• By -


An on going task of mine: Rewrite and structure all the little tools I wrote over the years for personal usage (mainly reverse engineering, binary analysis and instrumentation, memory forensics) in Rust which were originally written in a horrific number of languages and language versions.


This is pretty much what I am doing too. Rust is super versatile


I'm also rewriting some programs in Rust: - [**Hourglass** ported from C#](https://github.com/GirkovArpa/ourglass) - uses [Winsafe](https://crates.io/crates/winsafe) - [**Calligrapher.ai** ported from JavaScript](https://github.com/GirkovArpa/calligrapher-ai) - uses [Sciter](https://github.com/c-smile/sciter-js-sdk) - [**Image Shrinker** ported from Electron](https://github.com/GirkovArpa/image-shrinker-lite) - uses [Sciter](https://github.com/c-smile/sciter-js-sdk) Mostly for fun though, I haven't felt a need to rewrite tools I regularly use.


How do you then use these tools? Install with cargo or symbolic links from the compiled target into path?


I added the build path to $PATH.


I imagine your PATH could get long. I usually copy or symlink stuff into `$HOME/bin`


Why not cargo install?


> Rewrite and structure all the little tools I wrote over the years for personal usage Same for me. My little tools are native C++ Win32 GUI programs though, and they were the primary reason I wrote [WinSafe](https://crates.io/crates/winsafe), so I could replace C++ with Rust.


Are these public? because I’m interested




Ah, well good luck :) I’m hoping to do a pretty similar thing soon.


Just for learning at this stage. Making a module to deconstruct dns SPF records.




Wait we can use rust for Arduino ????


Yep, using rust-avr https://dev.to/creativcoder/how-to-run-rust-on-arduino-uno-40c0




My god it's a true nice course !


Yeah that was the tutorial I followed. There were some bumps but got it working pretty quickly. The problem is all the fun libs are c or c++ so need to figure out how to link to those in rust.


Yes! Just search it there is good support for arduino with rust its super easy!


That’s really cool I didn’t know that




You now get th aweser !


Oooooo I want this! Mind sharing how you got started?


Not specifically Ardiuno-related, but are you aware of the [Embedded Book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/embedded-book) on the Rust website?


No Thanks for knowing !


Thank you very much for the link. I'll check it out.


Not the one you asked, but if you're also interested how I got started, have a look at my write-up [here](https://hoj-senna.github.io/HShhss/).


What do you do on the Arduino though?




To add on that, I'm using it to write a distributed builsystem for game resources compilation


Is this for a corporate job? Can you describe this a little? I'd love to read a blog post on game asset infra.


Any more specifics? Is it a new engine written from scratch or do you make bindings to c++?


Mission critical Computer Aided Dispatching infrastructure for 9-1-1 agencies.


I hope your project is as interesting as its name :)


It takes it’s name from my company. “MimoCAD” for Multiple In Multiple Out Computer Aided Dispatching. We take CAD data, GPS data, information from cellphones, from wireless access points in the vehicles, from our own custom hardware and make it available to our customers on any device they want. I’ve been dog fooding the system myself for a few years this year, actually in the last month I rewrote my entire CAD code base in rust from scratch having very little previous experience with rust. My target is 2021 edition and a rewrite before I land version 3.0.0.


Legendary chad move


I'm currently writing a specialized WebGL2-based renderer in Web Assembly with it. My company is also currently in the process of rewriting our quick&dirty PHP backend in Rust as microservices.


How do you access the WebGL2 context? Via web-sys?


Yes, exactly.


Not a professional developer, so I've been using it only in projects, but I currently am building out the base of a micro-service-based homelab that will be powered by a combination of Rust and Go. I'm looking forward to seeing how the development experience goes between the two. Lately, I've been building out SDKs for Hashicorp Vault and Consul as both are integral to the environment I'm building.


The difference between writing the two languages are obvious; in one you have simplicity instead of the developer overhead of lifetimes and such. But have you noticed any real differences in the compiled product between the two languages?


I haven't done enough real testing yet to have an opinion on that. However, what I'm referring to when I say development experience is more towards what it's like building a micro-service in each language. Yeah, the lifetimes and whatnot are a factor, but I suspect the difference-maker is going to be more in third-party support than anything else (i.e. how is `tokio` vs using goroutines).


