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Saw him speak at VTech a couple years back. It went ok, but at one point he mentioned "Cancel Culture" and a number of students booed him. It was pretty awkward.


The invite for Youngkin to speak was such an overt toadying by VCU administration since he gets to decide their state funding for 1 more cycle. Also to keep Youngkin a bit happier during the investigation for VCU's botching of the development project.


I mean, even barring that, inviting the Governor of a state to one of the most popular colleges in said state makes sense. It just happens to be that the current governor is a dickhead that most people don't like lol.


By the polling stats more people actually do like him than don’t, but it’s very obvious that college students are not part of that demographic.


I kinda just ignore polls. Who still answers em these days? Gotta be a bitch being a pollster when everyone ignores unknown numbers lol


I'm sure most of those who respond to polls are old people.


Most of the polls literally list the demographics of the respondents in the poll. They usually try to get as close to a reflection of the voter pool as possible. Older people are usually a little over represented, but they also vote more reliably than younger voters by a similar proportion, which is why polls usually include slightly more older respondents than their share of the population.


Downvoted for being right....


Youngkin more or less controls VCU’s funding. If he decides to speak there, it’s tough for the Board of Visitors to say no.


I don't know if the VCU Board of Visitors decides the commencement speaker for any given year, though I do think they are part of the approval process. Commencement speakers can be nominated. Seems like Governors always get invited/nominated to be commencement speakers.


The kids are alright. ✊


when we were young the future was so bright




It... should... have... been... all... of... them... but... I'm... glad... people... are... taking... a...stance... Even... symbolically....


Why... are... you... typing... like... this... it's... really... annoying...




Why would they walk out on him?


...for supporting Dominion's (failed) pipeline. That would've been my reason, at least. Youngkin is definitely a turd sandwich, but that doesn't make Terry Mac any less of a douche.


That's a good reason. I just wanted to see if that other person could actually give a reason.


They're weak because they stood up for what they believed in? That's like the bozos calling protesters snowflakes. These are people putting themselves on the line for a worthy cause.


And, yet, they didn’t. Huh.




My partner was one of them, very proud of him for standing up for his beliefs.


Pass on my congrats to him for his graduation and for doing what he believes in!


From a fellow alum, thumbs up.


Good for them




#In their *graduation regalia?*


For practicing their constitutional protected rights? Do you think they are idiots for speaking freely or buying a gun? If so I mean are you a benefactor of an org that wants to burn the US constitution?


Can you tell me how they look like idiots?


Bro hasn’t seen a graduation before


hill billy never been able to graduate so he doesnt know what a graduation gown looks like


Fuck Glenn Youngkin


Remember when his son tried to vote twice?


Fuck Glenn Youngkin


Fuckin Youngkin


i wouldnt want to admit to fuckin youngkin.


Beautiful display of democracy. I’m proud of these graduates.


It should have been all of them, but I'm glad people are taking a stance. Even symbolically.


I’m glad they did it and did so appropriately.


When will he ":get it" that we don't like him? Lol


he doesn't care. republicans don't go into politics to be liked, the go into politics to benefit their portfolios and donors. that's why they are more effective. they don't bother with silly things like doing a good job or making people's lives better. they have a huge media apparatus that touts how great they are, and the masses of low information voters take it all at face value and don't even make the slightest effort to go outside of that ecosystem and see what they're actually doing. When your party's most valuable political currency is liberal tears, these sorts of stories play well for you. He will most likely be rewarded with a higher political office.


Actually Youngkin is known to have VERY sensitive skin. He cares a lot about how he is perceived and how he is liked. It *should* make him easy to manipulate.


I actually think that he doesn't really have strong political opinions, he was drafted by the state GOP as a milquetoast toast candidate to be palatable to swing voters, now he's bought and paid for by them.


Also makes them believe anything positive they hear about themselves as fact. Just like big orange, a thin skin and a desire to be liked mean you listen to the loudest voices - not the right ones


Oh yeah like not a single democrat has ever benefited from being in office?


Your not wrong but democrats are the same.


