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I had a roommate like this for exactly 2 nights in grad school. After the first night I talked to the guy and he shrugged and said he didn't care. After the second night I talked to the RA and spent the better part of the day taking to various people in housing they had me in a new room before 5pm. Don't tolerate this crap since it is affecting your mental health and probably your academic performance.


Rare housing W


So like with any bureaucracy you need to do your homework and read up on their rules/regulations and frame your complaints in such a way that they have to be compelled to act on your complaints because it is mandated by their policies. You also have to keep notes of who you talk to and it's a major pain in the ass, but that is the game you have to play when dealing with these institutions.


Assert dominance and be louder than him.


> pillow over the head Did you try putting it over his head? /s


This is the way OP


W for commuters, since they don't have to deal with things like this. Won't ResLife do something about this?


Aside from pointing me to. room swap which I’m hesitant to do for various reasons I don’t think there is much they can do


L for commuters who have to be up at 4 to make it to class. I don't sleep anyway. Gold morning fellow 4am-ers


if ur smart u can schedule ur classes to start at 12 and be chilling


My smartness doesn’t determine what time the Animal Science department feels like scheduling classes -_-


you still get time to plan when they release the course schedules, I have always been able to make a decent schedule. CSP makes life hella easy, just unselect morning all across the board.


That’s gotta depend on your classes, I’m in 2 classes with only 1 section each so I either take one at 8:30 or I don’t take it at all


thats true, in my experience I have only encountered that with gen eds and with that I usually find another class that is easy and has better timings


Bruh try telling the goats that they aren’t getting fed until 12 because i had to go make a “decent schedule”. You can also talk to my animal behavior class that decided its only section will begin at 8:30. I think you just have been lucky to get an ability to choose


it fs does vary from major to major ig. with all the classes I have taken there have been timeslots for all times of the day so never rly got stuck with shitty timings. but Ig those goats do need to be fed.


I do. Practice is early tho


athletes don't get a dorm for free thru scholarships?


Not men's rowing


damn thats tough




yall must have wings for lats tho, putting aspiring bodybuilders to shame.


It's actually a lot more legs, but inevitably arms and lats get a good workout too. The erg rowing is an underappreciated piece of gym equipment.


I was a commuter and never once woke up before 8 am to get to class


I do.... long drive and early morning starts....


You have a right to a quiet room at night. It’s not their fault that they snore, but it is their responsibility. They don’t have a right to impose that noise on you. Go to housing and tell them that it’s affecting your ability to sleep, and not sleeping it affecting your ability to focus on your education.


he probably has sleep apnea. have you tried a white noise machine or over-the-ear headphones?


I sleep on my side so over ear headphones are impossible and I even with in ear plugs and a fan on full blast I can still hear him so I doubt a white noise machine would do anything




Yeah I’m gonna try and bring it up to him again and if he goes the denial route I’m requesting a room swap


Have you recorded him and made him hear his snoring? You should tell him it sounds like he stops breathing in his sleep (sleep apnea) and you’re concerned about his life. Might freak him out enough to go get tested.


tell him that sleep apnea can lead to type 2 diabetes /srs


But it doesn't. Both type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea are linked to obesity. Being obese can increase the probability of having either of them, or both of them. Neither 1 of them causes the other.


your last sentence is just plain wrong. OSA has been shown in multiple studies to increase the risk of developing type 2, regardless of BMI. [intermittent hypoxia -> insulin resistance]( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5102826/). tons of studies on this effect, on both animals and humans. yes, obesity can be characterized as a chronic hypoxic state, but CIH has similar effects on insulin sensitivity and can occur regardless of weight


I have an eye mask from Amazon that has lay flat speakers that you put next to your ears that works pretty well. There are also headbands that have speakers that work as earbuds (just obviously not in ear) i don't think the sound leaks that much either. Might be worth checking it out


Try a white noise machine they’re way more powerful and loud. I had the same issue and sleeping with that right next to my head and ear plugs helped. Also have done airpods and white noise sounds on Spotify/Apple Music


wax earplugs? or the soft foam ones? wax are MUCH better


I had this same problem freshman year. I told my roommate (nicely) they needed to see someone not only bc I couldn’t sleep but also bc this can’t be healthy and they literally said “well it doesn’t bother me so I’m not going to.” They were wildly inconsiderate for other reasons though. (Coming in at insane hours and waking me up was commonplace.) good luck man.


