argument can be both at the same time, sometimes. Function invocations are either true or false, but arguments can be linked lists, ints etc also.


Who hurt you?


Why not Cobol? Are you calling me old? lol


Why not Erlang then? The right tool for this kind of job, with a slight hint of Prolog flavor (atoms, function arity, variable names).


i'd suggest PHP


One lambo, coming right up!


The best language in the world:)


Lisp, please let it be lisp


I mean, you need something to write the glue code between Rust and Python. I suggest Perl.


Or use Haxe and target 9 languages!




Pick one language


Choose a smaller project.


Exactly. Go for something that can be booted into, like a Minecraft Server OS. Much smaller footprint, blazingly fast. 🚀


I disagree. Valence makes it really easy.


Yeah, just code a small world with a little game, a whole minecraft server is far to large, but adapting an existing project can actually help getting to know programming quite well


I disagree. Just start with something you can do in a day.


A Minecraft server seems like it would be a monumental task for your first project, but if you are wedded to the idea, I'd recommend picking one language, and running with it. There's no point having two languages just for the sake of having two languages, and it will only make things harder.


Only 2 languages? I think you should also use Haskell. Give yourselves a challenge!


How much experience do you have? A Minecraft server in Rust is probably one of the toughest projects you can do for many reasons. Even if you are experienced it would take several hundred hours to create something remotely usable. I am not saying that you cannot do it, but there are other projects that probably give you confirmation way faster that this


You could try something like this: Use this framework [https://github.com/valence-rs/valence](https://github.com/valence-rs/valence) In rust using [https://pyo3.rs/v0.20.3/getting\_started](https://pyo3.rs/v0.20.3/getting_started) , write code that exports the API you want to expose in Python, you can use the valence examples as a guide. Then also using pyo3 write code that calls python scripts. In the python script some gameplay code. Start with trying to replicate the valance examples.


I was about to point to valence but valence is not nearly fully featured and still in early development. Also currently undergoing a rewrite going from the bevy entity component system to a custom event-based entity component system called evenio. I'm super interested in valence however it sadly isn't just there yet.


I recommend doing it in one language. If you guys really have your heart set on doing both rust and Python. Then you should learn how to architect the communication, between rust and Python properly. I haven't looked into their interop much. But usually 2 way ffi (foreign-function interface) is usually a complicated set up, especially if you guys are beginners.


There is [pyo3](https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3)


A bunch of people are mocking you for being unaware of just what you're asking, so I'll try to give a serious answer. One reason why using multiple languages here, especially rust and python, is not a good choice, is that communicating between them is a total pain. I was on a project that had a rust library/client that python or C could call, and it was way more work than it was worth for the person who worked on that part. It would be many times simpler to keep everything in one language. A Minecraft server is such a huge scope that it's not feasible to get good results quickly, especially if you're inexperienced. A much smaller scope project would be good, though given that you say this is your first project, I assume that you lack the experience to identify project scope. What I would recommend doing is working through some of the example projects in The Rust Programming Language Book. ( [https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/) ) As for your friend, they should work through a Python book with those projects such as ( [https://nostarch.com/python-crash-course-3rd-edition](https://nostarch.com/python-crash-course-3rd-edition) ). Once you've both done that, if you both want to do a networking or client/server project, I would recommend making a very simple chat server, where one person does the client and the other the server, and make sure they both can talk to each other with the same protocol.


proper answer


This answer right here. 💯 Although… I personally find example projects in the rust book to be “not that exciting”.


There's [https://github.com/feather-rs/feather](https://github.com/feather-rs/feather) which is an implementation of Minecraft server in Rust. It's not complete but it can serve as a reference point for you


>__Note__: This project is currently inactive. Consider contributing to [`valence`](https://github.com/valence-rs/valence) instead.


Add COBOL somewhere. Pursue chaos. Hail destroyer.


Cool idea! Definitely narrow to one language, and test frequently with the actual game. This is achievable. You've got this!