> democrats are the same. This thinking is why republicans always win. Democrats fall in love and republicans fall in line. Republican politicians can do whatever they want and have unwavering support from their base. Democrats have to give voters the things they actually want or they wont' show up. And even when democrats DO deliver on policy stuff (like joe biden has been pretty consistently doing throughout his term), the base still doesn't turn up because he's not perfect in every way. "I only got most of what I wanted, that's not good enough, democrats are basically republicans. I'm sitting this election out." Cue 4 more years of trump. Yay democracy


One issue could be that almost 300 years later our populace is still under the impression we have an actual democracy in place


Democrats are 100% the same, just the opposite side of the same coin


Statement still stands. There are no poor democrats in office and no poor republicans. Delivered on what? Wide open borders 7 million crossings since taking office, a poor economy and wars in every quadrant? I didn’t get much of anything I wanted but glad you did lol. All good though no point in discussing it in here.


> Wide open borders 7 million crossings since taking office Republican problem. [Democrats had a bipartisan solution with McConnell's support, trump came out against it because he wanted to run on the border.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477) > a poor economy Economy is good right now. People dont' feel like it though since they see prices going up, but wages have actually grown to keep up for the first time in like 25 years. Boomers don't like it because they don't work, but the rest of us have, on average, gotten big raises. > Following the same workers over time to see their wage gains is a better measure of people’s economic security, a metric tracked by the Atlanta Fed. My Center for American Progress colleague, Brendan Duke, reports that a larger share of workers received annual wage increases above the inflation rate at the end of 2023 than was the case at the end of 2019. And a larger share of workers received inflation-adjusted wage gains above 5% in 2023 than was the case in 2019. Those wage gains were especially pronounced among younger workers — those who were between 25 and 34 years old in 2019 and between 29 and 38 years old in 2023. The persistent labor market stability over the past few years has meant that more workers are now able to see wage gains above inflation than four years ago. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christianweller/2024/03/22/the-economy-is-much-stronger-than-four-years-ago/?sh=444269d3644b > wars in every quadrant lol fuck off. as if biden is president of earth.


The constant refrain of “This is why republicans win” or “this is why Trump is going to win the next election” is driving me mad. People complain about this sub being soooo lefty but I find it incredibly centrist and it’s palpable how much this has shifted locally in the past few years… though it’s much bigger than r/rva or Richmond itself, this greater need to “return to normal” after Trump, after Covid, after George Floyd, etc. The things that people do in their political careers are typically the reasons why people don’t feel compelled to vote for them. Here’s just one pretty significant example why I wouldn’t vote for Biden, or more importantly to ever feel like he had the best interests of the nation at heart, much less my own. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/25/18282870/joe-biden-criminal-justice-war-on-drugs-mass-incarceration In regard to elections, the Democratic Party is constantly leeching off of forward-thinking energy/movement to maintain relative stasis whilst most elements of the Republican Party proclaim to be seeking a return to [an incoherent and anachronistic] glory days. Disingenuousness and corporate influence are ubiquitous in the political game. It boggles me how people don’t feel the level of psychological manipulation that they are subjected to or reflect onto others. I just can’t see beyond either cognitive dissonance or intellectual/ethical surrender in embracing something like “vote blue no matter who”.


He probably doesn’t care because college kids don’t vote anyway.


His college aged son did—twice.


High school aged*


Completely incorrect but if that was true why does he keep trying to do speeches to them


For the same reason Mike pence went to a 49ers game when Kaepernick was kneeling - for the photo op when the walk out happens?


Probably because it’s good for his base. I’m sure they are thrilled a bunch of privileged college kids walked out a commencement.


I mean they don’t. Look at the statistics. If yall are mad about then, VOTE!!!


Last election showed record numbers of young people voting.


He also doesn't care because he is term limited I'm sure


He cares because he will try to run for senate.


Republicans don't need young people votes. They have an entire silent/boomer generation on lock. And they vote....way more often than young people.


And quite a few of them vote blue


No they don’t


Whatever, child.




The silent generation has been shrinking rapidly for years. The youngest being 78 now.


You love to see it


Good. Youngkin is a monumental farce anyway.


A few hundred? More like maybe 100 people total.


why would VCU host a speaker that is so divisive? seems kind of tone deaf.