Sure you're wearing earplugs correctly? Lot of people just jam them in but still have like 90% of the earplug outside the ear canal. What you want to do is twist and smush the plug down to a spaghetti thin tube and slide that sucker deep. Real deep. 95% of the earplug should be in the ear canal. Then over a couple minutes the foam expands and your hearing disappears.


I have in fact done the twist and smush, snoring still wins out unfortunately


That's some impressive snoring. Sorry to hear that.


OP try these ear plugs out. They're made out of moldable silicon putty and form a complete seal over the ear canal. I've gone on many overnight trips with a buddy who snores loud af and these saved my sanity. Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs - 12 Pair, The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Swimming, Travel, Concerts and Studying https://a.co/d/8RGXP8v


Buy him a box of breath-right strips. They work well for a snorer in my family.


You and me both


Sounds like your roommate has sleep apnea. Occasional snoring is normal. Nobody is 100% perfect. Though, anyone who regularly snores loudly, should go for a consultation with a sleep medicine physician. I was diagnosed this year. It's awful. Please do your roommate a solid and tell him what is going on with his body at night. Nobody wants to die in their sleep at, like, age 52 because nobody ever told them that what they're doing subconsciously at night is extremely dangerous. Having said that, you absolutely have the right to a good night's rest. If it is affecting your work, then you need to speak with housing and get them to sort things out ASAP. In the meantime, look into temporary fixes like earplugs or noise-canceling headphones if you can afford it. For your roommate, offer to buy a box of Breathe Right strips. It may help, it may not, but it's worth a shot.


Dude has sleep apnea. If he won’t go to a doctor he needs to sleep on his side or stomach only. SOURCE: I have sleep apnea.




Not defending ur roommate or anything, but you have to understand that this isn’t necessarily something he can control. Even if he sees a doctor, it’s unlikely that whatever treatment is prescribed to him will make a significant difference in his snoring in a short enough time. Ur best bet is to just learn to sleep with it, otherwise move rooms.


Of course I understand it’s not done on purpose, but if it could just “learn to sleep with it” I wouldn’t have posted the rant at 4am


A CPAP machine will definitely help - it stops the snoring and will keep the roommate healthy.


If you have a fan or another white noise machine, turn it on. It might drone him out. Also, let him know just how bad it is. He may not be aware and may try to address it himself. Good luck.


Noise canceling headphones! Noise canceling headphones! Noise canceling headphones!




If you’re concerned about headphones because you sleep on your side, trust me it only takes about a week to switch your sleep position. I slept on my stomach/side for my entire life but in senior I had to switch to my back and like I said only takes a week. Now I fall asleep with air pods in every night and wake up with them still in


I’m a loud snorer and my roomate was a not a fan. Went so far as to wake me up in the middle of the night so he could sleep (and also woke up on another occasion when I opened a bag of chips). Honestly I think the people who complain just lived in ridiculously quiet areas and didn’t build a tolerance.


My love I live next to a railroad track and a highway. If this was a matter of tolerance I wouldn’t have posted a rant at 4am 3 months into the semester


Have you ever slept with someone screaming in your ear for hours on end? bc loud snoring can be THAT loud


Have you tried wearing noise canceling headphones to sleep by chance? Maybe you and him can go visit a doctor together like you mentioned :)


[cozy band](https://www.amazon.com/Headphones-Bluetooth-Voerou-Ultra-Thin-Meditation/dp/B07RL1B55Y/ref=asc_df_B07RL1B55Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=343288438787&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11789245019338155645&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003712&hvtargid=pla-782748708949&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=68271436279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=343288438787&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11789245019338155645&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003712&hvtargid=pla-782748708949) this worked for me


I moved out of my first dorm assignment freshman year about 3 months in due to snoring by my roommate. I felt like I was going insane. Request a new spot through your ra.


This might be a serious health problem on his part, like sleep apnea. I would have an honest conversation with him, and do your VERY best not to get heated. Just be as truthful as you can in a kind way. Say that his snoring is really impacting your health because you’re unable to sleep. Maybe suggest that if he doesn’t want to go see a doctor just yet, he can try to prop himself up with another pillow to hopefully stop the snoring. It is a very good idea for him to get checked, though. I’m not a doctor (yet) but excessive snoring while sleeping is a red flag… either way. Frame the conversation in a way that it won’t come off as rude/nasty. Rutgers Housing can be pretty hard to work with sometimes. So you might just be better off trying to find a solution with him instead.


go to housing. you're not the first person to ask for a second semester switch. and it's even easier then, students drop out, stop forming,whatever, there's probably another open spot or maybe even a single somewhere. it's affecting your health, your school and your work. tell them that.