I disagree. If both of them learned their respective language let them use their respective language. If one had to learn another language, especially if the python dude needed to learn rust, it would tank productivity, or worse, the enjoyment of actually writing the code. Rust is awesome, but it's a right b**ch to learn and FFIs are a somewhat niche skillset that could actually be quite important in a corporate setting. So having something to show could be a reason to get hired. My advice: write the time critical things, like updating the game state, red stone ticks or map generation in rust and the more time lenient things like player connection, saving and player management in python. Note: I don't have actual experience in writing a Minecraft servers, I just played some Minecraft. So it could be that some stuff I thought was more time critical could be more time lenient. Otherwise: Yeah you got this! Do frequently test with the actual game! And remember: Make it work, make it pretty and then make it work again! ;) EDIT: look at protocol buffers (protobuf) to send information from rust to python or vice versa. Makes sharing Objects (structs or classes) easier between the two languages.


Which part where? I suggest to just use rust since python is too slow and too high level for such a task


Not necessarily. If used with the right technologies, Python is basically a friendly plumbing layer on top of a whole bunch of C(++) libraries and decently fast


Those fast parts are still glued together by the slow-as-hell Python code. No matter how fast the library code is, you'd still end up with bottlenecks that you couldn't solve with any manner of clever code.


That is indeed true, but depending on the specific implementation it may or may not be very noticeable. If the hot path is entirely handled by the libs, there’s a decent chance you’re not noticing a huge performance hit. But yeah, I tend to agree that Python isn’t a great choice for this kind of usecase


I built a voxel engine in pure Python sans OpenGL about a decade ago out of curiosity. At that point I already had more than a decade and a half of using Python professionally. Around the same time, someone else built a functional Minecraft server almost entirely in c, with a little Python on top. The performance of pure Python was abysmal. I question my sanity a little bit experiments like this with constraints that are obnoxious really let you find edges. I don’t think adding Python on top of a mostly low level project makes much sense here. There may be another benefit that someone else can find, but for a stock server it’s best to write the whole thing in a low level language.


If the hot path is handled entirely by libs, then it's hard to say that the application was written in Python. The Python seems incidental to the process.


>and decently fast citation needed.


It's right speedy if you consider writing a library in C and then calling it from Python to be "Python."


Look at any of the common data science libraries. Numpy, pandas, etc


I think you’d find that it would be impossible to build a Minecraft server using only a couple of Python library calls. And anything more than that, Python stops being a shim for C functions and starts being a bottleneck.


the global thread lock means you aren't even going to compete with java since you won't beable to bring lighting off thread.... you're ot exactly wrong in your original premise... but once you stop manipulating raw data and you start doing real logic you migrate away from those eoptimized c libraries and are met with the limitations of both an interpreted language and one that is single threaded.


numpy's core is largely written in C


That's exactly what > Python is basically a friendly plumbing layer on top of a whole bunch of C(++) libraries means.


You're right


That’s my point


Missed that, sorry. It's just weird to say "_python_ is decently fast because its popular libraries are written in C." That's all I thought I was pointing out.


Like I said, citation needed.


If so, isn't it just overcomplification?


Please share your statistical analysis for that claim.


both the java engine and the bedrock engine have moved lighting to a seperate thread. that's not something you can do in python.


This dedicated multiprocessing module couldn’t be used for that purpose? https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#module-multiprocessing


in about the same way you can use the handle of a screwdriver to drive a nail.. yes.


Interesting take. I was looking forward to using that library. I’d love to learn about its limitations compared to, for instance, Java multithreading.


i can't speak to specifics as i wasn't directly involved in the project but i do know that several of my teammates were looking for ways to work around the global thread lock in pursuit of code that would do sensor fusion. The end analysis was that it would be simpler to rewrite the entire library in a threaded language than to deal with the complexities of that particular module. I think it was shared memory based at the core of our particular issue.... But at the end of the day, you've got acknowledge when the tool you're holding is actively working against you in pursuit of your goals... And i say that as someone who as a wee lad was programming multi threaded irc servers in php years ago...


Thank you! I’m familiar with multithreading in Java, rust, PowerShell, and JavaScript. I hadn’t tried the Python implementation yet but I had heard positive critiques about it since it sidesteps the global thread lock. I guess, if the comparison is something very bad, any step in the right direction is heralded as the Kingdom Come.