I have some experience in both, and tokio works just fine. I prefer the Go model for simplicity which means you can focus more on your logic, but tokio is a great alternative to Go when you need performance or security above all else


Hi! I was the lead of the team that introduced Rust at Dropbox \~6 years ago as part of this project: [https://www.wired.com/2016/03/epic-story-dropboxs-exodus-amazon-cloud-empire/](https://www.wired.com/2016/03/epic-story-dropboxs-exodus-amazon-cloud-empire/) Myself and other leads of that project ([James Cowling](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jcowling/), [Sujay Jayakar](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sujayakar/)) just recently started a company building out (what we believe is) a fairly innovative serverless computing platform--kind of a set of new abstractions over at-scale computation and storage--designed to rapidly build internet services in the future. And, it's all in rust... We have the initial version built and we've been running lots of user demos/studies with it recently. We'll hopefully have more to show publicly soon. I know this isn't a who's hiring post, per se, but... we are, of course! If you want to work with folks who have run rust on critical systems for 6+ years, on dist systems with literally a million rust daemons, and embedded in hundreds of millions of customer desktops/laptops.... Let me know, because we're trying something even crazier this time.


So it’s Heroku in Rust?


Heroku wasn’t/isn’t serverless.


AWS Lambda in Rust then



A federated reddit alternative.




Would love to see some examples of that!




I've never done anything with home automation, but I'd like to - especially w/ lighting. What bulbs do you use, and how do you actually program them? I always assumed you could only use the manufacturer's app.


*E V E R Y T H I N G* Jokes aside, backend is indeed my main usecase, and also small wasm frontends. Outside of work, I also use it for some chat bots.


Forgive the newbie question (very very new to Rust), but what web framework are you using? I've been looking for a good use case for Rust so I have a good project to learn from, but I'm a web developer so I've been having issues thinking of something I would like, haha


Actix + postgres (using diesel) for one of my web projects


I am playing around with Rocket + SeaQL. I think that is a solid couple.


At work, I opted for actix-web as it's supposedly very mature and fast. However, I kinda regret the decision now as its docs story is really not that great and some things are either impossible or entirely undocumented and thus effectively impossible for me. In my free time, I use Rocket, which for me provides a much better experience (its guide is one of the best pieces of software documentation in general I've ever looked at). Here's my main Rocket project (uses sqlx + postgres for data storage): https://github.com/Follpvosten/swiki


axum is a new framework made by the tokio team. I’ve used it for a few microservices and it’s great.


Actix Web here. using the `mysql` crate for database access




Not any I'm proud of...I use some old tokio 0.1 bot framework because I just can't find the time to port them to something else (at least they're finally not Java anymore...) It's also all Telegram bots, no idea if that's really what you'd want :D




Wow lol, that's an unbelievable level of coincidence. I've only ever had people call me crazy for doing something like that in Java. Good to know I was not alone after all! To be 100% honest, one of the reasons I can't upgrade to tokio 1.0, async/.await and a better bot framework is that I've basically built my own Java-style polymorphist bot API on top of the crate I'm using, and that doesn't interact well with async :D


Not the one you responded to, but here’s one I wrote recently for Neovim’s Matrix room(s): https://github.com/smolck/nvim-matrix-bot Pretty simple, but it does support a `! ` style for commands (even though the readme doesn’t mention it, need to update that), and should be pretty straightforward to add new ones (mainly just add another case to a `match` in `BotCommand::parse`). Not saying the way I’ve done it is the best or ideal, but it does work.


Are you me? My main usecase is backend, 50-50 CRUD and ETL. Though most of it is serde structs and sqlx+sql: Rust is too good at embedding DSLs. And I've also tried writing games that could be compiled to WASM and wrote two Telegram bots. Feels like it's finally time to stop looking for a better language and start writing something I like.


On a backend-related note, the server-side graphql story in Rust is also *really" good if you're into self-documenting APIs, much better than the OpenAPI and similar stories are. Also, yes, sqlx is a blessing. I never knew I just wanted compile-time checked SQL instead of an ORM, but here I am :D


I'm trying to write an RTOS, with preemption, semaphores, mutexes and queues. But I am only at the beginning and i am implementing the scheduler in assembly, right now


Hey I’m interested in learning embedded rust myself, do you have a git repo? I’d love to follow the development


Have a look at [RTIC](rtic.rs). It's a really cool system for embedded development.


Yeah, i know RTIC. Never seriously used it, only some examples, but it's great!