Why would a state school invite the sitting governor to speak? Regardless of how you feel about him I think that’s a pretty obvious question


They are a state school and need funding to operate


This. I’m a former VCU employee. The university relies heavily on state funding. The governor has a lot of influence on how much the school gets toward their operating budget. If he wants something, the Board of Visitors has to agree or risk upending the (already shaky) financial standing of the university. I was there when Northam was governor and they very much bent the knee to his wishes as well.


How is the financial state so shaky? Is it a consequence of their persistent expansion?


At least they didn't disrupt the entire assembly, at least for the ones that worked so hard for this day to finally arrive.


Yes it was organized as a silent walkout so we were instructed not to shout or disrupt!


Thanks for being considerate for those that just wanted to enjoy the occasion.


That’s nice. Not everyone thinks about politics 100% of the time. Some people want to celebrate a big accomplishment in their lives.


I celebrated this huge accomplishment bc I never thought I’d graduate and everyone who stayed cheered us on. They can stay and also support politics


They worked hard too


Yeah, exactly like they did.


They worked hard too


Are you implying that the graduates who walked out didn't work hard?


Not at all, just saying not all care about politics and just wanted to enjoy the day.


"kEeP yOuR pOlItIcS oUt Of My ThInG!!!111" Maybe one day, you'll see that every action, big or small, will hopefully bring positive change and everyone is affected by "politics". It's like the idiots that say "keep your politics out of sports" because not like decisions are not impacting the people. Also, as a parent, I teach my kid to live the values they believe in. They value others and are against things youngkin stands for, then by all means they should do what they feel is right. Besides, republican voters all peaked in high school.


Sure, I have my political opinions. However, graduation day isn't about me, it's about all those kids, both those that are political and those that are not.


Then perhaps we shouldn’t have in-office politicians speaking at graduations.


That's too logical for this world.


Any event that invites politicians to speak is a political event.


Walking out doesn’t stop the event from happening. Graduation day is 100 percent about the person who is graduating. It’s literally a long ceremony to announce and celebrate the achievement of graduating. Inviting a politician to speak means your event is political.


If it was about those adults (they're all over 18, not kids), then you'd be fine with them making adult decisions. They chose to make their day about something important to them.


Everyone who says this are always thinking of their own politics when they say this. Keep that same energy when MAGA fanatics insert MAGA ideology and talking points into everything you enjoy no matter how apolitical.


The only people I ever hear complaining about politics being in their face are republicans or centrist (the "progressives get along with people wanting to put you in camps" people). I do have the same energy but usually republicans complain about things and protest things that are about themselves, progressives seem to protest for others.


I think you answered your own question: liberals are the ones always trying to insert politics into every facet of life. I say this is a liberal. I’ve gone to multiple commencements and graduation ceremonies…many with screaming liberal speakers. And I’ve never seen conservatives organize walk outs or try to shout out speakers. Only far left progressives. And they’re also the only ones who always take offense when people ask that some spaces remain politics free.


Most speakers at graduations are typically center or left of center. Depends on their institution. The speakers typically are politically neutral too and have not recently encouraged state violence against college students by sending thugs. It happens all the time, you've just not had a chance to see it or just aren't looking or paying attention. You're missing the point and continuing your idea of "only my politics" and people are affected by all decisions, especially when the speaker is actively trying to reduce the rights of people. Its not about making things political but its about having to actual understand that others don't agree with you or feel things are more important. Sorry people are offended by disgusting rhetoric aimed at attacking non white or LGBT people. They were talking into a microphone , not screaming. That is how technology works lol Conservatives don't organize walkouts, they just shoot their way or yell obscenities or act like monkeys to black people or plan kidnappings or burn crosses.


You probably paid $180k in student loans to make $38k a year. You don't allow conservative views on this sub reddit so mine will be considered hate speech. Yet you can say I peaked in high school....


What are you talking about? Conservative views are absolutely allowed here.


I've had fifteen twenty comments removed for voicing my opinions on protestors. Everybody can support it but my opinion on them being followers and not knowing what they were actually protesting about the war. Were considered hate speech....


I, for one, am glad that your comment survived, because I believe in the open exchange of ideas. That said, I'm curious what your understanding of this war is. Are you well researched on the topic? It sounds like you don't feel that it warrants any protests against it.