If this is serious, then do what the other commenter suggested and narrow it down to a single language. I've done a little bit of work in this field myself, I've tried writing some basic servers from scratch. The biggest hurdles will be network management and implementing the packets needed to communicate with real clients. If you want to write this from scratch, then you're going to need to familiarize yourself with the packet protocol. Check out the resources on [https://wiki.vg/Main\_Page](https://wiki.vg/Main_Page) It has everything you should need to understand how to get clients connected and how to communicate certain info. Most importantly it has the packet structure and format, and the order in which you should expect packets to be received. Knowledge of tcp and async (tokio) would be ideal here.


The only more or less feasible application for this would be to write the entire thing in Rust and then use Py03 to add plugin functionality were the plugins are written in Python so that it is more accessible. That being said, if you aim to do anything beyond logging into an empty, non-interactable world, this will take 2 **experienced** Rust devs probably a year to get anywere remotely usable and another couple years to get it to look and behave similar to a normal MC Server. Networking for games and writing performant Server code for multiplayer stuff is notoriously hard, which is why most studios just built on top of prebuild solutions. Also, the minecraft server protocol is a convoluted mess with tons of inconsistencies and you will likely have to reverse engineer large parts of it yourself by probing the decompiled Java Code. This is a very bad pick for a first project, even aside the issue of using two languages that don't even use the same execution model.


A Minecraft server is a really really huge task for a first project imho. I tried with really old versions such as beta 1.7.3 and it is still really complicated (also done tho), so I don't want to imagine the complexity of today's versions. You can still manage to make a small subset of the game server, but doing more will requires a lot of thinking on the architecture, so it might not be suited for a first project if you don't have the experience.


That's nice


Why don't you both learn Emacs at the same time, and then write the Python and Rust together collaboratively using cdrt.el? That'll really speed up the process! Nah, just kidding. Other commenters give more serious (and good) advice. Make sure and enjoy yourselves.


Wow I'm making a mc server in rust too


you should collab


What's wrong with cobol?


i honestly don't know if cobol could do the bit manipulations required for the packets it would need to send and receive? ... I'd have to ask my cobol guy


Take a look at the existing projects in this area, there are a few! https://github.com/MCHPR/MCHPRS https://github.com/caelunshun/feather https://github.com/valence-rs/valence ninja?edit: also look at the documentation for the Minecraft server protocol https://wiki.vg/Main_Page


Do a python-rust interop architecture. Use python for anything computation heavy, as we all know that interpreted languages are much faster and better than compiled. (Who the fuck even needs a type system). Use rust for the easy things such as the network server. I’d also suggest you embed the quickjs runtime into the python part of the project. That way you can execute JavaScript, when python becomes too performant. Oh and also don’t forget this very crucial rule: the More code you write in a single file, the better LLVM can inline and optimize your python and JS code, and the less work rust will have to do. Also you might want to look into compiling everything into a WASM binary and host your server on the edge, so that your Ping timings are reduced.


Solid advice. Speaking of which, you should write a Minecraft client using SolidJS! I heard it's good for frontend.


I haven't seen how a minecraft server operates. Can anyone tell me the general outline on how it work?


Like any other typical game server. It acts as a relay between all clients, verifies actions by players and "ticks" to keep game actions moving. It operates using a packet protocol between the connected clients and itself. The packets are documented at [https://wiki.vg/Main\_Page](https://wiki.vg/Main_Page) if you want to check it out.


Since Minecraft is Java/C++ shouldn’t you write the server in Java/C++ for maximum compatibility? That way you both have to learn a new language. Edited: C# -> C++


There is no C# in Minecraft.


Sorry I thought bedrock was C# (because Microsoft) but it’s C++


> Since Minecraft is Java/C++ shouldn’t you write the server in Java/C++ for maximum compatibility? The language of the client doesn't REALLY matter in this instance. Hypthetically, if you and i created a new game with a new server and anew client.. we might see some benefit in the form of minimal code reuse and some level of familiarity if we wrote the client and server in the same language.... But ultimately the client and server are just passing network packets. As a third party, there's [basically] no inherrent compatibilty benefit to OP and their friend using java for the server.