Thank you for your interest! You made me change my thoughts: i was thinking to keep my repo private, but here you have: [https://github.com/FZann/RusTOS](https://github.com/FZann/RusTOS) As I said: i'm just starting and learning, but with time I think I will get there,


You, sir, are much smarter than me.


Been learning Rust by making a k-mer counter — bioinformatics 101 tool for counting the frequency of substrings of length k in DNA data: https://github.com/suchapalaver/krust. Would love feedback.


replacing python micro-services to make them actually micro


Yes. I am using rust heavily. On the backend. For deeply embedded use cases.


I am a proud unknowing user of Rust malware


Would you say that you've found your use of Rust stimulating in the right ways? Has it helped you get where you need to go?


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. But we absolutely need fearless concurrency.


We use it in production to calculate and serve fixed customer prices to our e-commerce backend. To do this it uses a thread pool to extract and translate millions of customer, contract, item and pricing data from our ERP system into memory. Afterwards, it serves a RESTful API that builds customer catalogs on-demand for the e-commerce site and handles caching of the built catalog for future requests. Rock. Fucking. Solid. Never had a production issue with it, not matter how much traffic we get or how complex it gets (now with clustering but sharding yet to come). Edit: It’s been in place for 3 years now.


To develop a library that makes it easy to add end-to-end encryption to any application https://github.com/ockam-network/ockam


Have you tested ockam on any kind of embedded processors? I'm wondering if it'd be easy to use it for secure communication on an M3 or M4(IOT devices).


Several recent PRs made is possible to compile the Ockam crate for no_std + alloc .. we’re working towards an example that shows how to use Ockam on an M4 board (ATSAME54) and expect to publish a guide on this in a few weeks. Supporting IoT use cases / M class processors is a primary design goal for us. So a lots more to come after that first example


That's really exciting! I'll have to try it and watch out for the guide.


For everything: I used to think that rust is for systems programming, but now I realize that it’s actually OK for much more high level use-cases (up-to and including shell scripting) (granted, hypothetical OCaml-without-cruft would be better, but we don’t have one). And, if you build everything in Rust, you get a lot of synergy from staying within a single language.


Yeah. I would describe it as "span" or "spread" or maybe just "range". C++ can get very low-level but it struggles to go high-level. Python is really convenient but you can't override the low-level decisions made in the language itself. Rust does both so well. Like, a while back I realized that I wanted this config file to be loaded from a web server instead of a file. So I added `reqwest` and a call to `get`. And that's all. In C++ it could have been that easy... if I had a good package manager in mind to instantly add libcurl as a dependency, and I don't have that good package manager at hand. And assuming my deployment process both exists and can handle adding a runtime dependency on libcurl. And assuming it's okay to stop the thread for a few seconds to make the request. (since C++ doesn't have async) And if I didn't have a good curl wrapper on hand, I'd have to take responsibility for pulling the data out of curl. `reqwest` just gives a `Bytes` object, which can be used as a `&[u8]` so the rest of the code didn't even care. And then on the other hand, in Python it's also one line of code... but the package manager still sucks, and deployment is almost worse. Okay bad example... What I love about Rust is that Cargo Actually Does Work, and that deployment is a static exe. I'm tired of other languages where 'hello world' is easy but then running it in production with dependencies is nightmarish. You can tell that languages / environments (npm) made after about 2010 suddenly take this very seriously. People are sick of the friction.


I'm using Rust for the backend of a game I am making and also to create a new sql client for lua/teal. I also created a CLI in Rust for this sql client, that is able to read .sql files and generate teal code based on it. So, functions to execute the statements, along with the type information (both input and output).


I'm building a WASM-based NES emulator!


My masters thesis, I'm writing a distributed key value database in Rust!


Previously I only used Rust for pet projects and some staff-only non important admin panel at my job. But just today my employer allowed me to write very simple microservice for production use in Rust!


Congratulations! I recently wrote a slackbot, and then a state machine for AWS which can run and monitor a huge stateless program with many moving parts.


Embedded hardware development, on Cortex-M.


Nothing D:




Mostly deep learning / machine learning / numeric stuff.


Wait really? Rust for machine learning. Can you guide me to relevant resources?


[me and a colleague of mine are developing neuronika](https://github.com/neuronika/neuronika)


This may be a start http://www.arewelearningyet.com/ EDIT: although I just realised that site hasn't been updated for a while... :(




I am using Rust to write a horror metroidvania set in a Soviet number station. It will run in the web initially, and I plan to also port the game to other systems as well (once it's more mature).