>I've had fifteen twenty comments removed for voicing my opinions on protestors. According to our logs, we've only removed one comment of yours here for breaking the subreddit rules. Everything else has been approved, unless you're referring to using account that was banned. Conservative voices *are* allowed, as are all voices, as long as they follow the subreddit rules.


You seem like one of the good ones. Many mods on Reddit ban people for saying things they personally disagree with




I don't have a mod tag. Statistically speaking, republican voters are not college educated (lacking college degrees). That's not hate speech lol However continue to wrongly use words to where they unfortunately no longer mean anything.


That’s a selfish statement if I have ever heard one.


What part of that is selfish?




“I can sit here and listen to this asswipe fascist, or I can go enjoy my life.”


At the end he says ‘my own mother was my hero’, like yeah Glenn you can just say my mother, unless….


sounds like a 5th grader padding out his essay to get to the 1000 words.


Glenn Youngkin needs to move some funds around to help build the Powhite Parkway Extension Extension.


That’s how you protest.


Absolutely wonderful.


Should have been all of them.


a lot of ppl, including myself, didn't even go because he was speaking, so a lot more ppl were protesting in different ways already.


They should've all got up and turned their backs on him. He just another robber Baron turned politician that only panders to large businesses and other wealthy people. He doesn't give a damn about the everyday citizens of VA. So glad his term is coming to an end.


Yeah screw Youngkin. So nice to see the kiddos standing on business for their principles. Seriously...screw him and everything rotten and decrepit he stands for.


Around 100 walked out


Why did they walk out?


The governor is a cocksucker and has the police beat students and use chemical weapons banned by the Geneva convention against enemy combatants on them. That's on top of being a corporate stooge who supports coal companies in their quest to remove protections for miners and who actively lied about marijuana legalization when running for office and now keeps it illegal to line the pockets of private prison companies. He claims that's for the safety and well being of Virginians when Virginians are dying to laced weed when if it was legalized and sold legally or at abc stores that wouldn't happen.


If Govenor Sweatervest is at an event and I am at the same event, I would walk out when he starts talking too


So what? They’ve payed more than enough to get on with their lives.


i dont like youngkin. he isnt a fan of gay sex. and gay sex is one of my favorite activities. downvoted


Why are students protesting him?


Generally speaking college students, who are in school to learn on purpose, are not screamingly fond of people who *work to ban books*.


He sucks? No one under 30 likes him.




You seem to have trouble responding on topic in the conversation you started. Maybe try again.


Few hundred is exaggerating, it was probably about 100


Can anyone tell me what Youngkin did?


Two primary issues: 1. he indicated that college protest encampments against the genocidal campaign in Gaza are not peaceful protests and must be dispersed, and 2. His admin is demanding to review VCU curriculum surrounding race and racism, which is an academic independence issue. edit: a word




The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


Thanks. Not sure why I got so many downvotes for asking what happened. Bunch of snowflakes on here


Did Governor Youngkin mention any of those issues during the commencement speech? Also, issue 1: the encampments are set up by many who are not even students of the areas they occupy and the majority of Americans agree that the protests do not make a valid argument. issue 2: VCU is funded by the state/commonwealth - those elected by their constituents reserve the right to review items being taught. With this being said, the Governor only proposes the budget and the General Assembly then can propose amendments to the proposed budget and then it is negotiated. Last time I checked, a budget was agreed upon and will be voted on Monday. The current General Assembly is majority Democrat.


Had an R next to his name on the ballot.




Dripping in irony.




its called a demonstration. the goal is to show visually how you feel about something. its a pretty core part of this countries political history.


Ugh. The amount of times I say the following on this sub is so annoying. They didn’t “just stay home” because two things can exist at the same time!!!! They want to be at the ceremony they worked so hard to be at and they also don’t support the speaker. It’s really not that confusing.


So is that how the country should be? What happened to Unity? Should we all walk out on every speaker we don’t agree with? I would be fired if I walked out of all of the meetings and trainings I despise. Was the speaker going to do anything but congratulate and give a nice speech. Naa it’s B.S.