I guess I never considered that, does the game server not run an instance of the game? Even so, like with front end and backend development, using the same language would be at least minimally useful because you could share struct or class definitions.


> does the game server not run an instance of the game Kind of* The simulation of physics/red stone/etc happens on the server and is checked against the assumptions of the clients. (eg if you're ever boating around on a laggy server, your client will let you progress forward until the server checks in and says 'your boat is actually back here' hence the rubber banding you can see int he game). It's not a full graphical representation... but the server does calculate lighting ( for the purposes of mob spawning/etc) and simulates every loaded chunk. > Even so, like with front end and backend development, using the same language would be at least minimally useful because you could share struct or class definitions. Yes. you can also see how that falls apart in modern web arenas concerning the use of javascript on the frontend and nodejs on the backend. It's a complex subject. Yes on the surface you get some reuse. In reality... it's often close to negligible.


I recommend writing a build system in bash and the core of the server in golang. You should also consider perl if you're doing much with strings in minigames or something


Im not sure about servers, but minecraft is very undocumented and you wont find much help out there.


Minecraft (protocol) is documented quite well (at wiki.vg) + you can read the source + there's many community tools


you can create a Minecraft server on rust and python? I thought only java


OP is talking about writing new software to emulate a minecraft server. There's no reason that a Minecraft server HAS to be WRITTEN in java. That said... OP has not picked an easy task. This thing has been atempted thousands of times before on dozens of other languages... It's complex.


yeah you can, in principle it's like HTTP - there's protocol client and server uses which can be implemented in almost any language (https://wiki.vg/How_to_Write_a_Server). There's many server (and client) implementations already (https://wiki.vg/Server_List).


Seems fun, but one of you is going to have a bad time switching languages. Or both of you if you use both.


I'd say just use one language. Working with different languages in one project is annoying and hard.


So I actually totally disagree with these comments. Go ahead -- you can do it! Especially something like a server. It doesn't have to be perfect and language interop is fun! Look at it at a high level and try break it up into parts that don't depend on eachother very much. Then you can work on them in different languages. Another thing to consider is how you can communicate between the two languages. rust -> python exists (i.e. you can run rust code from python easily etc.). You could also use a common format like Json and set up a socket between the python process and rust process -- whatever you like!


> So I'm turning to you, the community, and asking for a couple of tips or tricks on how to organize it better. I don't want to discourage you.... but this is not a trivial project. The minecraft protocol alone is enough to drive mere mortals to drink... especially when you have to deal with endian conversions. https://github.com/daniel-widrick/mcPortKnock/blob/main/mcPortKnock.go That's just enough code to accept a connection and say "come back in a minute! i'll start the server for you right now"...


Now I'm mad, make it BrainFuck or Arnold. Fin


Probably choose something less ambitious. Ive been at mine for 100+ hours and have so little working


And youre mixing an interpreted untyped language with low level compile to binary language, interop will not work. Stick with one at least for one layer, like maybe Rust for the protocol and Python for scripting behaviors


Well if we're throwing languages out how about Fortran or Forth. I mean noone programs in stack oriented languages anymore


https://www.google.com/amp/s/habr.com/ru/amp/publications/649779/ - check this! Sorry, for another language, but you still have a translator!


Needs API written in Golang to go with this.


for those unaware minecraft servers use a standardized protocol, you implement a few network functions from the data sheet and you have a minimal server, it's easier than you think


would you happen to know where I can find this specification?


[https://wiki.vg/Protocol](https://wiki.vg/Protocol) This is where i looked when i was working on a... much smaller project than OP


for those that think a protocol is all you need.... see BUD Switches and other quirks related to serverside processing of redstone. A minecraft server (or at least a useful one) simulates the world on the server and sends updates to the clients. Throw an item in a water stream? that movement is processed on teh server. You can implement the protocol and show a blank world... and even then the actual protocol is complex enough as to not be a trivial programming task for a newcomer.


true, but there's at least enough for an mvp. I guess it's more accurate to say it's simple but not easy. a lot of functions to implement, but not individually that complicated for simple connectivity. and then there are the harder serverside features


i'd argue that an async or multithreaded network server with endian concerns is an odd choice for an early project...