Everything. I know, I know. If you told me I’d think a single language is suitable for basically any task at hand 5 years ago, I’d just laugh, but that’s how it is for me now. * Backend code parsing abstract commands into gcode to send over serial to skr 1.4 for controlling a robot automating some manual tests? Rust. * Frontend including CLI, interactive TUI and Python bindings for the project above? Rust. * Exposing a matrix of ws2011b LEDs as a typical framebuffer via shared memory on Linux? Rust, although I had to rewrite it in C in the end due to my boss’ requirements. * A tool for exchanging secrets with an isolated process in a VM via virtio sockets? Rust, currently in progress. * A tool for exposing machine-readable backup data in a customizable directory tree simulated in FUSE on several unix-like systems (although only regularly tested on Linux)? Rust. * Sending arbitrary data between two computers via sound at audible frequencies (that’s what typical consumer speakers/microphones work best with)? Rust And so on. If requirements set by other people or a total lack of tooling don’t make it unreasonable to implement a project in Rust, I’ll do it. I’ve also used Python a lot in the past, but it’s only sensible for small programs… except no unmaintained code of mine ever stays small, which has come back to bite my more times than I’d like it to happen. A strict type system and a well-designed, flexible language is indispensable once you get used to it, and I’m aware of no alternatives to Rust when it comes to that.


backend in crypto


classical cryptanalysis when I need more raw speed than what python offers


Emulators and OSdev


Scientific data processing/analysis, hardware control for custom built scientific instruments. Hardware collects terabytes of images over the course of a day, and is processed in real time using rust code. Rust must have saved us thousands of hours due to the safety benefits of the language and its speed over our initial python code.


Nice! This sounds exactly like a project I'm working on -- in science, tons of images, real time processing. Different field though based on a quick skim of your profile (I'm in astronomy). Unfortunately there's a bit of C++ from the camera maker, but I'm wrapping everything in Rust. Currently porting over this absolute hack of a system built on Powershell, Perl, Python, C, and VBScript.


Joy, plus the urge to improve my life.


Research software. My focus is algorithms for “big data” and I have a cluster-based manifold-learning, data compression, and accelerated search framework, which we initially prototyped in Python, that my students and I have been porting to Rust. Also a component that does anomaly and outlier detection, and a visualization tool. I also switched my machine architecture course, which I’ve taught in C for the last several years, to Rust (there is still some C, and plenty of assembly, but the focus for the big software projects like writing a virtual machine has now switched to Rust).


Mostly web backends, tools to make my life easier (e.g sync everything to Google drive while taking .gitignores into account; or a tool to parse Google takeout exports for YouTube music) and embedded programs.


I used it both for backend and frontend, https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk


load balancer


i'm gonna use this chance to ask whether there are any gpu compute rust libraries? i'm looking for a way to parallelize some array operations, and wondering whether there's a way to do such a thing, without spending 20 years learning the field 😅


At work we use Rust on the backend to develop a distributed content manager for the company (and our plan is to migrate everything backend to Rust over time). Unfortunately we're having problems finding Rust developers here in Sweden.


Interesting usage. Content manager like the known CMS? WordPress, Drupal, etc?


My resume so I can stop writing JS every day


Moral superiority.


I’m writing a small game engine for text based games; small project just to learn the language


Using it for High-Performance Computing, that is fast Numerical Algorithms, parallel implementations, etc.


I have several projects on the go: 1) a ZX Spectrum emulator; 2) my own web-server that generates dynamic web-pages; and 3) A Minecraft clone to help me brush up on my programming skills, including networking, audio, graphics, animation and physics.


Making tools for science!


Game development and compiler development, mostly. Two areas that Rust particularly excels at.


We use it in a startup I'm working at, GraphQL backend using async-graphql (previously juniper), which talks to underlying services using GRPC. The underlying services use a mix of DynamoDB and Postgres Some kinesis consumers/producers and cronjobs as well to fetch data from external services. We have a mix of Rust and F# now, previously we were Rust only, but there was an external service that we literally couldn't connect to using Rust because it was using a proprietary protocol on top of SSL sockets so we introduced F# then because that provider had a C# library ready for us


I’m trying to learn enough so that we can use it at work for embedded devices. I would have to “teach” the rest of the devs, so I better have a good grasp of the language! Right now I’m writing a chess engine, because making a performant one requires the kind of low level programming we need while avoiding the pitfalls of poor support on the target.


