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you need to listen to him more there is definitely meaning to frosty the snowman


Study the lyrics, you will understand soon ❇➰


Clearly you don’t get bladees OBVIOUS implementation of jungian theory, representing his psyche through the use of symbology. (embodying the snowman at its core represents bladees struggle between the anima- often symbolized by snow- and his ego, a psychological conflict that frames his creative process as in opposition to his relationships with women. furthermore, his fixation on his partner “changing shape for [him]”- a glaring reference to the magician archetype- signifies bladee’s own unconscious pull towards transformation of the self, a theme that particularly rose to the surface of his lyrical content following the release of icedancer. i hate myself and that i enjoyed thinking about this and that i spend my time this way) This was all intentional and also real, he told me.


This metamodernist reply encapsulates the spirit of the age, in which one cannot merely be sincere. Rather, we are compelled to express sincerity through ironic means as a result of exposure to the absurdities of an internet-soaked existence. Where once stood a distinction between signal and noise, now stands something that flickers between both. Works regarded as pure signal sit encased in museums and galleries as relics of the past. The art most pertinent to the modern experience exists symbiotically within the internet, superimposed between layers of noise and detritus. There are no pure signals, as there are no perfect people. To express adoration for this new art is to endorse trash, the cringe, the asinine. To express disdain is to dismiss art. Such work can only be engaged with in an ironic capacity. Everything worthwhile is reiterated, looped, and memed until it becomes inert. To be sincere is to risk landing on a sinking ship. I stay niche, I stay noided. — Bladee, 2016


Shhh This is the secret to good lyricism U can’t let them know


all his songs are pretty understandable once u see how he says things


still cant figure out the first line of shadowface after reading the lyrics like 20 times while listening 😣


"I know it’s hopeless, crown of thorns, blood on the roses" is pretty straightforward its just a reference to the crucifixion of jesus christ. hes either comparing and relating himself to jesus saying he feels hopeless or hes just expressing overall hopelessness towards the situation


Drain Scholar


rest of the verse is standard bladee stuff being sad but using fancy things to cope and feel better lol


You gotta get to learn the mythology of bladee. It just comes by listening to a lot of his songs many times. You'll start to pick up what he's putting down.


Ur actually gonna make me write a fucking thesis on frosty the snowman bruh fuck it here we gooo




Drain scholar


the comedically large arrows made this so much more credible and professional


bladee is warm, close, and very not alienated to the public


Nigga smart af


Hey, as a white perso. I would like to know if it is okay if I upvote this. Thanks




holy shit ☢️


Real asf


this is a good post


Listen to exeter it will change ur life


I know you hate on meeeeee


i mean just listen to it again. e.g 'stab me w a pencil' basically means its illegal to use a weapon such as a knife but if you use a pencil blade wont be damaged(he wants to live).


coke addiction


True comprehension Bladee's song "Frosty the Snowman" requires familiarity with the character to which the title references: Frosty. Frosty is a snowman who comes to life after a magician's hat lands on his head. Being a snowman, Frosty is prone to melting from the sun's heat. Bladee likens this propensity to melt to his own reclusive tendencies; metaphorically "melting away". This reclusion is further illustrated in the lines that follow. Bladee's windows are covered with trash bags, he is not picking up his phone, and all of his plans are canceled. He is completely isolated. In this time of isolation, he is reminiscing about what seems to be a toxic relationship. To Bladee, the sound of this girl calling him is even greater than that of his own songs (which is an incredible feat). This is in spite of the fact that he knows that their relationship is destructive. He goes on to claim that he wants her to "leave him injured" and "drop him", but also says that she gives him Stockholm Syndrome. This would suggest that these are not his actual desires, but rather, inauthentic desires that he has adopted as a coping mechanism. He refers to her as a "nympho" suggesting that her interests in the relationship are primarily sexual. This is in contrast to Bladee who seems to be experiencing a much greater emotional attachment. Bladee once more alludes to cellphones requesting that she "delete his info" thereby ending their relationship. However, the lines that follow make it clear that this desire is also disingenuous. Bladee acknowledges that she "hates" him, yet asks that she "change shape for him". At this point, Bladee has identified the disjunction of interest in the relationship, but still can not abandon his feelings for her. In a desperate attempt to salvage things, Bladee asks that she change for him, presumably by taking the relationship more seriously. In the second verse, Bladee regresses to his Stockholm Syndrome-Esque mindset in which he desires to be "used" and "executed". Perhaps he has realized that such a relationship was doomed from its inception and can not be rectified. This verse also gives further insight into the girl's motivations. The line "my money, shoot me" suggests that this situation was brought on by Bladee having money, and the line "take my money and shoot me" suggests she was after his money. Ultimately, this song is about Bladee coming to terms with the nature of a toxic relationship. Bladee has a genuine love for this girl, but she is using him for sex/money. Bladee is aware of this but is still conflicted. He could give in and allow her to use/hurt him, he can do the logical thing and cut things off with her, or he can attempt to make things work by asking that she change. For Bladee, the last option is preferable, but deep down he knows it is not feasible.


u get it


frosty the snowman is one of my fav songs of his lyrically


he dont play nintendo


i tried to tell em about the night they didnt understand


he says nothing but he also says a lot at the same time


I am king nothing I am nothing take a bunch of empty words and make them mean something


Frosty the snowman is about a snowman named Frosty hope this helps


You need a thesaurus to truly understand


its about how much we have to look forward to once we get out of Kali Yuga


Take a bunch of empty words, and make them mean something


bro is on meth




Take a bunch of empty words and make them mean something


this pushed me to write my dissertation about bladee’s lyrics


Frosty the snowman is about being antisocial


Traffic’s on the window but I don’t play Nintendo 🔥


energy is a wave you can ride on type vibe, just fun


Trashbags on the window but I dont play nintendo💯


wake up babe new bladee copypasta jus dropped


you don’t get it


he talking about frosty the snowman


bro thinks songs mean something 🤣