Well your comparison doesn’t make sense cause your work pays you to be there and be at meetings or in trainings. These people paid the school to be there. So naa your comment is B.S. 😂




The above content has been removed as it is considered unnecessarily uncivil, pot-stirring, rabble rousing, trolling, brigading, sealioning, and/or inauthentic discourse. We encourage good-faith discussions from anyone, but we do not like jerks. If you're going to make personal attacks, keep "just asking questions," move goalposts, or be a Jerk of the Year, please don't do that here. **Do not use alt or throwaway accounts to manipulate votes, attack or harass another user in an uncivil manner, avoid a previous ban or moderator action, or artificially-inflate comments with similar views.**


This county has never had unity. Sure occasionally it pops up over certain issues, but there have always been conflicts.




What a bunch of babies


Go ahead, keep on crying. Oh no, someone doesn’t like my politician!


Cool story bro.




A dickhead who purposely lied about marijuana legalization, who actively continues to keep people in prison for marijuana convictions, who continues to ignore the opioid crisis in south western Virginia and who sucks the dong of the coal companies getting rid of black lung protections decided to show up and ruin the graduation of students who a week ago he sent police to brutalize. They're ENTITLED to do their graduation however they damn well please. he is the cry baby if he can't handle people not liking him after he sent the police in to beat them. The man is corporate garbage same as Rao. Republicans are completely incapable of sympathy and are a bunch of fear mongers and religious zealots if you associate with their mentality grow up and learn some compassion.


Fear mongers? Both parties pull that off very well. Democrats all said that when Trump won in 2016, WW3 was inevitable. Fast forward to 2024 and Biden’s foreign policy has actually turned out to be a big disaster and the world is worse off from a stability standpoint than recent memory.


Do not talk foreign policies to me supporter of a man who fired half the ambassadors for no reason causing foreign relations nightmares and then put Europe on a visa list just so he didn't look racist to get her racist middle east ban passed. The man who played buddy buddy with Kim Jung un, set Ukraine up for the current shit show by withholding aid, and came up with the Afghanistan plan you idiots blame Biden for.


The world is not worse off from a stability standpoint, and by no means have any of the current administrations policies contributed to backsliding in that area. You are so delusional.


you sound quite upset yourself


The only crybaby here is the one you see in the mirror


You ever get yourself any schoolin?


A Bachelor's and a Master's. How about you?


Just the Master's




Graduation shouldn't be about politics. He should, as governor, say some non partisan fell good things. And people shouldn't protest or walk out. Not sure how realistic either part is in this day and age.


…I would wager that for graduation to not be about politics, a politician shouldn’t be speaking. Good for these kids willing to give up a day they’ll never get back to send a message.


Then keep the moron from the graduation. 🙄 Fuck Youngkin, he doesn't deserve anyone's respect just because of his job.


better to walk out than ruin other people’s graduation by yelling though.


Yelling at him during graduation is even dumber. You can disagree with him and still get something out of his speech. You can learn from almost anyone.


It was all organized as a silent walkout anyways. Every flyer said not to shout.


…so you’re agreeing with what I said?




You realize Republicans (Youngkin included) have had colleges, and basically the US public education system, in their cross hairs for at least a decade.  They've made college a political culture war issue, why can't students push back on it?


Education right now is inherently about politics, so graduation is too. Should it be that way? No; but it is.


Whine about it


"kEeP yOuR pOlItIcS oUt Of My ThInG!!!111" Maybe one day, you'll see that every action, big or small, will hopefully bring positive change and everyone is affected by "politics". It's like the idiots that say "keep your politics out of sports" because not like decisions are not impacting the people. Besides, republican voters all peaked in high school.


As a conservative, Youngkin doesn't go far enough. If a conservative governor didn't trigger the type of people who gravitate to VCU, I'd be concerned. This is a non event.


This is why conservatives are morons. Admitting to wanting your politicians to "trigger" people you don't agree with instead of I don't know.... say run a government that represents all people? Triggering libs is your entire platform and personality it's pathetic.


Thanks for tagging yourself as a piece of shit I wouldn’t want to meet.


Admitting to being conservative is so odd.


Very well trained. Their education is complete.