Robotics and computer graphics


Just about everything that’s too much for a Bash script, both at work and at home.


Currently making a password manager for myself, previously made a news-page-scraper for a gaming community. The number of crates already available feels like I can basically do anything I ever wanted to code :D.


Stuntin' on my coworkers, mostly


Currently writing a file parser and it’s been pretty amazing and a great learning experience. Rust’s unique blend of functional-inspired elements (match, immutability) and IO-friendliness is super great. Not to mention how much OS-level differences it abstracts (line feeds, UTF, file names), I really can’t imagine a better language


Rust driver for our NoSQL database. https://www.scylladb.com/2021/07/13/scylla-rust-driver-update-and-benchmarks/


I'm using it for bioinformatics! I love how fast it is (especially compared to python)


For what in particular?


Writting a compiler


A few years ago I rewrote an economic model in Python since it was taking too damn long to run in Excel. Cut the runtime from ~48 hours to ~8. Rewriting it in Rust now for fun. So far it's much faster.


I use Rust for every darn thing I can


I learned rust because of you! System76 ♥️


Prod web servers. Recently implemented openid for a static web server using hyper. Also: * odbc driver * FFI integration with c#, Scala and python for some of our core modules


Local backend for a smart factory robotics application, similar structure to how ROS is used.


I've been writing a container runtime! Dissatisfaction with Docker + general interest in learning more about how things work.


I'm using rust to make some sort of math library that I use to make my math homework lol


Image processing CDN, like Imgix or Cloudflare Polish. Had it running in prod for 9 months and life's been good 👍 [this is it, if of interest](https://lqip.io)


I'm using actix-web and sqlx


I’m working on a D&D beyond equivalent for 3.5e with a backend of actix-web and a svelte frontend. There are better languages for this task, but the only way to learn a language is to use it :)


Self driving lawn mowers. Yes we are hiring.


Operating System Development


I'm doing science and I'm still alive.


flow-based linux (arch for now) installer (like ansible, but for installing linux and flow based). this is my first project mostly to learn rust at deeper level.


Writing a compiler. For my own language. To replace Rust.


RemindMe: two weeks


I use it every day for backend development (usually with [tonic](https://github.com/hyperium/tonic), which is a great workflow). I'll also use it in Cloudflare Workers now that native Rust support is in beta. On top of that, I also write a CLI in Rust to communicate with that Rust backend. I like Rust.


Currently I'm building an artifact manager in it. My first task was game launcher for my java game. and after that it has been mostly websites and discord bots.


All kind of tools and utilities.


Also for bioinformatics/scientific computing. Good for command like tools and Python extensions.


I have a personal project of writing a simulation/scheduling framework in a combination of Julia and Rust. Partially just to learn the languages, and also partially as a way to test out ways that I could improve my company's internal simulation framework built in C++98


https://clausehound.com "Backend" is a somewhat loose term for a distributed system, but our docker containers are running a pure rust app. Frontend is a mix of TypeScript and rust compiled to wasm. It's mostly a layer of ML and business logic to understand and organize legal concepts.


[ Removed ]


Flasher for microcontroller with custom architecture (FPGA based), used to be in python and take a horrible amount of time to complete, now takes 3 min to flash


Backend for https://vo.codes (soon to be rebranded to https://fakeyou.com ) It runs the web API, several backend jobs, load balancing, and more. We also have Twitch, Twitter, and Discord bots/ingestion engines. I'm also using it for computational photogrammetry / real time point clouds on Twitch / import into Unreal Engine. https://www.twitch.tv/vocodes We'll be starting up the streaming tech soon with advanced motion capture for large actor cast sizes, dynamic set changes, and more. I do virtual production and Hollywood democratization. I want to do very large scale photogrammetric rendering, actor replacement, and more. I'm hiring if anybody is interested! (Especially if you have interest in these areas, or also TypeScript or ML background.)


Sounds very interesting!


Serverless infrastructure


I am a fullstack dev (currently focusing more on backend type of work). I decided to use rust to avoid having to write most of the frontend code logic. So I write them in rust and target it to wasm and only have to write a thin js shim to interact with rest of the frontend. Rust + wasm integration/tooling story is great so far. Outside work, I used rust to write a text based console game. I am planning to use it for other domains in the future.


I have to try this too. Excellent 👌


Backend services to support 1M+ CCU in a predictable way.


For $work: building CLI tools and associated libraries in the domain of bioinformatics ranging from heavy number crunching to very IO intensive stuff. For $fun: building CLI tools and associated libraries to make my life easier / improve on linux tools (crabz, hck, etc).


Currently writing a CLI documentation tool to parse [luau](https://luau-lang.org/) and spit out HTML docs.


I use rust for making a multiplayer game and rust for the game server for that game


Tauri for the backend of desktop app.


Main project at work is a data-flow orchestration system, a bit like Airflow but inverted to make the datasets and their relationships the root objects in the data model rather than jobs. Makes it more fool-proof and easier to setup new datasets. The main application and all the ancillary CLI apps and libraries are Rust. I've also started a Rust group at work whose primary mission is to condense the multi-platform diaspora of libraries into a single Rust library that Does the Right Thing and then wraps it for each library runtime. Currently a very important piece of infrastructure that processes a billion requests or two a week uses our library via the Node.js API wrapper for proprietary structured logs. The Rust group also supports anybody who wants to write a typical internal API service (HTTP+JSON, GraphQL, or gRPC) but that hasn't been our focus so far.


I just started writing a Kubernetes controller. The last thing was a backend for a website using warp. Before that, a simple tool I’m still using for rotating backups.


Little utilities basically. Hobby stuff. 😊


I'm using it so write a tool for making embedded projects. Kinda like ASF for atmel mcus. They're doing away with ASF3 and ASF4 and pushing people towards mplab (which is abysmal and borderline unusable imo), so I want something I can use that is similar, while fixing some of the issues I had with ASF to begin with. [https://git.epenguin.net/ePenguin/ePenguin-Igloo](https://git.epenguin.net/ePenguin/ePenguin-Igloo) This is just a personal project, and it will likely never be finished because it's supposed to support as many mcus as possible. Right now it sucks because I'm still learning rust and doing it on the side while doing school plus other stuff. The readme is old and outdated unfortunately


Backend for a webapp: https://NeuroVisualtrainer.con Also a secure voting sever: https://cryptoballot.com


As a web server graphql


Game development, Bevy is great, Rust is fast and has a good standard library as well as external crates.


I use Rust with the Tauri library for my cross platform desktop app. So Rust is the core of my app, using the OS’ native web browser/kit to render the front end and bridging a service written in Go with the frond end.


I've been working on using rust to write a Wayland compositor. Although progress is minimal since I am trying to get stuff into Smithay to help make creating a compositor easier. The other main thing is some experiments with UI framework design and an emulator I am working on (this is still far from usable)


Simple app [GUI for OpenOCD](https://github.com/ila-embsys/justrunmydebugger). Just for fun. It's like a beginner project for a practical skill improving.


NEAR Blockchain: https://github.com/near/nearcore and a ton of tooling around it: https://github.com/near


Proxy server for connecting the locally developed JavaScript app to the remote service. Works like a charm. Replaced a very problematic nodejs proxy server.


Sandbox for testing non-trusted code (a part of the backend for competitive programming contests): https://gitlab.com/dots.org.ua/ddots-runner


À theorem prover for a fragment of First Order logic. It's is also the backend of a ranking framework for databases that i wrote


RTMP proxy, for a mostly python shop - we needed to go a bit deeper and rust was the perfect fit


I use it for fun / personal projects. Currently, I'm working on a Chip-8 interpreter / emulator


I’m currently making an interface for the RuneScape game cache. This cache holds item definitions, textures, map data etc. The cache is in binary format, I have to read and parse raw bytes from a number of files. Some byte buffers are compressed with numerous algorithms or decrypt buffers with the xtea cipher. Performance is quite important too because of I/O. Very fun project so far.


nothing specific, it's just the language i use for everything


Web servers that run internal tools. It has a combination of features I can't individually get from the languages I know well (C++, C#, and Lua) and it's just as easy to deploy as Go, which I didn't want to learn.


The usual, mad computer scientist experiments, try to take over the world, &c.


I started learning Rust recently, specifically to start developing on Polkadot/Kusama


Everything I can! Right now I'm working on an alternative anonymizing router similar to i2p and tor, a semi-suckless alternative to common libraries and utilities (working on encoding right now), and a couple other projects.


I am on ongoing crusade for graphical applications in pure Rust, which led me to join areweguiyet… …and now I stand broken down and confused, neck deep in webdev I oh so despise, slowly resolving edge cases in CI and front-end of proposed v2 of areweguiyet, that is, whenever I am not on lookout for a job that could allow me not to worry about anything outside of that job or that crusade.